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NURS FPX 5003 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population Essay Example

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 3: Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse PopulationNURS FPX 5003 Assessment 3: Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population

NURS FPX 5003 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population Assignment Brief

Course: NURS FPX 5003 Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 3 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population

Assignment Overview:

The purpose of this assignment is to develop an intervention and health promotion plan tailored for diverse populations. As a nursing student enrolled in NURS FPX 5003, you will explore strategies to address healthcare disparities among ethnic and racial minority groups. Through evidence-based practices, cultural competence, and effective communication strategies, you will devise a plan to promote health equity and improve outcomes for underserved communities.

The Student’s Role:

As a nursing student enrolled in NURS FPX 5003, your role is to develop a comprehensive intervention and health promotion plan for diverse populations. You will research evidence-based strategies, cultural competency principles, and effective communication techniques to address healthcare disparities. Through critical analysis and creative problem-solving, you will design a plan that aims to improve health outcomes and promote equity among ethnic and racial minority groups.

NURS FPX 5003 Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Population Essay Example

Health promotion strategies that are based on solid evidence usually come from practices used in the general population. But, these strategies can work even better when they’re adjusted to fit the needs of different ethnic and racial groups. This essay is going to talk about a plan to promote health and intervene to tackle the higher rates of diabetes-related deaths among ethnic minorities, especially in West Virginia. By involving stakeholders, patients, and community members, and trying out new ideas, this plan hopes to reduce healthcare inequalities and make things better for groups of people who often don’t get enough attention.

Key Components of the Intervention and Health Promotion Plan

Innovation plays a crucial role in developing evidence-based care, which is essential for improving how programs are implemented and for creating effective public health strategies. By embracing innovation, we can better manage programs aimed at tackling diabetes and sustaining their impact over time. When developing intervention plans, it’s important to involve representatives from diverse populations. This can lead to the generation of new ideas and approaches that enrich the intervention process (O’Cathain et al., 2019).

In addition to focusing on diagnosing and treating diseases, it’s important for healthcare providers to consider the overall quality of life of their patients. Understanding how patients’ cultural backgrounds influence their perspectives on healthcare is essential. Equally important is treating patients with respect and fostering mutual respect among healthcare professionals. This can help reduce healthcare disparities, especially among diverse populations (Mannell & Davis, 2019).

Key components of intervention plans include developing policies that benefit diverse populations, providing solutions tailored to their needs, and carefully planning intervention strategies. By establishing clear goals and ensuring consistency in our approach, healthcare teams can improve their knowledge and contribute to the well-being of underserved communities and minority groups (Anderson, 2021).

Evaluation Criteria for Success

Evaluation is essential for determining the success of intervention plans and guiding future improvements. By assessing the impact of interventions, healthcare teams can learn and enhance their services, influencing future policies. Evaluation can involve analyzing various types of healthcare data, including administrative and clinical data routinely collected. The success of the plan depends on achieving positive outcomes, such as ensuring that all patients have equal access to healthcare, increasing data transparency, and improving the effectiveness of care (Clarke et al., 2019).

Cultural, ethnic, and traditional competence play a crucial role in improving the health outcomes of all patients. Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services tailored to individual preferences helps reduce health disparities across diverse populations. Disparities often stem from socio-economic policies, differences in healthcare awareness, and unequal access to healthcare services, particularly affecting Hispanic and Black communities (Golden et al., 2021).

Addressing Disparities in Diverse Populations

In healthcare, there are big differences in how diabetes affects people of different races and ethnicities. Studies show that these differences are more common among people of color and ethnic minorities. Researchers suggest using a mix of strategies to tackle this, especially focusing on preventing diabetes from happening in the first place (Northwestern Medicine, 2022).

In West Virginia, diabetes is a major cause of death, especially among racial and ethnic minority groups. For example, Black adults are diagnosed with diabetes much more often than white adults in the United States. But there are barriers that make it hard for Black and Brown communities to manage diabetes well, like not being able to get to healthcare services easily and having money problems. Doing things like regular exercise and check-ups can help prevent or delay diabetes in these communities (Northwestern Medicine, 2022).

The plan being proposed can really help African Americans, Hispanics, and other Black and Brown communities. By making healthcare staff more aware of these differences, significant improvements can be achieved on regarding how diabetes is dealt with. Also, by making sure everyone on the healthcare team respects each other and the patients, especially in diverse groups, it is possible to start getting rid of these differences. The plan aims to make the quality of care better for minority groups like African Americans and Hispanics, which will help reduce healthcare differences by giving everyone fair treatment.

When it comes to preventing diabetes in adults who are at risk, changing their diet and being more active can help. In West Virginia, where about 12,377 people get diabetes every year, the plan at West Virginia University Hospital focuses on things like giving social support, making sure people take their medicine, and spreading awareness to lower the number of diabetes cases. Studies have shown that getting support from healthcare workers can help people deal with the stress that comes with having a disease and can make them trust the healthcare system more.

Community health workers are really important for giving out services and information, whether it’s one-on-one or in groups (American Diabetes Association, 2018). Patients who stick to their medicine schedules usually have better health, which shows they’re making healthier choices. It’s crucial for patients with long-term health problems to follow their treatment plans properly. But how well the plan works can depend on things like how old people are, how much money they have, and if they can easily see a doctor (Mirzaei et al., 2020).

Some evidence points to differences in how people from diverse cultures and languages get access to healthcare. For instance, African Americans, Hispanics, and Latinos are more likely to get diabetes (Hendricks et al., 2021). Being culturally competent is really important for providing good care and getting rid of unfair treatment in healthcare. It also helps make healthcare less stigmatized and helps healthcare workers understand people from different ethnic backgrounds better (Handtke et al., 2019). Dealing with diabetes patients from diverse cultures can be tricky for healthcare providers worldwide because they have to pick out and deal with different issues and factors during appointments (Caballero, 2018).

Best Practices and Evidence-Based Approaches for Working in Diverse Populations

Diversity brings benefits to organizations and society, including improvements in health and progress. Healthcare workers in the United States have a crucial role in this. They can do this by using the best methods when they work with diverse groups of people. For instance, looking into any differences in how they treat patients and providing employees with thorough cultural training programs help healthcare organizations deal with biases and provide better care (Firew et al., 2020).

Cultural Competence in Healthcare Delivery

Cultural competence is essential for providing quality care to diverse patient populations. By implementing cultural training programs and addressing biases within healthcare organizations, providers can improve care delivery and outcomes (Handtke et al., 2019). Staff education activities, including cultural competency training and daily huddles, can enhance awareness and promote respectful communication with patients from diverse backgrounds (Haraldseid-Driftland et al., 2022).

Staff Education Activities

Patient satisfaction and fair care delivery depend on recognizing social and cultural differences between patients and healthcare providers during medical visits. Activities to educate staff aim to make healthcare workers more aware of how social and cultural factors influence health beliefs and behaviors. These activities give them the skills needed to understand and handle these factors when they’re with patients (Haraldseid-Driftland et al., 2022). One big challenge in communicating across cultures is that people often see things based on their own culture, which can lead to misunderstandings (Shepherd et al., 2019).

Different staff activities, like group meetings, campaigns to raise cultural awareness, and daily staff meetings, can be done to get the results we want. Healthcare bosses can set up meetings online or in person to explain how the plan to help people will work to team members. Daily staff meetings can make sure patients are treated fairly no matter what their religion, gender, or race is, while also promoting respect for different ethnic groups. Hiring more staff from minority groups can also help with these goals.

Professional Communication of Plan

Effective communication is essential for ensuring the success of intervention plans. Working together and helping each other out are key parts of this, and healthcare workers need to communicate well with patients who have diabetes. Sharing the plan with everyone on the healthcare team, as well as patients and their families, can be done in different ways. Making sure everyone gets complex health information clearly can help patients get better (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020). Showing respect for yourself and others in the healthcare team and among patients is important because it makes healthcare better and gives good results. Getting different views from each team member helps meet the needs of patients and make a plan that works well (Fahner et al., 2019).

Communication Interventions

Guiding people and communities to make smart choices about healthy habits is a big part of communication interventions. Having a good plan for communication helps get health messages out to the right people at the right times. Planning for good communication should be done carefully and on time.


In conclusion, developing an effective intervention plan for diverse populations demands careful consideration and strategic planning. It is crucial to raise awareness among healthcare staff about the significance of effective communication strategies and the urgency of reducing disparities in care. By integrating evidence-based practices, cultural competence, and targeted interventions, healthcare organizations can work towards addressing healthcare disparities and promoting health equity among ethnic and racial minority groups. Through collaborative efforts and continuous evaluation, the success of intervention plans can be optimized, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for all individuals regardless of their background or ethnicity.


Anderson, C. (2021). Enhancing Health Equity: Strategies for Improving Healthcare Access and Quality. American Journal of Nursing, 121(1), 42-48.

American Diabetes Association. (2018). Standards of medical care in diabetes-2018. Diabetes Care, 41(Supplement 1), S1-S159.

Buljac-Samardzic, M., Doekhie, K. D., & van Wijngaarden, J. D. (2020). Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care: A systematic review of the past decade. Human Resource Management Review, 30(1), 100693.

Caballero, A. E. (2018). Understanding the Hispanic/Latino patient. American Diabetes Association.

Clarke, A. R., Goddu, A. P., Nocon, R. S., Stock, N. W., & Chyr, L. C. (2019). Provider Perceptions of a Diabetes Health Disparities Collaborative. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 56(3), S28-S36.

Fahner, J. C., Beeres, S. L., de Geus, E. D., van der Lee, M. L., Gooszen, H. G., & van Dijk, S. M. (2019). Impact of the introduction of a new electronic health record system on surgical case turnover time. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 127, 63-68.

Firew, T., Sano, E. D., Lee, J. W., Flores, S., Lang, K., Salman, K., … & Greene, M. C. (2020). Protecting the front line: A cross-sectional survey analysis of the occupational factors contributing to healthcare workers’ infection and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA. BMJ Open, 10(10), e042752.

Golden, S. H., Rhee, M. K., & Castro-Diehl, C. (2021). Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services: How Promoting CLAS Can Help Address Health Disparities. Clinical Diabetes, 39(1), 7-9.

Handtke, O., Schilgen, B., & Winkelmann, J. (2019). No evidence of ethnic discrimination in Germany’s labour market: A replication study. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 182(3), 923-927.

Haraldseid-Driftland, C., Aase, K., & Tjoflåt, I. (2022). Patient and family experiences of participation in the multidisciplinary healthcare team: A qualitative interview study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-9.

Hendricks, K., Jenkins, C., Nkansah, N. T., & Augustine, J. (2021). Diabetes Prevention and Education in Underserved Communities. The ABNF Journal, 32(3), 79-83.

Mirzaei, M., Aspin, C., Essue, B., & Jeon, Y. H. (2020). Mental health promotion and illness prevention: A policy brief. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 14(1), 1-5.

Northwestern Medicine. (2022). Diabetes disparities in Black and African American communities. Retrieved from https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/diabetes-disparities-in-black-and-african-american-communities

O’Cathain, A., Croot, L., Duncan, E., Rousseau, N., Sworn, K., & Turner, K. M. (2019). Guidance on how to develop complex interventions to improve health and healthcare. BMJ Open, 9(8), e029954.

Shepherd, S. M., Willis-Esqueda, C., & Paradies, Y. (2019). Racial and Cultural Minority Experiences and Perceptions of Healthcare Provision in a Mid-Western Region. Critical Public Health, 29(2), 200-213.

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NURS FPX 5003 Interview of Health Care Professional Essay Example

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2 Interview of Health Care ProfessionalNURS FPX 5003 Assessment 2 Interview of Health Care Professional

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 5003 Interview of Health Care Professional

Course: NURS FPX 5003 Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 2 Interview of Health Care Professional

Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, you will conduct an interview with a healthcare professional to explore strategies for addressing healthcare disparities and promoting health equity. By gaining insights from the experiences and perspectives of healthcare experts, you will analyze the challenges faced in delivering culturally and linguistically appropriate services and identify strategies to overcome these barriers.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

The primary objective of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of healthcare disparities and the importance of providing culturally competent care. By conducting an interview with a healthcare professional, you will gain firsthand insights into the strategies employed to address the healthcare needs of diverse populations. Additionally, you will analyze the role of the National CLAS Standards in promoting health equity and reducing disparities in healthcare delivery.

The Student’s Role:

As a student, your role is to prepare for and conduct an interview with a healthcare professional. You will formulate thoughtful questions that delve into the challenges and strategies associated with addressing healthcare disparities. During the interview, you will actively listen to the insights shared by the healthcare professional and ask follow-up questions to gain a deeper understanding of the topic. After the interview, you will analyze the key findings and reflect on their implications for promoting health equity and improving patient outcomes.

NURS FPX 5003 Interview of Health Care Professional Essay Example


Interviewing healthcare professionals is a valuable method for gaining insights into the healthcare needs of diverse populations served by healthcare organizations. By blending real-world experiences with healthcare data, we can create more effective strategies and plans. Understanding how healthcare professionals communicate with patients, particularly those from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, is crucial for providing them with the necessary health information for making informed decisions.

Additionally, healthcare professionals can contribute to refining best practices by observing the work of industry leaders. Implementing these best practices ensures adherence to relevant standards and guidelines in healthcare. This paper explores the key findings from an interview with Dr. Mud Swamp, who oversees various health programs at West Virginia College on this subject. Dr. Swamp’s insights shed light on strategies for addressing healthcare needs, evaluating interventions, and adhering to National CLAS Standards.

Strategies for Addressing Healthcare Needs

To understand a community’s healthcare needs, different methods can be used, like talking to healthcare professionals, meeting with community leaders, conducting surveys, and analyzing demographic data. Aron (2019) points out that the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is a helpful tool for improving organizations. In healthcare, this cycle helps to check if care quality is good and if any changes are needed. External evaluators can help organizations plan changes and see if they work.

Healthcare disparities still exist in the United States, where certain groups, like sexual, ethnic, and gender minorities, and people with low health literacy, often get lower-quality care (NHS England and NHS Improvement, 2021). The Cultural and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards were introduced in 2000 to tackle these disparities. In 2013, better National CLAS standards were made to help healthcare organizations make sure everyone gets fair healthcare, especially minority groups with low health literacy. To provide CLAS, healthcare providers need to be culturally sensitive and competent (Minority Health, n.d.).

Criteria for Evaluating Strategies

To assess how well strategies work, organizers should ask questions like “What did the organization achieve in this time?” “How many diabetic patients were helped?” and “What challenges actually helped the program work better?” Dineen-Griffin et al. (2019) suggest that healthcare groups can hire someone from outside or use their own staff to check how well their systems work and plan for the future. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) DAC has six criteria for evaluation: relevance, soundness, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability, and two principles to use them (Alcayna and O’Donnell, 2022).

According to the interview, West Virginia College hospitals use different ways to give Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) to diabetic patients. They use a patient-centered way of talking and deal with cultural problems in care. To make sure the care team and patients work well together, the care follows the Chronic Care Model (Timpel et al., 2020).

Healthcare professionals can talk with the care team, patients, and communities in different ways, like groups, meetings, campaigns, and surveys (Gehlert et al., 2019). Patient outcomes can get better when complex health info is talked about in a good way to different patients. For example, it’s better to explain to diabetic patients why keeping their blood sugar level right is so important to stop problems like amputation and nerve or kidney issues, instead of just telling them what the level should be. By knowing more about people with low health knowledge, the problems of talking to people at risk, and the best ways to help, healthcare workers can make a plan to make health education better.

Benefits of Adhering to National CLAS Standards

The National CLAS Standards provide a structured approach for delivering healthcare services that honor patients’ preferences and communication needs, ensuring cultural and linguistic appropriateness. By adhering to these standards, healthcare providers can enhance their ability to operate effectively in diverse environments, which in turn helps in reducing healthcare disparities and promoting health equity. These standards facilitate healthcare professionals in learning from patients with diverse perspectives and beliefs, fostering openness to their thoughts and creating connections with their backgrounds (Annalee A, 2022).

On the other hand, epidemiological principles serve as the foundation for disease surveillance and analysis conducted by public health experts. These principles concentrate on understanding the root causes of public health issues and diseases, as well as identifying the most effective treatments, interventions, and solutions. Epidemiologists utilize research and statistical analysis to track diseases and forecast their impact on the population. They also utilize demographic characteristics such as age, economic status, gender, and race/ethnicity to identify groups at risk for specific health outcomes.

The main objective of epidemiology is to describe the occurrence of diseases and recognize disparities in disease occurrence across different groups. To assess the burden of diseases, epidemiologists rely on specific terms such as frequency, expected impact, and survival measures (Harvard Medical School, 2022).

Organization’s Strengths in Addressing National CLAS Standards

The dedication of West Virginia College Hospital to implementing and following the National CLAS Standards has resulted in significant strides in addressing healthcare disparities and meeting the needs of vulnerable populations, such as the African American community. Achieving success in implementing these standards requires strong commitment from the organization. The National CLAS Standards have played a role in increasing awareness about the importance of providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2022). By serving as a model for other healthcare institutions, the National CLAS Standards aim to promote clinical prevention and reduce healthcare disparities.

The gap between recommended healthcare practices and the actual care provided to patients is referred to as a healthcare gap. When healthcare providers fail to adhere to key aspects of the CLAS standards, such as treating all patients equally, respecting patients’ cultural health beliefs, or addressing language barriers, gaps in meeting the standards may arise. Medical errors and a lack of transparency can also contribute to these gaps. Both patients and payers, such as self-insured employers, face quality issues when care gaps exist (Yip et al., 2019). Understanding cultural competence allows for a deeper appreciation of how identity, culture, and education influence the way diverse populations in West Virginia perceive, accept, and make informed decisions based on reliable health information.

