How to Write a Psychology Research Paper Guide & Tips

How to Write a Psychology Research Paper Guide & TipsWhen it comes to writing in psychology, much like other scientific fields, the primary goal is to share new ideas, theories, or experiments with your readers. Academic psychologists stress the significance of clear and concise writing, avoiding overly descriptive language and complicated sentence structures. The most accomplished psychology writers possess the skill to make intricate concepts understandable to individuals who may not be experts in the field.

When you embark on writing a psychology paper, your main objective is to communicate factual knowledge that is backed by research. Precision is key, so you should anticipate that every word you write will be taken quite literally. Psychology writing can be quite dense, often referencing previous research extensively. Unlike some other disciplines, psychologists seldom directly quote their sources. Instead, they distill the core essence of the idea or discovery and appropriately cite the source. While writers in the humanities may repeat words or phrases for emphasis, in psychology, such repetition is infrequent and is only employed when it enhances clarity.

Exploring Different Types of Psychology Papers

In the world of research psychology, there are various types of writing that professionals engage in, such as crafting grant proposals, working on research applications and renewals, compiling review articles (e.g. Psychology journal article review example: holistic psychology of persons), publishing research findings, and even authoring or reviewing textbooks (e.g, HSC 506 Hawkins and Clinton Book Review).

As a student entering this field, you’ll likely encounter two primary types of papers you’ll be asked to write. The first is an empirical paper, where you report on your own real or anticipated data (e.g. writing on a mental health support group paper). The second is a literature review, where you summarize existing research conducted by others. These two paper types share similar writing conventions but have slightly different formats. Regardless of which one you’re tackling, it’s helpful to envision Daryl Bem’s (2003) hourglass metaphor. Begin with a broad introduction, gradually narrowing your focus until it centers on your specific topic and argument. Towards the end, broaden your perspective again to encompass the bigger picture. This structural approach enables you to provide context for your paper’s central point.

Keep in mind that every paper, whether empirical or a literature review, should possess both a clear topic and a compelling point. Even when conducting a literature review, it’s insufficient to merely rehash what you’ve read; you must contribute your unique insights or perspectives. The context you provide should enable your readers to grasp the importance of your work and understand your specific contribution (e.g., check out this systems engineering neural network model essay example). If you’re uncertain about how much context to include in your introduction, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your instructor.

Research Summary or Literature Review:

When you’re tasked with writing a research summary or a literature review, your primary goal is to gather and synthesize existing research on a specific psychology topic. Additionally, you should provide new insights or perspectives on that topic. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Start by conducting thorough research, both online and in the library, to identify relevant articles.
  • Make sure your sources are reliable, typically peer-reviewed by experts in the field.
  • Focus on original sources, which are empirical, and report research findings for the first time.
  • Develop a clear thesis statement that summarizes, integrates, or reinterprets the gathered data.
  • Organize your paper logically, using sub-headings to introduce new topic areas.
  • Your paper should include an introduction that explains the topic’s importance and history, presents related theories or findings, and states your thesis.
  • The body of your paper should provide evidence supporting your thesis while acknowledging contrasting evidence.
  • In the discussion or conclusion section, summarize your findings, discuss any remaining questions, and explore implications for existing theories and everyday life.

Empirical Paper or Research Proposal:

An empirical paper or research proposal describes a proposed or completed study in detail. It’s crucial to demonstrate the study’s purpose, its relevance to existing knowledge, the experimental process, and the potential implications. Here’s how to structure it:

  • Include an abstract (usually 150 words or fewer) to provide a brief overview of your paper.
  • Start the introduction on the page following the abstract. Explain the research question and its relation to prior work in the field. Emphasize the question’s significance, summarize its history, and describe relevant theories and data. Present your hypothesis and discuss alternative possibilities.
  • The method section should explain how the study was or will be conducted, detailing participants, materials, and procedures. Follow the APA style guide for formatting.
  • In the results section, present your findings, including data and analyses. Describe data cleaning steps and statistical analyses. For proposals, speculate about expected results.
  • The discussion section is where you synthesize your results, offer conclusions, and interpret their meaning. Relate your findings to the research discussed in the introduction, support your hypothesis, and consider implications and real-world relevance.
  • Create a references section following APA guidelines for citation format.

Basic Steps for Writing a Psychology Research Paper

  1. Choose a Focused Research Topic: Select a topic that has meaning for you and consider your future goals when selecting a research topic. This will help you stay motivated and avoid burnout during the research and writing process.
  2. Explore the Literature: Conduct a thorough review of existing research on your chosen topic. This will help you understand the current state of knowledge in the field and identify any gaps or areas for further investigation.
  3. Develop a Research Question: Based on your literature review, formulate a clear and concise research question that your paper will address. This question should be specific enough to guide your research and analysis, but broad enough to allow for meaningful exploration.
  4. Organize Your Research: Create a logical structure for your paper, outlining the main sections and subheadings. This will help you stay organized and ensure that your paper flows smoothly from one idea to the next.
  5. Write the Introduction: Begin your paper with a broad introduction, gradually narrowing your focus until it centers on your specific topic and research question. Provide enough context for your readers to understand the importance of your work and its contribution to the field.
  6. Write the Methods Section: In an empirical paper, the methods section should describe your study in enough detail to allow others to replicate it. Include information about your participants, materials, and procedures, as well as any statistical analyses you performed.
  7. Present Your Results: In an empirical paper, present your findings in a clear and concise manner, using tables, graphs, or other visual aids to enhance understanding. In a literature review, summarize the key findings of the studies you reviewed, highlighting any patterns or inconsistencies in the research.
  8. Discuss Your Findings: In an empirical paper, interpret your results and discuss their implications for the field. In a literature review, compare and contrast the findings of the studies you reviewed, identifying any gaps or areas for further research.
  9. Write the Conclusion: In the conclusion, summarize the main points of your paper and restate your research question and its significance. Discuss any limitations of your study or review and suggest directions for future research.
  10. Revise and Edit Your Paper: After completing your first draft, take the time to revise and edit your paper for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and ensure that your paper follows the appropriate formatting guidelines, such as APA style.
  11. Proofread Your Paper: Before submitting your final paper, carefully proofread it to catch any remaining errors or inconsistencies. Consider asking a friend or classmate to read your paper and provide feedback.

Effective Strategies for Writing a Psychology Research Paper

When embarking on the journey of crafting a psychology research paper, there are several invaluable tips to keep in mind. Here’s a comprehensive guide that not only covers the existing points but also introduces additional ideas to enhance your writing:

  1. Strive for Unbiased Writing: Maintain objectivity in your writing. Avoid personal biases and present the research and its findings impartially.
  2. Engage in Critical Analysis: Encourage critical thinking and address different viewpoints in your paper. Acknowledge contradictory evidence and emphasize the necessity for further research when appropriate.
  3. Utilize the Past Tense: Given that your study should already be completed when you write your paper, use past tense consistently to describe your research process and findings.
  4. Embrace Active Voice: Opt for active voice over passive voice to enhance clarity and directness in your writing. For instance, instead of saying, “It was found that…,” use, “Smith (1993) found that…”
  5. Concise Expression: Practice brevity in your writing. Express your ideas as succinctly as possible. Rather than saying, “In his study, which was performed in 1993, Smith was surprised to find that…,” simply write, “Smith (1993) found that…”
  6. Specificity Enhances Clarity: Avoid vague statements and ensure your assertions are well-supported. Instead of stating generalities like “Hurricane Katrina was a disaster,” provide precise details and evidence. For instance, you can state, “Hurricane Katrina resulted in thousands of deaths, a tragedy largely attributed to the ineffective response by the U.S. government (Anderson, 2007; Williams, 2006).” Specificity strengthens your arguments.
  7. Evidence-Based Conclusions: In psychology, it’s paramount to ground your conclusions in concrete data rather than personal opinions. To illustrate, if you’re arguing that Americans’ attitudes toward gay rights have evolved towards greater acceptance, rely on empirical evidence. For example, you could say, “Previous research over the last two decades demonstrates a clear shift towards more liberal attitudes regarding gay rights (Jones, 2006; Smith, 1999).” This approach enhances the credibility of your claims.
  8. Steer Clear of Pure Opinions: Psychologists prioritize empirical support over opinions or direct quotes. While you can reference an opinion as a starting point for discussion or a subject requiring further exploration, it should not stand alone as evidence. For instance, if a philosopher argues that morality is innate without supporting data, you can cite it, but clarify it as an opinion: “Smith (2004) argues that morality is innate, opening avenues for future research.”
  9. Eliminate Slang: Ensure that your language is formal and professional. Avoid the use of slang, colloquialisms, or informal expressions.
  10. Minimize First-Person Pronouns: Limit the use of terms like “I,” “me,” and “my,” as well as phrases such as “I feel” or “I think.” Focus on the research and its objective presentation.
  11. Incorporate Transition Sentences: Especially in your Literature Review, use transition sentences to guide readers smoothly from one idea to the next. These sentences provide a logical flow and connect your arguments cohesively.
  12. Read Aloud for Clarity: Before finalizing your paper, read it aloud. This practice helps identify awkward phrasing, unclear sentences, and grammatical errors. It also allows you to assess the overall readability of your work.
  13. Maintain Proper Citations: Ensure that you adhere to the citation style required for your paper (typically APA style in psychology). Accurate citations and references are crucial to giving credit to previous research and avoiding plagiarism.
  14. Seek Peer Feedback: Don’t hesitate to share your draft with peers or professors for feedback. Fresh perspectives can help you refine your arguments and improve the overall quality of your paper.
  15. Revise and Edit Diligently: The first draft is just the beginning. Dedicate ample time to revise and edit your paper for clarity, coherence, and correctness. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and formatting.
  16. Proofread Carefully: Before submitting your paper, proofread it meticulously to catch any lingering errors. Errors, no matter how minor, can detract from the professionalism of your work.

By incorporating these strategies into your writing process, you can elevate the quality of your psychology research paper, ensuring it effectively communicates your findings and insights to your readers while meeting the highest academic standards.

Step-by-Step Guide to Locating the Best Evidence/Sources Used by Psychologists

To guarantee that your psychology research paper is grounded in the most reliable evidence, follow this step-by-step guide to finding and utilizing trustworthy sources:

  1. Understand the Hierarchy of Evidence: First, familiarize yourself with the hierarchy of evidence, a ranking system that categorizes study types based on the rigor of their research methods. Studies higher up the hierarchy are more likely to have robust methodologies and yield dependable results.
  2. Start with Academic Databases: Start your quest for scholarly articles and research papers in academic databases like PsycINFO, PubMed, or Google Scholar. These databases grant access to peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and articles from reputable academic publishers and professional societies.
  3. Use the Right Keywords: When searching for sources, employ specific and pertinent keywords to refine your results. For instance, if your research centers around the impact of sleep on memory, utilize keywords such as “sleep,” “memory,” and “empirical study.”
  4. Look for Empirical Papers: Most of your sources for psychology papers should be empirical reports found in journals. These papers present original research and provide the most reliable information. If your references are primarily secondary reports of data, such as chapters and books, you may need to find more original empirical papers.
  5. Cite Articles from Peer-Reviewed Journals: Whenever possible, cite articles from peer-reviewed journals. “Peer-reviewed” denotes that a journal mandates an article to undergo expert evaluation within the field before publication. Findings not published in peer-reviewed journals may be marred by flawed methods, statistics, or conclusions.
  6. Consider the Number of Citations: Both PsycINFO and Google Scholar provide data on how frequently an article has been cited by other scholars. In general, an article with numerous citations holds greater significance within the field. However, remember that recently published papers may not have accumulated extensive citations yet.
  7. Learn and Use APA Style: The accurate citation of sources holds paramount importance in psychology. For all your papers, you will adhere to APA style. To grasp the APA style, procure the latest edition of the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,” updated with guidelines for citing papers. While some websites offer APA format guidance, be mindful that they might not always reflect the most recent editions of the APA manual.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure that your psychology research paper is based on the best available evidence and supported by reliable sources.

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Enhancing Patient Engagement and Health Outcomes through Technology Essay Example

Enhancing Patient Engagement and Health Outcomes through Technology Essay ExampleAssignment Brief

Assignment Title: Enhancing Patient Engagement and Health Outcomes through Technology

Assignment Instructions Overview:

In this assignment, you will explore the critical aspect of patient engagement in healthcare and understand why it is of paramount importance. You will then create a clinical case example of a patient who does not currently utilize technology for health data management. Subsequently, you will explore the role of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) in introducing and encouraging the patient to use a specific form of technology for health data access and management. Barriers and solutions related to this transition will be identified, backed by scholarly resources.

