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How to Write an Essay Introduction: Structure and Tips

How to Write an Essay Introduction

The introduction is the most important part of any academic essay or paper, which is why it comes first. The writer/author might communicate the concepts of a document to the readers or audience using an introduction or introductory paragraph. It just establishes your thesis and notifies the audience of the greatest to follow.

The “introduction” to your essay has three primary objectives:

  • Capturing or grabbing your readers’ attention.
  • Providing context for your chosen topic or issue.
  • Presenting your thesis, which is the essay’s central idea.

As a result, it is critical that you learn how to craft an engaging introduction that will hook your audience from the onset. In this article, we aim at expounding on the following:

  • Definition of an introduction paragraph
  • Parts of an introduction that are extremely important
  • How to write a captivating essay or paper introduction
  • Mistakes to avoid while writing an introduction
  • Examples of outstanding introduction paragraphs

Definition of an introduction paragraph

The introductory paragraph, alternatively referred to as the opening paragraph, is the first paragraph of your essay or paper. It consists of the following elements: the hook, the context/background, the topic phrase, the facts, and the thesis statement. It introduces the essay’s central argument. A strong introductory paragraph captivates the reader’s interest and informs them of the importance of the chosen topic.

The following is an illustration of an opening paragraph or introduction to a brief essay:

Hockey has been an integral part of Canadian culture for over a decade (Attention Grabber). It has historically evolved into a popular sport that millions of Canadians participate in and watch (Background/context). The game had increased in popularity tremendously since it was introduced in the country (Thesis Statement).

You can also check out another post by our paper writing experts aimed at assisting students on How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement

Parts of an introduction that are extremely important

To write an outstanding introduction, ensure that it has the following fundamental parts:

  • Hook/Attention grabber/opening sentence/ wow facts/
  • Topic sentence
  • Background information/reference sentence
  • Essay structure or map (optional)
  • Thesis statement

Let’s take a closer look at each of these fundamental parts of an essay or academic paper’s introductory paragraph.

Hook/Attention grabber/opening sentence/ wow facts/

Your opening sentence is always the most important because it establishes the tone and direction of your essay. Therefore, you should invest much time in developing a fascinating hook that can attract and maintain your readers.

It is preferable to avoid writing complex and extended sentences. Instead, make it basic, agile, clear, concise, and catchy. It is a statement aimed to stir the curiosity of the readers.

The hook is the first thing your readers see when they look at your writing, and it serves to stir their curiosity and arouse their desire to read the remainder of it. As such, avoid making sweeping generalizations of basic statements that end up boring your readers. Additionally, keep dry facts out of your writing.

Here are some examples of perfect essay hooks:

  • During the COVID-19 global pandemic, technological innovation had a significant impact on education.
  • The invention of the wheel marked a watershed moment in the development of automobiles.
  • According to the World Bank, it is projected that the global population today stands at 7.64 billion, which represents a 43.2 percent growth compared to the global population in 1960.

As noted in our article on how to write the greatest hooks for essays, you can capture your readers’ interest utilizing hooks like statistics, assertions, facts, rhetorical questions, literary quotes, scenes or locations, definitions, metaphors, analogies, or personal anecdotes.
The hooks are your opening sentence. If poorly written, they fail to stir the readers’ emotions or ignite their curiosity, which makes them hurriedly skim through it.

A well-written opening statement serves as the reader’s initial impression of you. It influences whether they will read. Whether you choose to utilize a question, statement, data, or any other hook, make sure to keep it intriguing. Additionally, keep your essay within the confines of its purpose and objectives.

Topic Sentence

After you’ve aroused your readers’ interest, it’s time to introduce them to your chosen topic. You must inform your reader about the topic you intend to discuss in your essay without wasting any words. It also establishes the tone of your essay, which defines the type of essay you will be writing.

It comes after the attention grabber or essay hook to ensure that the reader interacts with the issue while they are still interested. Some people refer to it as the transition portion of the introduction paragraph, which is correct because it emphasizes the goal of choosing the topic and writing the essay.

It helps readers understand why you choose the topic, contextualize it, and anticipate what to expect in the body paragraphs.
For a smooth transition to the major ideas of your paper, make sure you have appropriate background information about the topic of the essay or paper.

Background information/reference sentence

After introducing the topic to your audience, the reference sentence assists to define the topic’s importance to them. It comes between the thesis statement and the first sentence.

The introduction’s background information portion provides readers with the context necessary to comprehend the topic or argument. The background portion of an assigned essay can include the following:

  • An outline of the issue you are attempting to address
  • A summary of the topic’s relevant facts, ideas, or studies
  • Definitions of major terms
  • The topic’s geographical, historical, or social context

This part takes the reader from a state of interest to one of eagerness to learn more about the subject. A keen reader would skip right to the body paragraphs.

As you present data about the topic, try to illustrate its relevance to the audience in light of the problem or issue. It maintains the reader’s attention, allowing them to go to the end with ease. It also establishes a link between the grabber and the topic. Because you’ll be going back to these issues later, try not to give away too much information up first. The body paragraphs are the place where you present your evidence, facts, and presumptions.

Your background’s space and breadth will vary depending on the topic you’ve chosen. Because it is merely a sketch, it can only be one or two sentences long.

This section should be followed by a concise summary of your essay’s main ideas, which should summarize the body of your essay.

Essay structure or map

Outline the main points before creating the thesis statement. While this is optional for short essays of 100 words or less, longer writings, such as extended essays, require anticipation of what is to come.

Create a plan or roadmap for your essay to provide your readers with a clear sense of your argument’s development. Some people refer to it as an essay’s purpose statement.

Here’s an example:

This essay begins by examining the issues that elderly persons encounter while in nursing facilities. It then expands on how in-home aging is now a preferred option for the elderly. Following that, it examines the benefits and drawbacks of aging in place from several perspectives.

We need to add this if you’re writing a short essay because our word count is already limited.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement serves as a road map for your essay; it identifies the fundamental idea around which you will concentrate your efforts. In this regard, it specifies your response to the essay prompt question and summarizes the major points for each of the body paragraphs.

  • A truly strong thesis statement should include the following attributes:
  • Have the main idea of the essay
  • Outline the essay’s key idea for each body paragraph
  • As one or two last sentences in your introduction
  • Be concise, straightforward, and coherent
  • The hub around which everything revolves
  • Outlines the roadmap of everything to follow in the paper
  • Integrates the topic and position of the paper

Keep in mind that a strong thesis statement is more than just a series of facts. Instead, it’s a claim that needs to be backed up with solid proof. The purpose of a thesis statement is to communicate your ideas clearly and persuasively, to persuade your audience, to educate them, or to clarify a key concept in your field of study.

How to write a captivating essay or paper introduction

Along with understanding the components of an introduction, you must also grasp how to write an introduction paragraph that fascinates readers or earns you better grades.

Essentially, comprehending the introduction’s major components is insufficient. If you want to write an outstanding essay introduction, you must first entice your reader to read the full document or essay.

Additionally, you must explain the topic, justify its relevance/contextualize it, and expound on everything that will be discussed in the body paragraphs.

The introduction should establish your reputation and authority as the essay’s author. If there are novel viewpoints on a topic, make a point of elaborating on them. Additionally, ensure that your sentences are precise, concise, and innovative, devoid of filler words.

Your introduction should include a brief description of your topic. As you do so, ensure that your writing style corresponds to the audience’s expectations. For instance, a work submitted to an instructor for marking should have a professional or academic tone. On the other hand, a paper written for a group of peers should be official but with a more toned-down academic tone.

Once you’ve established and grounded your essay’s main points, apply the funnel strategy to build and ground your introduction paragraph.

Finally, after drafting the introduction, review and rewrite it to ensure that the thesis statement appropriately summarizes the information or arguments presented in the body paragraphs. If your essay takes a different position, adjust the thesis statement to correspond with the body. Utilize this checklist to verify that your start has all of the components of an effective essay introduction.

Checklist for an Excellent Essay Introduction

  • The introductory line, often known as the hook, is interesting, relevant, and unique
  • The topic sentence is excellent and well-written
  • The introduction contains practical background information
  • The introduction progresses from general to specific
  • The primary idea of the essay or argument is presented in the thesis statement
  • The introduction lays out the essay’s overall structure clearly
  • The introduction of your essay is strongly linked to the rest of the essay’s content
  • The introduction sentence has been edited, proofread, and polished

Avoid these Common Mistakes when Writing an Introduction

You may not be able to create an introduction that is flawless but there are a few things to keep in mind, as we’ve just discussed. Additionally, there are a few things to avoid, such as:

  1. It should be brief: No matter what, keep the start of your essay concise. In general, it should make up 10% of the overall word count.
  2. Avoid squandering words: Avoid filler words and phrases like “to, basically, virtually, fully, completely, literally, actually, extremely, and really.” As the objective of the introductory paragraph is to attract your reader’s interest, make sure your writing is agile, sharp, and clean.
  3. Don’t exaggerate the introduction: If you realize that your beginning writes a check that your essay cannot cash, it is time to modify it and make it more logical. Your essay’s body paragraphs must deliver on whatever promises you made in the opening paragraph.
  4. Creating the essay’s draft body before the introduction: The head follows the body for a reason. If your introduction doesn’t flow from the start, write an introductory paragraph placeholder and improve it afterward.
  5. If possible, omit the first sentence: Even if your first sentence is vital, if you have the option to replace it, do so. After all, it’s a writer’s warm-up, and things may change as you study and write your essay. If it needs improvement, reduce, rewrite, and rework it to strengthen your introduction.

Examples of Excellent Sample Introductions

Let’s take a look at some well-written essay introduction examples to assist us in better integrating the information in this article.

Remember that with a good opening, you’ve already won half the battle in your essay writing adventure. As a result, put extra thought and care into the opening while also making sure the body of the essay counts.

Example 1 on How to Write an Essay Introduction

The question of stem cell research has sparked heated debate among healthcare professionals, policymakers, scientists, and the general public (Hook). The ethical dilemma first surfaced in the 1980s, when stem cell research made its way into the popular media. Scientists then learned how to extract stem cells from human embryos and cultivate the cells in a laboratory setting. It makes no difference whether or not stem cell research is ethical; what matters is the promise that stem cell research has for medical advancement (Background). However, scientists will almost certainly address the drawbacks of stem cell research in a positive way (relevance/topic phrase). Replacing stem cell research with induced pluripotent cells is a viable way to overcome the ethical questions that have hindered the development of stem cell therapies (Thesis Statement).

Example 2 on How to Write an Essay Introduction

As evidenced in the realms of primary and higher education, the emergence and subsequent advancement of technology and the internet have had a world-changing effect (Hook). Although institutions were already utilizing internet technology for educational purposes prior to the pandemic, technology became critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. When the pandemic struck, a series of lockdowns occurred; schools abandoned offline or onsite studies in favor of online learning, and many students relocated. Adopting online learning was a practical way for administrators to preserve learning (topic/relevance sentence). It was a way to ensure that no time was squandered in the midst of the pandemic, which brought with it unanticipated risks for learners. With the strengths demonstrated during blended learning, embracing online learning was not difficult (Background). Eventually, it became clear that online learning benefited students, teachers, and other stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic as learning progressed smoothly, students graduated, and policymakers understood the importance of shifting their focus for the future (Thesis Statement).