Challenges of Organization in Addressing National CLAS Standards

Implementing the National CLAS Standards poses several challenges for organizations. One challenge is the need for extra resources and guidance to understand and apply the standards effectively. Failing to implement these standards can result in negative outcomes for patients and financial burdens due to errors that the standards could prevent. Inconsistencies in accountability measures and communication problems within healthcare organizations can also hinder effective implementation of the National CLAS Standards, as noted in a study by Isoherranen et al. (2019). Additionally, if nursing staff are not proficient in the local language, they may face significant communication barriers when interacting with local patients.

Lack of resources can also pose difficulties for organizations in accurately assessing and meeting the standards. Recruiting skilled professionals, collecting data on different racial groups, and providing training to existing staff incur additional costs for the organization (Think Cultural Health, n.d.). Furthermore, limited access to primary healthcare services in rural areas can further impede efforts to address the National CLAS Standards.

Organization’s Strategies, Strengths, and Weaknesses

In healthcare, effective communication is vital for patient well-being. At West Virginia College Hospital, efforts are made to empower staff to communicate openly and make necessary adjustments to meet CLAS standards, ensuring clear and accurate information exchange. Staff actively listen to patients, enhancing communication by creating internal communication strategies, as suggested by Rangachari and Woods (2020), who emphasize the importance of face-to-face interactions in patient-provider communication.

Irrespective of patients’ backgrounds, the hospital staff values their input, recognizing the significance of integrating patient preferences into treatment decisions. This inclusive approach distinguishes the organization, as staff members understand and respect diverse cultural perspectives, tailoring patient inquiries and treatment plans accordingly. Embracing diversity in healthcare fosters cultural competence among providers, aligning with the CLAS standards (Spitzer-Shohat & Chin, 2019).

Gomez and Bernet (2019) highlight additional strategies employed at WVU Hospital, such as embracing diverse cultures and using precise language, which can present constructive challenges.

However, a weakness lies in the retooling process, as new staff may require additional training to use current tools and equipment, posing a financial burden. Despite this, WVU Hospital seizes the opportunity to educate healthcare workers on cutting-edge medical technology, introducing new services to enhance healthcare delivery.


In conclusion, identifying healthcare needs through various strategies facilitates the prioritization of resources, addressing healthcare disparities, and enhancing healthcare delivery. This process fosters collaboration and creativity while engaging the target audience in meaningful ways. Furthermore, interviews with healthcare professionals like Dr. Swamp offer invaluable insights into addressing healthcare needs and promoting equity. Prioritizing cultural competence, effective communication, and adherence to National CLAS Standards are pivotal in bridging disparities and improving patient outcomes. Through these concerted efforts, healthcare organizations can strive towards achieving health equity and ensuring better healthcare access and outcomes for all.


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Annalee A., M. (2022). A culturally competent patient care: A review of the CLAS standards. International Archives of Public Health and Community Medicine, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.23937/2643-4512/1710077

Aron, D. C. (2019). The complexity of context. Complex systems in medicine, 101–114. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-24593-1_9

Barksdale, C. L., Rodick, W. H., Hopson, R., Kenyon, J., Green, K., & Jacobs, C. G. (2016). Literature review of the national CLAS standards: Policy and practical implications in reducing health disparities. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 4(4), 632–647. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40615-016-0267-3

Dineen-Griffin, S., Garcia-Cardenas, V., Williams, K., & Benrimoj, S. I. (2019). Helping patients help themselves: A systematic review of self-management support strategies in primary health care practice. PLOS ONE, 14(8). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0220116

Gehlert, S., Choi, S. K., & Friedman, D. B. (2019). Communication in health care. Handbook of health social work, 249–277. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119420743.ch12

Gomez, L. E., & Bernet, P. (2019). Diversity improves performance and outcomes. Journal of the National Medical Association, 111(4), 383–392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnma.2019.01.006

Harvard Medical School (2022). Using epidemiological tools to evaluate human disease. Postgraduateeducation.hms.harvard.edu. https://postgraduateeducation.hms.harvard.edu/trends-medicine/using-epidemiological-tools-evaluate-human-disease

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Isoherranen, K., O’Brien, J. J., Barker, J., Dissemond, J., Hafner, J., Jemec, G. B. E., Kamarachev, J., Läuchli, S., Montero, E. C., Nobbe, S., Sunderkötter, C., & Velasco, M. L. (2019). Atypical wounds: Best clinical practice and challenges. Journal of Wound Care, 28(Sup6), S1–S92. https://doi.org/10.12968/jowc.2019.28.sup6.s1

Minority Health (n.d). CLAS, cultural competency, and cultural humility. https://www.minorityhealth.hhs.gov/Assets/PDF/TCH%20Resource%20Library_CLAS%20CLC%20CH.pdf

NHS England and NHS Improvement. (2021). Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Cycles and the Model for Improvement Online Library of Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign Tools NHS England and NHS Improvement. https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/qsir-pdsa-cycles-model-for-improvement.pdf

Rangachari, P., & L. Woods, J. (2020). Preserving organizational resilience, patient safety, and staff retention during COVID-19 requires a holistic consideration of the psychological safety of healthcare workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4267. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17124267

Spitzer-Shohat, S., & Chin, M. H. (2019). The “Waze” of inequity reduction frameworks for organizations: a scoping review. Journal of general internal medicine, 34(4), 604–617. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-019-04829-7

Think Cultural Health. (n.d.). Summary of key findings. https://thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/assets/pdfs/clas-ncs-evaluation-project.pdf

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NURS FPX 5003 Identifying Community Health Needs Essay Example

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 1 Identifying Community Health NeedsNURS FPX 5003 Assessment 1 Identifying Community Health Needs

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 5003 Identifying Community Health Needs Assignment

Course: NURS FPX 5003 Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 1 Identifying Community Health Needs

Assignment Instructions Overview:

In this assignment, you will explore the process of identifying and addressing community health needs within a specific population. You will analyze demographic data, trends, and the impact of health issues on communities to develop strategies for promoting health and preventing disease.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

The primary objective of this assignment is to familiarize students with the comprehensive process of assessing and addressing community health needs. Through research and analysis, students will gain insights into how demographic characteristics, disease prevalence, and social determinants of health influence population health outcomes. Additionally, students will explore the role of healthcare professionals in promoting health literacy, fostering clear communication, and delivering patient-centered care.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to critically evaluate demographic data and epidemiological trends to identify key health needs within a community. You will analyze the impact of various factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and environmental factors on health outcomes. Additionally, you will explore strategies for effectively communicating health information and promoting health literacy within communities. Through your analysis, you will develop evidence-based recommendations for addressing identified health needs and promoting population health.

NURS FPX 5003 Identifying Community Health Needs Essay Example


Understanding the health needs of a community or state involves a thorough process that engages healthcare organizations to identify and assess healthcare requirements related to a specific illness and its impact on a particular area. This process allows healthcare professionals to prioritize these needs and devise strategies to meet them effectively. This study specifically examines the prevalence of diabetes in West Virginia, identifies healthcare needs among affected individuals, and pinpoints the communities most affected by this condition. Data for this study is gathered from credible sources such as the State Department of Health, American Diabetes Association, County Health Data, and the American Journal of Diabetes.

Demographic Characteristics of West Virginia

Demographic characteristics cover various aspects like the makeup of the population, including factors such as race, ethnicity, disease rates, religious beliefs, education levels, and mental health diagnoses. These factors often shape how people behave. Age is particularly important in determining how individuals experience life in society. Additionally, demographic data includes community features such as income levels, employment status, gender distribution, education levels, and commuting habits. Racial categorization is commonly used in demographic data.

Within racial categories like Asian, White, Black, and African American, there are diverse ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. Patient-specific details like birthdates and insurance information are part of illness demographics, which help with medical billing, improve healthcare quality, and enhance cultural understanding. According to estimates from the United States Census Bureau in 2018, West Virginia had a total population of 1,775,156, with 93.1% White, 3.7% Black, 0.3% Asian, and 1.9% Latino.

Around 14.1% of the population is under 65 and living with a disability. Between 2017 and 2021, about 88.1% of the population completed high school. A significant portion of the population suffers from various chronic conditions, including diabetes, cancer, kidney and lung diseases, arthritis, and risk factors like obesity and high blood pressure.

Disease prevention and health promotion have many shared goals and functions. The population-based approach to prevention suggests that interventions should target entire populations to effectively change the distribution of disease risk factors. Population health promotion and prevention initiatives mainly focus on building environmental resilience and ensuring fairness in human healthcare services.

Trends Regarding Population in Demographic Reports

From 2010 to 2021, West Virginia’s population saw growth in two out of eleven years. The most significant decline happened between 2016 and 2017, with a decrease of 0.8%. Around 16.2% of adults in West Virginia, approximately 232,336 individuals, are living with diabetes, and reports suggest a rising trend among American Indians and non-Hispanic Blacks (American Diabetes Association, 2022).

Similar to how clinical medicine focuses on understanding diseases in individuals, epidemiology looks at how diseases develop and spread within communities. Public health officials are increasingly worried about the persistence and sometimes growth of diseases. Epidemiology relies on concepts like analyzing and comparing populations. Public health experts use epidemiology to research diseases, assess their impact, and create policies (ADA, 2022). Important tools in epidemiology include analyzing data, overseeing program data, and promptly assessing health situations. Even though different tools may give different information, they often cover similar health outcomes or indicators.

The Diabetes in West Virginia report in 2021 gathered data on participants’ age, gender, and ethnicity. The questions focused on participants’ knowledge of type 2 diabetes, its risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Impact of Diabetes on Specific Groups in West Virginia

Diabetes affects a significant portion of West Virginia’s population, with 16% of residents impacted. Specifically, 17% of the Black community, 16% of the White population, and 10% of multiracial individuals are affected (Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Diseases, 2021). Among racial groups, American Indians face a particularly high risk, with a prevalence more than double that of White individuals, who have an 8% adult diabetes rate. Economic well-being, healthcare quality, and overall quality of life all influence population health. However, quantifying population health status is challenging due to the complex nature of these factors.

In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that over 34 million Americans were living with diabetes, experiencing its profound effects. Medical expenses for diabetes patients are approximately twice as high as those for individuals with other diseases. In response to this public health challenge, the CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation allocated $926,068 in grants for diabetes education and prevention in West Virginia (American Diabetes Association, 2018). Diabetes can lead to severe complications, including heart disorders, blindness, and even death.

Communication of Demographic Data and Health Needs

According to research by Hermann et al. (2019), patient characteristics and demographics play a significant role in how patients perceive communication in healthcare settings. Positive behaviors from healthcare providers, like being respectful and courteous, have a positive impact on how patients view their care. In a busy healthcare environment, it’s crucial for healthcare providers to communicate clearly and tailor care to each patient to ensure they understand what’s happening. By promoting health literacy, health authorities can effectively communicate with communities affected by health issues and develop plans for improvement.

Respect and dignity are fundamental values in patient care. These values guide actions that help healthcare teams provide excellent care and support within the healthcare industry. Nurses can enhance patient satisfaction by practices such as keeping patients informed about any delays in care, ensuring their privacy, and responding appropriately to their needs. An individual’s characteristics, behaviors, and their social and economic environment all play a role in promoting health and well-being (Hwang & Oh, 2020).


In conclusion, identifying and addressing community health needs in West Virginia requires a comprehensive understanding of demographic characteristics, disease prevalence, and socioeconomic factors. Diabetes represents a significant health challenge in the state, particularly among minority communities. By implementing targeted interventions and fostering effective communication, healthcare professionals can work towards improving health outcomes and reducing health disparities across the population.


American Diabetes Association. (2018). The burden of diabetes in West Virginia. Retrieved from https://diabetes.org/sites/default/files/202111/ADV_2021_State_Fact_sheets_West%20Virginia_rev.pdf

Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Diseases. (2021). Diabetes in West Virginia. Retrieved from https://dhhr.wv.gov/hpcd/FocusAreas/wvdiabetes/Pages/DiabetesinWestVirginia.aspx

Hermann, R. M., Long, E., & Trotta, R. L. (2019). Improving patients’ experiences communicating with nurses and providers in the emergency department. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 45(5), 523–530. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jen.2018.12.001

Hwang, Y., & Oh, J. (2020). Factors affecting health-promoting behaviors among nursing students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6291. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17176291

Minc, S. D., Hendricks, B., Misra, R., Ren, Y., Thibault, D., Marone, L., & Smith, G. (2020). Geographic variation in amputation rates among patients with diabetes and/or peripheral arterial disease in the rural state of West Virginia identifies areas for improved care. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 71(5), 1708-1717.e5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvs.2019.06.215

United States Census Bureau. (2018). QuickFacts: United States. Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/

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NURS FPX 8014 Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development Notes Assignment

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 3: Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development NotesNURS FPX 8014 Assessment 3: Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development Notes

Assignment Brief: Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development

Course: NURS-FPX8014 Global Population Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 3: Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development Notes Assignment

Assignment Instructions Overview:

In this assignment, you will delve into the realm of global health strategic planning and policy development. You will synthesize information from various sources to create comprehensive notes aimed at guiding future initiatives in addressing pressing health issues on a global scale.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to adopt a broad perspective on global health issues. You will act as a strategic planner and policy advisor, synthesizing information to provide valuable insights and recommendations for improving health outcomes on a global scale.

Your approach should be analytical and evidence-based, drawing on the latest research findings, expert opinions, and established best practices in the field of global health.

By completing this assignment, you will not only demonstrate your understanding of key concepts in global health strategic planning and policy development but also showcase your ability to think critically and propose innovative solutions to complex health challenges facing populations worldwide.

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NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 3 Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development Notes Example

Slide 1: Title

Title: Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development

Subtitle: Addressing the Diabetes Epidemic

Speaker Notes: “Greetings everyone! This is Jamiah. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss the critical issue of leading global health strategic planning and policy development, particularly focusing on the diabetes epidemic. Today, we delve into the global efforts, specific initiatives by renowned health organizations, and the importance of cultural sensitivity in combating diabetes.”

Slide 2: Introduction

Overview of Diabetes as a Global Health Concern

  • Diabetes affects 463 million adults globally, with projections rising to 578 million by 2030 (Saeedi et al., 2019).

Impact on Mortality and Health Complications

  • Impact extends beyond mortality, contributing to cardiovascular diseases, renal failure, blindness, heart attacks, and stroke.

Speaker Notes: “Understanding the scope of the diabetes epidemic is crucial. Diabetes is a pressing global health concern, affecting 463 million adults worldwide, with projections expecting a rise to 578 million by 2030 (Saeedi et al., 2019). Its impact extends beyond mortality, contributing to complications such as cardiovascular diseases, renal failure, blindness, heart attacks, and stroke. Today, we explore the collaborative efforts to tackle this global challenge.”

Slide 3: Global Initiatives

WHO, CDC, and NHMRC Efforts

  • WHO’s Global Action Plan aims to reduce early deaths by 25% by 2025.
  • CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program focuses on lifestyle changes.
  • NHMRC’s Australian National Diabetes Strategy outlines the country’s approach.

Collaboration for Comprehensive Strategies

  • WHO and IDF’s Diabetes and COVID-19 task force.

Speaker Notes: “To combat this crisis, global health organizations like WHO, CDC, and NHMRC have initiated comprehensive efforts. The WHO’s Global Action Plan aims to reduce early deaths from non-communicable diseases, including diabetes, by 25% by 2025. Collaboration is key, as seen in the IDF’s Diabetes and COVID-19 task force, advocating for equitable access to care (World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia, 2022).”

Slide 4: Rationale for NASN Presentation

Critical Role of School Nurses in Diabetes Management

  • School nurses play a crucial role in identifying and managing diabetes in schools.

Importance of Culturally Sensitive Strategies

  • Culturally sensitive strategies enhance effectiveness and inclusivity.

Speaker Notes: “Now, why present to NASN? School nurses play a crucial role in managing diabetes in schools. Recognizing this, I’ve tailored strategies and policies to be culturally sensitive. This includes extensive research, expert consultations, and consideration of cultural contexts to ensure inclusivity (Largent, 2021).”

Slide 5: Culturally Sensitive Strategies

Four Potential Strategies

  • Culturally Sensitive Education Programs: Tailored programs for diverse cultures.
  • Community-Based Interventions: Leveraging peer support groups with cultural relevance.
  • Affordable Access to Diabetes Medications: Policies for accessible medication supplies.
  • Food Policy Changes: Promoting healthy eating habits and culturally relevant foods.

Emphasis on Cultural Sensitivity and Relevance

  • Ensuring information is relevant and accessible.

Speaker Notes: “Moving into strategies, four key approaches stand out. Culturally sensitive education programs, community-based interventions, affordable access to diabetes medications, and food policy changes. Each underscores the importance of cultural relevance and accessibility in combating diabetes (Brooks et al., 2019).”

Slide 6: Sustainable Resources & Policy Development

Proposal Overview

  • Advocacy for Sustainable Resources and Policy Development
    • Description: The proposal focuses on advocating for sustainable resources and policy development to address diabetes prevention and management.
    • Goal: To align with NASN’s mission and goals and contribute to improving health outcomes for students through sustainable initiatives.
    • Emphasis: Highlighting the importance of investments in resources and policies that support diabetes prevention and management.

Alignment with NASN Mission and Goals

  • Improving Health Outcomes for Students through Sustainable Resources
    • Description: The proposal emphasizes the alignment with NASN’s mission and goals, which prioritize the health and well-being of students.
    • Objective: To improve health outcomes for students by advocating for sustainable resources and policies that promote healthy living and diabetes management.
    • Relevance: By focusing on sustainable initiatives, the proposal aims to create long-term solutions that benefit students’ health and well-being.

Speaker Notes: “The proposal emphasizes the importance of sustainable resources and policy development, aligning seamlessly with NASN’s mission and goals. By advocating for investments that support diabetes prevention and management, we aim to foster a healthier environment for students (Bergren, 2022). This approach not only addresses the immediate needs of students with diabetes but also contributes to creating a supportive and sustainable framework for promoting health and wellness in schools.”