Understanding the Task: Enhancing Patient Engagement and Health Outcomes through Technology

The assignment revolves around the significance of patient engagement in healthcare. Patient engagement is crucial as it empowers individuals to actively participate in their healthcare journey, leading to several benefits, including improved communication with healthcare providers, enhanced patient-physician relationships, informed decision-making, efficient health data tracking, and overall satisfaction (Smith et al., 2021). This assignment aims to highlight why patient engagement is vital.


Patient engagement is a pivotal component of modern healthcare, promoting active involvement and collaboration between patients and healthcare providers to achieve positive health outcomes. This essay explores the importance of patient engagement, presents a clinical case example, and discusses how a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) can engage the patient in using technology for health data management. Specifically, the paper will focus on a patient portal as the technology of choice.

Importance of Patient Engagement

Patient engagement stands as a crucial pillar of contemporary healthcare, yielding a multitude of advantages that reverberate throughout the entire healthcare ecosystem, transcending individual patients. One of the key advantages is its capacity to improve communication between patients and their healthcare providers. When patients actively participate in their care, they feel more comfortable sharing their concerns, posing questions, and seeking clarification about their treatment plans. This open channel of communication results in more well-informed decisions and a clearer comprehension of their medical conditions and available treatment choices (Smith et al., 2021).

Building upon the foundation of improved communication, patient engagement also plays a crucial role in strengthening the relationships between patients and physicians. Patients who actively engage in their healthcare often develop a sense of trust and partnership with their healthcare providers. They feel valued as active participants in their care rather than passive recipients of medical advice. This positive rapport can lead to increased patient satisfaction and, subsequently, better treatment outcomes (Smith et al., 2021).

In today’s data-driven healthcare landscape, efficient health data tracking is paramount. Patient engagement helps individuals take charge of their health records, facilitating the seamless management of personal health information. Patients can easily access their medical history, test results, and treatment plans, empowering them to monitor their health progress and make more informed choices. This capability not only empowers patients but also streamlines administrative processes in healthcare institutions (Smith et al., 2021).

Furthermore, patient engagement is intimately tied to making well-informed decisions. When patients actively participate in determining their healthcare choices, they tend to follow treatment plans and lifestyle adjustments advised by their healthcare providers more faithfully. As a result, this translates into better health results and, on occasion, a reduction in healthcare costs because patients are less likely to require additional treatments due to non-compliance (Smith et al., 2021).

Zooming out for a wider perspective, patient engagement’s benefits also exert a favorable influence on the entire healthcare system. By promoting patient involvement in their care, healthcare institutions can achieve cost savings through improved adherence to treatment plans, fewer hospital readmissions, and a focus on preventative care. These financial benefits are complemented by enhanced care quality, which is driven by patients who are actively engaged in their health management (Smith et al., 2021).

Clinical Case Example

Let’s consider the case of Mr. X, a 36-year-old male with a history of diabetes since childhood. Recently, Mr. X sought medical attention at a healthcare facility when he began experiencing a high-grade fever, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

After undergoing a series of tests and examinations, Mr. X was informed that his results would be ready for collection the following day at 0800hrs. With a sense of anticipation, he arrived promptly at the designated time. Unfortunately, Mr. X’s encounter with the healthcare system took an arduous turn as he had to endure long waits at the facility just to access his test results and consult with a physician.

To make matters more challenging, after two days of diligently taking his prescribed medication, Mr. X experienced unexpected side effects. The discomfort and uncertainty prompted him to make an unplanned return visit to the healthcare facility. This situation underscores the need for a more efficient and patient-centric approach to healthcare delivery.

In this scenario, the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) has a golden opportunity to introduce Mr. X to a game-changing solution: a patient portal. Patient portals are digital platforms that empower patients to actively engage in their healthcare by providing convenient access to their medical information, test results, appointment scheduling, secure messaging with healthcare providers, and more.

By introducing Mr. X to a patient portal, the FNP can address the challenges he faced during his recent healthcare encounters. For instance, instead of enduring long waits to collect test results at the facility, Mr. X could access his results securely through the portal at his convenience. This not only saves time but also reduces the anxiety associated with waiting.

Moreover, the patient portal’s secure messaging feature allows Mr. X to communicate directly with his healthcare provider from the comfort of his home. Instead of waiting for another in-person consultation, he can seek guidance on his medication side effects promptly. The portal creates an interactive and immediate connection between patients and healthcare providers, making the healthcare experience more engaging.

In today’s digital era, patient portals have gained significant importance as tools for boosting patient engagement and the overall quality of care. They go beyond just improving communication between patients and providers; they empower patients to actively engage in their healthcare choices. By harnessing technology and patient portals, Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) can assist patients like Mr. X in navigating the intricacies of the healthcare system more smoothly. This, in turn, results in better health outcomes and increased patient contentment.

Patient Portal Technology

The patient portal is a secure online platform that offers 24/7 access to medical information and services. Patients and healthcare providers can use it collaboratively or individually. It requires a secure username and password for access and is accessible wherever an internet connection is available. The patient portal allows patients to take control of their health, save time, reduce costs, and streamline communication with healthcare providers.

Key functionalities of the patient portal include:

  1. Secure Data Access: Patients can securely view their medical records, test results, and healthcare provider’s instructions.
  2. Health Information Updates: Patients can update their health information, including vital signs, medication adherence, and other relevant data.
  3. Secure Messaging: Patients can send secure messages to their healthcare providers, allowing for convenient communication and inquiries.
  4. Appointment Scheduling: Patients can schedule appointments at their convenience, reducing wait times at the facility.
  5. Result Notifications: Patients receive alerts when their test results become available, eliminating the need to wait at the hospital for results.

Barriers and Solutions:

While patient portals offer numerous advantages, several barriers must be addressed:

  • Technological Literacy: Some patients, especially older adults, may struggle with technology. To overcome this, the FNP can provide training sessions or involve family members or caregivers to assist with portal usage.
  • Data Security: Patient portals introduce data security concerns. To mitigate this risk, robust security measures should be implemented, including encryption, secure hosting, and user education about safe login practices.
  • Patient Resistance: Convincing patients to adopt a new technological approach can be challenging. The FNP can address this by providing education on the benefits of the patient portal, allowing patients time to adjust, and fostering a gradual cultural shift.


Patient engagement through technology, such as patient portals, offers substantial advantages in modern healthcare. While challenges exist, they can be effectively addressed through education, security measures, and patience. Patient portals are poised to enhance healthcare delivery, empower patients, and ultimately improve health outcomes.

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NURS 6051/5051 TN005 The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Portfolio Assignment Example

NURS 5051: The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation

NURS 6051/5051 TN005 Module05 The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Portfolio Assignment

NURS 6051/5051 TN005 The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Portfolio Assignment Brief

Course: NURS 5051 – Transforming Nursing and Healthcare Through Technology

Assignment Title: NURS 6051/5051 TN005 Module05 The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Portfolio Assignment

For top-quality coursework writing help and assignment writing services, trust Reliable Papers. Our expert team delivers 100% original human-written work tailored to your needs. Contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or live chat for assistance today and get the most reliable research paper help!

Assignment Overview

In NURS 5051, the student is expected to explore the pivotal role of the nurse informaticist in the development and implementation of healthcare systems. This assignment provides you with an opportunity to dig deeper into this crucial aspect of nursing and health informatics. You will examine the various stages of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and analyze the nurse informaticist’s role in each phase, from planning and requirements definition to post-implementation support.

Understanding NURS 5051: The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation

In this course, nursing students will explore the dynamic field of health informatics, focusing on the nurse informaticist’s integral part in enhancing healthcare through technology. As healthcare systems continue to evolve, the need for experts who can bridge the gap between clinical practice and technology becomes increasingly essential. NURS 5051 equips you with the knowledge and skills required to be that bridge.

The Student’s Role

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a nurse manager in a healthcare unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. Your task is to ensure that this system is not only usable but also acceptable to the nurses who will be directly impacted by it. You must understand that a nurse leader is crucial on the implementation team for health information technology.

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NURS 6051/5051 TN003 Module03 Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Assignment Example

NURS 6051/5051 TN004 Module04 The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies Literature Review Assignment Example

NURS 6051/5051 TN006 Module06 Policy/Regulation Fact Sheet Assignment Example

NURS 6051/5051 TN005 The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Portfolio Assignment Example


The digital and technological revolution has ushered in a new era of possibilities in healthcare, particularly in the field of health informatics. This transformation has brought about remarkable advancements, making patient records more accessible and organized, proliferating evidence-based treatment approaches, and simplifying communication among healthcare organizations (Ehrler et al., 2019; Haupeltshofer et al., 2020). As a result, nursing and medical care facilities are under increasing pressure to continue the digitization of their professional workflows to enhance patient outcomes and clinical efficiencies. This paper aims to explore the pivotal role nurses play in the implementation of a documentation system by utilizing the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as a guiding framework.

Planning and Requirements Definition

In the initial phase of the SDLC, which involves planning and requirements definition, the nurse informaticist’s responsibilities are multifaceted (Kim et al., 2020). They serve as the linchpin between clinical practice and technological innovation. Firstly, they collaborate with cross-functional teams to establish inter-collaborative goals and milestones, emphasizing teamwork as a driving force behind successful project execution. Secondly, nurse informaticists work diligently to formulate the clinical, technical, and safety requirements of the system, ensuring that it aligns with the overarching project goals. Additionally, they take on the critical task of performing safety and feasibility assessments, gauging the practicality and viability of the project.

One of the distinctive features that make nurses indispensable in this phase is their intimate familiarity with patient interactions and clinical care (Haupeltshofer et al., 2020). As the primary caregivers at the frontline of healthcare, nurses possess invaluable insights into patient experiences, challenges, and the delivery of quality care. Their involvement in planning ensures that the documentation system is tailored to meet the specific needs of clinical practice. By directly engaging nurses in the decision-making process, it becomes possible to determine the optimal system design, data architecture, and information flow, ultimately enhancing workflow efficiency. When nurses perform at their best, clinics and patients are more likely to experience improved efficiencies and outcomes.


The analysis phase of the SDLC is characterized by comprehensive fact-finding and evaluation (Dai et al., 2021). During this stage, nurses contribute significantly to defining system requirements, encompassing technical, safety, clinical, and medical aspects. After initially defining the scope of the problem, nurses engage in the critical task of re-evaluating proposed policies and requirements to ensure their alignment with the project’s primary objectives. They delve into activities such as gap analysis, the development of system proposal documents, the creation of functional design documents, and the specification of technical hardware requirements.

This phase marks a pivotal turning point for nurse informaticists as their roles become increasingly well-defined (Ehrler et al., 2019). They must not only develop recommendations for the way forward but also provide comprehensive risk assessments to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the proposed system. Their analytical skills and clinical expertise become instrumental in shaping the foundation of the system, which will underpin its success in the subsequent phases of development.

Design of the New System

During the design phase, nurse informaticists scrutinize the technical intricacies of the new information and documentation system (Ehrler et al., 2019). This encompasses aspects such as data architecture, hardware specifications, software configuration, networking infrastructure, data retrieval mechanisms, user interface design, and archiving protocols. In this phase, collaboration with various stakeholders, including informatics nurses, IT specialists, vendors, and other relevant parties, is paramount.

The nurse informaticist’s role takes on a distinctly inter-collaborative nature (Ehrler et al., 2019). They actively assess and evaluate various system alternatives, formulate and assess design specifications, conduct rigorous risk assessments, and prepare essential documentation for inspection and approval. Moreover, they engage in discussions with stakeholders to discuss and implement plausible security recommendations for the system. This collaborative approach ensures that the new system is technically robust, aligns seamlessly with organizational goals, and maintains a high level of security, setting the stage for a successful implementation phase.


The implementation phase is a critical juncture in the SDLC, marked by a collaborative approach involving clinical and technical stakeholders in the system proposal (Kim et al., 2020). During this phase, the physical design of the system takes precedence, and responsibilities are shared among the inter-collaborative members. These responsibilities encompass defining and inputting system components, including controls, procedures, input mechanisms, output configurations, and databases. Additionally, rigorous testing of the system’s functionality takes place, with a focus on assessing and evaluating its performance and identifying potential system issues and risks.

Notably, nurse informaticists play a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless transition from design to implementation. They become instrumental as training facilitators for the organization’s healthcare workforce, ensuring that staff becomes proficient in utilizing the new system effectively. Furthermore, nurse informaticists maintain open lines of communication between employees and management, fostering an environment where user input is actively collected. This user input is integral to optimizing and customizing the system to enhance workflow efficiency and user satisfaction. An example of their contribution includes making safety rounds to detect workflow and system concerns, a practical technique that nurses employ to refine and improve the overall system (Kim et al., 2020).