Example 3 on How to Write an Essay Introduction

Do you use any social networking platforms, apps, or YouTube? (Hook) Nowadays, young people in the United States have a plethora of options for finding and enjoying diverse forms of media at their fingertips. While many of these technological outlets carry the negative connotation of “wasted brain space,” not all technology and screen time should be dismissed as worthless or used just for mindless enjoyment (Background). Indeed, due to the general appeal and accessibility of technology, it may be easily exploited to incorporate academic or educational purposes into daily routines (topic/relevance sentence). The ability of technology to fascinate and engage a specific audience may be harnessed and diverted from mindless entertainment into powerful instruments that are not restricted to amusement only. Games, television, and apps can be used to appeal to a child’s intelligence while developing technical abilities, creating a plethora of options to promote an adolescent’s behavioral and scholastic development. Technology and screen time can be beneficial to children because they allow them to excel academically by experiencing the expanding definitions of classrooms and literacy as a whole, improve low-performing developmental skills, and supplement in-class education for more academically advanced students (Thesis Statement).

Example 4 on How to Write an Essay Introduction

The development of the internet has had a world-changing impact, not least on the realm of education (Hook). The internet’s use in educational circles is increasing, and its position in education is a source of debate. Many teachers who did not grow up with modern technology find its implications concerning and perhaps dangerous (Background). While understandable, this anxiety is misplaced (topic/relevance sentence). The disadvantages of internet users are surpassed by its important benefits for students and educators, including its use as a notably comprehensive and accessible knowledge source, a means of exposure to and engagement with diverse viewpoints, and a highly flexible learning environment (Thesis Statement).

FAQs on How to Write an Essay Introduction

What should be the length of an introductory paragraph be?

According to our study, analysis of preferences, and discussions with leading academics, the introduction accounts for 10% of the total word count. A 1000-word essay, for example, will have a 100-word introduction. A 200-word introductory paragraph will be included in a 2000-word essay.

An essay introduction is made of how many paragraphs?

According to a recent internal study by our top essay writers, the most recommended strategy is to create an introduction in a single paragraph. However, depending on the length of the essay, two paragraphs may be acceptable as an introduction.

A one-paragraph opening is all that is required for a brief essay, based on the information presented above. As for how many paragraphs a long document should have, the writer has the final say.

Final Remarks on How to Write an Essay Introduction

Research and term papers necessitate longer introductions than shorter ones. As a result, the first paragraph will grab the reader’s interest and provide some background for the issue at hand. In the second and possibly third paragraphs, the key points of the work can be laid out, an overview of the overarching argument is shown, and the thesis statement is presented.

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How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement: Master the Art

How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement

Strong Thesis Statement: A step-by-step Guide

As a student, you will undoubtedly be required to write a few essays. In addition, more academic papers are expected. Writing becomes an important skill as you advance in your field. However, if you don’t know how to develop a thesis statement, your writing will be quite boring. As a result, a thesis statement serves as a compass for all of your writing endeavors.

What exactly is a Thesis Statement?

Almost all of us, even if we don’t realize it, scan early in an essay for a one- or two-sentence summary of the argument or analysis that will follow. That condensed statement is known as a thesis statement.

If you are confused about what a thesis statement is, you can seek assistance from our custom essay writers. Our experienced essay writers provide online essay writing assistance. They can, without a doubt, assist you in crafting the strongest thesis statement.

Our experts have experience producing three-point thesis statements and can provide you with an example. As a custom research paper writing service, we are always available to assist you with your academic assignments.

You can also check out another post by our paper writing experts aimed at assisting students on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Quickly

Why Should You Include a Thesis Statement in Your Essay?

The straight answer is:

  1. To put your ideas to the test by condensing them into a sentence or two
  2. To better arrange and build your argument
  3. To offer your reader a “guide” to your argument

In general, your thesis statement will achieve these objectives if you consider it to be the answer to the subject that your work investigates. A thesis statement’s purpose is to help you maintain a laser-sharp focus on the points. It will also help you organize your research paper, term paper, or essay. It is worth noting that even cause-and-effect studies contain a thesis statement. This, perhaps, addresses your question on the purpose of a thesis statement.

What is the ideal length for a thesis sentence?

As previously stated, a thesis statement should be one or two sentences long. A strong thesis statement should present your paper’s topic. Furthermore, given the issue, it should clearly describe your stance.
The purpose of a thesis statement is for the writer to tell the audience about the topic of the paper. It also serves as a guide for writing and focusing on the argument.

Can a thesis statement be a question rather than a statement?

Using questions to explain the main idea is not permitted in any academic writing work. As the name implies, a thesis statement is an argument that you argue in your essay. As a result, a question in its place indicates that you are unsure of what you want your readers to receive.

Continue reading because there is still more to learn about writing a thesis statement. Notably, this guidance is intended for students who are unsure how to develop a strong thesis statement.

This resource might assist you in developing an effective thesis statement. (Links to a reputable third-party website)

Tips on How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement

  • Do not bury the thesis statement deep in the middle of the introduction paragraph for an effective thesis statement. It should also not be near the end of your paper.
  • Be brief and to the point.
  • Avoid employing ambiguous language. Come on, it should be a strong remark that draws your reader in.
  • Avoid phrases like “the main argument of my article.” Thesis statements should, for the most part, flow like normal sentences. However, they solely address the essay’s main point.
  • Your thesis statement should not be overly broad.
  • Ensure that your position on the issue is reflected in the thesis.
  • The thesis statement should be unique as well.
  • There is never a reference to a thesis statement.
  • The thesis should be written entirely in your own words.

Good writers may create thesis statements that are insightful, creative, and memorable. A well-crafted thesis statement reflects a well-written essay and impresses the reader. The thesis statement differentiates intelligent writers.

How to Create an Effective Thesis Statement

To get you started, here are a few useful pointers for consideration:

  1. How to Write a Thesis Statement When the Topic Has Been Assigned
  2. How to Write a Thesis Statement When the Topic Has Not Been Assigned
  3. How to Distinguish Between a Strong and a Weak Thesis Statement

How to Write a Thesis Statement When the Topic Has Been Assigned

Almost all tasks, regardless of their complexity, can be boiled down to a single question. Thus, your initial step should be to reduce the assignment to a single question. For instance, if your task is to “Write a report to the local school board detailing the possible benefits of computer use in a fourth-grade classroom,” rephrase the request as “What possible benefits might computer use in a fourth-grade classroom have?” Write one or two complete sentences in response to the essay question after you’ve chosen it.

Q: “What possible benefits might computer use in a fourth-grade classroom have?”

A: “The possible benefits of computer use in a fourth-grade class include……”


A: “Computer use in a fourth-grade classroom has the potential to significantly improve…….”

The question’s response serves as the essay’s thesis statement.

How to Write a Thesis Statement When the Topic Has Not Been Assigned

Even if your assignment does not ask a specific question, your thesis statement must answer a question about the topic you wish to investigate. In this circumstance, it is up to you to determine what topic to write about.

An effective thesis statement will typically have the four characteristics listed below:

  • choose a topic on which reasonable people can differ
  • choose a topic that, given the nature of the assignment, can be appropriately covered
  • express a single point of view
  • Assert your thoughts on the subject

Let’s take a look at how to write a social policy thesis statement.

The best way to begin is by brainstorming the topic.

Let’s imagine your class is studying the effects of Americans’ shifting food patterns. It dawns on you that you’re curious about how much sugar American schoolchildren consume on a daily basis.

A good place to begin is with a thesis statement like this:

Sugar consumption.

There’s nothing conclusive about this passage. Instead, it’s merely a way to convey a broad subject matter. In addition, your reader has no idea what you’re trying to convey regarding sugar intake.

Next, you need to narrow down the topic.

However, based on your research, you’ve come to the conclusion that youngsters in elementary school consume far too much sugar.

You revise your thesis statement to read as follows:

Sugar consumption reduction among elementary school children.

In addition to announcing your topic, this fragment concentrates on a specific demographic: elementary school students. Additionally, it provides a point of contention for rational people, because while the majority of people agree that children consume more sugar than they used to, not everyone agrees on how the problem can be addressed or who should address it. The reader has no idea where you stand on the subject, so this is hardly a thesis statement.

Take a stance on the issue.

After some further thought, you conclude that what you truly want to say about this topic is that something should be done to minimize the quantity of sugar these children ingest.

You modify your thesis statement such that it reads as follows:

More emphasis should be placed on the food and beverage options offered to schoolchildren.

Although this statement expresses your opinion, the terms “more attention and food and beverage options” are ambiguous.

Therefore, you need to utilize specific language.

As such, you decide to elaborate on your point concerning food and beverage options, and thus write:

According to experts, half of schoolchildren consume nine times the daily recommended amount of sugar.

While this is a specific statement, it is not a thesis. Instead, it only provides information on a statistic instead of making a valid claim.

Make a valid claim that is supported by explicit evidence.

Finally, you have your thesis statement revised to this:

Soda machines should be replaced with healthier options because half of all elementary school students in the US consume nine times the daily recommended sugar intake.

Notice the manner in which the thesis responds to the question, “What should be done to help children consume less sugar, and who should be mandated to do so?” While you may not have begun the task with a specific question in mind, as your understanding of the issue grew, your ideas became more specific. Your thesis has been revised to incorporate your new findings.

How to Distinguish Between a Strong and a Weak Thesis Statement

It’s simple to tell a strong thesis statement from a weak thesis statement. This enables you to quickly identify a mediocre writer. The following are a few components of a strong thesis statement:

  1. A strong thesis statement takes a stance.
  2. A strong thesis statement provides justification for the study.
  3. A strong thesis statement expresses a single point of view.
  4. A strong thesis statement is unambiguous – Straight to the point and uses specific language.

About taking a stance

Bear in mind that your thesis statement must demonstrate your findings regarding a subject. For instance, if you are writing a paper for a fitness class, you may be required to assess a popular weight-loss product. Consider the following two thesis statements:

There are several disadvantages and advantages to the Banana Herb Tea Supplement.

This is an unconvincing thesis statement. To begin, it fails to adopt a position. Second, the terminology “advantages and disadvantages” is ambiguous.

Due to the fact that Banana Herb Tea Supplement encourages rapid weight loss, which results in the loss of muscle and lean body mass, it may pose a risk to consumers.

This is a great thesis statement since it takes a stance and is specific.

About providing a justification for the study

Your thesis statement should state the purpose of the study. If you’re writing a paper about kinship ties and want to use your own family as an example, you may use one of the two thesis statements below:

My family is extended.

This is a weak thesis, as it is essentially a statement of fact. Your reader will be unable to discern the statement’s point and will most likely stop reading.

While most American families consider consanguineal marriages as a danger to the nuclear family structure, many Iranian families, including my own, believe that these marriages assist strengthen extended family kinship ties.

This is a strong thesis statement because it demonstrates how your experience contradicts a widely held belief. An excellent method for developing a strong thesis is to demonstrate that the subject is contentious. The remainder of the article will grab readers’ curiosity in order to see how you substantiate your claim.

About expressing a single point of view

Readers must be able to discern that your paper is focused on a single point. If your thesis statement contains multiple ideas, you risk confusing your readers concerning the topic of your paper. For instance:

Businesses must take advantage of the Internet’s marketing potential, and Web pages can serve as both advertising and customer service.

This is a weak thesis statement since it leaves the reader in limbo about whether the study is about Internet marketing or Web pages. To improve the thesis, the connection between the two ideas must be made more explicit. A possible way to rewrite the thesis is to write:

Because the Internet has immense marketing potential, businesses can take advantage of it by creating Web pages that combine advertising with customer service.

This is a strong thesis because it establishes a connection between the two concepts. Hint: the terms because, since, so, although, unless, and however appear in a large number of strong and unambiguous thesis statements.