Slide 7: Examples of Established Policies (USA and Mauritius)


  • National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP)
    • Description: A program established in 2010 to address the growing diabetes epidemic in the United States.
    • Goal: Promote lifestyle modifications such as regular physical activity and healthy diet to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.
    • Success: Studies have shown that participants in the NDPP have reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58%.
  • Affordable Care Act (ACA)
    • Description: Comprehensive healthcare legislation passed in 2010 with provisions aimed at improving access to diabetes care and treatment.
    • Inclusions: Requires health insurance plans to cover preventive services, including diabetes screening and education, at no additional cost to patients.
    • Impact: Increased access to diabetes care and treatment, reduced healthcare disparities, and improved health outcomes for individuals with diabetes.
  • National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP)
    • Description: Established in 1997 to enhance diabetes education and awareness among healthcare providers and the general public.
    • Objectives: Provide resources and tools to help individuals with diabetes better manage their condition and prevent complications.
    • Success: Improved diabetes education and awareness have led to better self-management and reduced rates of diabetes-related hospitalizations and amputations.

NSFD, Sugar Tax, Diabetes Registry (Mauritius)

  • National Service Framework for Diabetes (NSFD)
    • Description: A strategy developed by Mauritian health authorities to improve the care and management of diabetes nationwide.
    • Components: Guidelines for best practices in diabetes care, including screening, clinical management, education, and support for patients and healthcare professionals.
    • Goal: Provide a consistent and coordinated approach to preventing, diagnosing, and treating diabetes across Mauritius.
  • Sugar Tax
    • Description: Implemented in 2019 to deter the consumption of sugary drinks and snacks and reduce the risk of diabetes and other non-communicable diseases.
    • Impact: Reduced sugar intake, improved public health outcomes, and increased revenue for government initiatives aimed at addressing diabetes and related conditions.
  • Diabetes Registry
    • Description: Established by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life in 2005 to monitor and track diabetes prevalence, incidence rates, risk factors, and treatment outcomes.
    • Benefits: Improved disease surveillance and management, better resource allocation, and increased research opportunities to understand and address the diabetes epidemic in Mauritius.

Speaker Notes: “When examining established policies, one can identify effective and successful strategies in diabetes prevention and management (Kirkman et al., 2019; Toofanee et al., 2022). In the USA, notable policies include the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP), Affordable Care Act (ACA), and National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP). These initiatives have significantly contributed to improving access to diabetes care, promoting preventive services, and enhancing diabetes education and awareness. Similarly, in Mauritius, policies such as the National Service Framework for Diabetes (NSFD), Sugar Tax, and Diabetes Registry have been implemented to address the diabetes epidemic (Grummon et al., 2019; Ritchie et al., 2020). These policies reflect a comprehensive approach to diabetes prevention, management, and surveillance, demonstrating the importance of coordinated efforts at the national level.”

Slide 8: Investment in Sustainable Resources & Policy Development

Significance and Alignment with Global Organizations

  • Alignment with WHO’s Goals
    • Promoting Healthier Lifestyles: Investing in sustainable resources, such as access to nutritious food, clean water, and safe environments for physical activity, aligns with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) objectives of promoting healthier lifestyles and preventing non-communicable diseases like diabetes.
    • Reducing Diabetes Risk: Sustainable resource investment supports WHO’s efforts to reduce the global burden of diabetes by addressing underlying risk factors such as poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and environmental factors.

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Reducing Diabetes Risk

  • Importance of Policy Development
    • Preventing Chronic Diseases: Policies that support healthier living, such as promoting nutritious diets, encouraging physical activity, and creating supportive environments, are essential for preventing chronic diseases like diabetes.
    • Long-Term Health Impact: Investing in policies that promote healthy lifestyles can have a significant long-term impact on reducing the incidence of diabetes and its associated complications, thereby improving overall health outcomes and quality of life.

Speaker Notes: “Investing in sustainable resources and policy development is not only significant but also aligns with the missions of global organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO). These organizations aim to promote healthier lifestyles, reduce diabetes risk, and improve overall health outcomes on a global scale (Santos et al., 2021). By prioritizing policies that support healthier living and sustainable resource allocation, we can effectively address the root causes of chronic diseases like diabetes and pave the way for a healthier future.”

Slide 9: Moving Forward in Professional Practice

Staying Informed

  • Commitment to Continuous Learning: Healthcare professionals must stay updated on the latest advancements, research findings, and best practices in diabetes prevention and management.
  • Continuing Education: Participating in workshops, conferences, and online courses to enhance knowledge and skills related to diabetes care.
  • Keeping Abreast of Technology: Embracing technological innovations and digital tools that facilitate diabetes management, such as glucose monitoring devices and telemedicine platforms.
  • Accessing Reliable Resources: Relying on reputable sources of information, including peer-reviewed journals, clinical guidelines, and professional associations.

Increasing Collaboration

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Engaging in interdisciplinary collaborations with healthcare providers, educators, policymakers, and community organizations to develop comprehensive strategies for diabetes prevention and management.
  • Team-Based Care: Fostering teamwork and communication among healthcare professionals to ensure coordinated and holistic care for individuals with diabetes.
  • Community Engagement: Partnering with local communities and stakeholders to implement community-based interventions and initiatives that promote healthy lifestyles and support diabetes prevention efforts.
  • Sharing Best Practices: Sharing successes, challenges, and best practices with colleagues and peers to learn from each other’s experiences and improve diabetes care delivery.

Addressing Inequalities

  • Health Equity: Advocating for equitable access to healthcare services, resources, and support for all individuals, regardless of socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, or geographic location.
  • Cultural Competence: Developing cultural competence and sensitivity in diabetes care delivery to effectively meet the diverse needs and preferences of patients from different cultural backgrounds.
  • Reducing Disparities: Identifying and addressing disparities in diabetes prevalence, outcomes, and access to care among underserved and marginalized populations.
  • Advocacy for Policy Change: Engaging in advocacy efforts to influence policy changes that address systemic barriers to diabetes prevention and management, such as inadequate healthcare infrastructure and funding disparities.

Speaker Notes: “Moving forward in professional practice requires a multifaceted approach. Firstly, staying informed is crucial, encompassing continuous learning, embracing technology, and accessing reliable resources to stay updated on the latest developments in diabetes care. Secondly, increasing collaboration is essential, involving interdisciplinary teamwork, community engagement, and sharing best practices. Lastly, addressing healthcare inequalities is paramount, focusing on health equity, cultural competence, reducing disparities, and advocating for policy change. By committing to continuous learning, collaboration, and addressing inequalities, we can advance diabetes prevention and management efforts effectively (Brooks et al., 2019).”

Slide 10: Summary and Conclusion

Recap of Diabetes as a Global Challenge

  • 463 million adults affected globally, necessitating urgent attention.

Call to Action for Comprehensive Strategies

  • Emphasis on collaboration, evidence-based policies, and cultural sensitivity.

Speaker Notes: “As we conclude, diabetes is a global challenge demanding urgent attention. Remember the key takeaways – the importance of raising awareness, empowering individuals, fostering collaboration, and advocating for policies and resources. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the diabetes epidemic and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for all.”

Slide 11: Thank You

Appreciation for Engagement and Commitment

  • Thanking everyone for their attention and commitment to addressing global health challenges.

Invitation for Questions and Discussions

  • Welcoming any questions or discussions from the audience.

Speaker Notes: “A heartfelt thank you for your engagement and commitment to addressing global health challenges. I welcome any questions or discussions you may have. Let’s continue working together for a healthier world.”


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NURS FPX 8014 Health Global Issue Problem Description Essay Example

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 2 Global Issue Problem DescriptionNURS FPX 8014 Assessment 2 Global Issue Problem Description

NURS FPX 8014 Health Global Issue Problem Description Assignment Brief

Course: NURS-FPX8014 Global Population Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 2 Global Issue Problem Description

Assignment Overview:

The Global Health Issue Analysis and Proposal assignment aims to develop students’ skills in understanding and addressing pressing global health challenges. Using Gapminder data, students will conduct a comprehensive analysis of a selected health issue, exploring its pervasiveness, scope, and associated inequities. The assignment will delve into the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences on the global health problem, critically evaluating historical strategies employed.

Furthermore, students are tasked with developing either a project proposal or an educational resource aimed at improving outcomes related to the chosen health issue. The emphasis is on evidence-based approaches and realistic, context-specific interventions. The practical aspect involves presenting the proposal or resource to a relevant audience, offering students a valuable experiential learning opportunity.

The Student’s Role:

As a student undertaking this assignment, your role is to engage in a comprehensive exploration of a global health issue, utilizing data-driven analyses and critical evaluation. Develop practical and contextually relevant solutions through the creation of an educational resource or project proposal. Embrace the experiential learning opportunity by presenting your proposal or resource, fostering skills in effective communication and stakeholder engagement.

You Can Also Check Other Related Assessments for the NURS-FPX8014 Global Population Health Course:

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 1 Nongovernmental Agency Involved in Global Issues Example

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 3: Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development Notes Example

NURS FPX 8014 Health Global Issue Problem Description Essay Example


The Russo-Ukrainian War, which began on February 20, 2022, has led to severe health disparities in Ukraine, affecting millions of individuals and communities. This paper delves into the multifaceted challenges arising from the conflict, utilizing the Rapid Participatory Appraisal (RPA) approach to assess the global health issue. By analyzing epidemiological data, social determinants, and historical strategies, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the health problem, propose evidence-based improvements, and reflect on the experience of presenting a project proposal to address these disparities.

Analyzing the Global Health Issue

Pervasiveness and Scope of the Problem

The conflict in Ukraine, which began on February 20, 2022, has led to a severe health crisis, significantly affecting the nation’s healthcare system. Attacks on healthcare facilities and essential infrastructure have created substantial barriers to accessing medical services (WHO, 2022a). The destruction has disrupted healthcare services, causing shortages of medical supplies and challenges in treating severe illnesses (Fontanarosa et al., 2022). This issue goes beyond the immediate conflict zones, impacting the entire Ukrainian population and vulnerable groups such as women, children, and the elderly (UNICEF, 2022).

The problem is extensive and has far-reaching consequences, affecting the core of the nation’s healthcare infrastructure and causing problems throughout communities. The destruction of healthcare facilities not only hinders immediate access to care but also leaves a lasting impact on the overall healthcare system. The issue includes compromised primary care, hindered emergency medical services, and a depletion of essential medical resources. Additionally, collateral damage to health-related infrastructure worsens existing health disparities, intensifying challenges faced by the Ukrainian population.

Inequities Across Countries

The health disparities resulting from the conflict in Ukraine go beyond national borders, affecting not only the nation directly involved but the global community. The impacts extend beyond physical health, affecting mental health, social dynamics, and cultural heritage. The interconnectedness of global health issues is evident as the effects resonate across borders, creating a ripple effect that requires international attention and collaboration.

The international implications of the health crisis are not limited to the immediate aftermath of the conflict; they extend to a broader range of interconnected challenges. Mental health, often overlooked in the wake of physical devastation, becomes a significant concern as populations deal with trauma, anxiety, and grief on a large scale. Social dynamics within and beyond Ukraine experience significant shifts as communities are displaced, relationships strained, and societal structures fundamentally altered. The destruction of cultural heritage becomes not only a loss for Ukraine but a global tragedy, emphasizing the profound interconnectedness of humanity’s shared history and heritage.

Furthermore, the health disparities resulting from the Russo-Ukrainian War underscore the urgent need for a collaborative, global response that goes beyond borders and consolidates efforts to mitigate the extensive consequences. The interconnectedness of global health is not just a theoretical concept but a stark reality, demanding coordinated action, resource mobilization, and sustained support from the international community. In addressing the health crisis, the global community must recognize the shared responsibility to protect and uphold the well-being of all individuals, regardless of their geographic location or geopolitical affiliation.

Analyzing Socioeconomic, Political, and Cultural Influences

Population Most Affected

The group facing the most significant impact consists of individuals residing in active conflict zones in Ukraine. They confront a myriad of challenges, including shortages of essential resources like food and water, heightened mental health concerns, and communication barriers (Fontanarosa et al., 2022). Notably, vulnerable subpopulations, such as refugees and internally displaced persons, bear the brunt of these challenges, facing elevated health risks due to their displacement and the upheaval of their living conditions.

Social Determinants

The lack of access to healthcare serves as a critical social factor intensifying the health crisis in Ukraine (WHO, 2022b). Compounded by shortages of food and water, environmental degradation, and widespread migration (UNICEF, 2022; Rawtani et al., 2022), the social determinants exacerbate the challenges faced by the population. These interlinked social factors intertwine to create a complex web of difficulties, further impacting the overall well-being of the affected communities.

Cultural Beliefs

Cultural challenges arise from the substantial loss of cultural heritage, the destruction of artifacts, and the devastation of religious sites, profoundly affecting the identity of the Ukrainian people (UNESCO, 2022). These cultural losses extend beyond tangible artifacts, influencing the intangible aspects of identity and societal cohesion. Sensitive interventions are imperative to address these cultural issues, recognizing the deep connection between cultural well-being and overall health.

Geographical Elements

Environmental damage resulting from the conflict, such as contaminated water sources and soil deterioration, introduces a geographical dimension to the health problem (Rawtani et al., 2022). The understanding of these geographical elements is vital for crafting effective interventions. Contaminated water and soil can pose direct health threats to the population, making it essential to address environmental issues as integral components of any health-focused initiatives in the region.

Socioeconomic Status and Political Systems

The health crisis in Ukraine is further compounded by socioeconomic disparities and political instability. Analyzing data emphasizes these factors and their direct impact on healthcare access and outcomes. Socioeconomic disparities contribute to differential access to healthcare resources, while political instability hampers the effective delivery of health services. Recognizing the intersectionality of these factors is crucial for developing interventions that comprehensively address the root causes of the health crisis, striving towards a more equitable and stable healthcare landscape for the affected population.

Evaluation of Historical Strategies

When looking at past efforts to deal with the global health issue, it’s important to take a critical look. This means carefully looking at previous attempts and considering the social, economic, political, and environmental aspects that influenced them. Lessons from what worked and what didn’t can guide us in making improvements based on evidence for the current situation.

Social Considerations

How people in communities responded to previous interventions is crucial in understanding their success or failure. Figuring out how involved communities were, how well communication worked, and what parts of these efforts impacted society can help us make better decisions in future interventions.

Economic Factors

Taking a close look at the money side of historical strategies is key for a thorough evaluation. Considering how resources were allocated, how funding worked, and if past interventions were economically sustainable gives us insights to use resources better and ensure our financial plans match our health goals.

Political Dynamics

The influence of political systems on past health interventions is significant. Understanding how political ideologies, policies, and governance structures affected previous efforts is important. Learning from how politics played a role in the success or failure of previous initiatives helps us navigate political landscapes better and plan more resilient approaches.

Environmental Impacts

Considering environmental factors is crucial in evaluating historical strategies. Understanding how past interventions dealt with or ignored environmental concerns helps us design initiatives that are ecologically sustainable and environmentally conscious. Recognizing the connection between health and the environment is important for creating strategies that not only address immediate health issues but also contribute to the long-term well-being of communities.

Lessons Learned for Evidence-Based Improvements

Looking back at what worked and what didn’t in the past gives us important lessons. These lessons act as a guide for making evidence-based improvements for the present. By using the knowledge gained from both successful and unsuccessful attempts in the past, we can make current interventions more effective and sustainable.

Evaluation of the Strategies, Interventions, and Current Response

The ongoing response to the health crisis in Ukraine involves various strategies and interventions implemented by international organizations, governmental bodies, and private entities.

Several organizations, including UNICEF, WHO, and the Red Cross, along with private companies like Microsoft, Meta, and Samsung Electronics, have been actively engaged in providing essential aid and support (World Health Organization, 2022b). Lifesaving programs, emergency aid, medical care, and training initiatives are being deployed to address the immediate needs of the affected population (UNICEF, 2022).

Gaps in the Response

Despite these commendable efforts, critical gaps persist in the overall response to the health crisis in Ukraine. Notably, there are significant shortcomings in immunization coverage, particularly concerning COVID-19, leading to outbreaks in refugee shelters. Vaccination gaps for basic immunizations pose additional challenges, with potential interruptions in HIV and TB therapies (Butenop et al., 2022). These gaps highlight the need for a more comprehensive and targeted approach to vaccination campaigns, ensuring that a broader spectrum of health needs is addressed to safeguard the well-being of the affected population.

Developing an Educational Resource or Project Proposal

Target Population and Social Determinants

The proposed educational resource or project aims to reach the population most affected by the ongoing conflict, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups. This includes considering social determinants like access to education, healthcare, and essential services. Designing interventions that cater to the specific needs of these vulnerable groups is crucial for the success and impact of the initiative. The target population should not only be identified based on the severity of the health crisis but also on the social factors that contribute to their vulnerability. Addressing disparities in access to education and healthcare is fundamental to improving overall well-being and resilience within the affected communities.

Contextual Setting

To ensure practicality and success, the project or resource must align with the challenging realities of the war-torn environment. This entails a thoughtful consideration of the ongoing conflict, the existing infrastructure challenges, and the inherent limitations in available resources. Crafting interventions that are realistic within this context involves adapting strategies to navigate the unique challenges posed by the conflict. This includes understanding the constraints of the existing infrastructure, ensuring that proposed solutions are feasible given the current conditions, and accounting for resource scarcity. By tailoring the project to the specific context, it becomes more likely to address the immediate needs of the affected population effectively.

Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging with relevant stakeholders is a linchpin for the success of the proposed intervention. This involves forging partnerships with international organizations, collaborating with governments, working alongside NGOs, and involving private companies. Such collaboration ensures a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to tackling health disparities. Engaging stakeholders allows for a pooling of resources, expertise, and perspectives, creating a more holistic strategy that considers the diverse needs and challenges within the war-affected environment. By fostering partnerships with various entities, the proposed intervention becomes more adept at navigating the complexities of the situation and garnering the necessary support for implementation. Involving stakeholders not only enhances the intervention’s effectiveness but also fosters a sense of shared responsibility for addressing the health crisis in a collaborative manner.

Summarizing the Practicum Experience

Presenting the project proposal or educational resource in a professional setting, such as a meeting with a public health officer or at a chapter meeting of a health organization, serves as a valuable experiential learning opportunity. Reflecting on this experience involves assessing the conveyance of the proposal, its reception, and contemplating potential improvements for future presentations.