Post-Implementation Support

The post-implementation phase serves as the maintenance and support stage, where the nurse informaticist’s significance remains paramount (Haupeltshofer et al., 2020). During this period, they shoulder the responsibility of providing ongoing support and delivering proper training to staff members. Organizing awareness programs and training sessions for the organization’s staff promotes competency development, knowledge acquisition, and understanding of the technology’s implications.

This active engagement by nurse informaticists ensures that staff not only accepts but also complies with the new system. The result is increased contentment among staff and adherence to best practices, which contributes to improved patient care and clinical outcomes. Nurse informaticists also collaborate with other inter-collaborative team members to establish a continuous evaluation and assessment mechanism. This mechanism identifies potential problems and underscores the necessity for continual database updates and maintenance (Haupeltshofer et al., 2020). In doing so, nurse informaticists minimize the negative repercussions of technological failures, ensuring the sustained success and efficiency of the implemented system.


In conclusion, the role of the nurse informaticist in systems development and implementation is multifaceted and indispensable in the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare informatics. Throughout the SDLC phases, from planning and requirements definition to post-implementation support, nurse informaticists contribute significantly to the successful adoption and integration of technology in healthcare settings. Their ability to bridge the gap between technology and patient care, their intimate knowledge of clinical practice, and their analytical skills make them invaluable assets in the quest for improved healthcare outcomes through the integration of health information technology. As healthcare continues to evolve, nurse informaticists will play a central role in driving innovation and improving patient care.

Detailed Assessment Instructions for the NURS 6051/5051 TN005 The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Portfolio Assignment

Portfolio Assignment: The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation

Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.

To Prepare:

  • Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.
  • Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages not including the title and reference page)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

  • Planning and requirements definition
  • Analysis
  • Design of the new system
  • Implementation
  • Post-implementation support
  • Use APA format and include a title page and reference page.
  • Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

By Day 7 of Week 10

Submit your completed Role Description.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK10Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 10 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 10 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK10Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
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Learning Resources

Required Readings

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 9, “Systems Development Life Cycle: Nursing Informatics and Organizational Decision Making” (pp. 175–187)
  • Chapter 12, “Electronic Security” (pp. 229–242)
  • Chapter 13, “Workflow and Beyond Meaningful Use” (pp. 245–261)

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.a). Health IT evaluation toolkit and evaluation measures quick reference guide. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.b). Workflow assessment for health IT toolkit. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from

Required Media

Louis, I. (2011, August 17). Systems development life cycle (SDLC) [Video file]. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Interoperability, Standards, and Security [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Managing Health Information Technology [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

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NURS 6051 The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

NURS 6051 The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies ExampleAssignment Brief: NURS 6051 – The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

Assignment Title: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

Course: NURS 6051 – Healthcare Systems and Quality Management

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will explore the impact of clinical systems on healthcare outcomes and efficiencies. You will focus on Electronic Health Records (EHRs) as a key clinical system. This assignment aims to enhance your understanding of how healthcare informatics and technology can shape the quality of care and operational efficiency within healthcare organizations.

Understanding NURS 6051: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

The NURS 6051 course delves into the critical role of clinical systems, such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs), in improving healthcare outcomes and operational efficiencies. It emphasizes the importance of leveraging technology to enhance the quality of care, streamline processes, and ultimately benefit both patients and healthcare providers.

The Student’s Role

As a student in NURS 6051, your role in this assignment is to conduct a literature review focusing on the application of clinical systems, particularly EHRs, and their impact on healthcare outcomes and efficiencies. You will analyze and synthesize peer-reviewed research articles to gain insights into the effectiveness of EHRs in various healthcare contexts.

NURS 6051 The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies Example Paper


In the wake of the 21st-century digital revolution, governments, medical organizations, and institutions are increasingly embracing information and digital technology as the cornerstone of delivering high-quality healthcare to patients. With proven benefits in various significant industries such as retail, telecommunications, and manufacturing, investing in information technology offers a tangible return on investment, which can be quantified through improvements in patient outcomes and healthcare efficiencies (Mullins et al., 2020). Among the technologies garnering significant interest from healthcare organizations worldwide is the utilization of electronic health records (EHRs) to provide top-tier care. Researchers widely concur that EHRs have the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery by enhancing care coordination, patient treatment, and adherence to evidence-based medical guidelines (Wani & Malhotra, 2018). Nonetheless, limited research exists on the efficacy of EHRs during their implementation. This paper aims to delve into articles that assess the impact of EHRs on the quality of care delivered to patients.

Annotated Bibliography

  1. Mousa, M., Rankin, D., Mullins, A., O’Donnell, Rankin, Boyd-Skinner, C., Ben-Meir, M., & Skouteris, H. (2020). HEALTH OUTCOMES AND HEALTHCARE EFFICIENCIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS IN HOSPITAL EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Journal of Medical Systems, 44(12).

This systematic review aimed to investigate the potential impact of EHRs on healthcare outcomes and efficiencies within hospital emergency departments. The authors conducted a systematic review of articles retrieved from databases like MEDLINE, EMBASE, and EMcare, spanning from 2009 to 2019. The selection criteria encompassed articles that assessed the functional impact of EHRs or health information exchanges, reported benefits in patient health outcomes and improved healthcare costs, were published in English, and underwent peer review. Out of 6635 publications, 23 articles met the inclusion criteria. The findings identified eight distinct categories of healthcare outcomes and three types of efficiency benefits associated with EHR usage in the emergency department. These benefits encompassed reductions in admission rates, improved diagnosis accuracy, decreased length of stay, and cost savings from reduced diagnostic testing and imaging. Notably, the study shed light on a previously unexplored phenomenon: moderate to large increases in admission rates linked with EHR adoption in the emergency department.

  1. Shelden, D., Ateya, M., Jensen, A., Arnold, P., Bellomo, T., & Gianchandani, R. (2020). Improving Hospital Glucometrics, Workflow, and Outcomes with a Computerized Intravenous Insulin Dose Calculator Built into the Electronic Health Record. JOURNAL OF DIABETES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 15(2), 271-278.

This study sought to investigate the impact of integrating a computerized intravenous insulin dose calculator into the EHR to enhance workflow, glucometrics, and outcomes within a hospital setting. The study employed a multidisciplinary approach, involving stakeholders from various departments such as nursing, pharmacy, clinical informatics, hospitalist service, critical care, and information technology. After the integration of the IV insulin calculator into the EHR, medical providers could conveniently order insulin using the linked infusion calculator through the physician order entry interface. The study assessed the outcomes of this intervention through a pre-and post-intervention framework. While the use of the insulin calculator led to a reduction in hypoglycemia incidence, particularly in severe cases, statistical significance for this parameter was not achieved. Nevertheless, the post-intervention group exhibited no instances of severe hypoglycemia. The study also noted a favorable trend in average blood glucose levels. In conclusion, the authors emphasized that the results of the study’s insulin calculator intervention yielded lower rates of hypoglycemia compared to previous empirical studies. Given these findings, the authors advocated for the continued adoption of EHR systems as the standard of care for patients.

  1. Malhotra, M., & Wani, D. (2018). DOES THE MEANINGFUL USE OF ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS IMPROVE PATIENT OUTCOMES? Journal of Operations Management, 60(1), 1-18.

This paper aimed to investigate the impact of meaningful assimilation and integration of EHRs, as mandated by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, on patient health outcomes. The study design involved an examination of the effect of EHRs on patient length of stay (LOS) across three levels of healthcare institutions: those that fully implemented EHRs, those that partially adopted EHRs, and those that meaningfully integrated EHRs. Data were collected from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) of California spanning from 2010 to 2013. The dataset included patient discharge records and demographic information. The results revealed that the average LOS decreased by 3% for patients receiving care at institutions meaningfully employing EHR technology compared to those treated at fully adopting EHR hospitals. The degree of reduction in LOS was more pronounced for patients with complex comorbidities and coordination issues. Additionally, a decrease in readmission rates by approximately 6.5% was observed over the same period. Such benefits were not observed among EHR complete adopters. Consequently, the study provided empirical evidence that, beyond mere adoption, hospital-wide EHR assimilation can significantly enhance patient care efficiency, particularly benefiting senior-aged patients.

  1. Wilson, F., Martin, M., Yamamoto, Y., Partridge, C., Moreira, E., & Arora, T. et al. (2021). ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD ALERTS FOR ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY: MULTICENTER, RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL. BMJ, m4786.

This paper set out to investigate the impact of electronic health record alerts on health outcomes for patients with acute kidney injury through a randomized clinical trial. The study encompassed six Yale-New Haven Health System institutions located in Rhode Island and Connecticut. Inclusion criteria required patients to be aged 18 or older and diagnosed with acute kidney injury. The randomized intervention involved the implementation of electronic automated pop-up alerts triggered when a patient’s electronic chart was accessed. Outcomes measured included dialysis receipt, progression of acute kidney injury, and interventions administered within 14 days of randomization. Secondary outcomes comprised the frequency of specific practices for acute kidney injury patients, including urine output and creatinine monitoring, documentation of acute kidney injury, urinalysis ordering, and kidney consultation ordering. The study included 6030 participants who met the inclusion criteria. The results indicated that the group receiving electronic health record alerts exhibited a higher likelihood (38.4%) of receiving intravenous fluid orders compared to the control group (34.8%). They were also more likely to undergo urinalysis (17.0% vs. 14.9%) and have serum creatinine measured (87.2% in the randomized group vs. 85.2% in the control group). Furthermore, the intervention groups exhibited a higher likelihood of documentation of acute kidney injury during hospital admission (70%) compared to the control group (63.0%). However, no significant differences were observed in recording urine output or the frequency of intravenous fluid administration at 24, 48, and 72 hours post-randomization. Ultimately, the study concluded that the implementation of automated electronic alerts for acute kidney injury patients had minimal impact on process measures and did not significantly affect the risk of progression, mortality, or dialysis. Therefore, the authors did not endorse the adoption of electronic alerts for acute kidney injury patients.


Electronic health records (EHRs) have emerged as pivotal tools in healthcare delivery, holding the potential to enhance the quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of care. The reviewed studies collectively support the notion that strategic implementation of EHR systems can lead to improved healthcare outcomes and efficiencies within medical institutions. Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge that the impact of EHRs may vary depending on the specific clinical context. Consequently, ongoing research and evaluation are imperative to maximize the benefits of EHRs in diverse healthcare settings.

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NURS 6512: Abdominal Assessment Subjective Episodic Case

NURS 6512: Abdominal Assessment Subjective Episodic NOTE Case Study ExampleIntroduction Assignment Overview:

This paper analyzes a SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note for a patient presenting with severe abdominal pain and diarrhea, aiming to improve the quality of documentation and diagnostic accuracy. The patient, J.R, a 47-year-old female, sought medical attention due to generalized abdominal pain that began three days ago. This assessment is part of NURS 6512: Week 6 Lab Assignment 1, focusing on abdominal assessment. The objective is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the SOAP note, identify areas for improvement, and suggest additional information and diagnostic tests to enhance the assessment’s quality.

The Student’s Role in the Abdominal Assessment Subjective Episodic NOTE Case Study Assignment:

As a student in NURS 6512, your role is to carefully analyze and interpret the provided episodic note, which details a patient’s abdominal complaints and clinical presentation. You will assume the role of a healthcare practitioner responsible for assessing and documenting the patient’s condition. Your analysis will be structured in accordance with the SOAP format to facilitate clear communication and decision-making in a clinical setting.

Subjective Assessment:

The patient reports severe abdominal pain lasting for three days and describes it as, “My stomach hurts, I have diarrhea, and nothing seems to help.” The patient has not taken any medications to alleviate the pain due to uncertainty about the appropriate choice. She rates her current pain level as 5/10, but it was as high as 9/10 when the pain initially started. She experiences nausea after eating. J.R.’s medical history includes hypertension, diabetes, and a gastrointestinal bleed four years ago. Her current medications include Lisinopril 10mg, Amlodipine 5 mg, Metformin 1000mg, and Lantus 10 units qhs. She has no known drug allergies. Family history reveals her father has type 2 diabetes and hypertension, while her mother has hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and GERD. She is married with three children, denies tobacco use, and admits to occasional alcohol consumption.