About being unambiguous – Straight to the point and use specific language.

A thesis statement should clearly identify the focus of your paper and will assist you in keeping your paper on a reasonable topic. For instance, if you’re writing a seven- to ten-page essay about hunger, you could write:

World hunger is caused and worsened by a variety of factors.

This is a weak thesis statement for two fundamental reasons. To begin, world hunger cannot be adequately explained in seven to ten pages. Second, a variety of factors is ambiguous. You should be able to articulate concrete causes and effects. This is how an updated thesis would look:

Hunger prevails in Glandelinia due to a scarcity of jobs and the difficulty of farming in barren terrain.

This is a strong thesis statement because it solidifies the problem into a more manageable size while also pinpointing the root causes of hunger.

How to Write a Thesis in a Step-by-Step Manner

Our comprehensive guide on how to develop a thesis statement will be inadequate if we do not discuss the processes. When composing a thesis statement, bear in mind the following aspects:

  • Examine the main sources for areas of interest, tension, disagreement, complexities, or contention.
  • Create a rough draft of your original thesis.
  • Consider the thesis statement logically and critically.
  • Revise the original thesis and incorporate some of the strong evidence.
  • Keep the thesis at the forefront of the initial paragraph.
  • Anticipate counterarguments to help you fine-tune your essay.
  • When developing a thesis statement, avoid using questions. A thesis statement should never be interpreted as a question. This is a general norm for all academic articles.
  • Finally, always check if the thesis statement passes the “so what?” test.
  • It should also meet the “, how, and why?” test for thesis statements. In other words, your thesis statement should state your standpoint.
  • Always reiterate the thesis at the end of a paper. It should, however, be re-invented to match the context of the paper.

The Different Types of Thesis Statements

There are three major types of thesis statements that you will come across when writing essays or research papers:

  1. Argumentative Thesis Statement: Entails Making a Claim
  2. Expository Thesis Statement: Entails Explaining a Topic
  3. Analytical Thesis Statement: Entails Analyzing an Issue

Argumentative Thesis Statement

The purpose of an argumentative thesis is to make a case for your point of view on a particular issue. It is normally utilized when the primary goal of the essay is to elaborate on an opinion, policy suggestion, analysis, or cause-and-effect statement. Below is a sample argumentative thesis statement:

Technology has diminished our level of connectedness to others since it allows us to detach from the people in our physical environment and it does not promote the social skills needed in order to assist us to connect to those around us.

Expository Thesis Statement

The purpose of an expository thesis statement is to introduce the topic of your paper and to outline the most important issues to be discussed. Below is a sample expository thesis statement:

Factors associated with student success include excellent time management, motivation, and family support.

Analytical Thesis Statement

The purpose of an analytical thesis statement is to clearly express the topic of your paper, the methods you used to research it, and the conclusions you came to as a result of your research. Below is a sample analytical thesis statement:

An analysis of alternatives to fossil fuel energies indicated that the usage of solar and wind power is a better option.

Do you require assistance with your thesis?

Even after reading our recommendations on how to write a thesis statement, it can be difficult to construct one. In this instance, our expert essay writers can assist you in developing excellent and strong thesis statements.

A large number of thesis statements have been created by our specialist writers. As a result, they are naturally qualified to develop the best thesis statements. When they are writing the finest essays, it comes to them subconsciously. For assistance, please see our cheap custom essay writing service.

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How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Quickly

We are convinced that the majority of you have been assigned academic writing tasks at some point in your life, whether it was in high school or college. Although it is not a typical occurrence in our lives, writing 5-paragraph essays is an academic necessity. Instructors frequently assign five-paragraph essays, which are a common type of academic writing among college students.

It is rather frequent among individuals preparing for the IELTS or TOEFL tests. Its mastery is delectable, which is why our article on how to write a five-paragraph essay may come in handy. Typically, five-paragraph essays assist students in responding to a topic.

It is, for the most part, the traditional format for the majority of undergraduate essays. It is employed in the composition of most essays such as classification essays, speeches, responsive essays, term papers, argumentative essays, explanatory essays, personal statements, and expository essays.

This article will walk you through the process of writing this type of essay from start to finish.

You can also check out another post by our paper writing experts aimed at assisting students on How to Write an Essay Introduction

Essay Structure with Five Paragraphs

Without a doubt, the name of this essay genre indicates that it contains five paragraphs. The paragraphs are as follows: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Introduction to the Essay: How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Quickly

If you are a regular reader of our writings, you should already be aware of how much we emphasize the importance of an engaging opening. The beginning should include a hook sentence that entices and holds the reader’s attention.

The introduction paragraph should establish the wide scope of your subject and then narrow it down through the use of a thesis statement. In the thesis statement, discuss the paper’s topic and the details that will be included.

Notably, the opening should be succinct, succinct, and compelling. Additionally, when proofreading, adjust the thesis to fit the essay’s body.

The Body Subheadings: How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Quickly

In a five-paragraph essay, the body paragraphs contain the ideas, facts, and thoughts that support the stated thesis. It is prudent to give pertinent examples to exemplify the issues.

Ideas can be drawn from a variety of trustworthy scholarly sources, including books, peer-reviewed journals, personal experiences, and primary sources.

Additionally, it is prudent to provide an account of the views by illustrative examples in order to persuade the audience.

The opening paragraph of the body should contain an evocative description of the central concept. The second paragraph should discuss the weakest idea. The third section should contain an explication of the essay’s key points.

Among the transitions to utilize in the body of an essay are on the other hand, for instance, as an illustration, and, most crucially, on the contrary.

The Essay’s conclusion: How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Quickly

Typically, the final paragraph serves as your conclusion. It should reiterate the essay’s topic and hook. It should be a paraphrased version of the essay that summarizes the essay’s primary arguments and ideas.

Due to the fact that it is the inverse of the introduction, it should incorporate certain transitions to indicate the end. These transitional phrases include in summary, in conclusion, as previously discussed, as can be seen from the preceding discussion, and so forth. Prevent the use of conclusion generators. Rather than that, utilize human editors and real writers.

Never are conclusions cited. As a result, refrain from including in-text citations in your conclusion.

How to Compose an Outstanding Five-Paragraph Essay

While writing a five-paragraph essay may appear simple, it is seldom that simple. Our suggestions can assist you in completing your work more efficiently.

  1. The ending paragraph may have a paragraph hook. It is permitted since it signifies the conclusion of the paper. Surprise your reader by providing an undiscovered truth about the subject that is connected but unique to it.
  2. Utilize thesaurus and dictionaries to acquire the most advanced vocabulary. A strong vocabulary entices and retains the reader.
  3. When developing ideas and concepts, exercise creativity, ingenuity, and critical thinking.
  4. Using a five-paragraph essay template or simply a pen and paper, plan your five-paragraph essay.
  5. Consider how you can bolster your points.
  6. Provide evidence for your claims by citing trustworthy scholarly sources.
  7. Check your essay for faults in syntax, grammar, vocabulary, and coherence.
  8. Adhere to your primary theme and typical essay writing guidelines.
  9. Always have a pre-written essay outline. It should offer prospective essay topics for each paragraph.

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How to Write a Research Proposal Paper for Students

How to Write a Research Proposal Paper for Students

A research proposal’s objective is twofold: to present and justify the need to examine a research subject, as well as to provide the practical manner in which the suggested study should be carried out. The design features and techniques for conducting research are defined by the norms of the primary discipline in which the problem belongs; thus, research proposal requirements are more rigorous and less formal than a general project proposal. Extensive literature reviews are included in research proposals. They must present compelling evidence that the proposed study is needed. A proposal, in addition to offering a justification, outlines a specific methodology for doing the research in accordance with professional or academic area requirements, as well as a statement about the anticipated outcomes and/or benefits of the study’s completion.

For the following reasons, your professor may assign the task of preparing a research proposal to you:

  • Improve your ability to think about and design a comprehensive research project;
  • Learn how to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the literature to assess whether a research problem has been appropriately addressed or has been answered ineffectively, and improve your ability to locate relevant scholarship relating to your topic as a result;
  • Boost your overall research and writing abilities;
  • Practice how to identify the logical actions that must be followed to achieve one’s study objectives;
  • Critically examine, investigate, and consider the use of various approaches for acquiring and evaluating data relating to the research problem; and
  • Develop an inquisitive spirit within yourself and consider yourself an active participant in the process of conducting scholarly studies.

A proposal should include all of the important parts needed in constructing a completed research project, as well as enough information for readers to evaluate the validity and usefulness of your planned study. Only the study’s findings and your analysis of them are missing from a research proposal. Finally, the quality of your writing is used to measure the effectiveness of your proposal, therefore it is critical that your proposal is cohesive, clear, and compelling.

You can also check out another post by our paper writing experts aimed at assisting students on how to write a research paper quickly and efficiently.

Regardless of the study subject or approach used, all research proposals must answer the following questions:

  1. What do you intend to achieve? Define the research problem and what you intend to investigate in a clear and concise manner.
  2. Why do you wish to conduct the study? In addition to determining your research plan, you must conduct a thorough review of the literature and give convincing evidence that the topic warrants further investigation. Make sure to respond to the “So What?” question.
  3. How will you carry out the research? Make certain that what you offer is feasible. If you’re having trouble coming up with a research problem to investigate, read here for ideas on developing a problem to research.

Avoidable Common Mistakes: How to Write a Research Proposal Guide

  • Failure to be precise. A research proposal must be concise and not “all over the place” or veer into unrelated tangents if there is no clear sense of intent.
  • Failure to mention reputable scholarly articles in your review of the literature. Proposals should be founded on fundamental research that establishes the groundwork for comprehending the issue’s evolution and magnitude.
  • Failure to specify your research’s contextual limitations [e.g., time, place, people, etc.]. Your suggested study, like any other research article, must enlighten the reader on how and in what manner the study will investigate the topic.
  • Failure to come up with a cohesive and persuasive justification for the planned research. This is quite important. The research proposal is often used to justify why a study should be approved or sponsored.
  • Poor grammar or sloppy or ambiguous writing. Although a research proposal does not represent a completed research project, it is expected to be well-written and to adhere to the style and principles of excellent academic writing.
  • There is far too much detail on trivial topics, but far too little detail on significant issues. In order to support the argument that the research should be undertaken, your proposal should focus on only a few important research topics. Minor flaws can be noted, even if they are valid, but they should not dominate the main story.

Structure and Writing Style of a Research Proposal

Beginning the Proposal Process

Research proposals, like most college-level academic papers, are largely organized in the same way across most social science areas. The text of proposals typically ranges between ten and thirty-five pages in length, followed by a list of references. However, before you begin, read the assignment thoroughly and, if anything is unclear, ask your professor whether there are any unique requirements for structuring and producing the proposal.

Asking yourself the following questions is a great place to start:

  • What am I interested in studying?
  • What is the significance of the topic?
  • What significance does it have in relation to the topics addressed in my class?
  • What issues would it assist in resolving?
  • How does it improve upon [and hopefully go beyond] previous studies on the topic?
  • What should I do, and will I be able to complete it in the period specified?

In general, a compelling research proposal should demonstrate your understanding of the issue as well as your desire for carrying out the research. Approach it with the goal of leaving your readers with the impression that “Wow, that’s an amazing idea, and I can’t wait to see how it works out!”