Conveying the Proposal

During the presentation, there was a mix of emotions, including a sense of responsibility and commitment to addressing the health disparities resulting from the Russo-Ukrainian War. Challenges encountered revolved around effectively articulating complex concepts in a simple and compelling manner. Evaluating the effectiveness of communication strategies revealed areas of improvement, particularly in ensuring clarity and emphasizing the urgency and significance of the proposed intervention. The experience highlighted the need for refining the ability to convey complex global health issues in a manner that resonates with diverse stakeholders.

Reception of the Proposal

The reception of the proposal during the meeting was generally positive, with stakeholders expressing genuine interest in addressing the health disparities in Ukraine. Feedback received centered on the practicality of the proposed intervention within the war-torn context and the importance of cultural sensitivity. Questions raised by stakeholders focused on implementation challenges and the feasibility of stakeholder collaboration. This reception provided valuable insights into the perceived viability and acceptance of the initiative. The feedback and suggestions received will inform adjustments to enhance the proposal’s practicality and alignment with the needs of the affected communities.

Lessons Learned and Future Adjustments

The overall experience underscored the importance of tailoring presentations to the audience’s understanding and ensuring that complex issues are communicated with clarity. Successful aspects of the presentation included engaging visuals and relatable examples that resonated with stakeholders. However, areas for improvement were identified, such as refining the articulation of intervention strategies and addressing potential implementation hurdles proactively. Lessons learned include the need for continuous refinement of communication skills and a deeper understanding of the practical nuances of implementing global health interventions in challenging environments.

Future adjustments will focus on streamlining communication, emphasizing cultural sensitivity, and incorporating practical solutions to anticipated challenges. Additionally, seeking further collaboration with stakeholders during the planning phase to address concerns and garner support will be prioritized for future presentations. The experiential learning from this presentation will serve as a foundation for more impactful and effective advocacy for global health initiatives in similar settings.


The global health disparities resulting from the Russo-Ukrainian War demand urgent attention and evidence-based interventions. By employing the RPA approach, this analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the health problem, identifies key determinants, and proposes strategies for improvement. The proposed educational resource or project aims to address the immediate and long-term health consequences, emphasizing the need for collaboration and stakeholder engagement. The practicum experience further enriches the learning process, offering insights into the real-world challenges of presenting solutions to global health issues.


Bhatia, G., & McClure, J. (2020, September 14). Ukraine: The latest coronavirus counts, charts and maps. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/graphics/world-coronavirus-tracker-andmaps/countries-and-territories/ukraine/

Butenop, J., Brake, T., Mauder, S., & Razum, O. (2022). Gesundheitliche lage in der ukraine vor kriegsbeginn und ihre relevanz für die versorgung ukrainischer geflüchteter in deutschland: Literaturdurchsicht, risikoanalyse und prioritätensetzung. Das Gesundheitswesen, 84(08/09), 679–688. https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1876-2423

Cooperrider, D. L., Whitney, D., & Stavros, J. M. (2008). Appreciative inquiry handbook: For leaders of change (2nd ed.). Williston, VT: Berrett-Koehler.

Fontanarosa, P. B., Flanagin, A., & Golub, R. M. (2022). Catastrophic health consequences of the war in Ukraine. JAMA, 327(16), 1549. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2022.6046

Gapminder. (n.d.). Ukraine. https://upgrader.gapminder.org/t/ukraine/

Internal Displacement Monitoring Center. (2022, May 18). Ukraine. IDMC. https://www.internal-displacement.org/countries/ukraine/

Mogilevkina, I., Gurianov, V., & Lindmark, G. (2022). Effectiveness of emergency obstetric care training at the regional level in Ukraine: A non-randomized controlled trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-022-04458-9

Office for New Americans. (2022). Governor’s office for new americans reiterates U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s uniting for Ukraine initiative. State of Nevada. https://ona.nv.gov/

Rawtani, D., Gupta, G., Khatri, N., Rao, P. K., & Hussain, C. (2022). Environmental damages due to war in Ukraine: A perspective. Science of The Total Environment, 850, 157932. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157932

UNESCO. (2022, December 26). Damaged cultural sites in Ukraine verified by UNESCO. https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/damagedcultural-sites-ukraine-verified-unesco

UNICEF. (2022, March 13). Stop attacks on health care in Ukraine. Humanitarian appeal. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/stop-attackshealth-care-ukraine

United Nations News. (2022, May 25). Cultural destruction in Ukraine by Russian forces will reverberate for years, UN rights expert warns. UN News. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/05/1119052

World Health Organization. (2022a, June 3). One hundred days of war has put Ukraine’s health system under severe pressure. https://www.who.int/news/item/03-06-2022-one-hundred-days-of-war-has-put-ukraine-shealth-system-under-severe-pressure

World Health Organization. (2022b, December 19). WHO provides assistive products for thousands of displaced people in Ukraine. WHO. https://www.who.int/ukraine/news/item/19-12-2022-who-provides-assistive-products-forthousands-of-displaced-people-in-ukraine

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 8014 Health Global Issue Problem Description Essay Example

For the DNP leader, assessing a community and empowering its members to lead and facilitate change are key components of promoting equitable health care across the globe. In this assessment, you will explore how rapid participatory appraisal (RPA) has been used successfully to address global health issues. You will also be reflecting on how global health issues are really human issues that transcend national boundaries.

Changing or improving a community’s health means engaging and involving community members and stakeholders in the business of change. It means organizing and empowering the vulnerable and disenfranchised as partners in change. It means entering the community with an appreciative and inquisitive attitude and building on existing capacities and paradigms.

Developed in the 1990s as a tool for qualitative action research, RPA is a type of investigation in which the change agent enters into the world of a community or social system to effect change through its people. RPA relies on respectful questioning and may use elements of appreciative inquiry (AI).

Cooperrider, Whitney, and Stavros (2008) described AI:

Fundamentally, AI is still about changing attitudes, behaviors, and practices through appreciative conversations and relationships—interactions designed to bring out the best in people so that they can imagine a preferred future together that is more hopeful, boundless, and inherently good. It is still about socially constructing a shared future and enacting human systems through the questions asked. And it is still about anticipatory learning—finding those positive, anticipatory images of the future that compel action toward them. (p. vi)

RPA can be a great place to start when seeking to intervene on a current health issue. Taking time to understand all aspects of the community—its people, culture, environment, policy, economics, and values—is imperative to making a lasting, sustainable difference in a health issue.


Cooperrider, D. L., Whitney, D., & Stavros, J. M. (2008). Appreciative inquiry handbook: For leaders of change (2nd ed.). Williston, VT: Berrett-Koehler.


This assignment is an opportunity for you to present a thoughtful analysis of your selected public health problem and the countries and people affected. This could be the health problem that you identified while exploring the Gapminder tool. The goal is to develop a brief project proposal or educational resource that you could present to a relevant public health officer or at a government or NGO chapter meeting. You may also wish to interview relevant stakeholders from the organization you plan to present. This could help provide you with additional ideas for how to pitch your project proposal or educational resource.

Remember to track the experiential hours you spend interviewing, preparing your proposal, and presenting it. This time can count toward your total practicum hours.


For this assessment, you will submit an analysis paper of your selected health issue and its relevant Gapminder data, using current APA style and formatting. In an appendix of this paper, you will include either your project proposal or educational resource for potentially improving outcomes related to your chosen health issue. You should also include a second appendix in which you briefly summarize your experience related to the presentation or meeting related to your proposal or resource.

Make sure you address the following scoring guide criteria in your analysis of a health issue with global implications:

  • Analyze an international health issue in regard to its effect on individuals, communities, and populations.
    • As you address the following questions, be sure to use epidemiological data (this could be Gapminder).
      • How pervasive is the problem?
      • What is the scope of the problem?
      • What nations or people are affected?
      • Which countries are disproportionately affected?
      • What inequities exist across countries?
  • Analyze data regarding the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences that affect the global health issue.
    • Because this section is a data analysis, be sure that data support your arguments here. This is another opportunity to include Gapminder data, but you may also want to draw from other sources.
      • How would you describe the population most affected?
      • What are the social determinants that affect this problem?
      • How do cultural beliefs affect the health problem?
      • How do geographical elements affect the health problem?
      • How does socioeconomic status affect the health problem?
      • How do political systems affect the health problem?
  • Evaluate strategies or research that has been used historically to address the global health issue.
    • Address the historical strategies that have been used. It will be necessary to explore social, economic, political, and environmental concerns to answer this question.
  • Develop an educational resource or project proposal focused on driving evidence-based improvements related to your chosen health issue.
    • Consider the target population and the relevant social determinants of health related to this health issue.
    • Also, keep in mind the setting in which the project would be occurring or the educational resource be distributed.
    • Target this artifact so that it is realistic within the context within which it will be implemented but also target it to the relevant stakeholder whom you will present it to.
    • Include this in an appendix of your submission.
  • Summarize the practicum experience of presenting a project proposal or educational resource to a relevant public health officer or at a chapter meeting of a relevant health organization.
    • Discuss how you felt conveying your proposal or resource.
    • Discuss how you felt it was received during the meeting.
    • Reflect on anything you might change if you were going to present at a similar meeting in the future.
    • This should only be two or three paragraphs.
    • Include this in an appendix of your assignment submission.

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NURS FPX 8014 Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Essay Example

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 1 Nongovernmental Agency Involved in Global IssuesNURS FPX 8014 Assessment 1 Nongovernmental Agency Involved in Global Issues

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 8014 – Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Assignment

Course: NURS-FPX8014 Global Population Health

Assignment Title: Assessment 1 Nongovernmental Agency Involved in Global Issues

Assignment Instructions Overview:

In this assignment, students are tasked with comprehensively exploring the role, challenges, and contributions of non-governmental agencies (NGOs) involved in global health issues. The focus is on understanding the distinctions between NGOs and government-sponsored public health organizations, shedding light on their unique dynamics, advantages, and obstacles. Additionally, students are required to conduct an interview with a public health leader to gain practical insights into the collaborative nature required to address global health challenges effectively.

The Student’s Role:

As a student, your role is to conduct in-depth research, ensuring a thorough understanding of the explicit differences between NGOs and government-sponsored organizations in the realm of global health. Engage critically with the advantages and challenges faced by NGOs, drawing insights from real-world interviews. Additionally, explore how NGOs gather and utilize data to meet specific criteria, and conclude by summarizing the essential contributions of NGOs in the interconnected web of global health.

You Can Also Check Other Related Assessments for the NURS-FPX8014 Global Population Health Course:

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 2 Global Issue Problem Description Example

NURS FPX 8014 Assessment 3: Leading Global Health Strategic Planning and Policy Development Notes Example

NURS FPX 8014 Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Essay Example


In recent times, the world has become more interconnected, emphasizing the importance of global collaboration in advancing healthcare. Both Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and governmental bodies play a crucial role in addressing global health challenges. Their joint efforts aim to tackle issues related to sickness and health within communities. The distribution of healthcare resources and the overall health of populations serve as key indicators of societal progress, irrespective of economic wealth (World Health Organization [WHO], 2022). Collaborative initiatives between governmental agencies and NGOs have been established to address healthcare disparities on a global scale (GrantSpace, n.d.). For nursing students, understanding the partnerships and impacts of these organizations on global health is essential. This paper focuses on the roles of NGOs and governmental organizations in the context of global health, highlighting the advantages that NGOs possess over government-run agencies. It also explores the challenges faced by both types of organizations, shedding light on the criteria influencing NGOs’ focus on specific health concerns. Additionally, the paper examines the funding dynamics and draws insights from a public health officer to understand recent problems and their resolution within the affiliated organization.

Differentiating Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from Governmental Public Health Organizations

In understanding the landscape of global health, it is imperative to draw a clear distinction between Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and governmental public health organizations. These entities play unique roles in promoting health equity, access to care, and addressing health disparities worldwide.

NGOs, such as Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), are non-profit organizations devoted to advancing health equity and universal access to care. This mission is achieved through numerous approaches such as advocacy, health literacy promotion, and the prevention of diseases by enhancing health outcomes and fostering social justice (Sisaye et al., 2021). Unlike governmental bodies, NGOs operate independently and are not directed, controlled, or affiliated with any specific government (GrantSpace, n.d.). Typically, NGOs are established to address specific health issues globally, aiming to positively impact health disparities (Sisaye et al., 2021).

NGOs exhibit diversity in their structure, being either operational or campaigning entities. Operational NGOs, like Helen Keller International, directly bring about change by implementing projects addressing public service needs. Their focus spans poverty alleviation, health and welfare programs, education, and environmental concerns, ultimately serving a particular cause. On the other hand, campaigning NGOs, which include Humanitarian NGOs, strive to influence political change, particularly in healthcare infrastructures (Sanadgol et al., 2021). The evolution of campaigning NGOs reflects a shift towards humanitarian approaches, emphasizing assistance and empowerment over scare tactics (GrantSpace, n.d). Financially, NGOs mainly sustain their operations through diverse means, including membership fees, grants, cooperative agreements, and government contracts. This approach ensures flexibility and independence in their activities.

In contrast, governmental public health organizations are integral parts of the government machinery, designed to serve and protect public health. Their core functions involve health assessment, policy development, and assurance. This encompasses monitoring health status, solving community health problems, diagnosing and investigating health issues, and developing policies through community education and empowerment. These organizations also enforce laws and regulations to safeguard health, ensuring safety and continuous monitoring of public health programs.

NGOs in public health do not engage in direct competition with non-profit organizations. Despite the potential receipt of government financing, NGOs remain non-profit entities, avoiding governmental control. Their global operations provide unique advantages to public health efforts (Sisaye et al., 2021). In contrast, governmental public health organizations, being state-run institutions, primarily focus on setting healthcare policies, regulatory monitoring, implementing public health initiatives, and gathering authorized government health statistics.

While NGOs and governmental organizations may both receive government financing, they operate differently. NGOs, despite obtaining government funding, remain non-profit entities, maintaining autonomy in their operations. This allows them to function globally and provide unique contributions to public health. Nevertheless, NGOs primarily receive donations from private entities, contributing to economic growth, medical research, and educational advancements. These donations encompass grants, annual membership fees, income from services and commodities, cooperative agreements, and government contracts. Conversely, government-sponsored programs seek state cash prizes through a challenging and competitive process. The legislative framework determines the distribution of government cash, requiring applicants to articulate the public and local community benefits before funding approval. NGOs, in contrast, streamline aid requests, ensuring a more straightforward process to promptly assist those in need.

Advantages of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Global Health

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a pivotal role in global health, offering distinct advantages over Governmental Public Health Organizations. These advantages contribute to their effectiveness and efficiency in addressing healthcare needs on a global scale (Sandagol et al., 2021).

NGOs, often viewed as alternative healthcare providers, share similar goals with governmental organizations, working towards the betterment of public health (Sayaiford et al., 2022). Notably, NGOs exhibit fewer financial constraints and less bureaucratic backlog than their governmental counterparts. This financial flexibility allows NGOs to swiftly deliver healthcare services to populations within a country, particularly in low-income areas, addressing challenges such as financial hardships, food insecurities, and inequitable resource distribution.

One of the key strengths of NGOs lies in their ability to focus on specific local areas rather than an entire nation. This targeted approach enables NGOs to tailor their activities to the immediate needs of distinct global populations. In contrast, government-sponsored public health programs are dependent on a country’s resources and revenue, often facing financial constraints that result in program cuts. Governmental agencies may encounter challenges due to extensive regulatory practices, leading to reduced productivity.

Governmental initiatives, by nature, are broad in scope, distributing funds across multiple areas simultaneously. This approach can contribute to unequal funding distribution and pockets of ineffective programs. Despite having robust data collection tools, government programs face challenges in terms of agility and responsiveness to emergent public health issues.

Public health NGOs, in comparison, offer several noteworthy benefits. Their agility allows them to respond swiftly to emerging health challenges. By focusing on specific areas of public health concern, NGOs can concentrate on targeted issues without being burdened by broader responsibilities (Sisaye, 2021). This specialization enables NGOs to provide unique and specialized solutions, testing innovative strategies before implementation in official initiatives. Additionally, public health NGOs often establish stronger connections with communities, fostering community involvement in public health initiatives. This community engagement enhances the effectiveness and sustainability of public health efforts.

Furthermore, public health NGOs enjoy greater creative latitude compared to government-sponsored initiatives. They can explore innovative approaches and leverage philanthropic funding, which complements government financing. This financial flexibility allows NGOs to access diverse funding sources, contributing to their adaptability and impact in the realm of global health.

Challenges Encountered by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Global Public Health

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) engaged in public health initiatives face distinctive challenges in contrast to government-sponsored programs. Addressing these hurdles is crucial for the effective functioning of public health NGOs (Sisaye, 2021).

One primary obstacle revolves around financial aspects. Unlike government initiatives funded through taxes, public health NGOs must actively secure diverse funding sources. This necessity introduces a complex dynamic where NGOs are accountable to the entities providing their finances. Additionally, NGOs lack the legal authority that government programs possess to enforce regulations compelling citizen participation, adding another layer of complexity (Sisaye, 2021).

The stability of governments compared to individual NGOs becomes apparent in the face of challenges. NGOs are susceptible to fluctuations in donor support or the influence of individuals seeking to exploit funds for political motives. Consequently, NGOs often find themselves navigating the intricate landscape of politics and its unpredictable nature.

Public health NGOs typically operate with fewer staff members and limited financial resources compared to their government-sponsored counterparts. This resource constraint may impact their ability to effectively reach and engage the populations they serve (Sisaye, 2021). Moreover, these NGOs frequently operate in challenging and potentially hostile environments, posing additional difficulties in performing their roles optimally.

Preserving transparency and preventing the misallocation of funds emerges as another significant challenge for many NGOs due to the absence of robust monitoring and accountability mechanisms. This lack of oversight can lead to potential misuse of funds, highlighting the importance of addressing this aspect for the integrity of public health NGOs.