The provided subjective data is informative, but additional information is necessary. Relevant data to include in the SOAP Note should encompass the following (Ball et al., 2019):

  1. Review of Systems: A comprehensive review of systems to identify any associated symptoms or systemic manifestations related to abdominal pain.
  2. Recent Travel or Exposure: Inquire about recent travel or exposure to contaminated water or food, as it could indicate infectious etiology.
  3. Detailed Nausea Assessment: Gather specific details about the nausea, including severity, timing, triggers, and associated symptoms.
  4. Dietary Changes: Explore if there have been any recent changes in diet or food intake, which may be related to the symptoms.
  5. Diarrhea Characteristics: Document the duration and characteristics of diarrhea, including consistency, frequency, and presence of mucus, or blood.
  6. Weight Changes: Inquire about any recent weight changes, as unexplained weight loss can be a significant symptom.

Objective Assessment:

Vital signs indicate a temperature of 99.8°F, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, weight of 248lbs, blood pressure of 160/86mmHg, pulse rate of 92 beats per minute, and a height of 5’10”. A cardiovascular assessment reveals a regular rhythm and rate without murmurs. Her chest walls are symmetrical, and lung auscultation reveals clear breath sounds. The patient’s skin appears without visible urticaria or lesions. An abdominal assessment indicates softness and hyperactive bowel sounds, along with pain in the left lower quadrant (LLQ).

Additional information is required to establish a comprehensive patient profile and consider potential differential diagnoses. Essential data to include are as follows (Ball et al., 2019):

  1. Bowel Movement Characteristics: Perform a thorough assessment of bowel movements, noting the presence of mucus or blood, frequency, and consistency.
  2. Previous Abdominal Tests: If available, include findings from prior abdominal diagnostic or imaging tests to provide a historical context.
  3. Pain Description: Elaborate on the pain in the left lower quadrant (LLQ) by documenting relieving/aggravating factors, onset, intensity, and nature.
  4. Additional Physical Exams: If clinically indicated, perform a rectal examination and document relevant findings.
  5. Abdominal Palpation: Describe the results of abdominal palpation to assess for tenderness, masses, or other abnormalities.

Diagnostic Tests:

To further evaluate the patient’s condition and support the assessment, the following diagnostic tests are recommended:

  1. Electrolyte Panel: Conduct an electrolyte panel to assess for electrolyte imbalances or dehydration, which can be associated with gastrointestinal conditions (Dains et al., 2019).
  2. Stool Culture and Sensitivity: Perform a stool culture and sensitivity test to identify infectious etiologies responsible for diarrhea (Ball et al., 2019).
  3. Abdominal Imaging: Consider abdominal imaging, such as a CT scan, if the patient’s condition does not improve or worsens, or if signs of complications arise (Colyar, 2015).
  4. Complete Blood Count (CBC): Order a CBC to identify signs of inflammation or infection, which can help guide the diagnosis (Dains et al., 2019).
  5. Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Test: In patients with diabetes, conduct an HbA1c test to assess long-term blood sugar control (Dains et al., 2019).

These tests help confirm the diagnosis of gastroenteritis and rule out other potential causes of the patient’s ailment. Additionally, they guide physicians in recommending appropriate treatment interventions and provide insights into J.R.’s overall health status, identifying underlying conditions that may require further specialist consultation.

Assessment and Differential Diagnoses:

Primary Diagnosis:

Gastroenteritis: This aligns with the patient’s symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea, lasting a few days and often caused by contaminated sources (Dains et al., 2019). Gastroenteritis typically lasts for a few days and can be transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces, water, or food.

Differential Diagnoses:

  1. Diverticulitis: While less likely, diverticulitis presents with infection or inflammation of the diverticula in the colon, causing fever, changes in bowel movements, and pain in the lower left quadrant.
  2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease): While less probable, these conditions may present with abdominal pain and diarrhea, typically with systemic symptoms (Dains et al., 2019).
  3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Although not a primary diagnosis candidate, IBS can cause altered bowel habits and abdominal pain, often accompanied by bloating (Adriani et al., 2018).
  4. Gastrointestinal Malignancy: While improbable due to the acute onset of symptoms, it’s essential to consider this possibility, as it presents with weight loss, nausea and vomiting, early satiety, and abdominal pain (Franke et al., 2017).


Revising and enhancing the SOAP note analysis for J.R’s abdominal pain assessment ensures a more comprehensive evaluation, appropriate diagnostic consideration, and a thorough examination of potential differential diagnoses, thus improving the quality of care provided to the patient. The recommended diagnostic tests will help confirm gastroenteritis and exclude other potential causes, providing a clear path for effective management.

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NURS 6512 Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Example [Solved]

NURS 6512 Episodic/Focused SOAP Note ExampleNUR 6512: Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Assignment Instructions Overview

In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to practice creating an Episodic/Focused SOAP Note for a patient presenting with head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (HEENT) symptoms. You will apply your knowledge of the HEENT assessment and differential diagnosis to provide comprehensive care to the patient. Additionally, you will identify possible conditions and justify your choices using evidence-based guidelines. Your goal is to accurately document the patient’s history, perform a focused physical examination, and formulate a differential diagnosis based on the presented case.

Understanding Episodic/Focused SOAP Notes on HEENT:

Episodic/Focused SOAP Notes are a structured way of documenting patient assessments, allowing healthcare providers to collect essential information systematically. For this assignment, we will focus on the HEENT region, which includes the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat.

If you want to master the art of writing SOAP notes in nursing, you can check out our expert guide on How to Write SOAP Notes in Nursing to enhance your clinical documentation skills while excelling in your academic journey.

The Student’s Role:

As a student in NUR 6512, you will:

  1. Review the Case Study: Familiarize yourself with the provided case study, which outlines the patient’s background, chief complaint, and relevant medical history. Pay close attention to the patient’s symptoms and any cues that may hint at a potential diagnosis.
  2. Understand the Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Format: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Episodic/Focused SOAP Note format, which includes sections for Subjective data (S), Objective data (O), Assessment (A), and Plan (P). You will focus primarily on the S and O sections in this assignment.
  3. Patient Assessment and Documentation: Assume the role of a healthcare provider and document the patient’s history, focusing on the LOCATES mnemonic (Location, Onset, Character, Associated signs and symptoms, Timing, Exacerbating/relieving factors, Severity). Include the patient’s age, race, and gender in your documentation.Conduct a thorough physical examination of the patient, documenting findings from head to toe, with specific emphasis on the HEENT system. Avoid using terms like “WNL” or “normal.” Instead, provide detailed descriptions of what you observe, hear, and feel.
  4. Differential Diagnosis: Generate a list of at least three possible differential diagnoses based on the patient’s presenting symptoms and physical examination findings. Your primary or presumptive diagnosis should be at the top of the list. Provide evidence-based justification for each potential diagnosis, drawing upon knowledge from the provided resources.
  5. Diagnostic Results: If necessary, include any hypothetical diagnostic tests that might be appropriate for confirming or ruling out the differential diagnoses. Support your choices with evidence from the literature and guidelines.
  6. Assignment Submission: Organize your findings and document them in the Episodic/Focused SOAP Note template provided in the assignment resources. Ensure that you adhere to the format guidelines and provide clear and detailed information.

Patient Information:

Initials: R.H.       Age: 50                Sex: Male            Race: Not specified

CC: “Nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and postnasal drainage”

HPI: Mr. Richard (R.H.) is a 50-year-old male presenting with symptoms of nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and postnasal drainage. The location of the presenting illness is primarily in the head and neck region. He has been experiencing these symptoms for the past 5 days, along with itching in his nose, eyes, palate, and ears. During the examination, he was observed touching his nose bridge frequently. He reports having taken Mucinex OTC for the past two nights to alleviate his symptoms of nighttime breathing difficulties but with only minimal improvement. On examination, R.H. appears alert and oriented. His nasal mucosa is pale and boggy, with clear thin secretions. An enlarged nasal turbinate obstructs his airway, but his lung examination is unremarkable. His tonsils are not enlarged, but his throat displays mild erythema.

  • Location: Head and neck
  • Onset: 5 days ago
  • Character: Nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea, postnasal drainage, itching in nose, eyes, palate, and ears
  • Associated signs and symptoms: Pale, boggy nasal mucosa, clear thin secretions, enlarged nasal turbinate obstructing airway flow, mildly erythematous throat
  • Timing: Persistent symptoms, worsened during sleep
  • Exacerbating/relieving factors: Symptoms worsen during sleep, minimal improvement with Mucinex OTC
  • Severity: 7/10 pain scale

Current Medications:

R.H. is currently taking Mucinex OTC for his symptoms, but the dosage, frequency, and length of use are not specified.


R.H. reports an allergy to pollen, which causes angioedema.


R.D. received the Moderna mRNA vaccine on October 1st, 2021, and has no recent major illnesses or surgeries.

Soc Hx:

Occupation: Tax attorney in New York.

Hobbies: Golfing, DIY carpentry projects, occasional skydiving.

Marital Status: Married for 23 years.

Family: One daughter in college.

Tobacco & Alcohol Use:

  • Denies tobacco use.
  • Occasional alcohol consumption.
  • History of marijuana use in his 20s.

Health Promotion:

  • Reports maintaining a healthy diet.
  • Does not consistently use protective equipment during carpentry.

Fam Hx:

  • Father: Deceased at 82, congestive heart failure, hypertension.
  • Mother: Alive at 76, dementia, hypertension.
  • Grandparents: Deceased at ages 86 and 89, with no significant health issues except for arthritis in his grandfather.
  • Wife and daughter: No significant medical history.


GENERAL: Denies weight loss, fever, chills, weakness, or fatigue.

HEENT: Eyes: Denies visual loss, blurred vision, double vision, or yellow sclerae. Ears, Nose, Throat: Denies hearing loss, sneezing, congestion, runny nose, or sore throat.

SKIN: Denies rash or itching.

CARDIOVASCULAR: Denies chest pain, chest pressure, or chest discomfort. No palpitations or edema.

RESPIRATORY: Denies shortness of breath, cough, or sputum.

GASTROINTESTINAL: Denies anorexia, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. No abdominal pain or blood.

GENITOURINARY: Denies burning on urination. Pregnancy. Last menstrual period, MM/DD/YYYY.

NEUROLOGICAL: Denies headache, dizziness, syncope, paralysis, ataxia, numbness, or tingling in the extremities. No change in bowel or bladder control.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Denies muscle, back pain, joint pain, or stiffness.

HEMATOLOGIC: Denies anemia, bleeding, or bruising.

LYMPHATICS: Denies enlarged nodes. No history of splenectomy.

PSYCHIATRIC: Denies history of depression or anxiety.

ENDOCRINOLOGIC: Denies reports of sweating, cold or heat intolerance. No polyuria or polydipsia.

ALLERGIES: Denies history of asthma, hives, eczema, or rhinitis.


Physical exam:

GENERAL: The patient is a 50-year-old male, alert, and oriented, with no signs of distress.


  • Blood Pressure: 100/80 mm Hg
  • Heart Rate: 79 bpm
  • Respiratory Rate: 15 breaths per minute
  • Temperature: 97.6°F
  • Weight: 120 lbs
  • Height: 6’2″
  • BMI: 37

HEAD: No visible abnormalities, swelling, trauma, or lesions.

EYES: Pupils are round, reactive to light, and equal in size. Slight redness observed.

EARS: No visible ear abnormalities.

NOSE: Pale and boggy mucosa. Enlarged nasal turbinate with clear thin secretions present.

MOUTH AND THROAT: Throat appears mildly erythematous, tonsils not enlarged. No lesions or tonsillar exudate visible.

NECK: Range of motion is normal, with no visible signs of trauma.

RESPIRATORY: Abnormal wheezing sounds are heard during breathing.

CARDIOVASCULAR: S2 is louder than S1.

ABDOMEN: No specific abdominal-related complaints, thus no abdominal examination was performed.

EXTREMITIES: No visible deformities, swelling, or abnormalities.

SKIN: Skin is free from discoloration, lesions, or rashes.

NEUROLOGICAL: No neurological complaints presented, thus neurological examination was not performed.

PAIN ASSESSMENT: Patient reports no pain.

Diagnostic results:

No diagnostic tests were conducted for this patient.


Differential Diagnoses:

  1. Allergic Rhinitis: Symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and itching in the nose, eyes, palate, and ears are indicative of allergic rhinitis. The patient’s response to environmental allergens, along with the presence of pale, boggy nasal mucosa and clear thin secretions, supports this diagnosis (Liva et al., 2021).
  2. Non-Allergic Rhinitis: While similar to allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis may be triggered by non-allergic factors such as humidity, irritants, or medications. The patient’s minimal response to Mucinex OTC suggests this as a differential diagnosis (Liva et al., 2021).
  3. Viral Rhinitis (Common Cold): Viral rhinitis can present with symptoms of nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and postnasal drainage. The patient’s mild erythematous throat and lack of significant improvement with Mucinex OTC make this a possibility (Negmurodovich, 2021).
  4. Vasomotor Rhinitis: Vasomotor rhinitis may cause symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis but is triggered by environmental factors. If no allergic or viral etiology is found, this could be considered as a differential diagnosis (Negmurodovich, 2021).
  5. Sinusitis: The persistence of an enlarged nasal turbinate obstructing airway flow suggests the possibility of sinusitis, which can lead to symptoms like postnasal drainage and facial discomfort and pressure (Kumar et al., 2022).

