NURS 6003 – Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing Course Guide & Examples
NURS 6003 – Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing Course Guide & Examples
NURS 6003 – Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing (3 credits)
- FG001 Networking for Academic and Professional Success
- Develop an academic and professional network.
- FG002 Academic and Professional Strategies and Resources
- Identify academic resources and strategies for success.
- FG003 Academic and Professional Integrity
- Apply strategies to promote academic integrity and professional ethics.
- FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice
- Analyze peer-reviewed research related to issues in nursing practice.
- FG005 Professional Development Plan
- Create professional development plans for academic success and professional practice.
- FG006 Standards of Practice
- Justify selection of the MSN specialization using standards and scope of practice.
NURS 6003 FG001 Networking for Academic and Professional Success Assignment
Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6003 FG001 Networking for Academic and Professional Success Paper Assignment
- Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals, colleagues, or teams that might help you succeed in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
- Download the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.
The Assignment:
Academic and Professional Network
Complete Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template. Be sure to address the following:
- Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
- Explain why you selected these individuals and/or teams and how they will support your success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse. APA style and reference page.
NURS 6003 FG001 Networking for Academic and Professional Success
- Develop an academic and professional network.
FG001 – 0.25 CREDIT EQUIVALENT Networking for Academic and Professional Success
Module 1 |Part 1: Developing an Academic and Professional Network
I have identified and secured the participation of the following academic (at least two) and professional (at least two) individuals and/or teams to form the basis of my network. This network will help me to clarify my vision for success and will help guide me now and in the future.
Directions: Complete the information below for each member of your network. For more than four entries repeat the items below with details of your additional network member(s) in the ‘ADDITIONAL NETWORK MEMBERS’ section.
Academic or Professional:
Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:
Academic or Professional:
Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:
Academic or Professional:
Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:
Academic or Professional:
Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:
NURS 6003 FG002 Academic and Professional Strategies and Resources Assignment
Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6003 FG002 Academic and Professional Strategies and Resources Paper Assignment
Week 2 | Part 2: Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies
- FG002 Academic and Professional Strategies and Resources
- Identify academic resources and strategies for success.
New construction projects begin with a design phase, where architects blueprint the vision complete with design details. They work in collaboration with builders who use the designs to prepare the appropriate strategies, tools, and materials to bring the vision to reality. You are both architect and builder of your success. You have started to blueprint your vision in your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan. You have identified others with whom you will collaborate. Now you can begin to prepare the appropriate strategies, tools, and materials
How will you approach your studies? What types of resources are available to you, and how will you access and utilize them? Taking the opportunity to prepare these strategies, tools, and materials will help ensure you can “break ground” without incident and successfully move to the phase where you begin building your vision.
To Prepare:
- Consider your goals for academic accomplishments while a student of the MSN program.
- Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources for this week.
The Assignment:
- Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail at least three academic resources or strategies that can be applied to the MSN program.
- Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail at least three professional resources that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or in a specialty.
- Clearly and thoroughly explain in detail how you intend to use these resources, and how they might benefit you academically and professionally.
Note: Add your work for this Assignment to the original document you began in the Week 1 Assignment, which was built off the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.
Submit your completed Assignment.
Remember to include an introduction paragraph which contains a clear and comprehensive purpose statement which delineates all required criteria, and end the assignment Part with a conclusion paragraph.
FG002 – 0.25 CREDIT EQUIVALENT Academic and Professional Strategies and Resources
Week 2 | Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies
I have identified the following academic resources and/or strategies that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or my specialty in particular.
Directions: In the space below Identify and describe at least three academic resources or strategies that can be applied to the MSN program, and at least three professional resources that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or your specialty in particular. For each, explain how you intend to use these resources, and how they might benefit you academically and professionally.
Academic Resource/Strategy 1
Academic Resource/Strategy 2
Academic Resource/Strategy 3
Professional Resource/Strategy 1
Professional Resource/Strategy 2
Professional Resource/Strategy 3
NURS 6003 FG003 Academic and Professional Integrity Assignment
Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6003 FG003 Academic and Professional Integrity Paper Assignment
- FG003 Academic and Professional Integrity
- Apply strategies to promote academic integrity and professional ethics.
Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. Their work must have academic and professional integrity. Their efforts are designed to add to the body of knowledge, advance the profession, and ultimately help in the care of patients. Work that lacks integrity is subject to erode quickly or worse.
Fortunately, there are strategies and tools that can help ensure integrity in academic and professional work. This Assignment asks you to consider these tools and how you might apply them to your own work.
In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by appending the original document you began in the previous assignment.
To Prepare:
- Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources for this Module in support of academic style, integrity, and scholarly ethics.
- Reflect on the connection between academic and professional integrity.
The Assignment:
Week 3 | Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics
I have analyzed the relationship between academic integrity and writing, as well as the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics. I have also identified strategies I intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of my academic work while a student of the MSN program, as well as my professional work as a nurse throughout my career. The results of these efforts are shared below.
Directions: In the space below craft your analysis/writing sample, including Part 1 (The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity) and Part 2 (Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work).
Part 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity
In the space below write a 2- 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:
- Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing
- Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
- Cite at least 2 resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.
- Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product.
- Explain how Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity
PART 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work
Expand on your thoughts from Part 1 by:
Identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your 1) academic work while a student of the MSN program, and 2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.
Note: Add your work for this Assignment to the original document you began in the Module 1 Assignment, which was built from the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
Required Readings
- American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statementsLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from
- American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
- Chapter 1, “Scholarly Writing and Publishing Principles”
- Section 1.17, “Implications of Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism” (p. 21)
- Chapter 4, “Writing Style and Grammar”
- Chapter 8, “Works Credited in the Text”
- Section 8.2, “Plagiarism” (p. 254)
- Section 8.3, “Self-Plagiarism” (p. 256)
- Chapter 10, “Reference Examples”
- Alba, B. (2018). Factors that impact on emergency nurses’ ethical decision-making abilityLinks to an external site.. Nursing Ethics, 25(7), 855–866.
- Glasper, A. (2016). Does cheating by students undermine the integrity of the nursing profession?Links to an external site. British Journal of Nursing, 25(16), 932–933.
- NLN Ethical Principles for Nursing EducationLinks to an external site.. (2012). Nursing Education Perspective, 33(1), 65.
- Walden University Academic Skills Center. (n.d.). ASC success strategies: PlagiarismLinks to an external site.. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
- Walden Office of Student Affairs. (n.d.). SafeAssign tutorialsLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from
- Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). APA style: OverviewLinks to an external site.. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
- Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). APA style: APA basics checklistLinks to an external site.. Retrieved May 3, 2021,
- Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.)Grammarly: OverviewLinks to an external site.. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
NURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Assignment
Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6003 FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice Paper Assignment
- FG004 Scholarship and Nursing Practice
- Analyze peer-reviewed research related to issues in nursing practice.
Scholarship and Nursing Practice
Using the Walden Library
- 1-Post the following: Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering suggestions/strategies for working with this database from your own experience, or offering ideas for using alternative resources
RE: Discussion – Week 4
Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use research literature to explore ideas, guide your thinking, and gain new insights. As you search the research literature, it is important to use resources that are peer-reviewed and from scholarly journals. You may already have some favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. For this Discussion, you explore databases available through the Walden Library.
To Prepare:
- Review the information presented in the Learning Resources for using the Walden Library, searching the databases, and evaluating online resources.
- Begin searching for a peer-reviewed article that pertains to your practice area and interests you.
By Day 3 of Week 4
Post the following:
Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.
By Day 6 of Week 4
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering suggestions/strategies for working with this database from your own experience, or offering ideas for using alternative resources.