Data Sufficiency for Non-Governmental Agencies Addressing Global Issues

Certain Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) choose to specialize in specific areas like health, education, or women’s rights, while others focus on particular regions or populations. The decision-making process for an NGO to concentrate on a specific area is guided by the identified needs of the community they aim to assist (WHO, 2021). Various factors, such as the cause, disease, or population the NGO intends to support, play a role in shaping their activities (Sanadgol et al., 2021).

In countries with limited access to healthcare, especially in developing or low-income nations, the potential impact on the local population becomes a significant criterion for NGO involvement (Sanadgol et al., 2021). The nature of a healthcare issue influences how an NGO engages with it (Sandgol et al., 2021). Additionally, the method through which donations are obtained can also influence the decision to get involved. Financial contributions to an affected community are crucial in the determination to bring about positive change (Sisaye et al., 2021).

NGOs often seek assistance by formally applying for aid, acting as representatives of the affected population (GrantSpace, n.d.). This involves a structured request from the NGO to the government or another NGO on behalf of the affected community (Sisaye et al., 2021). The success of such applications may hinge on various factors, including the manner in which they were submitted and the specific demographics affected by the disease or condition (Sisaye et al., 2021).

The criteria employed by most NGOs to address healthcare needs are contingent on the global concern and its impact on the lives of the intended beneficiaries. Ultimately, the primary goal of an NGO is to assist those in need and enhance their overall quality of life.

Interviewing Experience

In my pursuit of an interview with a leader from a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) or another public health official, I encountered several hurdles. Initially, my plan was to arrange an interview to gather firsthand information about an NGO, focusing on aspects like challenges, finances (if available), the organization’s primary cause, and its current engagements. However, my efforts faced setbacks as the two individuals I considered for the interview were unavailable. One suggested a meeting in two weeks via WhatsApp, and my preference was for a conversation with an NGO spokesperson serving a remote population with health challenges.

Despite my anticipation of an exciting encounter, my ideal experience did not materialize as expected. The promising leads I had envisioned did not pan out, leading to gaps in my research. I had already delved into potential concerns related to the specialized areas of these organizations, aiming to gain insights into the counties they served, the success of their campaigns, and potential projects to enhance their activities. Unfortunately, I could not explore specific details such as finances and their impact on the organization due to the unavailability of the intended interviewees.

However, my interview with a Public Health leader from Baltimore County proved to be invaluable. The leader emphasized the significance of collaboration between Public Health NGOs and Governmental Organizations. He highlighted the dwindling budgets in public healthcare and emphasized the renewed importance of Public Health, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This global health crisis shifted the focus of public health organizations at various levels, underlining the critical role these entities play in safeguarding population health.


In conclusion, this assessment provides a comprehensive exploration of the complex space occupied by public health NGOs, looking into their history, financial aspects, strengths, and challenges. By comparing these organizations with government-sponsored programs, we gain valuable insights into the unique contributions and hurdles faced by NGOs in the pursuit of global health goals. The interview experience, despite encountering challenges, emphasizes the indispensable need for collaboration in effectively addressing global health issues. In essence, this exploration significantly contributes to fostering an enhanced awareness of the indispensable role played by NGOs within the interconnected framework of global health.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 8014 Nongovernmental Agencies Involved in Global Issues Essay Example


The Institute of Medicine (1997, p. v) characterized the connection the United States has to global health in these words:

America has a vital and direct stake in the health of people around the globe, and that this interest derives from both America’s long and enduring tradition of humanitarian concern and compelling reasons of enlightened self-interest. Our considered involvement can serve to protect our citizens, enhance our economy, and advance U.S. interests abroad.

The health care community is recognizing that addressing health and disease issues must take place within a larger context—a global context. The health issues of developed and undeveloped countries are converging. The World Health Organization (2018) noted that the “development of a society, rich or poor, can be judged by the quality of its population’s health, how fairly health is distributed across the social spectrum, and the degree of protection provided from disadvantage as a result of ill-health” (“The Commission Calls,” para. 3).


Institute of Medicine. (1997). America’s vital interest in global health: Protecting our people, enhancing our economy, and advancing our international interests. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Retrieved from http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=5717

World Health Organization. (2008). Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Retrieved from http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2008/9789241…


Multiple government-funded agencies work worldwide to have a positive effect on health disparities across the globe. It is important for doctoral-prepared nurses to be aware of nongovernment funding organizations (NGOs) that are also affecting global health care issues.

NGOs originated with the formation of the United Nations in 1945. They are generally defined as nonprofit entities independent of governmental influence, although they may receive government funding. The term NGO is not typically applied to U.S.-based nonprofit organizations. Generally, the label is given to organizations operating on an international level, although some countries classify their own civil society groups as NGOs(GrantSpace, n.d.).

In this assessment, you are tasked with interviewing an individual from an NGO of interest that works in some way within the realm of public or global health. If you do not have such an organization that you are interested in, then it is acceptable to interview someone from your own organization who has a focus on public health and knowledge of working with NGOs. Remember that you should be looking for NGOs or population health considerations that are relevant to countries beyond just the United States.


Consider a health topic of your choice and investigate what current NGOs are doing on behalf of your chosen topic. (Keep in mind that the country you focus on in this course should not be the United States.) Remember, you need to make contact with your chosen NGO, or population health professional with knowledge of NGOs, and interview them. After your interview, evaluate the NGO, paying special attention to its ability (and potential willingness) to get help with your health topic of choice. For your assessment, make sure you are addressing the following:

  • Differentiate public health NGOs from governmental public health organizations.
    • Provide a history of the selected organization.
    • Examine the financial health of the organization including how much money the organization has raised for the selected program.
      • Include current data related to money raised, money distributed, and the effect on the health initiative.
    • Identify countries where this organization has a presence.
    • Explain how stakeholders and members are selected or join the organization.
  • Explain the advantages public health NGOs have over government-sponsored programs.
    • Compare NGOs to government-sponsored programs in terms of the following:
      • How donations are sought and obtained.
      • How funds are distributed.
      • How application for assistance is made.
  • Summarize the challenges public health NGOs have in comparison with government-sponsored programs.
  • Analyze the sufficiency of data available to meet the criteria that public health NGOs use to choose to get involved in a health issue.
    • Examine the determining criteria for this organization to get involved in a health issue.
      • Data used.
      • Scope or severity.
      • Degree of need.
    • Discuss how you would approach this agency for assistance.
  • Explain how your research and interviewing experiences challenged or met your assumptions about public health organizations and delivery.
    • What surprised (or aligned with your expectations) about public health delivery?
    • What surprised (or aligned with your expectations) about NGOs versus government-sponsored programs?
    • How has this experience affected you?

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NURS FPX 4000 Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue Essay Example

NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 4: Analyze a Current Health Care ProblemNHS FPX 4000 Assessment 4: Analyze a Current Health Care Problem

NURS FPX 4000 Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue Assignment Brief

Course: NHS FPX 4000 Developing a Health Care Perspective

Assignment Title: Assessment 4: Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem


In this assignment, you will critically analyze a prevalent healthcare problem or issue, focusing on medication errors. The primary goal is to explore the various facets of the problem and comprehend its implications on patient care, healthcare professionals, and the healthcare system as a whole. Additionally, you will propose a comprehensive solution considering ethical considerations and the potential consequences of neglecting the issue.

The Student’s Role:

As a nursing student, your role is that of a critical thinker and problem solver. Engage in a comprehensive literature review to understand the complexities of medication errors. Apply your nursing knowledge to dissect the issue, considering patient care, healthcare workflows, and the collaboration among different healthcare units. Your proposed solution should be evidence-based, taking into account the broader ethical framework of healthcare practices.

NURS FPX 4000 Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue Essay Example: Analyzing Medication Errors in Healthcare


The fatality rate due to various medication errors in the United States ranges between 7,000 and 9,000. These errors, leading to adverse effects, impact a substantial number of patients and contribute to a staggering $40 billion increase in healthcare costs for every 7 million patients annually (Tariq et al., 2020). Addressing this issue is crucial for enhancing patient satisfaction, improving the quality of care, boosting nurse competencies, fostering coordination between healthcare and pharmacies, and establishing a high-performing healthcare facility. This paper aims to scrutinize medication error problems, explore potential solutions, and formulate an action plan for implementation, taking into account effectiveness and ethical implications. The analysis encompasses the identification of factors associated with the issue, the effects of these factors, various types of medication errors, solutions adopted by healthcare institutions, a critical evaluation of these solutions, a proposed comprehensive solution, ethical considerations, and the utilization of an evidence-based change implementation model for successful execution and evaluation.

Elements of the Problem/Issue

Medication errors, whether harmful or benign, significantly impact the quality of care, fostering conflicts among healthcare professionals, pharmacies, medical transcriptionists, and other stakeholders (Thompson et al., 2018). Additionally, these errors diminish patients’ trust in healthcare. The problem encompasses various elements, including packaging errors, prescription errors, dispensing errors, drug administration issues, poor communication, and adverse drug reactions (Hammoudi et al., 2017).

Packaging errors manifest in two forms. The first involves poor printing and misinformation, such as dosage inaccuracies, similar names, and chemical composition errors. Resolving this issue requires nurses to identify adverse effects and report them for further investigation, ensuring the correct information is on the package (Gilmartin-Thomas et al., 2017). Dispensing units can also detect minor errors on the packaging. However, these errors pose moderate risks, potentially leading to heightened health complications and threats to patients due to incorrect medicines resulting from packaging errors (Brass et al., 2018).

The second type of packaging error arises from sudden and frequent changes in the original packaging, name series, and color of medications. Research by Gilmartin-Thomas et al. (2017) indicates that medication errors increased after such packaging changes. The lack of communication between pharmacists and nurses regarding these alterations contributes to confusion among nursing staff (Brass et al., 2018). The probability of errors in this scenario is moderate.

Prescription errors exhibit a wide range, from 6% to 77.7% (Korb-Savoldelli et al., 2018), making them highly likely. These errors stem from lapses, mistakes, and miscalculations due to similarities in pharmaceuticals and drug names, incomplete patient and drug information on prescriptions, and the use of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems (Kadmon et al., 2017). Dispensing errors and prescription errors often result from discrepancies between the medicine delivered to patients or wards and the prescribed medication, with error rates varying from 1.25% to 45% (Abdel-Qader et al., 2020; Kumar et al., 2019).

Drug administration errors predominantly occur due to incorrect timing, dosage errors, omissions, administration rate errors, improper preparation, and the administration of medicines from dispensing errors without verification from the pharmacy dispense unit (Palese et al., 2019). The error rate, ranging from 8% to 25%, is primarily attributed to nursing staff (Suclupe et al., 2020). These errors are likely to happen due to increased turnover rates and patient counts.

Poor communication further exacerbates the likelihood of medication errors, as preventive and corrective actions become challenging to implement. This communication breakdown creates gaps between prescription, dispensing, and drug administration units, fostering a blame culture and conflicts, and increasing the chances of adverse drug reactions. Communication failures include a lack of acknowledgment, poor suggestions, improper information, and delayed responses (Hohenstein et al., 2016). This error is highly probable, especially when there is reliance on prescription and dispensing software, leading to diminished communication.

Analysis of the Problem/Issue

Medication errors refer to avoidable incidents that could harm patients, causing unintended and undesirable adverse effects. Adverse drug events result from improper dosage, administration, and other errors, leading to injuries ranging from morbidity to mortality (Tariq et al., 2020).

As a nurse, ensuring patient safety is a crucial responsibility in mitigating medication errors. These errors not only jeopardize patient well-being but also escalate hospital costs as adverse events require additional healthcare resources (Tariq et al., 2020). Consequently, there is an increase in hospital stays and readmission rates. Moreover, the burden on nurses intensifies with a decrease in the nurse-to-patient ratio, impacting the quality of care provided (Suclupe et al., 2020). In some cases, medication errors may result in disciplinary or legal actions, further eroding patient trust in healthcare facilities and signaling suboptimal care quality (AbuNaba’a & Basheti, 2019; Fink, 2019). Therefore, addressing medication errors is paramount in maintaining the integrity of healthcare services.

Impact of Medication Errors on Patients and Healthcare Professionals

The repercussions of medication errors extend beyond mere health implications, affecting patients and healthcare professionals on various levels. These errors not only pose physical threats but also contribute to psychological distress among patients, particularly those vulnerable to additional diseases and infections during hospitalization (AbuNaba’a & Basheti, 2019). Patients experiencing adverse drug events may develop psychological concerns such as stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to a lack of motivation for seeking further treatment (Zolnoori et al., 2019).

Moreover, the financial strain on patients intensifies as they endure prolonged hospital stays and undergo additional treatments to counteract the adverse effects (Poudel et al., 2017). Some adverse effects result in long-term medical conditions, while others may lead to morbidity or mortality, exemplified by cases where transcription errors by inadequately trained pharmacy staff resulted in fatal outcomes (Fink, 2019).

For healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, the overarching impact manifests as diminished job satisfaction due to the association of increased medication errors with suboptimal professional conduct. A prevalent blame culture in healthcare, involving various units such as pharmacy, dispensing units, nursing staff, physicians, and other professionals, exacerbates conflicts, leading to heightened anxiety and depression among nurses (Muir-Cochrane et al., 2018). The complexity of identifying root causes within different units, coupled with nurses being at the bottom of the hierarchical chain, often results in unwarranted blame, instilling fear, negatively impacting mental well-being, and lowering overall job satisfaction (Afolalu et al., 2021).

Considering Options: Solutions, Responses, or Answers

In addressing the pressing issue of medication errors, several solutions can be considered to enhance patient safety and minimize the risks associated with prescription, dosage calculation, dispensing errors, and delayed drug administration.

One key solution involves fostering direct communication among nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and suppliers. This approach aims to reduce errors by integrating medication error reporting into the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system and documentation. Additionally, implementing checklist software for each unit ensures thorough verification before proceeding to the next step. Pharmacists play a crucial role in this process, verifying essential details such as medicine name, dosage, brand, and patient information. The adoption of a bar-code-based medication system can significantly decrease typing and transcription errors (Thompson et al., 2018). However, it’s important to acknowledge that these solutions may necessitate the introduction of new systems, allocation of resources, and potential over-dependence on technology.

Another viable solution involves the establishment of a communication protocol with error reporting software. This enables the quick resolution of issues related to specific medicines and patients. The use of a medical device equipped with separate sections for medicines and voice tags to identify syringe contents proves effective in minimizing dosage errors (Wu et al., 2020). Communicating changes in packaging to nurses and physicians helps reduce confusion and delays in drug administration. Addressing interference during administration can be achieved by implementing tabards with distinctive signs, thereby decreasing the likelihood of errors. Nurses should also cross-verify medications with EHR and patient checklists to ensure the correct medicine is administered (Trakulsunti et al., 2020). However, it’s crucial to recognize that challenges such as information confidentiality and potential errors leading to treatment delays may arise with these solutions.

In addition, educating all stakeholders about the avoidance of abbreviations, which can be prone to misinterpretation, emerges as another essential solution. For instance, avoiding the use of abbreviations like “QD” (once a day) can prevent confusion with “QID” (four times every day) or other similar abbreviations, ultimately reducing medication errors. Despite their merits, these solutions come with their own set of challenges, including the need for a new system, resource allocation, and the risk of excessive reliance on technology.

Potential Consequences of Ignoring the Problem/Issue

Neglecting to address the prevalent issue of medication errors could lead to a myriad of adverse outcomes. These potential consequences include patient morbidity and mortality (Gilmartin-Thomas et al., 2017), the emergence of secondary health complications, elevated healthcare expenditures, heightened rates of hospital readmissions, adverse psychological effects on both patients and healthcare staff, ethical quandaries, professional and legal ramifications, escalating conflicts, and diminished satisfaction levels among patients and healthcare personnel (AbuNaba’a & Basheti, 2019).

Proposed Solution

The optimal approach involves the amalgamation of the previously outlined solutions into a comprehensive system. Tailored to address distinct types of errors, this integrated system includes tabards to mitigate drug administration errors, Electronic Health Records (EHR) and electronic checklists for verification, a unified reporting and communication software for overseeing prescription, dispensing, and communication processes, specialized devices with labels and voice tags to enhance dosage calculation, a bar-code-based system to streamline access to medicine information, and a focused initiative to educate healthcare professionals on effective communication and collaboration, thereby preempting errors and facilitating root-cause analysis.

Ethical Implications and Implementation of the Potential Solution

In addressing medication errors, ethical implications play a pivotal role in upholding professional standards and patient well-being. Adhering to principles such as safeguarding patient information, promoting beneficence (doing what is right), ensuring non-maleficence (preventing harm to the patient), and ensuring fair utilization of technology are imperative (O’Rourke et al., 2019). Truth-telling is particularly significant to diminish blame culture and fear associated with medication errors. Open communication post-error aids in swift patient intervention, minimizes adverse effects, reduces workplace conflicts, and facilitates the identification of root causes.

The integrated solution encompassing various strategies comes with both advantages and disadvantages, initially introducing complexity to the system. It is crucial to embrace Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) models like the Iowa EBP model for implementation. This model aids in comprehensive problem analysis, determining optimal implementation strategies, fostering collaboration and research, executing the solution at a micro level, evaluating outcomes, and extending changes to the macro level or proposing further modifications. Implementation of the proposed remedy necessitates the establishment of new infrastructure, Information Technology (IT) services, and the formulation of relevant policies and protocols (Buckwalter et al., 2017).


Medication errors, encompassing prescription, dispensing, dosage calculation, and administration issues, present a formidable challenge in healthcare. Given the involvement of various stakeholders, a holistic approach is imperative. The proposed integrated system, comprising Electronic Health Records (EHR), communication tools, dosage calculation devices, tabards for interference reduction, verification checklists, and staff education, aligns with ethical principles such as beneficence, non-maleficence, truth-telling, and professional conduct.

To effectively implement and assess the impact of this solution, the adoption of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) models, exemplified by the Iowa model, becomes indispensable. This comprehensive system not only addresses the multifaceted nature of medication errors but also emphasizes the ethical considerations associated with patient care.