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NU 518: Nursing Comprehensive Health Assessment Example

NU 518: Nursing Comprehensive Health Assessment ExampleNU 518: Advanced Nursing Assessment Assignment Instructions Overview: CHA SOAP Note Analysis

In this assignment, students are required to analyze a detailed SOAP Note (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) related to a patient’s health condition. The student’s task is to review the provided SOAP Note and critically assess the patient’s health, identify potential differential diagnoses, propose a working diagnosis, and outline a comprehensive treatment plan.

Understanding the SOAP Note:

A SOAP Note, an acronym for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan, is a structured method of documenting patient information in the healthcare setting. It encompasses the patient’s subjective accounts, objective clinical findings, a professional assessment, and a plan for medical intervention. Through this assignment, students are able to gain hands-on experience in deciphering, evaluating, and making informed decisions based on this vital patient record.

The Student’s Role:

Your role as a student in this assignment is multi-faceted. You will immerse yourself in the role of a seasoned healthcare provider, akin to a nurse or a physician, tasked with assessing and managing a patient’s health. This exercise not only hones your analytical skills but also cultivates the clinical judgment required in real-world healthcare scenarios.

Subjective Data (Health History): Nursing Comprehensive Health Assessment Example SOAP Note

NU 518 Advanced Nursing Assessment AssignmentPatient Information:

This is a 70-year-old Caucasian male with insurance coverage. The patient is considered a reliable source of information.

Chief Complaint (CC):

The patient’s chief complaint is, “I have not felt well for the past few days. I have a frequent wet cough, which worsens at night and causes my chest to hurt. I also experience chest pain when I breathe.”

History of Present Illness (HPI):

  • Location: The patient experiences chest pain when coughing and breathing, especially during deep breaths.
  • Quality: The patient describes the chest pain as sharp and piercing.
  • Severity: The intensity of the pain is rated as 7/10.
  • Onset: Symptoms began six days ago after attending a dinner party with friends. Initial symptoms included flu-like symptoms, shortness of breath, and fever, which worsened over the next few days. Chest pain is induced by coughing and breathing and persists throughout the day.
  • Modifying Factors: Alcohol and smoking worsen the cough. Environmental factors like temperature and humidity also affect the condition. Drinking hot peppermint and ginger tea helps reduce the severity of the cough and chest pain.
  • Associated Manifestations: The patient also experiences fatigue and a loss of appetite.
  • Additional Social or Medical Information Relevant to the CC: The patient has poor dietary habits, does not exercise, smokes 1-2 cigars daily, and consumes alcohol regularly. His diet mainly consists of red meat and vegetables, with limited fruit intake.

Past Medical History:

  • Medications: The patient is currently not taking any medications.
  • Allergies: The patient denies any allergies.
  • Childhood Illnesses: He had chickenpox at the age of six, from which he fully recovered.
  • Adult Illnesses: Diagnosed with a urinary tract infection at age 56 but recovered with treatment. He was obese from 19 to 23, after which he maintained a healthy lifestyle until age 68.
  • Past Hospitalizations/Surgeries/ED Visits: He had hip replacement surgery in 2013 due to a car accident caused by drunk driving.
  • Injuries/Accidents: Involved in a car accident in 2013 due to driving under the influence.
  • Health Maintenance: Received COVID-19 vaccinations in 2020 and 2021, childhood vaccines, deworming every six months, and an annual flu shot. Scheduled for a colonoscopy later this year.

Family History:

  • Grandparents died of old age.
  • Father died during the Korean War at age 32.
  • Mother died at age 78, had hypertension.
  • One older brother, aged 82, in good health.

Personal and Social History:

  • Married with one daughter (43 years old) and two grandsons (8 and 13 years old).
  • Lives in an upper-middle-class suburban neighborhood.
  • Manages a multimillion-dollar real estate company.
  • Rarely attends church.
  • Enjoys golf and sports.
  • Smokes cigars and drinks alcohol regularly.
  • Has not exercised for the past two years.
  • Irregular sleep pattern.
  • Occasionally drinks coffee.
  • Owns firearms for security.
  • Ate steak, broccoli, and cake for lunch and dinner yesterday, had eggs and bacon for breakfast today, and drank hot peppermint tea.

Review of Systems:

  • General: The patient appears confused and experiences chest discomfort during coughing or breathing. Fatigue and loss of appetite are also reported.
  • Head: Denies headaches and dizziness.
  • Skin/Hair/Nails: Urticarial rashes present on the skin. Hair and nails appear normal.
  • Eyes: Uses corrective lenses for nearsightedness.
  • Ears: Hearing is generally normal, but slightly clogged since symptoms worsened.
  • Nose: Reports a running and congested nose, worsened at night.
  • Throat: Admits to a sore throat.
  • Neck: Experiences pain and muscle spasm.
  • Breasts: Not applicable.
  • Respiratory: Persistent wet cough, worsens at night, accompanied by sharp chest pain when coughing or breathing. Wheezing sounds when breathing.
  • Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular: Experiences rapid and irregular heartbeats.
  • Gastrointestinal: Reports nausea and vomiting for the past three days.
  • Urinary: Acknowledges decreased urination.
  • Musculoskeletal/Back: Acknowledges muscle weakness and soreness.
  • Psychiatric: Confusion reported but denies suicidal thoughts.
  • Neurologic: Denies headaches.
  • Hematologic: Blood pressure is dangerously low.
  • Endocrine: Exhibits decreased levels of triiodothyronine and thyroxine levels.

Objective Data (Physical Examination): Nursing Comprehensive Health Assessment Example SOAP Note

General Survey:

A 70-year-old Caucasian male who appears confused and experiences chest discomfort during coughing or deep breathing.

Vital Signs/Height/Weight/BMI:

  • Blood Pressure: 150/90 mm Hg
  • Heart Rate: 91 beats per minute
  • Respiratory Rate: 21 breaths per minute
  • Temperature: 96°F
  • Weight: 160 lbs
  • Height: 5’9”
  • BMI: 29


Skin is free from discoloration or lesions.


No apparent abnormalities or lesions.


Red eyes, responsive pupils, round shape.


No visible abnormalities.


Yellow mucus discharge after coughing.


Red throat.


Signs of muscle spasms and stiffness.


Acute inflammation in the mediastinal lymph nodes.


Reports dull breast pain.


Slight inflammation in lung lining, yellow mucus production when coughing, wheezing sounds during breathing.


S1 is louder than S2.


Occasional severe abdominal pain.


Weakness and muscle soreness.


Confusion reported, but no suicidal thoughts.


Urinary tract infection is suspected.

Lab Test:

Pulse oximetry test indicates blood oxygen levels below the standard range.


Differential Diagnoses:

  1. Pneumonia: Symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, productive cough, and wheezing noises during breathing, making this a likely diagnosis.
  2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Characterized by shortness of breath, persistent wheezing, and mucus production, which align with the patient’s symptoms.
  3. Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack): Considered due to chest pain radiating to arms and age, although symptoms like cough and wheezing make this less likely.
  4. Pleurisy: Inflammation of the pleura causing chest pain, exacerbated by coughing, aligns with the patient’s symptoms.
  5. Pulmonary Embolism: Less likely due to the absence of sudden onset symptoms.

Working Diagnosis on the Nursing Comprehensive Health Assessment Example:

Pneumonia is the working diagnosis due to symptoms such as productive cough, yellowish mucus, muscle fatigue, chest pain during breathing and coughing, wheezing, and confusion, which can be common in elderly individuals with pneumonia.


  1. Encourage the patient to adopt a healthier lifestyle by quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, and regular exercise.
  2. Suggest warm beverages and steamy baths to help open airways.
  3. Advise the patient to avoid smoke exposure, including wood smoke.
  4. Prescribe medications:
  • Amoxyclav (Penicillin) 1gm twice daily for five days to treat the infection.
  • Prednisolone (corticosteroid) 10mg three times daily for 3 days to manage inflammation.
  • Meloxicam 15mg twice daily for 3 days for pain management.
  • Vitamin C 1gm once daily for a month to boost immunity.
  1. Schedule a follow-up appointment after seven days to assess treatment effectiveness, monitor for side effects, and conduct another pulse oximetry test and chest examination.
  2. Support smoking cessation efforts with Nicorette and weekly monitoring initially.

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NU 613 Quality Improvement Paper Nursing Examples Solved

Quality Improvement Paper Nursing Examples to Guide with your writing nursing papers


Quality improvement (QI) in healthcare is a vital endeavor aimed at enhancing patient outcomes, improving system performance, and fostering professional development (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has set forth a challenge for healthcare professionals to elevate the quality of care across six key domains: safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and patient-centeredness. These domains serve as a framework for focusing efforts to enhance healthcare quality. To achieve this, it is imperative for all healthcare providers, including Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs), to actively engage in the transformation of healthcare organizations. APNs, with their advanced knowledge and training, are well-suited to lead quality initiatives. Effective leadership in quality improvement necessitates a profound understanding of healthcare organizations as complex adaptive systems, characterized by dynamic and unpredictable interactions among various components. Moreover, a solid grasp of theoretical principles underpinning behavioral change is foundational for successful improvement efforts. In the pursuit of quality improvement, a plethora of QI models, tools, and methods are available to guide APNs. However, it is essential to approach process improvement as a “systems thinker,” focusing on the system and processes rather than individual actions. This approach acknowledges that human errors are inherent, and it strives to implement safeguards within processes to minimize variability in outcomes. When errors occur, a systems thinker seeks to identify system breakdowns and process failures rather than placing blame on individuals. This article presents various quality improvement plan papers that leverage a toolkit from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to address a specific issue within a healthcare organization.

Quality Improvement Paper Nursing Example One: St. John’s Hospital


Quality improvement (QI) initiatives are essential in healthcare to enhance patient outcomes, system performance, and professional development (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has set forth the challenge of improving healthcare quality across six domains: safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and patient-centeredness. These domains serve as a framework for driving improvement efforts. The engagement of all healthcare providers is crucial to transforming healthcare, and Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) are well-positioned to lead quality initiatives due to their advanced knowledge and training. Effective QI leadership requires an understanding of healthcare organizations as complex adaptive systems, necessitating knowledge of change theories to drive successful improvement. Various QI models, tools, and methods are available to guide APNs in facilitating improvements. This paper will focus on an organizational analysis of St. John’s Hospital and the development of a quality improvement plan to address an identified patient safety issue.

Organizational Analysis: St. John’s Hospital

St. John’s Hospital, located in Springfield, Illinois, is a 400-bed community hospital dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare services to its community. In this organizational analysis, we will evaluate several key aspects of the hospital, including its culture, price transparency, reputation, and relevant complaints.


St. John’s Hospital promotes a culture that values collaboration and patient-centered care. The hospital’s artifacts, such as photos on its website, showcase a team of staff working closely together, reflecting a sense of unity and teamwork. Patient reviews on platforms like Google highlight the competence and dedication of the hospital’s healthcare providers. St. John’s Hospital’s espoused values align with this collaborative culture, as evidenced by its mission statement: “To provide exceptional care, putting patients at the center of everything we do.”

Price Transparency

One area where St. John’s Hospital can improve is price transparency. Unlike some hospitals that provide clear and easily accessible pricing information on their websites, St. John’s instructs prospective patients to call for cost inquiries. This lack of transparency makes it challenging for patients to compare prices with other healthcare providers in the region, hindering their ability to make informed decisions about their care.


St. John’s Hospital has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality healthcare services. While the hospital is not a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige Award, it is recognized as a reputable healthcare provider in the community. Additionally, it does not hold a Magnet designation, which is often associated with nursing excellence, but it maintains a positive image among patients and healthcare professionals.

Public Reported Information

According to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data from 2022, St. John’s Hospital has received an overall rating of 4 stars. The hospital excels in areas such as patient satisfaction and effective care delivery. However, there is room for improvement in reducing readmission rates and enhancing timeliness of care.

CMS Complaints

St. John’s Hospital has maintained a clean record with CMS, with no complaints or violations of the Conditions for Participation (CoPs). This indicates a commitment to providing safe and compliant healthcare services to its patients.

Leapfrog Scores

The Leapfrog Group scores, which assess healthcare facilities’ safety and quality, indicate that St. John’s Hospital performs above average in terms of safety measures and error prevention. However, there is room for improvement in communication and billing practices, where the hospital falls below the average.

