How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Full Guide

How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay Full GuideAn argumentative essay is a form of essay in which the author makes an argument about any subject using evidence and proof. It is a component of an academic writing assignment, so you cannot avoid writing one if you are a student.

Are you stumped as to how to develop an outline for an argumentative essay? We’re here to assist you! Check read this blog post to get critical advice on how to effectively write an argumentative essay according to the argumentative essay format.

To demonstrate your writing abilities to your instructor, you must be well-versed in the art of argumentative essay writing. From topic selection to drafting an error-free draft, the essay writing procedure entails numerous processes. The quality of your essay is mainly dependent on the topic you choose and how well you plan and structure it.

A strong argumentative essay should, in general,

  • Engage your readers by providing them with an intriguing topic.
  • Consider all sides of an issue fairly.
  • Construct counter-arguments from the writer’s standpoint.
  • Convince the reader to embrace a new point of view.

Keeping these factors in mind, you should compose a great argumentative essay that includes a solid thesis statement and logical supporting points. Most essential, you should back up your logical arguments with appropriate proof or instances.

You can also read more Examples of Argumentative Essays provided by our company.

How to write an argumentative essay?

Following the steps outlined below as a part of your argumentative essay writing process will help you to write an outline for your argumentative essay before you begin writing it.

  1. Decide on an engaging argumentative essay topic that is broad enough to allow for the development of a compelling argument.
  2. Investigate the subject and compile the most important elements for debate.
  3. Prepare an outline for your argumentative essay and compose it.
  4. Proofread and revise your work.

Steps for Writing a Good Argumentative Essay

To produce a persuasive argumentative essay, you should first develop a solid outline for your essay topic. The most critical step is to create an outline for your essay, which should be given the utmost care.

So, what is an outline for an argumentative essay? It is a strategy for working with and organizing raw data. Simply put, the plan establishes a course of action for your essays and research papers. Outlines for argumentative essays are comparable to those for other types of essays, such as persuasive essays, comparative essays, and informative essays.

If you create an argumentative essay outline in advance, you can simply cover all of the critical parts of the issue when composing the essay’s content. In general, a normal argumentative essay outline should include the three sections listed below.

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraphs
  • Conclusion

One of the most important criteria of the essay plan is the development of material for these sections. Learn how to write an argumentative essay outline using the five-paragraph structure in this section of the tutorial!

Introduction to an Argumentative Essay

When your readers begin reading your essay, the first thing they will notice is the beginning section of your essay. Provide background information about your issue in this area to help your readers become more knowledgeable about your subject matter.

If the start is too direct, most people will not read the rest of the essay. As a result, you should produce an engaging beginning that will keep the attention of your readers for more than one paragraph.

When writing an argumentative essay, how can you compose an effective introduction? In order to hold your readers’ attention throughout your essay, you should keep the following suggestions in mind when writing your introduction.

Begin with a hook

Beginning with a hook sentence will help you write the start of your argumentative essay. Your audience will only be able to engage with your essay and remain focused on it if you begin the essay with a compelling hook.

Keep in mind that you should not use the entire introduction paragraph as a hook. It is sufficient to have a single intriguing hook sentence. More than likely, you will begin the essay with an anecdote, an interesting fact, data, a provocative opinion, or a humorous story to draw the reader’s attention.

When selecting a hook for your essay, take into consideration the topic of your article as well as your intended audience. Always begin your paragraph with a hook sentence to draw the reader’s attention.

Describe your point of view

After you have introduced your essay with a hook line, you should gradually shift your focus and explain the significance of your essay topic to your audience in the introduction paragraph, drawing on your own personal experience and knowledge. In addition, you should clarify your prior knowledge of the subject matter.

Make sure you don’t overload your reader’s brain with too much information. In a couple of sentences, tell your readers what topic you are going to explore in your essay. Be particular and clear in your communication.

Write the thesis statement

A thesis statement serves as the central argument of a research paper or essay. At the conclusion of the introduction paragraph, you should have a compelling thesis statement that is supported by at least one piece of supporting evidence.

If you want to write an essay, your thesis statement should clarify the objective of your essay as well as the essential elements of your essay topic. Each of your essay’s body paragraphs will be devoted entirely to supporting your thesis statement. As a result, make sure to present a compelling thesis statement that is pertinent to your topic.

After you have written an engaging introductory paragraph that includes a strong thesis statement, you should turn your attention to writing the body paragraphs.