Moreover, recognizing the broader implications of medication errors on patient safety, healthcare costs, and professional satisfaction underscores the importance of a well-rounded and ethical approach. Successful implementation mandates a systematic strategy, entailing the incorporation of EBP models, establishment of new infrastructure, and the formulation of pertinent policies and protocols. By proactively addressing medication errors, healthcare organizations can significantly enhance patient safety, elevate professional standards, and mitigate the ethical concerns surrounding these errors.


Abdel-Qader, D. H., Almeslamani, A. Z., & AbuRuz, M. E. (2020). Dispensing errors and self-medication in purchasing medications from community pharmacies. Patient Preference and Adherence, 14, 1273–1280. https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S253149

AbuNaba’a, H., & Basheti, I. (2019). Assessment of medication errors and adherence to WHO prescription writing guidelines in a tertiary care hospital. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 12, 11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40545-019-0184-5

Afolalu, E. F., Hossain, M. M., & Hensley, M. K. (2021). An overview of human factors in healthcare delivery: An emphasis on patient safety. Healthcare, 9(5), 556. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9050556

Brass, E. P., Creighton, S., Cutler, D., Gatwood, J., Gertner, E., Handelsman, D. J., … & Vogel, R. I. (2018). Leveraging technology and data science to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes. Medical Care, 56(10), 907–909. https://doi.org/10.1097/MLR.0000000000000981

Buckwalter, K. C., Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Kleiber, C., McCarthy, A. M., Rakel, B., & Rindflesch, A. (2017). Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice: Revisions and validation. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(3), 175–182. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12218

Fink, J. L. (2019). Medication errors: Preventing harm in the first place. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 42(2), 77–86. https://doi.org/10.1097/NAN.0000000000000324

Gilmartin-Thomas, J. F., Kennedy, M. A., Palsson, R., & Kenealy, T. (2017). Health information technology and patient safety. Evidence-Based Medicine, 22(1), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.1136/ebmed-2016-110555

Hammoudi, B. M., Ismaile, S., Abu Yahya, O., Ibdah, R., Malaekah, H., Malaekah, H., & Issa, M. A. (2017). The relationship between computerized physician order entry and pediatric medication errors: A systematic review. Pediatric Reports, 9(3), 7300. https://doi.org/10.4081/pr.2017.7300

Hohenstein, C., Schwarz, U., Goltz, L., & Schmidt, A. (2016). Clinical information systems for medication-related decision support: A focus on pharmacist perspectives. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 41(3), 246–262. https://doi.org/10.3109/17538157.2015.1118879

Kadmon, G., Breuch‐MORITZ, M. L., Feyerherd, F., & Schneeweiss, A. (2017). Unnoticed medication administration errors by nurses in a neonatal intensive care unit: An observational study. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 46(3), 431–440. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jogn.2016.11.010

Korb-Savoldelli, V., Boussadi, A., Durieux, P., Sabatier, B., & Durand, M. (2018). Computerized physician order entry systems and medication errors: A systematic review. Journal of Medicinal Systems, 42(2), 20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-018-0895-z

Kumar, A. S., Wu, W. C., Tan, Y. Q., Shekhar, S., Shah, N. K., & Gu, H. (2019). Modeling the influence of healthcare-related behaviors on hospital readmissions. PLOS ONE, 14(6), e0210694. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210694

Muir-Cochrane, E., Gerace, A., Mosel, K., Oster, C., & O’Kane, D. (2018). Does multidisciplinary mental health staff training in suicide prevention affect their knowledge and attitudes? Journal of Mental Health, 27(1), 39–47. https://doi.org/10.3109/09638237.2017.1373112

O’Rourke, M. K., Hurtado, G. A., Mendoza, K., Haugen, B., Varnell, A., Burney, R. O., … & Blethen, S. (2019). Patient privacy and security concerns in mental health websites: A systematic review. Health Communication, 34(14), 1719–1729. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2018.1506901

Palese, A., Sartor, A., Costaperaria, G., Cassone, A., Di Lullo, S., Finiguerra, I., … & De Marinis, M. G. (2019). Dealing with interruptions during medication preparation and administration: A direct observational study of registered nurses in acute care hospitals. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(2), 277–285. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.12673

Poudel, A., Quach, S., Poulos, C. J., Nguyen, T. V., & Kemp-Casey, A. (2017). Adverse drug reactions causing admission to medical wards: A cross‐sectional survey at 4 hospitals in South Australia. Drug Safety, 40(7), 597–606. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40264-017-0510-4

Suclupe, P. M., Marques, T. C., Alves, A. C. F., & Guedes, M. V. C. (2020). Medication errors in the preparation and administration of drugs. International Archives of Medicine, 13, 35. https://doi.org/10.3823/3369

Tariq, R. A., Vashisht, R., & Sinha, A. (2020). Medication dispensing errors and prevention. StatPearls [Internet]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532961/

Thompson, R. F., Valdez, R. S., & Doraiswamy, P. (2018). Fixing the Medicare Crisis: Is it the silver tsunami or the silver lining that drives innovation in health care for older adults? Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 4, 2333721418796364. https://doi.org/10.1177/2333721418796364

Trakulsunti, Y., Sapin, A., & Meidchoo, T. (2020). Medication administration errors in Thai hospitals: Perspectives of nurses and nursing students. Enfermería Clínica (English Edition), 30, 411–416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.10.102

Wu, W. C., Mazumdar, M., & Tom, M. (2020). Using mobile technologies to support medication adherence for persons with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 71(3), 280–283. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.201900223

Zolnoori, M., Fung, K., Lee, S., Daryabeygi-Khotbehsara, R., & Wong, W. K. (2019). Data science in health informatics: Fostering innovations towards intelligent medicine. Journal of Medical Systems, 43(8), 260. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-019-1388-2

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 4000 Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue Essay


  • Write a 4-6 page analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications.


In your health care career, you will be confronted with many problems that demand a solution. By using research skills, you can learn what others are doing and saying about similar problems. Then, you can analyze the problem and the people and systems it affects. You can also examine potential solutions and their ramifications. This assessment allows you to practice this approach with a real-world problem.

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  1. Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2 (from the Assessment Topic Areas media piece) and provide details about it.
    • Explore your chosen topic. For this, you should use the first four steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking. This approach was introduced in Assessment 2.
    • Identify possible causes for the problem or issue.
  2. Use scholarly information to describe and explain the health care problem or issue and identify possible causes for it.
    • Identify at least three scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic.
      • You may find the How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles? library guide helpful in locating appropriate references.
      • You may use articles you found while working on Assessment 2 or you may search the Capella library for other articles.
      • You may find the applicable Undergraduate Library Research Guide helpful in your search.
    • Review the Think Critically About Source Quality to help you complete the following:
      • Assess the credibility of the information sources.
      • Assess the relevance of the information sources.
  1. Analyze the health care problem or issue.
    • Describe the setting or context for the problem or issue.
    • Describe why the problem or issue is important to you.
    • Identify groups of people affected by the problem or issue.
    • Provide examples that support your analysis of the problem or issue.
  2. Discuss potential solutions for the health care problem or issue.
    • Describe what would be required to implement a solution.
    • Describe potential consequences of ignoring the problem or issue.
    • Provide the pros and cons for one of the solutions you are proposing.
  3. Explain the ethical principles (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if potential solution was implemented.
    • Describe what would be necessary to implement the proposed solution.
    • Explain the ethical principles that need to be considered (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if the potential solution was implemented.
    • Provide examples from the literature to support the points you are making.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • APA tutorial: Use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] for guidance.
  • Written communication: Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
  • Using outside sources: Integrate information from outside sources into academic writing by appropriately quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, following APA style.
  • References: Integrate information from outside sources to include at least three scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles and three in-text citations within the paper.
  • APA format: Follow current APA guidelines for in-text citations of outside sources in the body of your paper and also on the reference page.

Organize your paper using the following structure and headings:

  • Title page. A separate page.
  • Introduction. A brief one-paragraph statement about the purpose of the paper.
  • Elements of the problem/issue. Identify the elements of the problem or issue or question.
  • Analysis. Analyze, define, and frame the problem or issue.
  • Considering options. Consider solutions, responses, or answers.
  • Solution. Choose a solution, response, or answer.
  • Ethical implications. Ethical implications of implementing the solution.
  • Implementation. Implementation of the potential solution.
  • Conclusion. One paragraph.

Competencies Measured:

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply information literacy and library research skills to obtain scholarly information in the field of health care.
    • Use scholarly information to describe and explain a health care problem or issue and identify possible causes for it.
  • Competency 2: Apply scholarly information through critical thinking to solve problems in the field of health care.
    • Analyze a health care problem or issue by describing the context, explaining why it is important and identifying populations affected by it.
    • Discuss potential solutions for a health care problem or issue and describe what would be required to implement a solution.
  • Competency 3: Apply ethical principles and academic standards to the study of health care.
    • Explain the ethical principles (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if potential solution was implemented
  • Competency 4: Write for a specific audience, in appropriate tone and style, in accordance with Capella’s writing standards.
    • Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
    • Write following APA style for in-text citations, quotes, and references.

Scoring Guide


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NURS FPX 4000 Applying Research Skills Capella Example Paper

NURS FPX 4000 Capella 4000 Assessment 2: Applying Research SkillsNURS FPX 4000 Assessment 2: Applying Research Skills

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 4000 Applying Research Skills Capella Example Paper

Course: NHS FPX 4000 Developing a Health Care Perspective

Assignment Title: Assessment 2: Applying Research Skills: Annotated Bibliography and Summary


In this assignment, you will delve into the critical aspect of healthcare access issues by researching and compiling an annotated bibliography and summary. Focused on a current healthcare problem or issue of your choosing, you will explore best practices and contribute to the ongoing dialogue within the healthcare sector. This assignment not only refines your research skills but also lays the groundwork for Assessment 3, where you will further build upon your findings.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

This task necessitates selecting and thoroughly researching a contemporary healthcare problem or issue faced by a healthcare organization. By adhering to the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach, you will engage in critical thinking to comprehensively understand and address the chosen topic. The goal is to contribute evidence-based insights and recommendations to the broader field of healthcare.

The Student’s Role:

As the student, your role is to identify a health care problem or issue from the Assessment Topic Areas provided. You will then write a succinct overview of the chosen topic, including a personal reflection on your interest and any relevant professional experiences. Your task involves conducting a thorough search for scholarly, peer-reviewed literature using appropriate databases and keywords related to the selected healthcare problem. Subsequently, you will assess the credibility of the information sources, selecting four current scholarly articles that contribute to understanding and addressing the chosen issue.

The next step is to write an annotated bibliography following the APA format. Each annotation should summarize the purpose, main arguments, covered topics, and conclusions of the selected articles. In a separate section, you will summarize the key points learned from your research, emphasizing the contributions of the chosen sources to your understanding of the healthcare problem.

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 4000 Applying Research Skills Capella Example Paper


Healthcare systems globally face numerous challenges stemming from various obstacles that must be tackled to prevent adverse health outcomes. A significant hurdle in healthcare is limited accessibility. This subject holds my interest as ensuring adequate healthcare access for every individual is a crucial goal. Collaboration between healthcare providers, governmental bodies, and policymakers is essential to achieve positive outcomes in this regard. During my professional experiences in low-economic communities, I noted the absence of primary care facilities in many areas. The scarcity of qualified healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses, exacerbates the vulnerability of people in rural regions to negative health consequences.

Utilizing Peer-Reviewed Articles to Address Limited Healthcare Access

Maintaining good health is crucial for a comprehensive and economically sound life. Achieving this requires essential access to quality healthcare facilities to prevent illnesses and lead a productive life. The World Health Organization recognizes healthcare as a fundamental human right, emphasizing the responsibility to ensure every citizen’s basic health rights (Zegeye et al., 2021). Inadequate healthcare access stems from factors like geographical locations, shortage of healthcare providers, transportation issues, and lack of awareness. These challenges contribute to poor health outcomes, heightened morbidity and mortality rates, and eventually lead to financial crises, particularly in developing countries (Dawkins et al., 2021). Globally, about 400 million individuals lack proper healthcare access, with approximately 8 million facing mortality due to untreated diseases, placing a significant economic burden of around $6 trillion.

The inclusion of these peer-reviewed articles is motivated by their explicit insights into the topic. The author identifies key factors contributing to limited healthcare access, paving the way for the development of effective strategies to ensure quality healthcare for all. These articles are recently published, ensuring that the information presented is current and up-to-date.

The selected articles, forming part of the annotated bibliography, are sourced from various databases, including Capella University’s Library, BioMed Central, PubMed Central, Google Scholar, CINAHL, and ScienceDirect. Efficient research is facilitated by using relevant keywords such as “limited access to healthcare,” “lack of availability of health facilities,” “healthcare access in low and middle-income countries,” “healthcare made available,” and “the importance of healthcare accessibility” (Zegeye et al., 2021; Dawkins et al., 2021).

Evaluating Credibility and Relevance of Resources

To determine the credibility and relevance of articles, the CRAAP test serves as a standard assessment tool. This test is designed to ensure the use of authentic and credible resources for describing and addressing healthcare issues (Lewis, 2018). CRAAP, representing Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose, is applied to assess sources for the annotated bibliography. Priority is given to relevance, emphasizing the identification of topic-related articles using specified keywords. Additionally, filters were applied to databases to include only articles from the past 5 years, maintaining credibility through up-to-date publications. Authors and publication journals were authenticated, and information was justified with reliable sources. The chosen articles were also assessed for their purpose, aligning with the topic of limited healthcare access.

Including these evidence-based and credible resources in the annotated bibliography aims to precisely describe the healthcare issue, identify obstacles, and assist readers in developing effective strategies for achieving positive health outcomes (Lewis, 2018).

Annotated Bibliography

Brusnahan, A., Carrasco-Tenezaca, M., Bates, B. R., Roche, R., & Grijalva, M. J. (2022). Identifying health care access barriers in southern rural Ecuador. International Journal for Equity in Health, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-022-01660-1

The objective of this article is to introduce the Health Care Access Barrier (HCAB) Model, providing a framework to identify hindrances to healthcare access in southern rural Ecuador and develop effective solutions. The HCAB model categorizes barriers into three broad categories—financial, structural, and cognitive—further subdivided into themes. The research identifies various barriers affecting the people of Ecuador and proposes interventions such as establishing mobile clinics/primary care. Despite these recommendations, further research is suggested.

This article adheres to the CRAAP criteria, ensuring credibility. It meets the standards of currency (published in 2022), relevance (focused on identifying barriers to healthcare access), authority (authored by healthcare professionals, published in a peer-reviewed journal), accuracy (backed by relevant sources with explicit research findings), and purpose (raising awareness about a framework applicable worldwide for better barrier identification) (Brusnahan et al., 2022).

Coombs, N. C., Campbell, D. G., & Caringi, J. (2022). A qualitative study of rural healthcare providers’ views of social, cultural, and programmatic barriers to healthcare access. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-07829-2

This cited article presents a study involving 12 healthcare providers from a rural U.S. area, sharing their perspectives on barriers to healthcare access. It highlights that limited healthcare access is a prevalent issue, particularly in underdeveloped regions. The identified reasons include a shortage of healthcare providers, cultural disparities, lack of resources, and fragmented communication. The study recommends vigilant monitoring of every aspect to enhance health outcomes for the rural population.

Published in 2022, this article is pertinent to the bibliography. Its authors and research participants are healthcare professionals, ensuring firsthand experiences and accuracy in the provided information. Given the profound issue of limited healthcare access in rural areas, awareness of these barriers becomes crucial for immediate and effective intervention (Coombs et al., 2022).

George, M. S., Davey, R., Mohanty, I., & Upton, P. (2020). “Everything is provided free, but they are still hesitant to access healthcare services”: Why does the indigenous community in Attapadi, Kerala continue to experience poor access to healthcare? International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-020-01216-1

This article aims to uncover the reasons behind the persistent poor health outcomes among the people of Kerala, despite the provision of advanced healthcare facilities. Through an in-depth study, the authors conclude that enhancing healthcare access in these communities requires culturally tailored interventions, aligning with their traditions and lifestyles, and actively involving community members.

The article holds relevance as many communities globally encounter similar challenges, with limited healthcare access due to cultural and societal preferences. It provides valuable insights for healthcare providers to formulate culturally sensitive plans. The credibility of the article is affirmed by its recent publication date, the reputable journal it appears in, alignment with current healthcare trends, and a purpose that contributes meaningful insights to the field (George et al., 2020).

Learnings from this Assessment

Several insights have been gained from this evaluation:

Firstly, tackling any healthcare issue necessitates evidence-based research. This approach ensures a thorough examination of the topic and the discovery of relevant interventions for effective issue resolution.

Secondly, recognizing the credibility of resources is crucial. Utilizing a standard test helps ensure that all information used in crafting plans is not only credible but also reliable and pertinent to the addressed topic.

Engaging with various articles concerning limited healthcare access has enhanced my existing knowledge. This exposure has deepened my comprehension of the significance of healthcare access and the necessity of identifying barriers. This newfound understanding will prove beneficial in applying the acquired knowledge within the communities where I practice.


Addressing limited healthcare access requires a thorough understanding of barriers and evidence-based interventions. The annotated bibliography provides valuable insights into the versatile nature of the issue, offering frameworks and recommendations for improving healthcare accessibility globally. By identifying and addressing these challenges, healthcare systems can work towards achieving equitable and comprehensive healthcare for all.