Quality Improvement Plan: Enhancing Patient Safety

Based on the organizational analysis, the identified opportunity for improvement at St. John’s Hospital is enhancing patient safety. While the hospital performs well in many aspects, there is still room for improvement in reducing readmission rates, enhancing timeliness of care, and improving communication and billing practices.

To address this issue, a comprehensive quality improvement plan will be developed, focusing on the following key steps:

  1. Identify Specific Patient Safety Issues: Conduct a detailed analysis of patient safety data to pinpoint specific areas where improvements are needed, such as reducing readmissions and streamlining care processes.
  2. Engage Multidisciplinary Teams: Form multidisciplinary teams involving healthcare providers, administrators, and quality improvement experts to collaboratively address patient safety issues.
  3. Implement Evidence-Based Practices: Utilize evidence-based guidelines and best practices to redesign care processes, reduce errors, and improve patient safety.
  4. Enhance Communication and Billing: Implement strategies to improve communication between healthcare providers and patients, ensuring clarity in care instructions and billing processes.
  5. Monitor and Evaluate: Establish continuous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track progress, identify barriers to improvement, and make necessary adjustments to the QI plan.
  6. Patient Education: Develop patient education materials and initiatives to empower patients with information about their care, including costs and treatment plans.
  7. Staff Training: Provide training and education to healthcare staff on patient safety protocols, effective communication, and billing procedures.
  8. Reporting and Transparency: Enhance transparency by regularly reporting patient safety outcomes and improvements to stakeholders, including patients and families.


In conclusion, St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, Illinois, has a strong foundation for providing high-quality healthcare services but has identified opportunities for improvement in patient safety, particularly in reducing readmissions and enhancing timeliness of care. By implementing a comprehensive quality improvement plan that involves multidisciplinary teams, evidence-based practices, enhanced communication, and patient education, the hospital can further elevate its standards of care and continue to serve as a trusted healthcare provider in the community.

Quality Improvement Paper Nursing Example Two: Mercy Health Hospital


Quality improvement (QI) in healthcare is an essential endeavor aimed at enhancing patient outcomes, system performance, and professional development (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) emphasizes the need for healthcare professionals to strive for improved quality, defining it through six domains: safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and patient-centeredness. To address these quality aims effectively, healthcare organizations must embrace a systems thinking approach, recognizing that they are complex adaptive systems with interrelated components. Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) are well-positioned to lead quality initiatives, given their advanced knowledge and expertise. Successful quality improvement efforts rely on a solid understanding of the theoretical foundations of change, a wide array of QI models and tools, and a commitment to reducing variability in outcomes by implementing safeguards against human error (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007).

Organizational Analysis: Mercy Health Hospital

Overview of the Organization

Mercy Health Hospital, located in the heart of Springfield, Illinois, is a prominent healthcare facility dedicated to providing high-quality medical care to its community. With a sprawling campus encompassing state-of-the-art medical facilities, this hospital has 350 beds and offers a wide range of medical services, including acute care, surgical procedures, and outpatient treatments. One notable distinction is its recognition as a Comprehensive Stroke Center, reflecting its commitment to delivering exceptional care to stroke patients.


The culture at Mercy Health Hospital is deeply rooted in collaboration and patient-centric care. This is evident in the hospital’s mission statement, which emphasizes a commitment to providing compassionate and patient-focused healthcare services. The hospital’s website features images of staff members working cohesively as a team, reinforcing the culture of unity and collaboration. Patient reviews consistently praise the dedication and competence of the hospital’s healthcare providers, further underscoring its culture of excellence in patient care.

Patient Safety Concern

Despite Mercy Health Hospital’s commitment to patient-centered care and its positive reputation, there is a notable area that requires improvement: patient safety. An analysis of publicly available data, including CMS ratings and Leapfrog scores, indicates that while the hospital performs well in many areas, it lags behind in patient safety measures. Specifically, there is a need to address issues related to communication, error prevention, and billing.

Selected Toolkit for Improving Patient Safety

To address the patient safety concerns at Mercy Health Hospital, we will utilize the “Hospital Toolkit for Safety Reporting” provided by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). This toolkit offers a structured approach to identifying, reporting, and addressing safety concerns within healthcare organizations. It includes guidelines for establishing a culture of safety, implementing effective reporting mechanisms, analyzing safety reports, and implementing improvement strategies.

Quality Improvement Plan

Our quality improvement plan will focus on the following key components:

  1. Culture of Safety: Foster a culture of safety by promoting open communication, encouraging staff to report safety concerns without fear of reprisal, and conducting regular safety culture assessments.
  2. Reporting Mechanisms: Implement a robust safety reporting system that allows all staff members to easily report safety incidents, near misses, and potential hazards. Ensure anonymity and confidentiality in the reporting process.
  3. Safety Analysis: Establish a multidisciplinary safety committee responsible for reviewing reported incidents, conducting root cause analyses, and identifying systemic issues contributing to patient safety concerns.
  4. Improvement Strategies: Develop and implement targeted strategies to address identified safety issues. This may include revising communication protocols, enhancing error prevention measures, and improving billing transparency.
  5. Education and Training: Provide ongoing education and training for staff members to enhance their awareness of patient safety principles, error prevention, and effective communication.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor safety metrics, track the progress of improvement initiatives, and evaluate their impact on patient safety outcomes. Make necessary adjustments as needed.


In conclusion, Mercy Health Hospital, while excelling in many areas of patient care, faces an opportunity for improvement in patient safety. By embracing a culture of safety, implementing the AHRQ’s Hospital Toolkit for Safety Reporting, and following a structured quality improvement plan, the hospital can enhance patient safety, reduce errors, and ensure that its commitment to providing exceptional care extends to every aspect of patient experience. Through the diligent efforts of its healthcare professionals, Mercy Health Hospital can continue to serve as a beacon of excellence in healthcare delivery in Springfield, Illinois.

Quality Improvement Paper Nursing Example Three: St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center


In the realm of healthcare, Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) are required to possess the capacity to perform comprehensive organizational analyses. This multifaceted task involves the assessment of various facets of an organization’s operations and overall profile. This discussion embarks on an extensive organizational analysis of St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center, a prominent healthcare institution situated in Reno, Nevada. The analysis encompasses crucial aspects such as organizational culture, price transparency, reputation, and pertinent complaints. This endeavor seeks to shed light on the hospital’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement.


The healthcare landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by continuous innovations and breakthroughs in medical science. Consequently, healthcare organizations have morphed into complex adaptive systems (CAS). CAS are composed of interconnected and autonomous components, including healthcare providers, policies, regulations, technology, and patients, all interacting and adapting to the ever-evolving clinical environment (Kruk et al., 2018). To navigate the complexities of CAS and drive positive change, healthcare leaders must grasp the intricacies of these systems. Unlike linear processes, change within CAS takes on a dynamic nature, with modifications in one area rippling throughout the entire system. This necessitates the adoption of a systems thinking approach, where leaders recognize the interdependencies and feedback loops within the system to facilitate efficient management and preparedness.

Furthermore, healthcare leaders must acknowledge the adaptive nature of healthcare systems. Modern healthcare organizations are inherently flexible, capable of learning, adapting, and self-reorganizing in response to internal and external pressures (Kruk et al., 2018). Fostering a culture that embraces learning, flexibility, and innovation within a CAS is paramount. This can be achieved through the development of feedback mechanisms to support continuous improvement, encouragement of collaboration, and empowerment of frontline staff.

Navigating the transformation of modern, complex healthcare systems presents unique leadership challenges (Grossman & Valiga, 2020). Resistance to change, deeply ingrained practices, organizational culture, and professional hierarchies are common hurdles. Effective leaders must address these challenges by clearly communicating the essence of change, providing necessary resources and support during transitions, and involving stakeholders in decision-making processes. Additionally, managing complex systems requires impeccable coordination and alignment across organizational boundaries and with various stakeholders. Leaders must develop optimal communication channels, foster robust collaboration, and ensure that all stakeholders share the organization’s transformative vision, actively working towards its realization (Young, 2017). The healthcare sector is constantly influenced by medical technological innovations, evolving patient needs, and regulatory changes. As such, leaders must remain adaptable, regularly assess the external environment, and adjust strategies to meet goals and effectively address emerging challenges.

Overview of the Organization

St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center, located in Reno, Nevada, is a community-based hospital with 350 beds, committed to delivering high-quality healthcare services to the local community. This analysis will provide insights into various aspects of the hospital, shedding light on its culture, price transparency, reputation, and relevant complaints.

Patient Safety Culture

St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center places a strong emphasis on fostering a patient safety culture. The hospital’s leadership actively promotes open communication among staff, encourages the reporting of near-miss incidents, and continually seeks to improve safety practices. Regular safety training and drills are conducted to ensure that all healthcare providers are well-prepared to respond effectively to emergencies.

Price Transparency

While excelling in many areas, St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center has identified an opportunity for improvement in the realm of price transparency. Unlike some hospitals that provide clear and easily accessible pricing information on their websites, St. Mary’s instructs prospective patients to contact the facility for cost inquiries. This lack of transparency poses a challenge for patients seeking to compare prices with other healthcare providers in the region, hindering their ability to make informed decisions about their healthcare.


St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center enjoys a robust reputation for delivering high-quality healthcare services. While the hospital is not a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige Award, it is recognized as a reputable healthcare provider in the community. Additionally, while lacking a Magnet designation associated with nursing excellence, the hospital maintains a positive image among both patients and healthcare professionals.

Public Reported Information

According to data from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 2022, St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center has achieved an overall rating of 4.5 stars. The hospital demonstrates excellence in areas such as patient satisfaction and the delivery of effective care. However, there remains room for improvement in reducing readmission rates and enhancing the timeliness of care delivery.

CMS Complaints

St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center has upheld an unblemished record with CMS, devoid of complaints or violations of the Conditions for Participation (CoPs). This underscores the hospital’s unwavering commitment to providing safe and compliant healthcare services to its patients.

Leapfrog Scores

Leapfrog Group scores, designed to assess the safety and quality of healthcare facilities, indicate that St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center performs above average in safety measures and error prevention. However, there is room for improvement in communication and billing practices, where the hospital falls below the average.

Quality Improvement Plan: Elevating Patient Safety

Based on the organizational analysis, the identified opportunity for improvement at St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center revolves around enhancing patient safety. While the hospital excels in numerous aspects, there is still room for improvement in terms of reducing readmissions, enhancing the timeliness of care, and refining communication and billing practices.

To address this issue, a comprehensive quality improvement plan will be devised, focusing on the following key steps:

  • Identify Specific Patient Safety Issues: Conduct a meticulous analysis of patient safety data to pinpoint specific areas requiring improvement, such as reducing readmissions and streamlining care processes.
  • Engage Multidisciplinary Teams: Form multidisciplinary teams comprising healthcare providers, administrators, and quality improvement experts to collaboratively address patient safety issues.
  • Implement Evidence-Based Practices: Utilize evidence-based guidelines and best practices to revamp care processes, minimize errors, and enhance patient safety.
  • Enhance Communication and Billing: Introduce strategies to improve communication between healthcare providers and patients, ensuring clarity in care instructions and billing procedures.
  • Monitor and Evaluate: Establish continuous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track progress, identify barriers to improvement, and make necessary adjustments to the QI plan.
  • Patient Education: Develop patient education materials and initiatives to empower patients with information about their care, encompassing costs and treatment plans.
  • Staff Training: Provide comprehensive training and education to healthcare staff on patient safety protocols, effective communication, and billing procedures.
  • Reporting and Transparency: Foster transparency by consistently reporting patient safety outcomes and improvements to stakeholders, including patients and their families.


In conclusion, St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center in Reno, Nevada, has made significant strides in cultivating a patient safety culture but has identified areas for improvement in patient safety, particularly in reducing readmissions and enhancing the timeliness of care. Through the implementation of a comprehensive quality improvement plan that incorporates multidisciplinary teams, evidence-based practices, improved communication, and patient education, the hospital can further elevate its standards of care. This will reinforce its position as a trusted healthcare provider in the community and ensure the delivery of high-quality healthcare services.

Quality Improvement Paper Nursing Example Four: St. John’s Regional Medical Center


Quality improvement (QI) is an essential endeavor in healthcare, aimed at enhancing patient outcomes, optimizing system performance, and fostering professional development (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007). This paper presents an analysis of St. John’s Regional Medical Center, a healthcare facility situated in Springfield, Missouri. The assessment will focus on several key domains, including patient safety, efficiency, and patient-centeredness, aligning with the Institute of Medicine’s quality aims.