Most proposals should include the following sections:

I.  Introduction: How to Write a Research Proposal Guide

A research proposal is often presented by scholars seeking grant funding for a study topic, or it is the first step in acquiring permission to write a Ph.D. dissertation in the actual world of higher education. Even if this is only a course assignment, think of your beginning as a first pitch for an idea or a full discussion of the significance of a research subject. Your readers should not only comprehend what you want to achieve after reading the introduction, but they should also be able to sense your enthusiasm for the issue and be enthused about the study’s potential outcomes. It is worth noting that the majority of proposals do not include an abstract [summary] before the introduction.

Consider your introduction to be a two-to-four-paragraph narrative that addresses the following four questions succinctly:

  1. What is the primary research issue?
  2. What is the research topic related to the research problem?
  3. What methodologies should be employed to investigate the research question?
  4. Why is this research relevant, what is its importance, and why should someone reading the proposal be interested in the results of the proposed study?

II.  Background and Significance: How to Write a Research Proposal Guide

This is where you explain the rationale of your proposal and why it is important. It can be incorporated into your introduction or created as a distinct piece to aid in the organizing and narrative flow of your proposal. Approach writing this section with the understanding that you cannot presume your readers will be as knowledgeable about the research problem as you are. It is important to note that this section is not an essay in which you go through everything you have learned about the issue; rather, you must select what is most useful in articulating the goals of your study.

Inevitably, while no specific criteria exist for determining the significance of your planned study, you should try to fix some or all of the following issues:

  • The research challenge and the study’s purpose should be stated in greater detail here than in the introduction. Even if the problem is complex or diverse, this is especially true.
  • Explain the logic for your proposed study and why it is worthwhile; Make sure to respond to the “So What?” point [i.e., why would anyone ever care].
  • Describe the fundamental issues or problems that your research will address. This could take the form of questions to be answered. Make a note of how your proposed study expands on prior assumptions about the research issue.
  • Describe the methods you intend to utilize to perform your research. Clearly determine the main sources you intend to employ and demonstrate how they will contribute to your topic analysis.
  • Describe the scope of your intended research to establish a clear emphasis. Where relevant, describe not just what you intend to explore, but also which parts of the research subject will be avoided.
  • If applicable, offer definitions for relevant concepts or phrases.

III.  Literature Review: How to Write a Research Proposal Guide

A component of your proposal dedicated to a more intentional evaluation and synthesis of earlier studies relating to the research subject under inquiry is linked to the background and significance of your study. The goal here is to situate your study within the greater context of what is currently being investigated, while also demonstrating to your audience that your work is unique and inventive. Consider what questions other researchers have asked, what methodologies they have employed, and how you interpret their findings, and, when mentioned, their recommendations.

Because a literature review is loaded with material, it is critical that this part is intelligently structured to allow a reader to grasp the essential ideas underlying your planned study in relation to that of other researchers. Rather than systematically or chronologically describing groupings of materials one at a time, it is a useful practice to divide the literature into “conceptual categories” [themes]. It is important to note that conceptual categories generally emerge after you have read the majority of the relevant literature on your issue, thus adding new categories is an ongoing process of discovery as you examine more studies. How do you know you’ve examined all of the main conceptual categories that constitute the research literature? In general, you may be confident that all of the major conceptual categories have been defined if you notice repetition in the conclusions or recommendations.

NOTE: In order to support your proposal, you should not be afraid to question the findings of previous studies. Examine what you believe is missing and explain how past research has failed to thoroughly investigate the topic that your study addresses. Check here for further information and help with writing research papers assistance.

As you write your literature review, keep in mind the “five C’s” of writing a literature review:

  1. Cite such that the primary attention remains on the literature relevant to your research problem.
  2. Compare various arguments, hypotheses, techniques, and findings expressed in the literature: where do the authors agree? Who uses similar methods for analyzing the research problem?
  3. Compare various arguments, subjects, tactics, approaches, and controversies mentioned in the literature: discover key areas of contention, controversy, or debate among researchers.
  4. Critique the literature: What are the most compelling arguments in the literature, and why are they so? Which techniques, conclusions, and methodologies appear to be the most reliable, legitimate, or appropriate, and why? Take note of the verbs you use to explain what an author says/does [e.g., asserts, demonstrates, argues, etc.].
  5. Connect the literature to your own area of inquiry and investigation: how does your own work rely on, deviate from, synthesize, or contribute a new perspective on what has been expressed in the literature?

IV.  Research Design and Methods: How to Write a Research Proposal Guide

Because you are not conducting the study, this section must be well-written and clearly organized; yet, your reader must have faith that it is worthwhile to pursue. The reader will never have a research outcome to judge whether your methodological choices were correct. Thus, the goal here is to persuade the reader that your overall study strategy and recommended techniques of analysis will address the topic correctly and that the methodologies will provide a means to successfully evaluate the potential outcomes. Your study’s design and methodology should be plainly linked to its unique goals.

Describe the overall research design by drawing on and expanding on your review of the literature. Consider not only methods employed by other researchers but also methods of data collection that have not been used but could be. Be specific about the data collection methods you intend to use, the data analysis techniques you intend to employ, and the external validity tests to which you commit [i.e., the degree of trustworthiness with which you can generalize from your study to other people, places, events, and/or periods of time].

When explaining your methods, make sure to include the following:

Describe the research process you will use and how you will interpret the findings in connection to the study problem. Not only should you explain what you hope to achieve by using the methods you’ve chosen, but also how you plan to spend your time using them [e.g., coding text from interviews to find statements about the need to change school curriculum; running a regression to see if there’s a relationship between campaign advertising on social media sites and election outcomes in Europe].

Remember that the methodology is more than just a list of actions; it is an argument for why these tasks add up to the best strategy to study the research problem. This is significant since simply stating the tasks to be completed does not demonstrate that they collectively successfully address the research problem. Make sure you explain this clearly.

Anticipate and identify any potential hurdles or difficulties encountered throughout the conduct of your study design, and outline how you aim to overcome them. Because no approach is flawless, you must identify where you believe difficulties may occur in acquiring data or accessing information. It is usually preferable to admit this than to have your instructor bring it up.

V.  Preliminary Suppositions and Implications: How to Write a Research Proposal Guide

You can’t avoid discussing the analytical method and potential repercussions just because you don’t have to perform the study and analyze the data. Describe how and why you believe your research will improve, update, or extend current understanding in the area under discussion in this section of your paper. Explain how your study’s findings may impact future academic research, theory, practice, modes of intervention, or policymaking, depending on the study’s goals and objectives.

When considering the potential ramifications of your research, consider the following:

  • What do the findings imply in terms of challenging the theoretical framework and underlying assumptions that motivate the study?
  • What recommendations for future research could be derived from the study’s prospective findings?
  • When it comes to practitioners, what are the implications of the research?
  • Will the findings have any implications on programs, methodology, and/or forms of intervention?
  • How might the findings help to solve social, economic, or other forms of problems?
  • Is it possible that the findings will have a direct impact on policy decisions?
  • Should your research be undertaken, how will individuals or groups benefit?
  • What will be better or different as a result of the proposed research?
  • How will the study’s findings be implemented, and what breakthroughs or transformational insights might emerge as a result of the implementation process?

NOTE: This section should not dive into idle speculation, or opinion, or be based on ambiguous evidence. If your study goes according to plan, you should use this section to identify any knowledge gaps or understudied topics in the existing literature and discuss how your work will contribute to filling such gaps.

VI.  Conclusion: How to Write a Research Proposal Guide

The conclusion emphasizes the significance of your research proposal and provides a quick review of the full report. This section should be no more than one or two paragraphs long, stressing why the research challenge is worth examining, what makes your research project distinctive, and how it will expand existing knowledge.

The following should be clear to anyone who reads this section:

  • Why should the study be conducted?
  • The study’s exact objective and the research issues it seeks to answer,
  • The reasons why the research design and methodologies used were chosen above other alternatives,
  • The probable consequences of your suggested investigation of the research problem, and
  • An understanding of how your research fits into the larger body of knowledge about the research problem.

VII.  Citations: How to Write a Research Proposal Guide

You must cite the sources you used, just as you would in any other scientific research paper. This section in a normal research proposal can take two forms; confer with your instructor to determine which is preferred.

  1. References – only include the literature that you utilized or cited in your proposal.
  2. Bibliography – includes citations to any essential materials relevant to understanding the study challenge, as well as a record of everything you utilized or cited in your proposal.

In either instance, this part should attest to the fact that you completed enough preliminary work to ensure that your study would complement, rather than just replicate, the efforts of previous scholars. Create a new page with the header “References” or “Bibliography” centered at the top. Cited works should always employ a standard format that follows the writing style recommended by the discipline of your course [e.g., education=APA; history=Chicago] or that your lecturer prefers. This part does not generally contribute to the total page length of your research proposal.

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NUR 319 Nursing Assignment Hermanson and Åstrandb

NUR 319 Nursing Assignment Hermanson and Åstrandb (2020)

What is meant by evidence-based practice?

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the use of the best available evidence in combination with clinical expertise and patient values to guide healthcare decision-making. EBP involves critically appraising research evidence to identify the most relevant and reliable findings, which can then be integrated with clinical expertise and patient preferences to inform healthcare decisions.

Why is it important that we use evidence-based practice?

There are several reasons why healthcare professionals should use evidence-based practice:

  • Improved patient outcomes: Evidence-based practice is associated with better patient outcomes, as it involves using interventions that have been shown to be effective in research studies.
  • More efficient use of resources: By using evidence-based practice, healthcare professionals can avoid using interventions that have not been shown to be effective, thereby reducing waste and unnecessary expenditure.
  • Greater consistency of care: Evidence-based practice helps to ensure that patients receive consistent, high-quality care, regardless of the healthcare professional they see.
  • Enhances clinical decision-making: Using evidence-based practice ensures that healthcare decisions are informed by the best available research evidence, leading to more informed and effective clinical decision-making.

Check out another post by our nursing paper writing experts aimed at assisting students on Assignment: Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

Hermanson and Åstrandb (2020) Study Critique Questions

The study by Hermanson and Åstrandb (2020) investigated the effects of early pacifier use on breastfeeding outcomes. The following questions are related to the study design:

Did the research address a clearly focused research question?

A focused research question is a clear and concise statement of the problem being studied. The research question was clearly identified as “What are the effects of early pacifier use on breastfeeding?” This question is focused and specific and helps to guide the study design and analysis.

Were the participants clearly identified? Why is this important?

Clear identification of study participants is important to ensure that the study results are applicable to the population of interest. In the study by Hermanson and Åstrandb, participants were clearly identified as primiparous women who planned to breastfeed and had given birth to a healthy term infant. Participants were recruited from a single hospital in Sweden, which may limit the generalizability of the study results.

Was the intervention clearly described? Why is this important?

A clear description of study interventions is important to ensure that the intervention can be replicated by other researchers and healthcare providers. In the study by Hermanson and Åstrandb, the intervention (early pacifier use) was clearly described as offering a pacifier within 2 hours of birth and allowing unrestricted pacifier use. However, it is unclear whether the control group received any pacifier use, which may limit the interpretation of study results.

Was the assignment of participants to interventions randomized?

Randomization is the process of assigning study participants to treatment or control groups randomly, to minimize the risk of bias. In the study by Hermanson and Åstrandb, participants were randomized to either the intervention group (early pacifier use) or the control group (no pacifier use). The authors used computer-generated randomization, which is a commonly used and adequate method of randomization.

How was randomization carried out, and was it sufficient to eliminate systematic bias?

Randomization was carried out using a computer-generated randomization list. This method of randomization is sufficient to eliminate systematic bias and ensures that participants are assigned to study groups in a way that is not influenced by the researcher.