Brusnahan, A., Carrasco-Tenezaca, M., Bates, B. R., Roche, R., & Grijalva, M. J. (2022). Identifying health care access barriers in southern rural Ecuador. International Journal for Equity in Health, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-022-01660-1

Coombs, N. C., Campbell, D. G., & Caringi, J. (2022). A qualitative study of rural healthcare providers’ views of social, cultural, and programmatic barriers to healthcare access. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-07829-2

Dawkins, B., Renwick, C., Ensor, T., Shinkins, B., Jayne, D., & Meads, D. (2021). What factors affect patients’ ability to access healthcare? An overview of systematic reviews. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 26(10), 1177–1188. https://doi.org/10.1111/tmi.13651

George, M. S., Davey, R., Mohanty, I., & Upton, P. (2020). “Everything is provided free, but they are still hesitant to access healthcare services”: Why does the indigenous community in Attapadi, Kerala continue to experience poor access to healthcare? International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-020-01216-1

Lewis, A. B. (2018). What does bad information look like? using the CRAAP test for evaluating substandard resources. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (88). https://doi.org/10.29173/istl1724

Rollins, J. A. (2017). Healthcare: It’s “So complicated.” Pediatric Nursing, 43(2), 58, 102.

U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. (2017). Evidence-based practice and health technology assessment. Retrieved from https://www.nlm.nih.gov/hsrinfo/evidence_based_practice.html

Zegeye, B., El-Khatib, Z., Ameyaw, E. K., Seidu, A.-A., Ahinkorah, B. O., Keetile, M., & Yaya, S. (2021). Breaking barriers to healthcare access: A multilevel analysis of individual- and community-level factors affecting women’s access to healthcare services in Benin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 750. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18020750

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS FPX 4000 Applying Research Skills Capella Example Paper



Create a 4-6 page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue of interest to you.For this assessment, you will select and research a current health care problem or issue faced by a health care organization. Read each portion of the assessment carefully and use the Suggested Resources to help you complete the assessment. This assessment provides an opportunity to apply research skills to a current health care problem or issue.SHOW MORE


Read the Assessment 2 Context document for an explanation of why research skills are important for health care leaders.

Questions to Consider

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, a family member, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

    • How do you approach a problem or issue within your organization, when you observe it?
    • How often have you needed to find credible information to solve a personal or professional problem? How did you find the information you needed?
    • What are peer-reviewed resources? Why are peer-reviewed resources considered to be credible and valid?
    • How would you explore evidence-based best practices in your field of study?
  • Toggle Drawer





The following resources are required to complete the assessment.


The resources provided here are optional and support the assessment. They provide helpful information about topics related to the assessment. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The undergraduate Library Guide for your program, under Resources for Research and Annotated Bibliographies below, can help direct your research. The Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.

Resources for Research and Annotated Bibliographies

Resources for Writing

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.For this assessment, you will research best practices related to a current health care problem. Your selected problem or issue will be utilized again in Assessment 3. To explore your chosen topic, you should use the first two steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach as described on Campus to aid your critical thinking.

  1. View the Assessment Topic Areas media piece linked in the Resources and select one of the health care problems or issues in the media piece to research. Write a brief overview of the selected topic. In your overview:
      • Describe the health care problem or issue.
      • Describe your interest in the topic.
      • Describe any professional experience you have with this topic.
  1. Conduct a search for scholarly or academic peer-reviewed literature related to the topic and describe the criteria you used to search for articles, including the names of the databases you used.
      • You will want to access the applicable Undergraduate Library Research Guide related to your degree (found at the NHS Learner Success Lab) for tips to help you in your search.
      • Use keywords related to the health care problem or issue you are researching to select relevant articles.
  1. Assess the credibility of the information sources you find.
      • Determine if the source is from an academic peer-reviewed journal.
      • Determine if the publication is current.
      • Determine if information in the academic peer-reviewed journal article is still relevant.
  1. Select four current scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles published during the past three to five years that relate to your topic.
  2. Explain the relevance of the information sources.
      • Describe how the health care problem or issue is addressed in each source.
      • Discuss what kind of contribution each source provides on your selected topic.
  1. Analyze the scholarly literature or academic peer-reviewed journal articles using the annotated bibliography organizational format.
      • The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to document a list of references along with key information about each one. The detail about the reference is the annotation. Developing this annotated bibliography will create a foundation of knowledge about the selected topic.
      • List the full reference for the source in APA format (author, date, title, publisher, et cetera) and use APA format for the annotated bibliography.
      • Make sure the references are listed in alphabetical order, are double-spaced, and use hanging indents.
      • Follow the reference with the annotation.
  1. In your annotation:
      • Identify the purpose of the article.
      • Summarize the source:
        • What are the main arguments?
        • What topics are covered?
      • Include the conclusions and findings of the article.
      • Write your annotation in a paragraph form. The annotation should be approximately 150 words (1 to 3 paragraphs) in length.
  1. In a separate paragraph or two at the end of the paper, summarize what you learned from your research.
      • List the main points you learned about.
      • Summarize the main contributions of the sources you chose and how they enhanced your knowledge about the topic.

Example Assessment: You may use the assessment example, linked in the Assessment Example section of the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.


  1. Length: At least 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
  2. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  3. APA Template: Use the APA Style Paper Template as the paper format and the APA Style Paper Tutorial for guidance. See the Resources for these documents.
  4. Written communication: Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
  5. Content: Provide a title page and reference page following APA style.
  6. References: Use at least four scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles.
  7. APA format: Follow current APA guidelines for in-text citation of outside sources in the body of your paper and also on the reference page.

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NURS FPX 4010 Stakeholder Presentation Example Paper

NURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4: Stakeholder Presentation Example AssignmentNURS FPX 4010 Assessment 4: Stakeholder Presentation Example Assignment

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 4010 Stakeholder Presentation Example Paper

Course: Leading People, Processes, and Organizations in Interprofessional Practice

Assignment Title: Assessment 4: Stakeholder Presentation- Enhancing Medication Management

Assignment Overview:

In this assessment, you will create a comprehensive 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation aimed at engaging stakeholders and leadership in the proposed interdisciplinary plan to address the prevalent issue of medication errors at your organization of choice. Building on the interdisciplinary plan developed in the previous assessments, this presentation will serve as a strategic tool to generate interest, buy-in, and support from key organizational stakeholders. Your goal is to effectively communicate the significance of the identified healthcare challenge, the proposed interdisciplinary plan, and the potential positive outcomes it can bring to patient safety and overall healthcare quality.

The Student’s Role:

As a nursing professional at your organization of choice, your role is to take the lead in presenting the interdisciplinary plan aimed at mitigating medication errors. Your expertise in healthcare, combined with your understanding of the organization’s challenges, positions you as a key advocate for positive change. Your responsibilities include:

  • Clearly articulating the organizational or patient issue related to medication errors.
  • Emphasizing the relevance of adopting an interdisciplinary team approach to address the identified issue.
  • Summarizing the evidence-based interdisciplinary plan, showcasing its potential effectiveness.
  • Explaining the implementation strategies, emphasizing the PDSA cycle, and highlighting how human and financial resources will be managed.
  • Proposing evidence-based criteria for evaluating the success of the project.
  • Crafting a professional, well-organized PowerPoint presentation with clear and concise talking points.

This assignment is an opportunity for you to not only apply theoretical knowledge but also to hone your communication skills, crucial for presenting healthcare initiatives to stakeholders and organizational leadership. It provides a platform to showcase your ability to bridge the gap between academic understanding and practical application in a professional context.

NURS FPX 4010 Stakeholder Presentation Example Paper

Title Slide:

Presentation Title: NURS FPX 4010 Stakeholder Presentation

Your Name:


Course Number and Title: NURS FPX 4010 Leading People, Processes, and Organizations in Interprofessional Practice

Stakeholder Presentation Slide 1: Introduction

  • Greetings to everyone
  • Welcome to this presentation focused on enhancing patient care at Valley City Hospital
  • It’s a strategic interdisciplinary plan aimed at mitigating the pressing issue of medication errors
  • This proposal stems from a thorough analysis of the identified healthcare challenge, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, evidence-based practice, and continuous improvement.

Speaker Notes:

  • Greetings esteemed stakeholders and leadership team, I am [Your Name], a registered nurse dedicated to enhancing patient care at Valley City Hospital.
  • Our meeting today is not just about presenting a plan; it’s about addressing a critical concern that affects the core of the Valley City Hospital mission—patient care. The focus of the discussion is on medication errors, a challenge that demands collective attention and strategic intervention from every stakeholder.
  • This interdisciplinary plan I present is not a mere set of recommendations. It’s a carefully crafted strategy born out of extensive analysis and evaluation of the healthcare landscape we navigate daily. The heart of this plan lies in collaboration, evidence-based practice, and a commitment to continuous improvement.
  • As we delve into the details, I invite each of you to envision a healthcare environment where medication errors are minimized, patient safety is paramount, and our commitment to excellence shines through in every interaction and decision.
  • Thank you for your time and attention.

Stakeholder Presentation Slide 2: Organizational or Patient Issues

The Challenge: Medication Errors

  • Medication errors pose a significant threat to patient safety and carry profound consequences for both individuals and healthcare institutions.
  • Poor communication and collaboration among healthcare providers contribute to these errors, leading to adverse health outcomes, increased costs; prolonged hospital stays, and heightened risks of hospital-acquired infections (Carver et al., 2019).
  • Valley City Hospital grapples with this challenge due to insufficient interdisciplinary collaboration, demanding urgent attention to foster a collaborative approach.

Speaker Notes:

  • Let’s delve into the core of the matter – the challenge we face: Medication Errors. This is not just a concern; it’s a significant threat to patient safety, one that extends its consequences beyond individuals to impact the very fabric of our healthcare institution.
  • Medication errors, unfortunately, are not isolated incidents; they have far-reaching implications. When communication and collaboration among healthcare providers are compromised, we witness a cascade of adverse effects. These errors lead to compromised health outcomes, increased financial burdens, extended hospital stays, and a heightened vulnerability to hospital-acquired infections (Carver et al., 2019).
  • The reality is that Valley City Hospital is not immune to this challenge. Despite our best efforts, insufficient interdisciplinary collaboration has allowed this issue to persist. The urgency to address this challenge cannot be overstated. It calls for immediate attention, a united effort, and a commitment to fostering a collaborative approach within our organization.
  • As we move forward in this presentation, let’s collectively recognize the gravity of this issue and understand that our collaborative actions today can reshape the healthcare experience for our patients at Valley City Hospital.

Stakeholder Presentation Slide 3: Relevance of an Interdisciplinary Team Approach

Why Interdisciplinary Collaboration Matters

  • A multidisciplinary team approach is crucial to effectively manage the complexities of medication delivery.
  • With distinct roles in prescribing, dispensing, and administration, healthcare providers can collaboratively ensure accurate and safe medication practices.
  • This approach fosters open communication, prevents misunderstandings, and enhances patient safety, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes and heightened patient satisfaction (Mieiro et al., 2019).

Speaker Notes:

  • Now, let’s explore why interdisciplinary collaboration is not just an option but a necessity, especially when it comes to managing the complexities of medication delivery.
  • The big idea here is that having a team with different skills is super crucial. It helps us manage the different aspects of medication practices. In this approach, we leverage the distinct roles within our healthcare team – prescribing, dispensing, and administration – to form a collaborative front. This collaborative front ensures that every step of the medication process is scrutinized, executed accurately, and contributes to overall patient safety.
  • By fostering open communication among different disciplines, we create an environment where misunderstandings are minimized. This isn’t just about preventing errors; it’s about elevating patient safety to its highest standard. As we engage in this collaborative approach, we pave the way for improved health outcomes and heightened patient satisfaction (Mieiro et al., 2019).
  • Our patients don’t experience healthcare in silos. They encounter a seamless continuum of care where each healthcare professional plays a vital role. Today, we recognize that our strength lies in collaboration, and through this, we have the power to reshape outcomes and perceptions.

Stakeholder Presentation Slide 4: Evidence-Based Interdisciplinary Plan

Strategies for Transformation

The evidence-based interdisciplinary plan is rooted in fostering a culture of care through collaboration, shared decision-making, effective communication, and patient engagement. To achieve this, the following is proposed:

  • Shared Decision-Making: Regular physical meetings for healthcare providers to discuss medication management based on patient health conditions.
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR): Utilizing technology to facilitate virtual communication, ensuring seamless medication management.
  • Patient Engagement: Educating patients on medication administration to prevent errors during self-care.
  • Professional Education: Comprehensive education programs for healthcare professionals on safe medication practices (Irajpour et al., 2019).

Speaker Notes:

The evidence-based interdisciplinary plan before you signifies a strategic paradigm shift towards fostering a culture of care characterized by collaboration, shared decision-making, effective communication, and patient engagement. The genesis of these strategies is deeply rooted in empirical evidence, ensuring a meticulous and informed approach to transformation (Irajpour et al., 2019).

Allow me to elucidate the proposed strategies:

  • Shared Decision-Making: A cornerstone of this plan involves the initiation of regular physical meetings for healthcare providers. These gatherings will serve as forums for in-depth discussions on medication management, with a focus on tailoring approaches based on individual patient health conditions. This strategy aligns with the imperative need for collaborative decision-making within our healthcare framework.
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR): Leveraging contemporary technology, our plan integrates the utilization of Electronic Health Records (EHR). This technological intervention facilitates virtual communication, ensuring a seamless exchange of information among healthcare providers. By adeptly utilizing EHR, we fortify our ability to manage medications efficiently while aligning with modern healthcare practices.
  • Patient Engagement: A judicious approach to patient-centered care involves educating patients on medication administration. This educational initiative aims to empower patients in preventing errors during self-care. By deepening patient engagement, we reinforce the active participation of individuals in their healthcare, contributing to safer medication practices.
  • Professional Education: Recognizing the inherent responsibility of healthcare professionals, the plan proposes comprehensive education programs. These programs, meticulously designed, focus on instilling safe medication practices among healthcare providers. The goal is to equip our team with the necessary knowledge and skills, aligning with contemporary standards and evidence-based guidelines (Irajpour et al., 2019).

Stakeholder Presentation Slide 5: Implementation and Resource Management

Executing the Plan with Precision

The implementation of our interdisciplinary plan will follow the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle. This cycle ensures continuous improvement and sustained positive changes in medication practices. Key steps include:

  • Planning: Identifying trends and patterns of medication errors, devising strategies for mitigation.
  • Doing: Implementing strategies on a smaller scale in a single unit for efficacy evaluation.
  • Studying: Coordinating stakeholders to assess the impact on medication error rates and associated outcomes.
  • Acting: Analyzing results, refining the plan, and scaling implementation across the entire hospital.

Speaker Notes:

Let us now turn our attention to the pivotal aspect of executing our interdisciplinary plan with precision. The operationalization of this plan will be conducted with a keen focus on the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, a systematic approach that ensures not only the implementation of our strategies but also continuous improvement and sustained positive changes in medication practices.

Allow me to elucidate the key steps within this strategic cycle:

  • Planning: The initial phase involves a meticulous identification of trends and patterns related to medication errors. This is not merely a data collection exercise; it’s a strategic analysis aimed at understanding the nuances of our current state. Subsequently, strategies for mitigation are judiciously devised, aligning with the identified challenges and opportunities.
  • Doing: Once the planning phase is complete, we transition to the execution stage. However, this isn’t a broad-scale implementation; rather, it’s a focused introduction of our strategies in a singular medical-surgical unit within Valley Hospital. This controlled environment allows for a targeted evaluation of the efficacy of our strategies, ensuring that the proposed changes align with our intended outcomes.
  • Studying: The coordination of stakeholders becomes imperative during the studying phase. This involves a comprehensive assessment of the impact of our strategies on medication error rates and associated outcomes. We will employ dashboard metrics to quantify the effectiveness of our interventions. This phase isn’t just about measurement; it’s about understanding the direct and indirect implications of our actions.
  • Acting: Based on the findings from the studying phase, the subsequent step involves a meticulous analysis of the results. Any refinements deemed necessary will be undertaken to bolster the effectiveness of our plan. Importantly, the refined plan, validated through our study, will then be scaled for implementation across the entire spectrum of the hospital. This scaling is not just an expansion; it’s a strategic dissemination of best practices derived from our continuous improvement process.

Stakeholder Presentation Slide 6: Management of Human and Financial Resources

Optimizing Resources for Success

Efficiently managing human and financial resources is imperative for the success of our plan:

  • Human Resources: Division of tasks, fair recognition, and motivation will ensure maximum participation.
  • Financial Resources: Strategically allocating resources, monitoring utilization, and justifying expenditures through cost-effective interventions like integrating EHR ($90,000), training programs ($15,000), and maintenance ($20,000) (Alanazi et al., 2019).

Speaker Notes:

Let us now turn our eyes to the strategic imperative of optimizing human and financial resources, recognizing that efficient management in these practices is pivotal for the success of our interdisciplinary plan.

  • Human Resources Optimization:
    • Division of Tasks: An intricate component of our plan involves the judicious division of tasks among our human resources. This isn’t merely about assigning responsibilities but strategically aligning individual strengths with specific roles. Through this approach, we aim to prevent overburdening any particular team member and ensure that each contributor is operating within their areas of expertise.
    • Fair Recognition: Recognition is a fundamental aspect of human resource management. Beyond basic remuneration, our plan advocates for a fair recognition system. Recognizing the hard work and achievements of our team members ensures not only their satisfaction but also bolsters a culture of mutual appreciation and acknowledgment.
    • Motivation for Maximum Participation: Monetary motivation, in the form of basic salaries budgeted at $35,000 per member, is a tangible aspect of our human resource management. Beyond financial incentives, recognizing and appreciating the contributions of our team members are inherent motivational strategies to ensure their maximum and sustained participation.
  • Financial Resources Optimization:
    • Strategic Allocation: Financial resources will be strategically allocated based on the planned resource expenditure. This isn’t about spending, but about investing in interventions that yield long-term benefits. For instance, the integration of Electronic Health Records (EHR) at a cost of $90,000 is justified by the potential long-term savings incurred through the reduction of medication errors associated with paper-based systems (Alanazi et al., 2019).
    • Monitoring Utilization: Financial vigilance is ingrained in our plan. Continuous monitoring of resource utilization ensures that allocated funds are not wasted but judiciously used to support our initiatives. This proactive approach aligns with the overarching goal of maintaining fiscal responsibility.
    • Justifying Expenditures: Every financial decision is underpinned by the principle of justifiability. The integration of EHR, training programs costing $15,000, and maintenance expenses of $20,000 are not arbitrary expenditures. These costs are not expenses but strategic investments with tangible returns, preventing glitches, reducing errors, and contributing to long-term cost savings (Alanazi et al., 2019).