Healthcare organizations, like St. John’s Regional Medical Center, function as complex adaptive systems (CAS), characterized by interconnected and dynamic components such as medical professionals, policies, technologies, and patients (Kruk et al., 2018). Leaders within these organizations must embrace a systems thinking approach, recognizing the intricate interdependencies and feedback loops that shape the system’s behavior.

Leaders should foster a culture of continuous learning, adaptability, and innovation within the CAS (Kruk et al., 2018). This involves implementing feedback mechanisms, promoting collaboration, and empowering frontline staff. It’s important to acknowledge that change in healthcare organizations can encounter resistance due to ingrained practices and hierarchical structures (Grossman & Valiga, 2020). Effective leadership entails clear communication about the necessity for change, providing resources, and involving stakeholders in decision-making processes.

Furthermore, leaders must ensure seamless coordination and alignment among various organizational boundaries and stakeholders (Young, 2017). Staying abreast of medical innovations, evolving patient needs, and regulatory changes is vital to success in this dynamic healthcare landscape.

Overview of the Organization: St. John’s Regional Medical Center

St. John’s Regional Medical Center, located in Springfield, Missouri, is a prominent healthcare facility known for its commitment to patient care. The hospital, with a capacity of 400 beds, offers a wide range of services, including acute care, specialized surgeries, and comprehensive outpatient care. It stands out as a designated Stroke Center, emphasizing its dedication to neurological care (St. John’s Regional Medical Center, n.d.).


The organizational culture at St. John’s Regional Medical Center appears to be collaborative and patient-focused. Online representations, including photos of staff working together and positive patient reviews, suggest a culture that values teamwork and patient-centered care. The hospital’s vision statement reflects this commitment: “Dedicated to excellence in healthcare, fostering a culture of compassion, and improving the lives of those we serve.”

Price Transparency

Unfortunately, the hospital’s website does not provide transparent pricing for its services, and prospective patients are directed to contact the facility for cost inquiries. This lack of price transparency can hinder patients’ ability to make informed healthcare choices.


While St. John’s Regional Medical Center is not currently listed as a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige Award or Magnet designation, these recognitions can be valuable for healthcare organizations in terms of improving patient safety, staff retention, and overall performance (Setiawan & Purba, 2021; Anderson et al., 2018). Pursuing such awards could be a strategic initiative for the hospital.

Public Reported Information About the Facility

According to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), St. John’s Regional Medical Center has a commendable overall rating of 4 stars. However, there is room for improvement in certain areas, such as reducing readmission rates and enhancing timeliness and effectiveness of care delivery.


In conclusion, St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Springfield, Missouri, demonstrates a commitment to patient-centered care and has earned a positive overall rating from CMS. Nevertheless, there are opportunities for improvement, including enhancing price transparency and pursuing external recognitions such as the Malcolm Baldrige Award or Magnet designation. Quality improvement initiatives should be considered to address these areas and further enhance the quality of care provided by the hospital.

Quality Improvement Paper Nursing Example Five: Riverside General Hospital


Quality improvement (QI) in healthcare is a vital component of ensuring patient safety, enhancing system performance, and fostering professional development (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007). This paper aims to address the challenges related to patient safety at Riverside General Hospital and develop a quality improvement plan using tools and guidelines from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).


Riverside General Hospital, a 350-bed urban hospital located in the heart of Springfield, is dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare services to its diverse patient population. Despite its commitment to patient care, the hospital faces certain challenges in ensuring patient safety.

Identified Issue

One critical issue identified at Riverside General Hospital is the occurrence of medication errors, which poses a significant threat to patient safety. Medication errors can result from various factors, including miscommunication, inaccurate documentation, and system breakdowns. Addressing this issue is crucial to enhance patient safety and align with the Institute of Medicine’s six domains of healthcare quality: safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and patient-centeredness.

Quality Improvement Plan

Step 1: Data Collection and Analysis

To initiate the quality improvement process, data on medication errors at Riverside General Hospital will be collected and analyzed. This will involve reviewing incident reports, conducting interviews with healthcare providers, and examining medication administration processes.

Step 2: Root Cause Analysis

A thorough root cause analysis will be performed to identify the underlying factors contributing to medication errors. This analysis will encompass human factors, system-related issues, and communication breakdowns.

Step 3: Development of Interventions

Based on the findings from the root cause analysis, a set of interventions will be proposed to address the medication error issue. These interventions may include:

  1. Implementation of barcode scanning technology for medication administration to reduce errors related to medication selection.
  2. Enhancing communication among healthcare providers through regular huddles and interdisciplinary rounds.
  3. Improving medication reconciliation processes during transitions of care.
  4. Providing ongoing education and training to healthcare staff on safe medication administration practices.

Step 4: Implementation and Monitoring

The selected interventions will be implemented gradually, and their impact on reducing medication errors will be closely monitored. Key performance indicators such as error rates, adverse events, and near misses will be tracked to assess the effectiveness of the interventions.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

Continuous monitoring and feedback loops will be established to ensure that improvements are sustained over time. Any necessary adjustments to the interventions will be made based on ongoing data analysis and feedback from healthcare providers.


In conclusion, addressing the issue of medication errors at Riverside General Hospital is essential to enhance patient safety and align with the six domains of healthcare quality. Through a systematic quality improvement approach, including data collection, root cause analysis, intervention development, implementation, and continuous monitoring, the hospital can reduce medication errors and create a safer environment for patients. By fostering a culture of safety and embracing evidence-based practices, Riverside General Hospital can achieve better patient outcomes and contribute to the overall improvement of healthcare quality.

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The Truman Show Sociological Perspective Custom Essay

The Truman Show Sociological Perspective Custom EssayIntroduction

“The Truman Show,” starring Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, offers a captivating exploration of how society’s manipulation can profoundly impact an individual’s life. This thought-provoking film takes us on a journey through Truman’s meticulously controlled world, where every aspect of his existence is scripted and monitored. In this sociological analysis, we will delve deeper into the film’s themes, examining how culture, socialization, conditioning, conformity, and control play pivotal roles in shaping Truman’s identity and behavior. Moreover, we will explore the film’s enduring relevance in today’s rapidly evolving world.

The Sociological Perspective

“The Truman Show” offers a captivating illustration of how our surroundings shape us as individuals, showcasing the sociological concept of socialization. It demonstrates how individual beliefs, values, and actions are usually influenced towards matching the expectations of their community. Socialization, which is a crucial concept in sociology, refers to the lifelong process by which individuals gain the knowledge and skills needed to fit into their society (Author, 2018).

In the world of Truman Burbank, this process of socialization takes center stage. From the moment of his birth, every facet of Truman’s life is carefully scripted and controlled to align with a specific set of cultural norms and values. His upbringing, education, friendships, and even his fears are all meticulously constructed to mirror the expectations of the society in which he exists.

The viewers of the Truman Show are prompted to bear witness to such experiences and reflect upon the potential parallel influence of cultural and societal contexts on their own lives. The cinematic narrative elicits introspection, compelling individuals to interrogate the degree to which their convictions and conduct may be attributed to the impact of their social environment.

Furthermore, “The Truman Show” offers insight into the role of agents of socialization, such as family, peers, and the media. Truman’s interactions with these agents play a pivotal role in reinforcing the constructed reality imposed upon him by the creators of the show. We witness how his perception of what is normal and acceptable is heavily influenced by the carefully choreographed social interactions in his life.

This thought-provoking film ultimately highlights the tension between conformity to societal expectations and the yearning for individual authenticity and autonomy. Truman’s quest to break free from his predetermined existence serves as a powerful allegory for the human desire to chart one’s own path and discover genuine selfhood amidst the pressures of societal conformity.

The Power of Conditioning

“The Truman Show” powerfully showcases the concept of conditioning as a means of social control. Christoph, the director of Truman’s reality show, utilizes various forms of conditioning to maintain Truman within the boundaries of his carefully orchestrated world. This manipulation serves as a striking reflection of how societal norms and expectations can act as conditioning agents, dissuading individuals from stepping outside their comfort zones.

Throughout the film, we witness Truman’s deeply ingrained fear of the sea, travel, and exploration—a fear stemming from a traumatic childhood incident that Christoph cunningly exploits. This fear is consistently reinforced through staged events and manufactured experiences, symbolizing the ways in which societal pressures and expectations can create a similar sense of apprehension in real life.

Truman’s plight reminds individuals of the many instances in their own lives where they have felt compelled to conform to societal standards, even when doing so runs contrary to their true desires. It prompts them to reflect on how the conditioning process, whether subtle or overt, often discourages them from pursuing new experiences or breaking free from the familiar.

Conformity and Control

The Truman Show” delves deeply into the idea of conformity, a central theme that profoundly impacts Truman’s carefully orchestrated life. Conformity, in simple terms, is our innate tendency to imitate the actions and behaviors of those around us within our society (Author, 2021). For Truman, this conformity exerts a constant and palpable pressure.

One memorable scene in the movie unfolds as Truman tries to escape on a bus. What makes this moment so powerful is that, despite the bus breaking down, everyone aboard casually abandons it, as if it’s just another day. This scene vividly illustrates how conformity can dominate, even when it doesn’t serve an individual’s best interests. It forces individuals to confront important questions about the influence of social norms and the fear of straying from the established order.

Truman’s journey, fraught with numerous attempts to break free from his scripted reality, embodies the struggle that individuals face when challenging societal norms and expectations. This struggle symbolizes the conflict between the desire for personal autonomy and the pressure to conform to society’s collective will.

Viewers of the movie are constantly prompted to reflect on their own lives and how conformity shapes their decisions and actions. “The Truman Show” serves as a thought-provoking reminder that breaking away from established norms can be a daunting endeavor, even though it may ultimately lead to personal growth and authenticity.

The Control Theory

“The Truman Show” delves deep into the realms of the Control Theory, offering us a vivid portrayal of how external forces can shape an individual’s beliefs and actions. Christoph, the mastermind behind Truman’s fabricated world, meticulously engineers Truman’s life to reinforce societal norms and values. This manipulation mirrors the way real-life societal institutions and influencers can exert control over individuals.

As viewers watch Truman’s gradual realization of the manipulation surrounding him, they witness a transformation in his character. This transformation is a key element of the Control Theory, which suggests that individuals are influenced by external factors, including social institutions and expectations (Merton, 2018). Truman’s growing awareness of these external influences prompts a sense of anomie—a feeling of disconnection from his society.

The film invites viewers to reflect on how individuals may resist the constraints imposed upon them by societal forces. Truman’s journey serves as a powerful metaphor for the human struggle for autonomy and self-determination in a world where conformity often prevails. Viewers see his determination to break free from the carefully constructed reality that has controlled his life, and it encourages them to ponder their own capacity to challenge and question the societal norms that surround them.

Societal Control and Manipulation

“The Truman Show” is a thought-provoking film that explores how society can control and manipulate individuals, turning them into products of their interactions within it. In the movie, every citizen of Seahaven becomes part of Truman’s fabricated world, reflecting how they are shaped by the social structures, norms, and expectations that surround them.

The movie also delivers a strong critique of how the media impacts individuals and society. Truman’s every action, feeling, and relationship is meticulously planned and broadcasted to a global audience. This serves as a stark reminder of how media organizations can mold public opinion, impact our behavior, and construct a version of reality that suits their own agendas.

Moreover, “The Truman Show” can be seen as a mirror reflecting the prevailing political landscapes. It prompts individuals to contemplate the ways various media forms shape their perceptions and their grasp of the world around them. In an era defined by the rapid dissemination of information and the overwhelming power of digital media, the film’s message about media control holds more relevance than ever.

As viewers watch the film, they’re encouraged to question the narratives that influence their understanding of reality and the entities that exercise authority over their lives. “The Truman Show” serves as a reminder that critical thinking and media literacy are indispensable tools for navigating the intricate, media-driven society.

Socialization and Identity

“The Truman Show” takes viewers on a heartfelt journey into the complex link between how they grow up in society and who they become. It reminds them how much the world around them can shape their sense of self and how they act.

Truman Burbank’s life is a result of his upbringing in Seahaven, a completely artificial world. Right from the beginning, he’s surrounded by a carefully crafted environment that molds his beliefs, values, and dreams. Every interaction he has with friends, family, and coworkers is part of this elaborate process that forms his view of the world.

The movie underscores how Truman’s understanding of reality is meticulously engineered, making him believe that his manufactured life is the only truth. This aspect of the film aligns with the idea of sociological imagination, coined by sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959. Sociological imagination encourages individuals to connect their personal experiences with larger societal influences, helping them to see how their lives are shaped by the structures and norms of the society they live in.