Walden University Library. (n.d.). Databases A-Z: Nursing. Retrieved October 4, 2019 from
Walden University Library. (n.d.). Instructional media: Fundamentals of library research. Retrieved October 4, 2019 from… research fundamentals
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Common assignments: Synthesizing your sources.… signments/literaturereview/synthesizing
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Scholarly writing: Overview. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Webinars: Technical information. Retrieved Nove mber 14, 2018, from… chnical
Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Purpose, Audience, and Evidence [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author
Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2018). Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Tips for Success [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Please label the replies and use the rubric
NURS 6003 FG005 Professional Development Plan Assignment
Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6003 FG005 Professional Development Plan Nursing Paper Assignment
- FG005 Professional Development Plan
- Create professional development plans for academic success and professional practice.
Week 5 | Part 5: Professional Development
I have developed a curriculum vitae to capture my academic and professional accomplishments to date. I have also developed a statement identifying one or more professional development goals, and a statement proposing how I might align one or more of these professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.
The results of my efforts are below.
Directions: Complete Step 1 by developing (or copying and pasting) a curriculum vitae (CV) in the space provided. Complete Step 2 by clearly identifying and accurately stating in detail your professional development goals. Complete Step 3 by clearly and accurately stating in detail how to accurately and appropriately align one or more of your professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.
Remember to include an introduction paragraph which contains a clear and comprehensive purpose statement which delineates all required criteria, and end the assignment Part with a conclusion paragraph.
Step 1: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Use the space below to create a fully developed and accurate curriculum vitae (CV) based on your current education and professional background. Alternatively, you may write this in a separate document and copy/paste the results below.
NOTE: If needed there are a variety of online resources available with tips and samples of graduate nurse CVs.
Step 2: Professional Development Goals
Step 3: Alignment with Social Change
Academic and Professional Success Plan Template
NURS 6003 FG006 Standards of Practice Nursing Assignment
Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6003 FG006 Standards of Practice Nursing Paper Assignment
- FG006 Standards of Practice
- Justify selection of the MSN specialization using standards and scope of practice.
Week 6 | Part 6: NURS 6003 FG006: Specialty Standards of Practice and Professional Development
At some point in every construction project, efforts turn from design and the focus moves to actual construction. With the vision in place and the tools secured, the blueprint can be finalized and approved. Then it is time to put on hardhats and begin work.
Throughout the course you have developed aspects of your Academic and Professional Development Plan. You have thought a great deal about your vision and goals, your academic and professional network of support, research strategies and other tools you will need, the integrity of your work, and the value of consulting the work of others. With your portfolio in place, it is now time to finalize your blueprint for success.
Much as builders remain cognizant of the building standards as they plan and begin construction, nurses must remain mindful of the formal standards of practice that govern their specialties. A good understanding of these standards can help ensure that your success plan includes any steps necessary to excel within your chosen specialty.
In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by developing the final component–a review of your specialty standards of practice. You will also submit your final version of the document, including Parts 1–4.
Note : For students in Nursing Education, Executive Nursing, Nursing Informatics, or Public Health Nursing, this Assignment is the first Portfolio Assignment in your program. You will have one Portfolio Assignment in each of your courses. You will need to save these Assignments for inclusion in your portfolio that you will submit in your Capstone course.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
To Prepare:
- Review the scope and standards of practice or competencies related to your chosen specialty in the resources for this module.
- Review the MSN specializations offered at Walden by viewing the module resource, Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).
- Examine professional organizations related to the specialization you have chosen and identify at least one to focus on for this Assignment.
- Reflect on the thoughts you shared in the Discussion forum regarding your choice of a specialty, any challenges you have encountered in making this choice, and any feedback you have received from colleagues in the Discussion.
The Assignment:
Complete the following items and incorporate them into the final version of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.
- With the resources specific to the MSN specialization and the, Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), shared in this module, write a paragraph or make a Nursing Specialty Comparison table, comparing at least two nursing specialties that include your selected specialization and second-preferred specialization.
- Write a 2- to 3-paragraph justification statement identifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Incorporate feedback you received from colleagues in this Module’s Discussion forum.
- Identify the professional organization related to your chosen specialization for this Assignment, and explain how you can become an active member of this organization.
Note: Your final version of the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan should include all components as presented the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan template.
Submit your final draft of Parts 1-4 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.
- To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as MD6Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial
- Then, click on Start Assignmentnear the top of the page.