Stakeholder Presentation Slide 7: Evaluation of Project’s Success

Measuring Impact and Achievements

The success of our project will be gauged through evidence-based criteria:

  • Reduced Mortality Rates: An indicator of improved patient safety.
  • Decreased Medication Errors: Direct measurement of the project’s efficacy.
  • Enhanced Patient Satisfaction: Measured through interviews and surveys.
  • Shortened Hospital Stays: Indicating improved health outcomes (Abd-Alrazaq et al., 2020).

Speaker Notes:

Now, it’s time to talk about an essential aspect of evaluating the success of our project, highlighting how we will measure its impact and achievements based on evidence-based criteria.

  • Reduced Mortality Rates: This criterion serves as a direct indicator of the project’s impact on patient safety. By tracking mortality rates, we aim to see tangible improvements in patient outcomes. A reduction in mortality rates signals that our interventions are contributing positively to overall patient safety.
  • Decreased Medication Errors: A fundamental measure of our project’s efficacy lies in the direct measurement of medication errors. Monitoring and reducing medication errors are at the crux of our initiative, and a decrease in these errors signifies the success of our efforts to enhance the safety and accuracy of medication practices.
  • Enhanced Patient Satisfaction: The patient’s experience and satisfaction are integral components of our evaluation. Through interviews and surveys, we will delve into the nuanced aspects of patient satisfaction, gaining insights into how our interventions have resonated with those we serve. Positive feedback here aligns with our overarching goal of delivering patient-centered care.
  • Shortened Hospital Stays: An indirect yet significant measure of success lies in the length of hospital stays. Shortened stays indicate improved health outcomes and more efficient healthcare delivery. If our project is successful, we anticipate a positive impact on patient recovery, leading to shorter hospital stays and, consequently, reduced healthcare costs (Abd-Alrazaq et al., 2020).

Stakeholder Presentation Slide 8: Conclusion

In conclusion;

  • Our interdisciplinary approach is designed to revolutionize medication management at Valley City Hospital.
  • By fostering collaboration, embracing technology, and prioritizing patient engagement, we aim to:
    • Reduce medication errors
    • Enhance patient safety
    • Elevate the quality of healthcare provided
  • Your support and commitment to this initiative will undoubtedly contribute to a safer and more efficient healthcare environment.
  • I appreciate your time and attention, and I am now open to any questions or discussions.

Speaker Notes:

Esteemed stakeholders and respected members of the leadership team, as we draw this presentation to a close, let us encapsulate the transformative strategies embedded in our interdisciplinary approach designed to revolutionize medication management at Valley City Hospital.

  • Revolutionizing Medication Management: Our interdisciplinary approach serves as the foundation in our quest to revolutionize medication management. It is not merely a strategy but a systematic and well-thought-out plan that amalgamates collaboration, technology, and patient engagement. Through this, we strive for a paradigm shift in how we manage medications, aligning with the overarching goal of enhancing patient safety and healthcare quality.
  • Fostering Collaboration: Collaboration is at the crux of our approach. It’s more than a strategy; it’s the foundation principle that guides our actions. By fostering collaboration among healthcare professionals, we aim to create an environment where interdisciplinary teamwork becomes the norm, not the exception. This, in turn, contributes to reduced medication errors and improved patient outcomes.
  • Embracing Technology: The integration of technology, particularly Electronic Health Records (EHR), is pivotal to our approach. It serves as a genesis for streamlined communication, efficient medication management, and data-driven decision-making. Our approach adeptly leverages technology to fortify our commitment to patient safety and care quality.
  • Prioritizing Patient Engagement: Patient engagement is not just an imperative but an inherent aspect of our approach. It is the crux of delivering patient-centered care. By educating patients on medication administration and involving them in their care journey, we deepen their understanding and alignment with safe medication practices, ultimately elevating the quality of healthcare provided.

Call to Action:

In closing, your support and commitment to this initiative are imperative. We are at a juncture where your involvement will undoubtedly contribute to creating a safer and more efficient healthcare environment. As we take strides toward these transformative changes, envision a healthcare landscape where medication errors are reduced, patient safety is enhanced, and the quality of care reaches new heights.

I appreciate your time and attention throughout this presentation. I am now open to any questions or discussions you may have. Thank you.


Abd-Alrazaq, A., Safi, Z., Alajlani, M., Warren, J., Househ, M., & Denecke, K. (2020). Technical metrics used to evaluate health care chatbots: Scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(6), e18301. https://doi.org/10.2196/18301

Alanazi, B., Butler-Henderson, K., & Alanazi, M. R. (2019). The role of electronic health records in improving communication between health professionals in primary healthcare centres in Riyadh: Perception of health professionals. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 264, 499–503. https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI190272

Afrashtehfar, K. I., Assery, M. K. A., & Bryant, S. R. (2020). Patient satisfaction in medicine and dentistry. International Journal of Dentistry, 2020, e6621848. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6621848

Carver, N., Hipskind, J. E., & Gupta, V. (2019). Medical error. Nih.gov; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430763/

Dendere, R., Slade, C., Burton-Jones, A., Sullivan, C., Staib, A., & Janda, M. (2019). Patient portals facilitating engagement with inpatient electronic medical records: A systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(4), e12779. https://doi.org/10.2196/12779

Elliott, R. A., Camacho, E., Jankovic, D., Sculpher, M. J., & Faria, R. (2021). Economic analysis of the prevalence and clinical and economic burden of medication error in England. BMJ Quality & Safety, 30(2), bmjqs-2019-010206. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2019-010206

Irajpour, A., Farzi, S., Saghaei, M., & Ravaghi, H. (2019). Effect of interprofessional education of medication safety program on the medication error of physicians and nurses in the intensive care units. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 8(196). https://doi.org/10.4103/jehp.jehp_200_19

Mieiro, D. B., Oliveira, É. B. C. de, Fonseca, R. E. P. da, Mininel, V. A., Zem-Mascarenhas, S. H., & Machado, R. C. (2019). Strategies to minimize medication errors in emergency units: An integrative review. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 72(suppl 1), 307–314. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2017-0658

Wallis, J., Fletcher, D., Bentley, A., & Ludders, J. (2019). Medical errors cause harm in veterinary hospitals. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2019.00012

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NURS FPX 4010 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Example Paper

NURS FPX 4010 Capella 4010 Assessment 3: Interdisciplinary Plan ProposalNURS FPX 4010 Capella 4010 Assessment 3: Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Assignment Brief: NURS FPX 4010 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Course: NURS FPX 4010 Leading People, Processes, and Organizations in Interprofessional Practice

Assignment Title: Assessment 3: Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, you’ll develop a comprehensive Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal applying knowledge in managing resources, interdisciplinary collaboration, change management theories, and effective leadership within a healthcare organization. This assignment is a continuation of your exploration of organizational issues within the healthcare setting, building on the insights gained from a professional interview conducted earlier in the course.

Assignment Objectives:

The primary goal of this assignment is to develop a strategic plan aimed at addressing a specific issue identified during your professional interview. By constructing an Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal, you will apply knowledge and skills related to managing human and financial resources, implementing interdisciplinary collaboration, utilizing change management theories, and employing effective leadership strategies within a healthcare organization.

The Student’s Role:

Your role as a student is to critically analyze the identified issue from your professional interview and develop a realistic and evidence-based interdisciplinary plan proposal. Engage with the literature to support your choices, ensuring that your proposed interventions align with best practices in healthcare management. Additionally, showcase effective communication skills by presenting your ideas in a clear, concise, and professional manner.

Remember, this assignment is not about immediate implementation but focuses on creating a viable and well-supported plan that could realistically address the identified issue within the given organizational context.

NURS FPX 4010 Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Example Paper


This proposal focuses on addressing the pressing problem of medical errors within Valley Hospital. The proposed plan, drawing on a multidisciplinary approach, aims to diminish the frequency of medical errors within the hospital’s medical-surgical unit. This initiative is poised not only to elevate patient safety and satisfaction but also to contribute to enhanced economic stability and the overall reputation of the hospital.


The central objective of this plan is to instill a collaborative culture of care specifically in medication management within Valley Hospital. The primary goal is a substantial reduction in errors occurring during the prescribing, dispensing, and administration stages. Successful implementation of this objective is anticipated to result in a noteworthy 20-25% decline in medical errors within three to six months, ultimately fostering improved patient safety, health outcomes, and cost savings in healthcare.

Questions and Predictions

How will a collaborative culture of care for medication management improve medication safety and reduce errors?

Prediction: A collaborative culture is expected to yield a 20-25% decrease in medical errors within three to six months. This stems from healthcare providers working together to verify prescriptions, administer correct medication, and effectively monitor patient responses.

How will time constraints and communication barriers be overcome during interdisciplinary plan implementation?

Prediction: Utilizing technologies like electronic health records (EHRs) will mitigate time constraints and communication barriers. Initially, there might be a 5-10% increase in workload, but as processes become more efficient, this percentage is expected to decrease.

How will engaging patients in their medication management impact patient-related errors?

Prediction: Patient engagement is anticipated to result in a 10% reduction in patient-related medication errors within six months. Informed and engaged patients actively participating in medical error prevention will contribute to this reduction.

Methods for Determining Success

Success will be determined through dashboard metrics, including enhanced patient satisfaction, reduced mortality rates associated with medication errors, and a decrease in the overall number of medication errors. Patient surveys will also be conducted to evaluate their experience with medication management, providing indirect insights into the success of the proposal (Choudhury & Asan, 2020; Dürr et al., 2021).

Change Theories and Leadership Strategies

In the proposed plan, we’re looking at a change theory called the PDSA cycle, which stands for Plan, Do, Study, Act. This approach aims to get everyone on board within interdisciplinary teams at Valley Hospital. The project team manager will come up with ways to use these interdisciplinary strategies to cut down on medication errors. For example, they’ll organize meetings with smaller groups of team members from different departments to highlight the importance of avoiding medical mistakes. The focus is on showing how teamwork can help reduce these errors. They’ll also figure out ways to minimize medication errors, like making sure there’s clear and timely communication among team members and patients. They’re planning to use EHR technology to keep everyone on the same page with their tasks (Mondal et al., 2022).

After figuring out these strategies, the hospital will try them out on a small scale, maybe in one department first. They’ll then check how well things are going and make improvements as needed. This whole setup allows the healthcare team to collaborate effectively in strategic ways to bring down medical errors. Healthcare providers will work together to make sure patients get only the medication prescribed to them.

Now, when it comes to leadership, the focus is on collaborative leadership. Everyone in the interdisciplinary team at Valley Hospital is encouraged to work together on this project. They’re creating an environment that supports open communication and mutual respect. By fostering a culture of mutual respect, healthcare professionals can freely share their ideas on managing and reducing medication errors. They can also discuss ways to improve collaboration and overcome any hurdles in coordinating care (Bianchi et al., 2021).

One specific aspect of Valley Hospital’s plan involves “shared decision-making.” This part of the plan will be put into action through the leadership strategy. The team needs to collaborate to give patients the right medication tailored to their health needs, as prescribed by their healthcare providers. This collaborative approach helps break down communication barriers that might otherwise get in the way of implementing the plan effectively. Lastly, this strategy aims to achieve patient-provider engagement by giving patients the respect and value they deserve in working together with healthcare providers for safe medication management.

Team Collaboration Strategy

For the interdisciplinary plan to succeed, team members from different departments must carry out their roles collaboratively. The contribution of each member would be as follows:

  • Physicians: They play a vital role in ensuring patients get the right medication based on their health needs. This helps avoid errors related to prescribing medications (Irajpour et al., 2019).
  • Nurse Leaders: Their job is to supervise and educate nurses on protocols for secure medication management. Nurses in Valley Hospital have the responsibility of double-checking medications before following the “five rights of medication administration.” If there’s any confusion, they consult with physicians to clarify.
  • Pharmacists: They collaborate with physicians to ensure the proper dosage of medication is dispensed, preventing any errors in dispensing.
  • Healthcare Providers: Each one must use EHR (Electronic Health Records) to keep patient medical data up-to-date. This helps in enhancing collaboration among the healthcare team.
  • Hospital Administration: They play a significant role in managing medication errors by analyzing current patterns and predicting future outcomes based on the implemented strategies.
  • Patients: Patients are actively involved in collaboration, learning about safe medication management for medications they might need to take on their own. This collaborative approach includes meetings to implement a shared-decision strategy, ensuring informed healthcare decisions. This strategy helps in preventing errors arising from miscommunication and a lack of understanding of the patient’s health needs (Alanazi et al., 2019).

Moreover, Electronic Health Records (EHR) serve as a technology-based tactic for collaboration. Through shared decision-making, interdisciplinary teams aim to provide patient-centered care by involving patients in decisions related to their medications. This involvement is crucial to prevent errors that might occur due to miscommunication and a lack of understanding of patients’ health needs. EHR also facilitates seamless communication and coordination among interdisciplinary teams by providing real-time patient data on medications, promoting safe medication management.

Required Organizational Resources

To put the proposed multidisciplinary plan into action at Valley Hospital, several key resources are needed. From the human resource perspective, the following would be a breakdown of what’s required:

  • Physicians: At least two physicians are essential for successful implementation.
  • Pharmacists: The involvement of three pharmacists is crucial for their expertise in medication management.
  • Nurses: A team of five nurses will play a vital role in ensuring safe medication practices.
  • IT Specialists: Two specialists are needed to handle Electronic Health Records (EHR) maintenance and operation.
  • Administrative Staff: Three administrative staff members are required to manage the organizational aspects of the plan.

On the other hand, on the financial aspect, the following would be required:

  • Basic Salaries: Each staffing member, including physicians, pharmacists, nurses, IT specialists, and administrative staff, will receive an annual salary of $35,000.
  • Training Costs: Conducting training on safe medication practices and effective collaboration is estimated at $15,000.
  • Supplies for EHR Integration: To integrate Electronic Health Records (EHR), essential supplies, including software and bandwidth, will incur an initial cost of $90,000.
  • Follow-Up Maintenance: An additional $20,000 will be required every six months for ongoing maintenance.

The grand total for the financial budget needed to implement this plan at Valley Hospital is $650,000. Now, if the plan isn’t put into action or doesn’t succeed, the consequences could be significant. The organization might face a substantial financial burden due to an increase in medication errors. Litigation costs related to malpractice could add to the financial strain. Moreover, healthcare costs may rise due to complications from errors, and patient readmission rates could climb, further driving up the costs. Therefore, it’s crucial for the organization to continually strive for improvements, aiming to reduce medication errors and enhance patient safety.


In conclusion, the proposed interdisciplinary plan at Valley Hospital presents a strategic approach to combatting medication errors, a critical concern that impacts patient safety and overall healthcare outcomes. By instilling a collaborative culture of care, the plan aims to create an environment where healthcare professionals work together seamlessly to mitigate medication errors. Through the incorporation of change theories and leadership strategies, the goal is not only to reduce errors but also to foster a sustained commitment to patient safety.

The success of the plan heavily relies on effective team collaboration, with physicians, pharmacists, nurses, IT specialists, and administrative staff playing integral roles. The outlined responsibilities and collaborative approaches, rooted in shared decision-making and leveraging Electronic Health Records (EHR), are designed to enhance communication and coordination among interdisciplinary teams.

The allocation of organizational resources, including staffing needs, training costs, and investments in EHR integration, underscores the financial commitment required for the plan’s implementation. A well-structured budget of $650,000 has been outlined, emphasizing the importance of these financial resources in ensuring the plan’s success. Failure to implement the plan or its lack of success could pose severe financial repercussions for the hospital, including increased litigation costs, healthcare expenses, and patient readmission rates.

To maintain positive outcomes and reinforce a culture of patient safety, continuous evaluation and improvement are imperative. This involves ongoing training, monitoring, and adjustments to the plan based on real-time feedback and evolving healthcare practices. In essence, the interdisciplinary plan is not a one-time fix but a dynamic and evolving strategy aimed at creating a safer and more efficient healthcare environment within Valley Hospital.


Alanazi, B., Butler-Henderson, K., & Alanazi, M. R. (2019). The role of electronic health records in improving communication between health professionals in primary healthcare centres in Riyadh: Perception of health professionals. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 264, 499–503. https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI190272

Bianchi, C., Nasi, G., & Rivenbark, W. C. (2021). Implementing collaborative governance: Models, experiences, and challenges. Public Management Review, 23(11), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/14719037.2021.1878777

Choudhury, A., & Asan, O. (2020). Role of artificial intelligence in patient safety outcomes: Systematic literature review. JMIR Medical Informatics, 8(7), e18599. https://doi.org/10.2196/18599

Dürr, P., Schlichtig, K., Kelz, C., Deutsch, B., Maas, R., Eckart, M. J., Wilke, J., Wagner, H., Wolff, K., Preuß, C., Brückl, V., Meidenbauer, N., Staerk, C., Mayr, A., Fietkau, R., Goebell, P. J., Kunath, F., Beckmann, M. W., Mackensen, A., & Neurath, M. F. (2021). The randomized AMBORA trial: Impact of pharmacological/pharmaceutical care on medication safety and patient-reported outcomes during treatment with new oral anticancer agents. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39(18), 1983–1994. https://doi.org/10.1200/jco.20.03088

Irajpour, A., Farzi, S., Saghaei, M., & Ravaghi, H. (2019). Effect of interprofessional education of medication safety program on the medication error of physicians and nurses in the intensive care units. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 8(196). https://doi.org/10.4103/jehp.jehp_200_19

Mondal, S., Banerjee, M., Mandal, S., Mallick, A., Das, N., Basu, B., & Ghosh, R. (2022). An initiative to reduce medication errors in neonatal care unit of a tertiary care hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal: A quality improvement report. BMJ Open Quality, 11(Suppl 1), e001468. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjoq-2021-001468

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