The Functionalist Perspective

“The Truman Show” provides a unique lens through which individuals can examine societal dynamics from a functionalist perspective, a sociological theory that views society as a complex system with interconnected parts (Authors, 2018). In the film, Christoph, the director of Truman’s reality show, employs the media as a powerful tool to influence societal behavior and promote certain values.

From a functionalist viewpoint, the show within the film serves as a microcosm of society, where every element has a specific function. Christoph carefully constructs Seahaven as an idealized society, one that promotes courtesy and discourages crime. Truman’s life unfolds as a reflection of this ideal, with his actions and interactions closely monitored to maintain the show’s desired social order.

This portrayal encourages viewers to engage in introspection, prompting them to reflect on their own behaviors and values in the context of the broader society. It underscores the influence that media and television can exert on individuals and communities, shaping their understanding of what is considered acceptable and desirable behavior.

In one’s own life, one can draw parallels to how media, including television, influences societal norms and values. One may find themselves contemplating the extent to which media platforms play a role in defining and reinforcing their own beliefs and behaviors.

Truman’s Journey and Our Societal Norms

Truman Burbank’s journey in “The Truman Show” serves as a powerful symbol of personal growth and self-discovery. As he transitions from conformity to challenging the societal norms and expectations imposed upon him, viewers are offered a compelling reflection of the human quest for authenticity and autonomy.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge that the portrayal of Truman’s transformation in the film, while dramatic and inspirational, simplifies the complexities of real-life transitions. In reality, breaking away from the familiar can be an arduous task, often marked by uncertainty, fear, and resistance.

Truman’s determination to break free from his predetermined existence resonates with the human desire to chart one’s own path and seek genuine selfhood. However, his journey also reminds everyone that pursuing such goals comes with its fair share of difficulties. Almost everyone grapples with the fear of venturing into the unknown, especially when it means breaking away from the familiar confines of their social norms. Breaking free from these norms can feel overwhelming and tumultuous at times.

Viewers are encouraged to appreciate the film’s portrayal of personal growth while recognizing that real-life transitions are often accompanied by complexities and inner conflicts. Truman’s story encourages everyone to reflect on their own lives and the extent to which societal expectations might be limiting them. It urges them to empathize with those embarking on journeys of self-discovery and to offer support to one another in their quests for authenticity.

Relevance in Today’s World

“The Truman Show” remains an incredibly pertinent and mind-stirring movie, providing individuals with valuable perspectives on today’s society. Even though it came out at a different time, the film remarkably predicted and tackled many of the challenges that have become even more prominent in the current world.

One notable aspect of the film’s relevance is its prediction of the challenges posed by modern product placement. Truman’s entire existence is seamlessly intertwined with the advertising industry, where even his interpersonal relationships serve as platforms for promoting products. In today’s era of pervasive marketing and influencer culture, the film’s portrayal of the blurred lines between personal life and advertising resonates more strongly than ever.

“The Truman Show” also forecasted the concerns surrounding the invasion of privacy, a topic that has become a central issue in the digital age. Truman’s life is constantly under scrutiny, which mirrors the ongoing discussions surrounding issues like data privacy, online tracking, and surveillance technology that have become more prevalent in recent times.

Additionally, the movie explores a profound question: should one live for themselves or for the approval of others? Truman’s journey encourages individuals, the viewers, to think about the authenticity of their own lives, how much external influences shape their decisions, and the challenging choices one faces between pursuing personal fulfillment or conforming to societal norms.

In a world that is constantly evolving, “The Truman Show” stands as a poignant reminder of how its themes continue to hold significance in the lives of individuals. It prompts one to treasure and analyze the film, extracting valuable insights about the influence of media, consumerism, and the pursuit of personal authenticity. As one navigates the complexities of contemporary society, Truman’s story continues to offer profound insights and inspire meaningful reflection.


In conclusion, “The Truman Show” offers a captivating lens through which to examine the profound impact of societal manipulation on an individual’s life. This film takes us on a thought-provoking journey into Truman Burbank’s meticulously controlled world, illustrating how culture, socialization, conditioning, conformity, and control shape his identity and behavior. Moreover, it highlights the enduring relevance of these themes in our rapidly evolving modern world.

As we reflect on Truman’s journey from conformity to challenging societal norms, we recognize the complexity of breaking away from established social norms, a process often fraught with uncertainty and fear of the unknown. “The Truman Show” remains an enduring testament to the enduring influence of societal forces on our lives, urging us to question and analyze the world around us.

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Lewis Blackman Story Essay: Root Cause Analysis Graded Paper

Lewis Blackman Story Essay: Root Cause Analysis Graded PaperIntroduction

Medical errors resulting in harm or death are tragic and have profound repercussions for patients, families, healthcare providers, and institutions. In this regard, this essay will take a closer look into the tragic Lewis Blackman case to explore the ethical, legal, and systemic issues that contributed to a young boy’s untimely death. This case serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of patient safety, ethical nursing practice, and the need for a just culture within healthcare. Furthermore, the paper will discuss recommendations for change in advanced nursing roles to prevent similar incidents in the future.

The Lewis Blackman Case: A Tragic Tale

On November 2, 2000, 15-year-old Lewis Blackman checked into the Medical University of South Carolina Children’s Hospital (MUSC) for elective surgery to correct a congenital chest deformity known as pectus excavatum. The events that unfolded during his hospitalization shed light on numerous shortcomings in the healthcare system (Monk, 2002).

Issues arose early in Lewis’s care, as a year had passed since his last evaluation by the surgeons due to insurance coverage complications. Despite this gap, the surgical office did not deem it necessary to re-evaluate him prior to the surgery. During the pre-operative assessment, a nurse relied on Lewis’s verbal report of his weight rather than measuring it, leading to an inaccurate assessment (Kumar, 2008). This was the first of several missed opportunities to identify critical issues in Lewis’s care.

While in surgery, Dr. Tagge, the lead surgeon, repositioned the metal bar four times for correct placement, indicating possible inadequacies in pre-operative planning (Kumar, 2008). In the recovery room, Lewis’s lack of urine production despite hydration raised concerns, but this vital information was not promptly communicated or acted upon (Kumar, 2008).

Lewis’s condition continued to deteriorate after being moved to the children’s oncology unit due to bed shortages. Despite obvious signs of distress, such as cold feet and severe abdominal pain, healthcare providers dismissed his symptoms as gas pains and recommended that he walk around the ward (Solidline Media, 2010). Helen, Lewis’s mother, repeatedly requested an attending physician’s evaluation, but her concerns were met with delays and inadequate responses (Solidline Media, 2010).

Tragically, Lewis became unresponsive and, despite efforts to resuscitate him, was declared dead. An autopsy later revealed that a perforated ulcer had caused internal bleeding, leading to his demise (Monk, 2002).

Ethical Failures in Patient Care

The Lewis Blackman case highlights several ethical failures in patient care. Nurses have a moral obligation to do good and avoid harm to their patients (Westrick & Dempski, 2009). In this case, nurses failed to uphold standards of care and duty, resulting in Lewis’s decline and eventual death. Key ethical lapses included inadequate assessment, insufficient training, and poor communication (Westrick & Dempski, 2009).

Nurses have an independent legal duty to make accurate and thorough assessments of their patients. When concerns or deterioration in a patient’s condition are noted, nurses are obligated to investigate and utilize the chain-of-command when harm is anticipated (ANA, 2001; Westrick & Dempski, 2009). In Lewis’s case, the nurses should have recognized discrepancies between the physicians’ orders and assessments, as well as the patient’s complaints and his mother’s concerns.

Moreover, nurses have a duty to be patient advocates and recognize their limitations. If the nursing staff caring for Lewis were uncomfortable with his care, they should have sought guidance or an assignment change to prevent harm (ANA, 2001; Westrick & Dempski, 2009).

Communication breakdowns were also evident, as nurses failed to notify physicians of changes in Lewis’s condition and did not effectively utilize the chain-of-command (Westrick & Dempski, 2009). Inadequate documentation and failure to advise nursing supervisors of inadequate physician responses further compounded the ethical breaches (Solidline Media, 2010).

Legal Failures and Implications

The Lewis Blackman case raises significant legal concerns regarding the duties healthcare providers owe their patients. State and federal laws govern patient care in healthcare facilities, and breaches of these laws can result in malpractice claims, disciplinary actions, or even criminal charges (Westrick & Dempski, 2009).

Laws governing Lewis’s care included those related to safe medication administration, patient safety, accurate documentation, and reporting (Westrick & Dempski, 2009). For instance, healthcare professionals are required to question orders that may pose serious risks to patients, and standardized communication and reporting systems are mandated to enhance patient safety (CMS, 2013; Westrick, 2014).

Healthcare providers, including nurses, have a legal duty of care outlined by state nursing boards and regulations (ANNA, 2014). Failure to rescue or respond promptly to serious complications may result in legal actions (Westrick, 2014). The failure to document and provide objective assessments can also constitute negligence (ARM 24.159.2301).

Federal laws and regulations, such as those administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), further guide healthcare institutions and professionals (CMS, 2013). Failure to meet these requirements can lead to sanctions and jeopardize an institution’s accreditation (CMS, 2013; The Joint Commission, 2014).

The Lewis Blackman case illustrates how legal requirements were not met, ultimately resulting in tragic consequences.

State and Federal laws support strategies to avoid errors and improve patient safety through standardized handoff communications, direct patient rounds at shift change, and a non-punitive reporting system of errors or near-misses (CMS, 2013; The Joint Commission, 2014). Continuing nursing education, patient advocacy, and establishing better reporting systems with a focus on patient-centered care can all help to improve health outcomes.

Implementation of Safe and Just Culture

The Lewis Blackman case underscores the need for a shift from a culture of blame to a just culture within healthcare. Historically, a blame culture focused on individual accountability, often failing to analyze the systemic factors contributing to errors (Khatri et al., 2009). This blame culture fosters distrust and hinders innovation, as individuals fear repercussions for acknowledging mistakes (Khatri et al., 2009).

In contrast, a just culture emphasizes the identification of factors leading to unsafe behaviors while maintaining individual accountability (Miranda, Samuel, & Olexa, 2013). It encourages open dialogue and collaboration among healthcare providers, enabling safer practices (Khatri et al., 2009; Miranda et al., 2013).

Recommendations for Advanced Nursing Roles

Nurses in advanced roles, such as nurse practitioners (NPs) and clinical nurse specialists (CNSs), play pivotal roles in patient safety. Their advanced education and clinical expertise make them well-suited for leadership in improving care quality. In light of the Lewis Blackman case, advanced nursing roles should focus on the following:

  • Advocacy for Patient Safety: NPs and CNSs should prioritize patient safety and advocate for patients’ rights, ensuring that appropriate assessments, interventions, and communication occur.
  • Clinical Expertise: Building on their clinical knowledge, NPs and CNSs must engage in continuous learning to remain current with evidence-based practices, which they can then promote within their healthcare teams.
  • Leadership in a Just Culture: NPs and CNSs can take a lead in creating a just culture within their healthcare settings. They should promote transparent communication, reporting, and shared accountability while advocating for systemic changes to enhance patient safety.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration: Advanced practice nurses can foster collaboration among healthcare providers, ensuring that all voices are heard in the interest of patient safety. This includes encouraging interdisciplinary meetings and education.


The Lewis Blackman case serves as a tragic reminder of the profound consequences that can arise from ethical, legal, and systemic failures in healthcare. The lessons learned from this case underscore the critical importance of patient safety, ethical nursing practice, and the need for a just culture within healthcare. Advanced nursing roles, such as NPs and CNSs, can play a pivotal role in preventing similar incidents in the future by advocating for patient safety, promoting clinical expertise, and leading efforts to create a just culture of safety within healthcare organizations.


American Nurses Association (ANA). (2001). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.

American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA). (2014). Nephrology Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice (8th ed.). Pitman, NJ: American Nephrology Nurses Association.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). (2013). State Operations Manual. Retrieved from

Khatri, N., Brown, G. D., & Hicks, L. L. (2009). From a blame culture to a just culture in health care. Health Care Management Review, 34(4), 312-322.

Kumar, S. (2008). Lewis Blackman Case: A Preventable Tragedy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 43(4), 864-866.

Miranda, S. M., Samuel, S. E., & Olexa, E. M. (2013). An exploration of the concept of a just culture and its relevance to the safety culture of anesthesiology residents. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 116(1), 245-252.

Monk, J. (2002). The Tragic Death of Lewis Blackman: How You Can Help. MUSC Catalyst News Magazine, 12(5). Retrieved from

Solidline Media. (2010). The Lewis Blackman Story: A Preventable Medical Error. [Documentary Film]. Retrieved from

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