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Writing Ideas for Expository Essays Examples & Tips

Writing Ideas for Expository Essays Examples & Tips Expository essays are mainly written for the purpose of exposing a particular fact to different readers. For one to write this type of essay, he/she must do enough research in order to convince readers of his/her opinions. Just like writing any other essay, writing an expository essay […]

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How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Guide & Tips

How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Guide & Tips  As the name suggests, explanatory essays are a type of writing in which a writer is expected to present their own perspective on a given topic, event, or situation. Writing an explanatory essay requires one to have adequate time for research. A lot of experience and […]

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How to Write A Responsive Essay. Best Ideas & Tips

How to Write A Responsive Essay. Best Ideas & Tips Responsive essays are mainly for the purpose of responding to or answering a particular opinion. In response essays, students can share their insights based on their own knowledge, study, and experience. Keep in mind that your readers and viewers want to hear your thoughts and […]

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