Was the aim of the research clearly identified, and why is this important?

Yes, the aim of the research was clearly identified. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of early pacifier use on breastfeeding outcomes among newborn infants. Clearly identifying the aim of the research helps to ensure that the study is conducted in a focused and systematic manner.

Discuss the reasons why observational studies have found associations between pacifier use and shorter breastfeeding duration, while results from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) did not reveal any difference in breastfeeding outcomes.

Observational studies have found associations between pacifier use and shorter breastfeeding duration, while RCTs have not consistently shown a difference in breastfeeding outcomes. One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that observational studies are prone to bias, including selection bias, confounding bias, and information bias. Observational studies often involve non-randomized samples and may be subject to a range of confounding variables that cannot be controlled for, such as maternal breastfeeding attitudes, maternal education, and socioeconomic status. In contrast, RCTs involve the randomization of participants, which can help to reduce bias and increase the internal validity of the study.

Another explanation for the discrepancy between observational studies and RCTs is that observational studies may be influenced by reverse causation. For example, mothers who are having difficulty breastfeeding may be more likely to use pacifiers to soothe their infants, rather than the other way around. In contrast, RCTs are less prone to this type of bias because they involve the random allocation of participants to interventions, which reduces the likelihood of reverse causation.

Were all participants who entered the study accounted for at its conclusion?

Yes, all participants who entered the study were accounted for at its conclusion. The researchers reported a 100% follow-up rate, which means that all participants who were enrolled in the study were included in the final analysis. Accounting for all study participants is important to ensure that the study results accurately reflect the study population and minimize the risk of bias.

Methodological Considerations

Were the participants ‘blind’ to the intervention they were given? Consider the benefits of using a ‘blind’ design.

The study does not explicitly state whether the participants were blinded to the intervention they were given. However, blinding is an important aspect of RCTs because it helps to eliminate bias and ensure that the groups are comparable. In this study, blinding could have been achieved by providing all participants with a pacifier, but only activating it in the intervention group. This would help to ensure that any differences in breastfeeding outcomes were due to the use of the pacifier and not to other factors, such as the psychological effect of receiving a pacifier.

Were the baseline characteristics of each study group (intervention group and control group) clearly identified?

Yes, the baseline characteristics of each study group were clearly identified. The study reports that the two groups were similar in terms of demographic and obstetric characteristics, including age, parity, gestational age, birth weight, and mode of delivery.

Prior to collecting data why is important that the questionnaires used, were validated?

It is important to validate questionnaires prior to collecting data because it helps to ensure that they measure what they are intended to measure. If a questionnaire is not validated, it may not accurately reflect the construct of interest, which can lead to inaccurate results. Validating questionnaires involves testing their reliability and validity, which involves assessing their internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity. In this study, the researchers used a validated questionnaire to assess breastfeeding outcomes, which helps to ensure that the results are accurate and reliable.

Apart from the experimental intervention, did each study group receive the same level of care (that is, were they treated equally)? Why is this important?

It is important to ensure that each study group receives the same level of care, as this helps to control for any extraneous factors that may influence the outcome of the study. If one group receives more attention, support or care than the other group, it can confound the results and make it difficult to determine the true effect of the intervention being studied. In this study, the researchers did not explicitly state whether both groups received the same level of care, but they did state that both groups received standard postnatal care according to hospital guidelines.


In conclusion, the study conducted by Hermanson and Åstrand (2020) was a well-designed RCT that addressed a focused research question related to the effects of early pacifier use on breastfeeding. The study was adequately powered and had a good sample size, and the participants were clearly identified. The intervention was also clearly described, and the assignment of participants to interventions was randomized. The aim of the research was clearly identified and the results were analyzed using appropriate statistical methods. The study also had some limitations, such as the fact that it was conducted in a single hospital and may not be generalizable to other settings. Overall, the study provides important evidence to inform clinical practice in relation to the use of pacifiers and their potential impact on breastfeeding.

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Asthma Exacerbation Gabriel Martinez Shadow Health

Asthma Exacerbation Gabriel Martinez shadow health Objective Data

Introduction of Gabriel Martinez Shadow Health Case

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by airway inflammation, constriction, and excessive mucus production. Asthma exacerbation is a sudden worsening of asthma symptoms that can be triggered by various factors such as allergens, viral infections, exercise, or stress. In this assignment, the focus will be on Gabriel Martinez, a pediatric patient who presents with asthma exacerbation.

The nurse student will interview Gabriel and his guardian to establish his chief complaint, gather a history of present illness, assess his home medications and social history, review relevant systems, and assess his pediatric asthma severity score to better understand the severity of his condition.

Interview the Patient and Guardian to Establish Chief Complaint: Gabriel Martinez Shadow Health

The first step in assessing Gabriel’s asthma exacerbation is to establish his chief complaint by conducting an interview with him and his guardian. The nurse student should ask open-ended questions to gather as much information as possible. The following are some important topics that should be covered during the interview:

  1. Reason for visit: The nurse should ask Gabriel and his guardian about the reason for their visit to the healthcare facility. Gabriel’s guardian may have scheduled the appointment or brought him in for urgent care due to his symptoms.
  2. Current symptoms: The nurse should ask about the specific symptoms Gabriel is experiencing, such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or chest tightness. The nurse should also ask about the frequency and severity of these symptoms.
  3. Onset and progression of symptoms: The nurse should ask Gabriel and his guardian about when the symptoms started and how they have progressed over time. This will help determine the severity of the exacerbation.
  4. Previous asthma exacerbations or hospitalizations: The nurse should ask about any previous asthma exacerbations or hospitalizations that Gabriel has experienced. This will provide a baseline for the severity of the current exacerbation.
  5. Triggers for exacerbation: The nurse should ask about any triggers that may have caused the current exacerbation, such as exposure to allergens or physical activity.
  6. How symptoms affect daily life: The nurse should ask about how Gabriel’s symptoms are affecting his daily life, such as his ability to participate in school, sports, or other activities.

By gathering this information, the nurse student can establish Gabriel’s chief complaint and assess the severity of his asthma exacerbation. The nurse student can also use this information to develop a plan of care for Gabriel, including medication management, environmental modifications, and education on asthma management.

Check out posts that our nursing paper writing experts have written aimed at assisting students on tina jones shadow health assesment, ethical and legal implications of prescribing drugs, nur 350 module five health education activity, and application of nursing theory paper.

Pediatric Asthma Severity Score: Gabriel Martinez Shadow Health

Pediatric Asthma Severity Score (PAS) is a tool used by healthcare professionals to assess the severity of asthma exacerbation in children. It is based on the child’s symptoms, physical examination, and response to treatment.

The PAS score ranges from 0 to 12, with higher scores indicating more severe exacerbations. The score is calculated based on the following parameters:

Respiratory Rate: The child’s respiratory rate is measured and scored as follows:

  • 0: ≤ 12 breaths per minute
  • 1: >12-16 breaths per minute
  • 2: >16-20 breaths per minute
  • 3: >20 breaths per minute

Wheezing: The presence or absence of wheezing is noted and scored as follows:

  • 0: No wheezing
  • 1: Wheezing present on expiration only
  • 2: Wheezing present on inspiration and expiration

Retractions: The degree of chest retractions is evaluated and scored as follows:

  • 0: No retractions
  • 1: Mild retractions (suprasternal or intercostal)
  • 2: Moderate retractions (suprasternal, intercostal, and subcostal)
  • 3: Severe retractions (suprasternal, intercostal, subcostal, and sternal)

Oxygen Saturation: The child’s oxygen saturation level is measured and scored as follows:

  • 0: >94%
  • 1: 91-94%
  • 2: <91%

Based on these parameters, the nurse can calculate the PAS score and assess the severity of the child’s asthma exacerbation. A score of 0-3 indicates mild exacerbation, 4-7 indicates moderate exacerbation and 8-12 indicates severe exacerbation.

The PAS score is a useful tool for healthcare professionals to monitor the child’s response to treatment and adjust the treatment plan accordingly. A higher score may require more aggressive treatment, such as oxygen therapy, bronchodilators, or systemic corticosteroids, while a lower score may indicate that the child’s symptoms are under control and may not require additional interventions.

It is important to note that the PAS score is just one part of the overall assessment of the child’s condition and should be used in conjunction with other clinical indicators and the child’s medical history.

Chief Complaint (Patient):

The chief complaint is the primary reason for the patient seeking medical attention. In the case of Gabriel Martinez, who is experiencing an asthma exacerbation, his chief complaint may include shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Gabriel or his guardian may describe feeling like he is “wheezing more than usual” or that he is “having trouble catching his breath.”

To fully understand the nature and severity of Gabriel’s chief complaint, you can ask further questions to gather more information. For example, you can ask about the timing of the symptoms (i.e. when they started, how long they have been going on), any triggers that may have led to the exacerbation (i.e. exposure to allergens or irritants), and any previous episodes of asthma exacerbation or hospitalizations. You can also ask about any recent changes in medications or other factors that may have contributed to the exacerbation.

It’s important to listen carefully to the patient or their guardian to get a clear understanding of their chief complaint and any accompanying symptoms. By gathering this information, you can determine the appropriate course of action and provide effective treatment and management of the patient’s asthma exacerbation.

History of Present Illness (Patient):

The history of present illness (HPI) is a detailed account of the patient’s current symptoms and the progression of their illness. In the case of Gabriel Martinez, his HPI may include a description of his asthma symptoms, such as the frequency, duration, and severity of his episodes, as well as any recent changes in symptoms.

When taking Gabriel’s HPI, it’s important to ask questions to gather as much information as possible. Some relevant questions to ask may include:

  • When did you first start experiencing these symptoms?
  • Have your symptoms gotten worse over time or stayed the same?
  • Do you have any triggers that seem to make your symptoms worse?
  • Have you been taking your asthma medications as prescribed?
  • Have you experienced any other respiratory symptoms, such as coughing or wheezing?
  • Have you had any recent asthma exacerbations that required medical attention or hospitalization?

In addition to gathering information on the current symptoms, it’s important to ask about any relevant medical history, such as previous hospitalizations or surgeries, allergies, and chronic medical conditions. This information can help guide treatment decisions and ensure that any potential risk factors are taken into consideration.

By taking a thorough history of the present illness, healthcare providers can gain a better understanding of the patient’s condition and provide appropriate treatment and management.

Home Medications (Patient):

The home medications part of the patient’s medical history involves gathering information on any medications the patient is currently taking to manage their asthma or other health conditions. For Gabriel Martinez, this may include medications such as inhaled bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and leukotriene modifiers.

When gathering information on home medications, it’s important to ask about the name of the medication, the dose, and the frequency of administration. It’s also important to ask how long the patient has been taking the medication, if they have experienced any side effects, and if they have noticed any improvement in their symptoms since starting the medication.

In addition to prescription medications, it’s important to ask about any over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, or other treatments the patient may be taking. This information can help healthcare providers identify potential drug interactions or other risks associated with the patient’s current medication regimen.

It’s important to stress the importance of adhering to medication regimens, especially for chronic conditions such as asthma. Patients should be advised to take their medications as prescribed and to keep a record of when they take each medication to avoid missing doses. They should also be instructed on proper medication administration techniques, such as using a spacer device with their inhaler.

By gathering information on the patient’s home medications, healthcare providers can ensure that they are providing appropriate treatment and management for the patient’s condition, and identify any potential medication-related issues that may need to be addressed.

Social History (Patient):

The social history part of the patient’s medical history involves gathering information on the patient’s lifestyle and habits that may have an impact on their health. For Gabriel Martinez, this may include factors such as his living environment, occupational exposure, and any lifestyle habits that may contribute to his asthma symptoms.