- Next, click on Upload Fileand select Submit Assignmentfor review.
Week 6 | Part 6: NURS 6003 FG006: Specialty Standards of Practice and Professional Development Template
I have considered various options for my nursing specialty, including a close look at my selected (or currently preferred) specialty and second-preferred specialty. I have also developed a justification of my selected (or preferred) specialty. Lastly, I have examined one professional organization related to my selected or preferred specialty and considered how I can become a member of this organization.
The results of my efforts are below.
Directions: Complete Part 1 by comparing at least two nursing specialties, including your selected specialization and your second-preferred specialization. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision.
Then, write a 2- to 3-paragraph justification statement justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization.
Complete Part 1 by examining and identifying one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization.
Complete Part 2 by reflecting on how the Assessments in this Area of Expertise can contribute to your academic and professional success and professional development goals.
All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate.
Part 1: Professional Organizations
Use the space below to identify and examine one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization.
Part 2. Professional Development and Success
Write a 1-page reflection explaining how the Assessments throughout this AoE (FG001-FG006) can be used for your professional development and success in nursing practice. Explain how these components can contribute to your academic and professional success, including the documentation or tracking of your professional development goals.
Required Readings
- Bickford, C. J., Marion, L., & Gazaway, S. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, third edition – 2015Links to an external site. . Retrieved from
- Cherry, B., Caramanica, L, Everett, L. Q., Fennimore, L., & Elaine, S. (2019). Leveraging the power of board leadership in professional nursing organizationsLinks to an external site. . JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(11), 517-519.
- Echevarria, I. M. (2018). Make connections by joining a professional nursing organizationLinks to an external site. . Nursing, 48(12), 35–38.
- Truant, R., & Chan, R. J. (2017). Future ready: Strengthening oncology nursing leadership in the context of professional oncology nursing organizationsLinks to an external site. . Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 27(1), 2-4.
- Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)Links to an external site. . Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
- Document: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template Download Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template (Word document)
Choose among the following to review your specialization’s Scope and Standards of Practice or Competencies:
Ebook: Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice
American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.) Links to an external site. . Silver Spring, MD: Author.
“The Scope of Nursing Informatics Practice: Functional Areas of Nursing Informatics” (pp. 18–39)
Article: Core Competencies for Academic Nurse Educators
Fitzgerald, A., McNelis, A. M., & Billings, D. M. (2020). NLN core competencies for nurse educators: Are they present in the course descriptions of academic nurse educator programs?Links to an external site. Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(1), 4.
Note: The competencies for the Academic Nurse Educator do not encompass the competencies or scope and standards of practice for the Nursing Professional Developer. The set of competencies associated with that specific role within the Nurse Education specialization will be examined in future competencies throughout your specialization program of study.
Website: Nurse Executive Competencies
American Organization for Nursing Leadership. (2015). AONL Nurse Executive competenciesLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from
Website: Public Health Nursing Competencies
Quad Council Coalition. (2018). Community/Public Health NursingLinks to an external site. [C/PHN] competencies. Retrieved from
Website: APRN Consensus Model
APRN Consensus Work Group & the National Council of State Boards of Nursing APRN Advisory Committee. (2008). Consensus model for APRN regulation: Licensure, accreditation, certification & education Links to an external site. . Retrieved from
- Adult-Gerontology Acute Care and Primary Care NP Competencies
Website: AGAC and ACPC NP Competencies
Adult-Gerontology NP Competencies Work Group. (2016). Adult-gerontology acute care and primary care NP competencies Links to an external site. .
- Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies
Website: Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies
The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. (2012). Nurse Practitioner core competenciesLinks to an external site. .
- Nurse Practitioner Programs
Website: Nurse Practitioner Programs
National Task Force on Quality Nurse Practitioner Education. (2016). Criteria for evaluation of Nurse Practitioner programsLinks to an external site. (5th ed.).
- Population-Focused NP Competencies
Website: Population-Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies
Population-Focused Competencies Task Force. (2013). Population-focused Nurse Practitioner competenciesLinks to an external site. .
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