C921 NURS 6004 Developing A Summative Performance Assessment Paper Example
C921 NURS 6004 Developing a Summative Performance Assessment Paper Assignment
Assessment and Evaluation Strategies for Measuring Student Learning – C921 PRFA – YNMl
C921 NURS 6004 Assessment and Evaluation Strategies for Measuring Student Learning Course
C921 NURS 6004 Developing a Summative Performance Assessment Paper Assignment Brief
Assignment Instructions Overview
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a summative performance assessment that evaluates student learning within a selected course module. The assignment requires the application of assessment theories, design principles, and evaluation strategies to create an authentic, performance-based assessment tool that measures competency attainment. The assessment must align with course objectives and student learning outcomes while incorporating best practices in assessment development, security, and analysis.
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Understanding Assignment Objectives
This assignment aims to ensure that students can:
- Validate measurement tools used to assess student learning in nursing education.
- Propose and implement effective assessment strategies aligned with learning outcomes.
- Develop summative performance assessments that evaluate real-world skills.
- Analyze assessment data to improve student learning outcomes.
- Recommend instructional improvements based on performance data.
The summative assessment will be designed using evidence-based educational frameworks and will incorporate feedback mechanisms to guide future instructional strategies.
The Student’s Role
Students must take on the role of a nurse educator, designing an assessment tool for a prelicensure baccalaureate nursing (BSN) course. The task involves:
- Creating clear assessment instructions – specifying the assessment duration, completion process, and allowed resources.
- Developing an authentic assessment – designing five detailed prompts that assess knowledge application.
- Constructing an assessment blueprint – identifying course objectives, student learning outcomes, and Bloom’s Taxonomy levels.
- Ensuring assessment security and integrity – implementing security measures for assessment administration.
- Analyzing assessment results – using qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate student performance and inform future teaching strategies.
- Applying assessment theories – justifying the assessment design using relevant theories, such as constructivism and experiential learning models.
Competencies Measured
This assignment evaluates several core competencies in nursing education:
- Validating Student Learning Measurements (7056.1.1): Understanding and applying assessment principles to measure student learning effectively.
- Proposing Assessment Strategies (7056.1.2): Designing structured assessment methods aligned with curriculum goals.
- Developing Assessments (7056.1.3): Creating performance-based assessment tools to measure knowledge and skills.
- Evaluating Assessment Effectiveness (7056.1.4): Analyzing student performance data to assess the validity of the assessment tool.
- Recommending Instructional Actions (7056.1.5): Using assessment results to enhance teaching methods and student learning experiences.
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C921 NURS 6004 Developing A Summative Performance Assessment Paper Example
Developing a Summative Performance Assessment
Assessment is a fundamental aspect of nursing education, ensuring that students acquire the necessary competencies to function effectively in professional practice. Summative assessments, particularly performance-based assessments, provide a structured approach to evaluating students’ ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios (Billings & Halstead, 2019). This paper presents a summative performance assessment for the Community Health Nursing course module titled “Health Promotion Strategies in Vulnerable Populations.” The assessment is designed to evaluate students’ proficiency in analyzing, planning, and implementing community health interventions that address health disparities.
- Design and Development of the Summative Performance Assessment
- Student-Facing Instructions
- Duration of the Assessment: The assessment will be conducted over one week, allowing students sufficient time to conduct research, perform a thorough analysis, and submit their work.
- Completion Process: Students will be required to develop a comprehensive community health intervention plan based on a given case scenario. The assessment includes a written report and a recorded presentation detailing their intervention strategies. A structured rubric will be provided to guide expectations and ensure clarity in grading.
- Resources Allowed: Students may use course materials, peer-reviewed journal articles, credible websites, and public health reports to support their responses. Proper citation of all sources using American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition guidelines is required to maintain academic integrity.
- Authentic Summative Performance Assessment
Summative assessments should align with course objectives and student learning outcomes to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of competency (Oermann & Gaberson, 2021). This assessment consists of five prompts that require students to engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and evidence-based application relevant to community health nursing.
- Assessment and Analysis – Analyze the provided community health scenario and identify the key social determinants of health influencing the population. Support the analysis with epidemiological data and recent research findings.
- Intervention Development – Develop a culturally sensitive intervention strategy addressing the identified health issues. Justify the approach using public health models such as the Health Belief Model or the Social-Ecological Model.
- Implementation Plan – Create a detailed implementation plan, outlining steps for executing the intervention, collaboration with community stakeholders, and resource allocation. Include a timeline and potential challenges.
- Evaluation and Outcomes – Propose methods to assess the effectiveness of the intervention and expected health outcomes. Use established health indicators and frameworks such as the Logic Model.