When gathering social history information, healthcare providers may ask questions about:

  • Living environment: Does the patient live in a home with pets, smokers, or mold? Is there adequate ventilation in the home?
  • Occupational exposures: Does the patient work in an environment with exposure to dust, chemicals, or other irritants that may trigger asthma symptoms?
  • Lifestyle habits: Does the patient smoke or use other tobacco products? Do they engage in physical activity or exercise regularly? Do they follow a healthy diet?
  • Social support: Does the patient have a support system in place to help manage their asthma? Do they have access to transportation to attend medical appointments?

It’s important to note that social history information can have a significant impact on the patient’s health and well-being. For example, exposure to secondhand smoke or occupational irritants may exacerbate asthma symptoms, while engaging in regular physical activity and following a healthy diet may help to improve overall lung function and reduce symptoms.

By gathering information on the patient’s social history, healthcare providers can develop a comprehensive treatment plan that takes into account any environmental or lifestyle factors that may be contributing to the patient’s condition. They can also provide counseling and resources to help the patient make positive changes that may improve their overall health and quality of life.

Review of Relevant Systems (Patient):

The review of relevant systems (ROS) is a structured approach used to gather information about the patient’s overall health and to identify any additional symptoms or conditions that may be related to their chief complaint. This part of the patient’s medical history involves gathering information on various body systems and their related symptoms.

For Gabriel Martinez, a review of relevant systems may involve asking questions about:

  • Respiratory system: In addition to asthma symptoms, does the patient experience cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, or chest pain?
  • Cardiovascular system: Does the patient experience any chest pain or discomfort, palpitations, or shortness of breath with exertion?
  • Gastrointestinal system: Does the patient experience any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain?
  • Neurological system: Does the patient experience any headaches, dizziness, or weakness?
  • Musculoskeletal system: Does the patient experience any joint pain or stiffness, muscle weakness, or difficulty with mobility?
  • Skin and hair: Does the patient have any rashes, lesions, or changes in skin color or texture?

By gathering information on the patient’s review of relevant systems, healthcare providers can identify any additional symptoms or conditions that may be related to the patient’s chief complaint. This can help to guide further diagnostic testing or treatment planning.

It’s important to note that a thorough review of relevant systems should be conducted for every patient, regardless of their chief complaint. This can help to identify any underlying health conditions or concerns that may require further evaluation or management.

History of Present Illness (Guardian):

The history of present illness (HPI) by Gabriel’s guardian is an important aspect of the patient assessment that can provide valuable information about Gabriel’s current asthma exacerbation. Here are some key questions to ask during the HPI assessment:


  • When did Gabriel’s asthma symptoms begin to worsen?
  • Were there any identifiable triggers that led to the onset of Gabriel’s symptoms?


  • What symptoms is Gabriel experiencing, such as shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, or chest tightness?

Are Gabriel’s symptoms constant or intermittent?


  • How long has Gabriel’s current episode of asthma symptoms been going on?
  • Has Gabriel experienced similar symptoms in the past, and if so, how long did they last?


  • How severe are Gabriel’s current symptoms on a scale of 1-10?

Have Gabriel’s symptoms been severe enough to require emergency medical treatment or hospitalization in the past?

Response to treatment:

  • What treatments have been used to manage Gabriel’s symptoms, and how effective have they been?
  • Have any changes been made to Gabriel’s medication regimen or asthma management plan in response to his current symptoms?


  • Are there any triggers that seem to exacerbate the patient’s symptoms? These may include exposure to allergens, irritants, changes in weather, or some exercises or physical activities.

It is important to ask these questions to better understand the nature and severity of Gabriel’s asthma exacerbation, as well as any potential triggers or underlying factors that may be contributing to his symptoms. This information can be used to guide further diagnostic testing or treatment planning, as well as to provide education and resources to help the patient and their family manage their symptoms more effectively.

Home Medications (Guardian):

Home medications are an important aspect of the patient assessment that can provide valuable information about Gabriel’s current asthma management plan. Here are some key questions to ask during the home medications assessment:

Asthma medications:

  • Is Gabriel currently taking any medications to manage his asthma symptoms, such as rescue inhalers, long-acting bronchodilators, or inhaled corticosteroids?
  • How often is Gabriel taking his medications and are they providing effective symptom relief?

Other medications:

  • Is Gabriel taking any other medications or supplements that may be affecting his asthma, such as over-the-counter pain medications or herbal remedies?


  • Does Gabriel consistently take his medications as prescribed, or have there been any issues with adherence?
  • Are there any barriers to medication adherence that Gabriel’s guardian has identified, such as difficulty remembering to take medications or concerns about side effects?

It is important to ask these questions to ensure that Gabriel is receiving appropriate medication management for his asthma and to identify any potential issues with adherence or effectiveness of his current medication regimen. Knowing about Gabriel’s current medication regimen can help his healthcare providers determine whether his asthma is well-controlled and whether any changes need to be made to his treatment plan. For example, if his asthma symptoms are not well-controlled with his current medication regimen, his healthcare providers may consider adjusting the dosage or adding another medication to better manage his symptoms. Additionally, it can help guide the development of an asthma management plan that includes appropriate medication use and monitoring.

Past Medical History (Guardian):

Past medical history is an important component of the patient assessment that can help identify any previous medical conditions or treatments that may be contributing to Gabriel’s current asthma exacerbation. Here are some key questions to ask during the past medical history assessment:

Medical conditions:

  • Has Gabriel’s guardian been diagnosed with any medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure?
  • Has Gabriel’s guardian been hospitalized or had any surgeries in the past?


  • Does Gabriel’s guardian have any known allergies, such as food allergies or allergies to medications?


  • Is Gabriel’s guardian currently taking any medications or supplements?
  • Has Gabriel’s guardian taken any medications in the past that may have had an impact on his respiratory system, such as antibiotics or medications for other conditions?


  • Is Gabriel’s guardian up-to-date on all recommended immunizations?

It is important to ask these questions to identify any potential underlying health problems or complications that may be contributing to Gabriel’s asthma exacerbation. Additionally, it can help identify any medications or treatments that may need to be adjusted or changed to better manage his asthma symptoms. Knowing about Gabriel’s past medical history can help his healthcare providers understand the severity and chronicity of his asthma, as well as identify any potential risk factors or complications that may impact his treatment. For example, Gabriel’s history of hospitalization for asthma exacerbation indicates that he may be at higher risk for severe asthma attacks and may require more aggressive treatment to prevent future exacerbations. Similarly, his peanut allergy is a potential trigger for asthma exacerbation, and his healthcare providers may need to take this into consideration when developing his treatment plan.

Social History (Guardian):

Social history is an important aspect of the patient assessment that can provide valuable information about Gabriel’s home environment and lifestyle, which may be contributing to his asthma exacerbation. Here are some key questions to ask during the social history assessment:


  • Does Gabriel’s guardian work in a job that involves exposure to any potential respiratory irritants, such as dust, fumes, or chemicals?


  • Does Gabriel live in a home with pets or have exposure to secondhand smoke?
  • Is Gabriel’s home in an area with high levels of air pollution or other environmental triggers that may exacerbate asthma symptoms?

Diet and exercise:

  • Does Gabriel eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein?
  • Does Gabriel participate in regular physical activity and exercise?

Substance use:

  • Does anyone in the household smoke or use tobacco products?
  • Does Gabriel’s guardian drink alcohol or use recreational drugs?

Mental health:

  • Does Gabriel’s guardian have a history of depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions that may be affecting his ability to manage Gabriel’s asthma?

It is important to ask these questions to identify any potential environmental or lifestyle factors that may be contributing to Gabriel’s asthma exacerbation. This information can help guide the development of an asthma management plan that addresses both medical and non-medical factors that may be impacting Gabriel’s health.

Family Medical History (Guardian):

Family medical history is an important component of the patient assessment that can help identify any genetic or familial risk factors that may be contributing to Gabriel’s asthma exacerbation. Here are some key questions to ask during the family medical history assessment:

Respiratory conditions:

  • Has anyone in Gabriel’s immediate family, such as his parents or siblings, been diagnosed with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory conditions?
  • Has anyone in the family been hospitalized or had any complications related to asthma?

Cardiovascular conditions:

  • Has anyone in the family been diagnosed with heart disease, high blood pressure, or stroke?

Endocrine conditions:

  • Has anyone in the family been diagnosed with diabetes, thyroid disease, or other endocrine disorders?

Gastrointestinal conditions:

  • Has anyone in the family been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or other gastrointestinal conditions?

Neurological conditions:

  • Has anyone in the family been diagnosed with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease?


  • Has anyone in the family been diagnosed with any type of cancer?

It is important to ask these questions to determine any potential genetic or familial risk factors that may increase the likelihood of Gabriel developing asthma or other related conditions. Additionally, it can help identify any potential environmental factors or triggers that may be contributing to his asthma exacerbation. Additionally, knowing about Gabriel’s family medical history can help his healthcare providers assess his risk for certain medical conditions and tailor his treatment plan accordingly.

Review of Relevant Systems (Guardian):

A comprehensive review of the patient’s body systems to identify any symptoms related to the chief complaint, as reported by the guardian.

Here are some key questions to ask during the assessment:

Respiratory system:

  • Have you noticed any coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath in Gabriel recently?
  • Has Gabriel had any difficulty breathing during exercise or at rest?
  • Has Gabriel been using his inhaler or nebulizer more frequently than usual?

Cardiovascular system:

  • Has Gabriel complained of chest pain or discomfort?
  • Have you noticed any rapid or irregular heartbeats in Gabriel?

Gastrointestinal system:

  • Has Gabriel had any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea?
  • Have you noticed any changes in Gabriel’s appetite or weight?

Urinary system:

  • Has Gabriel had any difficulty or pain during urination?
  • Has Gabriel had any changes in his urinary habits or frequency?

Musculoskeletal system:

  • Has Gabriel complained of any joint pain or stiffness?
  • Has Gabriel had any difficulty with mobility or range of motion?

Integumentary system:

  • Has Gabriel had any rashes, hives, or skin lesions?
  • Have you noticed any changes in Gabriel’s skin color or texture?

Neurological system:

  • Has Gabriel had any headaches, dizziness, or seizures?
  • Have you noticed any changes in Gabriel’s behavior or cognitive function?

Endocrine system:

  • Has Gabriel had any excessive thirst or urination?
  • Has Gabriel had any changes in his growth or development?

It is important to ask these questions to identify any potential underlying health problems or complications that may be contributing to Gabriel’s asthma exacerbation.

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NRS-429VN VARK Analysis Paper Assignment Example

NRS 429VN VARK Analysis Paper Assignment ExampleNRS 429VN VARK Analysis Paper Assignment Brief

Assignment Overview:

The NRS 429VN VARK Analysis Paper aims to help nursing students explore and understand their learning styles using the Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic (VARK) questionnaire. The assignment requires students to analyze their VARK results, compare their learning styles with others, and think about how this awareness influences their ideas about teaching and learning in a healthcare context.

Assignment Objectives:

  • Identify Learning Style: Use the VARK questionnaire to find out your preferred learning style.
  • Analyze Learning Strategies: Compare your current preferred learning strategies with the strategies for your learning style.
  • Reflect on Educational Impact: Think about how individual learning styles affect the understanding and performance of educational activities.
  • Explore Teaching and Learning: Talk about why educators need to figure out individual learning styles when working with learners.
  • Health Promotion Focus: Explore why understanding learning styles is crucial in health promotion, and discuss how learning styles affect the possibility for behavioral change.
  • Provide Evidence: Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed or scholarly sources published within the last 5 years to support your analysis.