Examples of the Introduction to an Argumentative Essay

  • Most students these days get out of bed, quickly read through their phones, get dressed, and race out to school or college without having eaten anything for the previous few hours. Many students, in fact, believe that breakfast is not necessary to get their day started on the right foot. It has been proven in studies that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for students.
  • Employees of the government are typically denied the right to freedom of expression in practically every country in the world. Their ability to function well at work is diminished due to a lack of freedom of speech. The fact that they have the right to strike and speak out against human rights violations will encourage them. As a result, governments all around the world should urge their public employees to go on strike and speak up for their rights.

You can also check more on writing introductiond from another post by our paper writing experts aimed at assisting students on How to Write an Essay Introduction

Argumentative Essay Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of an argumentative essay are the heart of the paper, and they are where you will need to support your claims with evidence. This should be reflected in the content of your essay, which should be in line with the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph.

You should have a maximum of two or three paragraphs to either refute or defend the thesis statement in order to present a compelling argument. Each paragraph should be focused on a single topic statement and provide supporting facts to that sentence.

Furthermore, the claim of your argumentative essay should be supported by evidence and counterevidence, which should be included in the body paragraphs of your argumentative essay.

  • Claim

If you are writing an argumentative essay, it is critical that you state your claim because it serves as the foundation of your essay. You should express your claim in the topic sentence and then inform your readers of the purpose of every single paragraph in your body paragraph, starting with the first.

In order to make an argument, you must have a claim since it is utilized to define the scope, goal, and direction of the argument.

If you want to produce a high-quality argumentative essay, you must first develop a compelling thesis statement.

  • Evidence

To be successful in an argumentative essay, having a strong claim statement is not enough. It is essential that you provide facts and evidence to support your argument in order to persuade your audience.

The evidence you present should be legitimate and accurate because the reality of your argumentative essay is entirely dependent on the credibility of the facts that you provide in support of your assertions. If the evidence you provide is invalid or inaccurate, your argumentative essay will be rejected.

Real-life examples, experts, statistics, analogies, and hypothetical questions are among the five categories of evidence that can be used to support a claim. To support your preliminary thesis statement, you can utilize any form of evidence you want.

  • Counterargument

Many authors overlook the need of focusing on opposing viewpoints when obtaining information about the essay topic. An argumentative essay should give arguments on both sides of a certain issue in order to be effective. As a result, when writing an argumentative essay, don’t limit yourself to writing from a single point of view.

Following the presentation of evidence in support of your statements, you must provide competing viewpoints and counterarguments. Remember to back up your counterarguments with evidence to show that they are unfounded.

Argumentative Essay Conclusion

The conclusion portion of the argumentative essay outline is the final section of the outline. You have learned how to structure the introduction and the body of the essay up to this point in the course. Continue reading to learn how to finish an argumentative essay outline in your own words.

The conclusion part, like the introduction, should be interesting and informative. In the event that you end the essay abruptly and without providing a valid ending statement, the aim of writing the entire essay will have been for naught.

As a result, when writing an argumentative essay conclusion, make sure to keep the following points in mind.

  • Your thesis statement should be estate.
  • Concisely summarize your primary ideas.
  • Make a recommendation to your readers.

Make certain that your conclusion paragraph is comparable in length to your introduction paragraph. If the subject of the debate is brief and straightforward, an introduction and conclusion can be written in a single paragraph.

Never offer new ideas or facts in the last paragraph. The paragraph as a whole should be succinct, precise, and effective.

Argumentative Essay Conclusion Examples

  • We can’t say that youngsters aren’t better learners than adults because they aren’t. The ability to learn often fluctuates based on an individual’s level of motivation and excitement for the subject matter. As a result, it is impossible to generalize about a person’s learning ability based on his or her age.
  • Sports are quite important in sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Sports participation will lead to a more healthful society if more individuals take part in them. However, we should make certain that the sports we participate in do not pose harm to our lives. As a result, always choose sports that are both demanding and interesting to participate in.

Final Words on How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay

The outline you create for your argumentative essay will be the most important part of your paper. In order to construct a solid argumentative essay outline that covers all of the important arguments and is compelling, you should follow the guidelines provided in this blog post and use them.

Search and select the greatest argumentative essay topics available online before creating an outline that is well-structured and includes the three components of the essay – introduction, body, and conclusion. This will help you get started on your essay writing process in the right direction.

If you are still having trouble writing an outline for an argumentative essay, you can reach out to us for assistance. Assignment assistance for all types of academic-related projects and problems will be provided by our experienced team, who will deliver high-quality, custom writing services to meet your needs.

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