- Ethical and Legal Considerations – Discuss ethical principles and legal regulations that must be adhered to when implementing the intervention, referencing professional guidelines such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics.
Each prompt includes specific performance criteria assessed through a rubric with three levels: proficient, developing, and needs improvement. The rubric ensures consistency in grading and objective evaluation of student performance.
- Assessment Blueprint
Type of Assessment: Performance-based summative assessment.
Purpose of Assessment: To evaluate students’ ability to apply knowledge and skills in designing effective community health interventions.
Module Title: “Health Promotion Strategies in Vulnerable Populations.”
Course Objectives:
Apply evidence-based strategies to promote health in diverse communities.
Develop community-based interventions addressing social determinants of health.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Evaluate health disparities within a community setting.
Design and implement culturally appropriate health interventions.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Domains:
Cognitive: Application and analysis levels.
Affective: Valuing and organization levels.
Assessment Alignment: Each prompt corresponds to at least one course objective or student learning outcome, ensuring comprehensive evaluation.
- Description of Assessment Elements
- Alignment of Prompts with Course Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes
Each prompt is explicitly linked to the course objectives and student learning outcomes. For example, the first prompt (Assessment and Analysis) aligns with the learning outcome of evaluating health disparities. The third prompt (Implementation Plan) supports the objective of developing community-based interventions, ensuring that students are prepared for practical application in their fieldwork (McDonald, 2020).
- Communication of Assessment Results and Constructive Feedback
Assessment results will be communicated through a detailed rubric and written feedback. Students will receive individualized feedback highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. Constructive feedback will be provided using the “What, Why, How” approach:
What was done well.
Why it is important.
How to improve in future assessments.
2a. Pass or Fail Criteria
Students must achieve a minimum of “Proficient” in at least three out of the five rubric categories to pass the assessment. Scores falling below “Proficient” in two or more areas will require remediation, following guidelines for formative improvement strategies (Guskey, 2018).
- Assessment Theory, Concept, or Principle Guiding the Design
The assessment is based on constructivist learning theory, which emphasizes active engagement and real-world application. This approach supports deeper learning and retention of knowledge by enabling students to construct their understanding through problem-solving (Kolb, 2015).
- Test Security Procedures
To ensure the integrity of the assessment, the following security measures will be implemented:
Prevention: Clear academic integrity policies and plagiarism detection software.
Detection: Turnitin similarity reports to identify unauthorized content use.
Response: If academic dishonesty is detected, students will undergo a review process and may be required to redo the assessment.
- Potential Implementation Barriers and Solutions
One potential barrier in the online environment is limited student engagement in discussions or presentations. To address this, the assessment design incorporates interactive elements such as peer reviews and instructor-facilitated discussions to enhance engagement.
- Analytical Methods for Evaluating Assessment Results
Assessment results will be analyzed using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods:
Rubric-based grading to ensure objective scoring.
Descriptive statistics to evaluate overall performance trends.
Thematic analysis of student responses to identify common strengths and areas for curriculum improvement.
- Importance of Authenticity in Performance-Based Assessment
Authentic assessments mirror real-world professional challenges, making learning more meaningful and applicable (Mueller, 2019).
7a. Authenticity in Community Health Nursing
The assessment requires students to design interventions applicable to real community health settings. This hands-on approach ensures they develop critical skills necessary for professional practice.
- Using Performance-Based Assessment Results to Improve Teaching Strategies and Student Learning
Assessment results provide valuable insights for refining instructional strategies. By analyzing common student challenges, educators can adjust lesson plans and introduce targeted learning activities to address gaps (Brookhart, 2020).
- Influence of the ADDIE Instructional Design Model on Assessment Development
The ADDIE model—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation—played a significant role in shaping this assessment:
- Analysis: Identified learning needs and curriculum gaps.
- Design: Created clear, measurable objectives aligned with learning outcomes.
- Development: Developed performance-based assessment with rubric criteria.
- Implementation: Incorporated online tools and structured engagement strategies.
- Evaluation: Used student performance data to refine assessment and instruction.
- References
Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2019). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (6th ed.). Elsevier.
Brookhart, S. M. (2020). How to make decisions with different kinds of student assessment data. ASCD.
Guskey, T. R. (2018). On your mark: Challenging the conventions of grading and reporting. Solution Tree Press.
Kolb, D. A. (2015). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development (2nd ed.). Pearson.
McDonald, M. E. (2020). The nurse educator’s guide to assessing learning outcomes (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Mueller, J. (2019). Authentic assessment toolbox: Enhancing student learning through real-world tasks. Jossey-Bass.
Detailed Assessment Instructions for the C921 NURS 6004 Developing A Summative Performance Assessment Paper Example
Heat maps
7056.1.1: Validate Measurement of Student Learning
The learner validates the theories, concepts, and principles used to assess, evaluate, and measure student learning in various educational settings.