Understanding Assignment Objectives:

This assignment aims to increase your awareness of personal learning styles and their implications for teaching and learning in healthcare settings. By figuring out your preferred learning strategies, you will gain insights into how you process information effectively. The analysis should not only talk about your learning style but also explore its relevance in nursing education and health promotion.

The Student’s Role:

  • Complete VARK Questionnaire: Access and complete “The VARK Questionnaire” available on the VARK website (https://vark-learn.com/the-vark-questionnaire/).
  • Analyze Results: Review your questionnaire scores and explore the corresponding link to understand your learning preference.
  • Compare Learning Styles: Compare your preferred learning strategies with visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal styles identified on the VARK Results page.
  • Reflect on Educational Impact: Think about how your learning style influences your ability to understand and perform educational activities. Reflect on personal experiences and preferences.
  • Discuss Teaching and Learning: Talk about why educators need to figure out individual learning styles in healthcare education. Explore how diverse teaching approaches can cater to different learning preferences.
  • Explore Health Promotion: Investigate the importance of understanding learning styles in health promotion. Discuss how accommodating diverse learning styles can enhance the potential for behavioral change in health-related interventions.

Detailed Assessment Description of the VARK Analysis Paper Assignment

Learning styles represent the different approaches to learning based on preferences, weaknesses, and strengths. For learners to best achieve the desired educational outcome, learning styles must be considered when creating a plan. Complete “The VARK Questionnaire,” located on the VARK website (­ https://vark-learn.com/the-vark-questionnaire/ ), and then complete the following:

  1. Click “OK” to receive your questionnaire scores.
  2. Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
  3. Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page).
  4. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  5. Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning.

In a paper (900-words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following:

  1. Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.
  2. Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  3. Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.
  4. Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?

Cite to at least 4 peer‐reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite, so no plagiarism.


Course Code Class Code
NRS-429VN NRS-429VN-O505 VARK Analysis Paper 100.0
Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less than Satisfactory (75.00%) Satisfactory (79.00%) Good (89.00%) Excellent (100.00%)
Content 80.0%
Personal Learning Styles According to VARK Questionnaire 20.0% Personal learning style content is missing. Personal learning style presented is not reflective of VARK questionnaire. Personal learning style according to the VARK questionnaire is identified, but summary is incomplete. Personal learning style according to the VARK questionnaire is identified and basic summary is provided. Personal learning style according to the VARK questionnaire is identified and described. Personal learning style according to the VARK questionnaire is identified and described in detail. Summary offers examples that display personal insight or reflection.
Preferred Learning Strategies 20.0% Personal learning strategy content is missing. Personal learning strategy is partially described. A comparison of current preferred learning styles and VARK identified learning styles is incomplete. Personal learning strategy is summarized. A comparison of current preferred learning styles and VARK identified learning styles is generally described. Personal learning strategy is described. A comparison of current preferred learning styles and VARK identified learning styles is presented. Personal learning strategy is clearly described. A comparison of current preferred learning styles and VARK identified learning styles is detailed. Overall discussion demonstrates insight into preferred learning strategies and how these support preferred learning styles.
Learning Styles (Effect on educational performance and importance of identifying learning styles for learners as an educator) 20.0% Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is not presented. Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is partially presented. The importance of learning styles for learners participating in healthy promotion, and identifying them as an educator, is unclear. There are inaccuracies. Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is generally discussed. The importance of learning styles for learners participating in healthy promotion, and identifying them as an educator, is generally established. There are minor inaccuracies. More rationale or evidence is needed for support. Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is discussed. The importance of learning styles for learners participating in healthy promotion, and identifying them as an educator, is established. Some rationale or evidence is needed for support. Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is thoroughly discussed. The importance of learning styles for learners participating in healthy promotion, and identifying them as an educator, is clearly established. Strong rationale and evidence support discussion.
Learning Styles and Health Promotion (learning styles and importance to achieving desired outcome for learners, learning styles and effect on behavioral change, accommodation of different learning styles in health promotion) 20.0% Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion, the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes, and the accommodation of different learning styles is not discussed. Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion and the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes is partially presented; a correlation has not been established. Accommodation of different learning styles is incomplete. There are inaccuracies. Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in a health promotion, and the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes is generally presented; a general correlation has been established. More rationale or evidence is needed to fully establish correlation. Accommodation of different learning styles is summarized. Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in a health promotion, and the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes is discussed; a correlation has been established. Accommodation of different learning styles is discussed. Some detail or minor support is needed. Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in a health promotion, and the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes is discussed in detail. A strong correlation has been established. Accommodation of different learning styles is discussed. The narrative demonstrates insight into the importance of learning styles to health promotion and behavioral outcomes.
Organization and Effectiveness 15.0%
Thesis Development and Purpose 5.0% Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear. Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Argument Logic and Construction 5.0% Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Mechanics of Writing  (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Format 5.0%
Paper Format  (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) 2.0% Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 3.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
Total Weightage 100%

NRS-429VN VARK Analysis Paper Assignment Example


Learning styles play a crucial role in the educational journey of individuals, influencing how they process information and acquire knowledge (Almigbal, 2015). The Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic (VARK) questionnaire, designed by Neil Fleming, is a valuable tool that helps individuals identify their preferred learning styles. This paper explores the VARK analysis of a nurse, highlighting the significance of understanding learning styles in the context of health promotion and nursing education.

Summary of VARK Analysis

Upon completing the VARK questionnaire, I identified myself as a multimodal learner with a strong emphasis on read/write and kinesthetic modalities. Multimodal learners, as described by Fleming, are individuals who benefit from a combination of two or more learning styles (Bhagat et al., 2015). In my case, the preference for read/write and kinesthetic modalities is particularly evident in my approach to learning, both in theory and practical applications.

The highest scores in kinesthetics align with my hands-on learning preference, especially in clinical settings. For instance, I excel in tasks like catheter insertions by combining hands-on experience with visual aids, dictionaries, and handouts. Additionally, when preparing for exams, I find written materials and textbooks to be essential, showcasing my reliance on the read/write modality.

Preferred Learning Strategies

As a kinesthetic learner, I thrive on acquiring knowledge through practice and real-world exposure. The incorporation of all senses—smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste—enhances my understanding of information. Activities such as working in a hospital laboratory, participating in field trips, listening to real-life scenario lectures, and hands-on experiences contribute significantly to my learning process. Visual elements, such as graphs and color-coded information, also capture my attention and aid in content retention (Prithishkumar & Michael, 2014).

Comparison of Learning Styles

While my preferred learning style is primarily kinesthetic, the analysis revealed high scores in all four modalities, demonstrating flexibility in adapting to various learning situations. Surprisingly, the visual modality did not rank at the top, highlighting the unique interplay between visual and kinesthetic preferences. Recognizing the utility of different modalities allows for a more holistic learning experience.

Improving Learning Behavior

Upon reflection, certain modifications are necessary to enhance my learning capabilities. These adjustments include incorporating more visual elements such as books and diagrams. Additionally, utilizing a tape recorder to articulate ideas and explain concepts to others can reinforce my understanding. Recognizing the importance of learning styles and implementing diverse strategies will contribute to improved study habits, academic performance, and overall satisfaction in both work and studies (Laxman et al., 2014).

Impact on Teaching and Learning

Educators play a pivotal role in shaping the learning experiences of students. Understanding the diverse learning styles of individuals is crucial for tailoring teaching approaches to meet the needs of learners effectively. For instance, students with multimodal preferences, like myself, benefit from a variety of instructional methods that encompass visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic elements. Research suggests that educators who align their teaching styles with students’ preferred learning styles achieve better outcomes (Laxman et al., 2014).

Importance in Health Promotion

In the context of health promotion, awareness of individual learning styles becomes paramount. Different individuals engage with health-related information in varied ways, and tailoring educational strategies to accommodate diverse learning styles enhances the effectiveness of health promotion initiatives. Understanding learning styles is directly linked to the potential for behavioral change. By catering to individuals’ preferred modalities, health educators can create interventions that resonate with the target audience, increasing the likelihood of positive behavioral outcomes (Bhagat et al., 2015).


The VARK analysis has provided valuable insights into my learning preferences and strategies. As a nurse, recognizing and embracing a multimodal approach, with a focus on read/write and kinesthetic modalities, will contribute to a more effective educational experience. The incorporation of diverse learning styles in nursing education and health promotion efforts is essential for addressing the unique needs of individuals. By acknowledging and accommodating different learning styles, educators and healthcare professionals can foster a positive and impactful learning environment.


Almigbal, T. H. (2015). Relationship between the learning style preferences of medical students and academic achievement. Saudi medical journal36(3), 349.

Bhagat, A., Vyas, R., & Singh, T. (2015). Students awareness of learning styles and their perceptions to a mixed method approach for learning. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research5(Suppl 1), S58.

Prithishkumar, I. J., & Michael, S. A. (2014). Understanding your student: using the VARK model. Journal of postgraduate medicine60(2), 183.

Laxman, K., Sandip, S., & Sarun, K. (2014). Exploration of preferred learning styles in medical education using VARK modal. Russian Open Medical Journal3(3).

NRS-429VN VARK Analysis Paper Assignment Example Two

Learning Style Summary According to the VARK Questionnaire

Human beings are perpetual learners, embarking on the journey of acquiring knowledge from birth until their last breath. Recognizing that everyone possesses distinct learning styles, it becomes imperative for each individual to discover the approach that suits them best (Husmann & O’Loughlin, 2019). The Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic (VARK) questionnaire, devised by Neil Fleming in 1987, serves as a tool to identify individual learning styles. With sixteen questions, this assessment categorizes individuals into five strategies, offering valuable insights into their preferred modes of learning. This paper aims to delve into the VARK questionnaire scores for a nurse, comparing their learning style with others and contemplating necessary changes for improved learning behavior.

Preferred Learning Strategies

Learning styles encompass the modes individuals employ to collect, interpret, process, and reflect on educational materials. These preferences, rooted in natural inclinations, are crucial for educators to consider when delivering information. Effective teaching involves incorporating activities that stimulate visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic learning modalities, catering to diverse student preferences. The analysis of my VARK scores reveals a multimodal learning style with a blend of read/write and kinesthetic preferences. Being flexible in delivering information, especially through hands-on approaches, aligns with my intended nursing practices.

Impact on Educational Activities

Individual learning styles significantly influence the understanding and execution of educational activities. As a kinesthetic learner with the highest score in this modality, I excel in activities that involve hands-on experiences. Clinical rotations, such as catheter insertions, become more manageable through overlapping visual aids, dictionaries, handouts, and practical engagement. The preference for reading textbooks and written materials for exams aligns with my kinesthetic learning style. Retaining information is enhanced through real-life exposure, utilizing all senses to grasp knowledge. Understanding how different modalities contribute to memory retention shapes effective learning practices.

Importance in Health Promotion

Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is paramount for achieving desired outcomes. Learning styles play a crucial role in behavioral change, impacting how individuals absorb and apply health-related information. In health promotion interventions, accommodating diverse learning styles becomes essential for enhancing the possibility of behavioral change. Educators and health professionals must recognize and tailor their approaches to align with individuals’ learning preferences, ensuring effective communication and engagement.

In conclusion, the VARK questionnaire provides valuable insights into preferred learning styles. For nurses and healthcare professionals, understanding one’s learning style is crucial for effective education and practice. Embracing diverse learning modalities contributes to enhanced study habits, education, and overall satisfaction in both work and studies.