7056.1.2: Propose Assessment Strategies and Implementation Plans
The learner proposes assessment strategies and implementation plans based on the principles of effective assessment design.
7056.1.3: Develop Assessments
The learner develops performance-based and objective assessments useful for measuring the knowledge and skills applicable to real-world scenarios.
7056.1.4: Evaluate Assessment Effectiveness
The learner evaluates the effectiveness of performance and objective assessments by analyzing student achievement and learning outcomes data.
7056.1.5: Recommend Nurse Educator Action
The learner recommends nurse educator actions based on student performance measures at the course level.
The work of a nurse educator does not end after teaching materials have been designed, developed, and delivered to students. In any learning environment, it is necessary to evaluate the impact of those teaching materials on student learning. Assessment is the process of gathering data in order to evaluate and make decisions regarding student learning.
There are many approaches to measuring student acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors. A successful nurse educator will rely on the full breadth of evidence-based assessment theories and strategies to design an assessment implementation plan that is most appropriate for their setting. After designing an assessment tool, nurse educators must construct it using best practices to support reliability, validity, and fairness. Once designed and implemented, data gathered by the assessment must be analyzed using rigorous methods to evaluate student performance. Finally, the results of this analysis must be used to continually improve both the assessment tool and the teaching materials.
Note: You must submit and pass C920 before submitting tasks in C921.
You are the lead faculty in the Community Health Nursing Course for a prelicensure baccalaureate nursing (BSN) program. Your students represent varied experiences, age groups, and cultures reflective of their diverse community population.
The director of the nursing program has charged you with developing an eight-week course titled “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health:’ The class meets for two hours weekly. The typical class size for the course is 40 students. In C919, you created a course outline that listed eight weekly course module topics. In C920, you created two of the eight weekly course modules, including course objectives, student learning outcomes, and learning resources and activities.
In this task, you will choose one of the modules you created in C920 and develop a summative performance assessment intended to measure student learning after they have completed the module. This summative assessment must be a performance-based assessment to measure students’ ability to apply skills or knowledge by creating a product or completing a process.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
Sources used to support this assessment must be published within the previous 10 years, with the exception of legacy and seminal sources. Please carefully review the rubric for any exceptions.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyper/inks to relevant portions of the course.
Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be fife types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt}.
The completed template (sections A) should be submitted as a separate attachment from the narrative paper (sections B); both submitted at the same time.
- Design and develop a summative performance assessment for your chosen module using the attached “Summative Performance Assessment Template” by doing the following:
- Develop student-facing instructions, including the following:
- duration of the assessment
- how to complete the assessment
- what resources may be used
- Develop student-facing instructions, including the following:
- Design and develop an authentic summative performance assessment aligned to each course objective and student learning outcome in the module and include the following criteria:
- total of 5 prompts (excluding Sources and Professional Communication)
- one measurable verb per prompt
- scenario or background information
- relevance to the role of a community health nurse
- a rubric that corresponds to the prompts with a total of three performance levels
- must be an individual assessment (not a group project)
- Design an assessment blueprint by doing the following:
- Identify the type of assessment.
- Briefly describe the purpose of the assessment.
- Identify the module title, two course objectives, and two student learning outcomes (developed in C920) for the chosen module.
- Identify the Bloom’s Taxonomy domain (cognitive, psychomotor, affective) and level of each course objective and student learning outcome.
- Show the alignment of each prompt with at least one course objective or student learning outcome in the module (use the table in the attached “Summative Performance Assessment Template”).
- Describe the elements of your assessment by doing the following:
Note: A formal narrative paper will be submitted that includes parts 81 through C.
- Describe how each prompt in this assessment aligns with at least one course objective or student learning outcome in the module.
- Describe how assessment results, including constructive feedback, will be communicated to students
for this assessment and how it was determined.
- Describe the pass or fail criteria for this assessment.
- Describe an assessment theory, concept, or principle that guided your design choices for this assessment.
- Describe the procedures that will ensure test security for this assessment, including the following:
- prevention
- detection
- response
- Describe a potential barrier to implementing this assessment (not related to test security) in the online environment and how your assessment design choices will minimize its impact.
- Describe how you will analyze your summative performance assessment results.
- Discuss the importance of authenticity in designing a performance assessment.
- Explain how your performance assessment represents an authentic activity relevant to community health nursing.
- Discuss how the results of a performance-based assessment can be used to improve teaching strategies
and student learning.
- Describe how the applicable phases of the ADDIE instructional design model influenced the design and development of the module assessment.
- Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
- Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _. *’ ()
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xis, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt,mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z
ures are not rigorous, reason able, or appropriate for the assessment.
d appropriate for the assessment.
Summative Performance Assessment Template.docx
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