Husmann, P. R., & O’Loughlin, V. D. (2019). Another nail in the coffin for learning styles? Disparities among undergraduate anatomy students’ study strategies, class performance, and reported VARK learning styles. Anatomical sciences education, 12(1), 6-19.

Idrizi, E., & Filiposka, S. (2018). VARK learning styles and online education: Case Study. Learning, 5-6.

Khongpit, V., Sintanakul, K., & Nomphonkrang, T. (2018). The VARK learning style of the university student in computer course. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 4(2), 102-106.

Mozaffari, H. R., Janatolmakan, M., Sharifi, R., Ghandinejad, F., Andayeshgar, B., & Khatony, A. (2020). The relationship between the VARK learning styles and academic achievement in Dental Students. Advances in medical education and practice, 11, 15.

NRS-429VN VARK Analysis Paper Assignment Example Three

Preferred Learning Strategy

According to my VARK assessment, my favored learning strategy is the multimodal approach, encompassing aural (listening) and kinesthetic (doing) methods. In this assessment, I scored 10 in aural and 9 in kinesthetic learning, highlighting a strong inclination towards these two strategies.

In my aural learning preference, I thrive on absorbing ideas through discussions, emphasizing concepts with a variety of voices. I find clarity in explaining what I learn through verbal communication. I often read my notes aloud, aiding my understanding of concepts. Additionally, discussing and explaining notes to a peer with similar aural preferences enhances my retention, as I tend to remember information better through hearing and speaking.

Embracing the kinesthetic learning strategy, I discover that I excel when engaged in practical activities. Physical involvement in creating and designing concepts resonates with my learning style. Real-world experiences, such as visiting sites and collaborating with community members, are vital to my understanding. As a nurse, I prefer learning about immunization processes in a clinical setting, allowing me to observe and participate actively in the procedures. These preferences align seamlessly with the strategies outlined for kinesthetic learners on the VARK website (VARK, 2020).

This multimodal learning approach, combining aural and kinesthetic strategies, allows me to leverage diverse methods for a comprehensive and effective learning experience.

Individual Learning Styles and Educational Activities

Individual learning styles significantly impact the understanding of educational activities. As a kinesthetic and aural learner, my understanding is heightened when I observe and engage in real-world applications. For example, as a nurse, witnessing immunization procedures in a clinical setting enhances my comprehension.

Educators must identify students’ learning styles to tailor lesson materials accordingly. Aligning the teaching approach with students’ preferences fosters effective learning. For instance, using aural methods for read/write learners may lead to challenges. Considering learning styles enhances collaboration and cooperation in the classroom, preventing frustration and maintaining focus.

Understanding learning styles in health promotion is pivotal for achieving desired outcomes. Tailoring health education to participants’ preferred styles ensures better understanding and accurate implementation. For a diabetic patient with a read/write preference, providing written instructions for insulin injection may be more effective than a demonstration.

This understanding also promotes collaboration and adherence from patients, crucial for positive health outcomes. Adapting teaching styles to patients’ preferences fosters a deeper understanding of health concepts, increasing the likelihood of behavioral change. For instance, if a patient with a kinesthetic preference encounters a clinician using the same style, they are more likely to adjust their practices for improved health.

Individual Learning Styles and Their Impact on Educational Activities

Individual learning styles play a crucial role in shaping the understanding of educational activities, as they influence how learners absorb and process information. In my case, I identify with the kinesthetic and aural styles. The kinesthetic style involves using my senses, particularly sight, to learn, as seen in my preference for observing real-world activities like immunizations in clinical settings. This hands-on approach enhances my retention of knowledge.

Educators bear the responsibility of recognizing students’ learning styles, a task essential for tailoring learning materials to align with these preferences (Bastable, 2019). For instance, if students favor the read/write style, educators should provide written materials and encourage note-taking to facilitate their understanding. Failure to align teaching methods with students’ learning styles, such as using aural approaches for those inclined towards read/write styles, may hinder comprehension and render lessons less effective.

Considering learners’ styles is pivotal for promoting collaboration and cooperation in the classroom (Bastable, 2019). Mismatched teaching methods can lead to frustration, resulting in distractions and a lack of focus among students. This mismatch might manifest as students engaging in off-topic conversations instead of concentrating on the lesson. To cultivate collaboration and cooperation, educators should adopt teaching styles that resonate with students’ familiar and preferred learning approaches, thereby boosting overall classroom engagement.

Understanding and accommodating diverse learning styles contribute significantly to creating an effective and inclusive learning environment.

Learning Styles and Their Impact on Health Promotion

Understanding learning styles in health promotion is pivotal for achieving successful outcomes. Tailoring health education to align with participants’ learning styles enhances comprehension and the accurate implementation of health concepts. During health promotion sessions, educators should assess participants’ learning styles to customize information delivery. For example, when instructing a diabetic patient on insulin injection, considering their learning style is crucial. If the patient prefers the read/write style, providing written instructions might be more effective than a hands-on demonstration.

Furthermore, awareness of learning styles in health promotion encourages collaboration and adherence from patients, crucial for positive health outcomes (Sharma & Branscum, 2020). When clinicians align their communication with patients’ preferred styles, it fosters trust and cooperation. For instance, if a patient prefers the aural learning style, clinicians should verbalize prescription details rather than relying solely on written instructions. This personalized approach promotes patient engagement, understanding, and, ultimately, adherence to health interventions.

Learning styles significantly impact the potential for behavioral change by facilitating a deeper understanding of concepts. When patients encounter educators who match their learning style, it enhances comprehension and motivates behavioral adjustments. For instance, a patient with a kinesthetic learning preference, when guided by a clinical educator using a hands-on approach, is more likely to understand and implement health recommendations effectively.


Bastable, S. (2019). Health Professional as Educator. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Sharma, M., & Branscum, P. (2020). Foundations of Mental Health Promotion. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

VARK. (2020). VARK – A Guide to Learning Styles. Retrieved from https://vark-learn.com.

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NUR 350 Module Five Health Education Activity

NUR 350 Module Five Health Education Activity

The activity involves choosing a vulnerable population, assessing their needs, and planning, implementing, and evaluating a health education activity to address those needs.

You will need to review available data and demographics for your local area to choose a population to assess and diagnose their need. Then, you will plan, implement, and evaluate a health education activity that addresses their need.

Here is some general guidance on how to approach this health education activity based on the instructions and guidelines you have been provided by your instructor.

Health Education Activity Process Step: Assessment

In this section, you should summarize your assessment of the vulnerable elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh related to pressure ulcers. Consider factors such as demographics, health status, access to healthcare, and social support. Gather data from reliable sources such as government health reports, local health departments, and healthcare providers.

Health Education Activity Process Step: Diagnosis

Based on your assessment, identify the health needs of the chosen vulnerable population. A NANDA community nursing diagnosis related to pressure ulcers in the elderly population could be a “Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility, sensory deficit, and/or incontinence.” Support your diagnosis with evidence from your assessment.

Health Education Activity Process Step: Plan

Outline your plan for implementing a health education activity that will meet the needs of your chosen vulnerable population. Identify two SMART goals that your activity will achieve. For example, a SMART goal could be to increase knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention by 50% among elderly residents of Mary Manning Walsh within three months. Describe your plans to evaluate the achievement of these goals.

Health Education Activity Process Step: Implementation

Explain the process for implementing your health education activity. Describe what you did and how you did it. Provide details such as the type of activity, location, materials, and audience. Consider how you adapted your approach to meet the specific needs of the vulnerable elderly population.

Health Education Activity Process Step: Evaluation

Evaluate the success of your health education activity based on feedback from the audience. Describe how you collected feedback and what it revealed about the effectiveness of your activity. Did you achieve your SMART goals? Support your evaluation with evidence from your assessment and feedback.

Health Education Activity Process Step: Reflection

Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of your approach to the health education activity. Consider what you would do differently in the future to improve health education opportunities for vulnerable populations. Identify areas where you excelled and areas where you could improve.

Health Education Activity Process Step: Log of Hours

Ensure that you have completed eight hours of clinical practice experience related to your health education activity. Fill out the log accurately and include all activities related to preparing for, implementing, and evaluating your health education activity.

Remember to follow the provided guidelines and rubric for this health education activity and complete all sections of the Health Education Activity Planner and Log worksheet. Good luck with your project!

We have also provided some written examples to guide you in writing your NUR 350 module five health education activity.

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NUR 350 Module Five Health Education Activity Example One

Process Step: Assessment

The vulnerable population chosen for this health education activity is the elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh. According to the demographic data available, the elderly population is increasing in this area, with an estimated 15% of the population being over the age of 65. Furthermore, a review of patient records revealed that pressure ulcers are a significant problem among this population. It was noted that most of these patients had limited mobility and required assistance with their daily activities. The majority of these patients also had chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, which increases the risk of developing pressure ulcers.

Process Step: Diagnosis

The NANDA community nursing diagnosis identified for this population is “Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility and chronic illness.” Evidence from patient records indicates that this population is at high risk for developing pressure ulcers due to their limited mobility and chronic conditions.

Process Step: Plan

The plan for implementing a health education activity for this vulnerable population includes two SMART goals:

  • Increase knowledge and awareness of pressure ulcers and their prevention among the elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh by 50% within six months.
  • Decrease the incidence of pressure ulcers among the elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh by 25% within six months.

To achieve these goals, the health education activity will include a presentation on the causes, prevention, and treatment of pressure ulcers. The presentation will be tailored to the elderly population and will include practical tips for preventing pressure ulcers, such as repositioning frequently and maintaining good nutrition. The effectiveness of the presentation will be evaluated through pre and post-surveys, and the incidence of pressure ulcers will be tracked through patient records.

Process Step: Implementation

The health education activity was implemented through a 30-minute presentation to the elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh. The presentation covered the causes and prevention of pressure ulcers, as well as practical tips for preventing them. Attendees were engaged through the use of visual aids and were encouraged to ask questions. The presentation was well-received, and attendees reported feeling more knowledgeable about pressure ulcers and their prevention.

Process Step: Evaluation

The success of the health education activity was evaluated based on feedback from the audience and the incidence of pressure ulcers among the population. Pre and post-surveys revealed a 60% increase in knowledge and awareness of pressure ulcers and their prevention. The incidence of pressure ulcers decreased by 30% within six months of the presentation. These results indicate that the SMART goals were achieved, and the health education activity was successful in reducing the incidence of pressure ulcers among the vulnerable population.

Process Step: Reflection

Looking back on the steps completed so far, it is evident that the approach taken was effective in achieving the goals of the health education activity. However, it is also clear that more time could have been spent tailoring the presentation to the specific needs of the audience. In future health education opportunities, more emphasis will be placed on customizing the presentation to meet the unique needs of the population. Additionally, more attention will be given to tracking the long-term impact of the presentation on the incidence of pressure ulcers among the population.

Process Step: Log of Hours

Preparing for the health education activity took approximately 4 hours, which included reviewing patient records and demographic data and developing the presentation. Implementing the health education activity took approximately 2 hours, which included delivering the presentation and collecting feedback from the audience. Evaluating the success of the health education activity took approximately 2 hours, which included analyzing survey results and tracking the incidence of pressure ulcers among the population. Overall, 8 hours were spent on this health education activity.

NUR 350 Module Five Health Education Activity Example Two

Process Step: Assessment

For this health education activity, the vulnerable population chosen is elderly individuals who reside at Mary Manning Walsh nursing home. A review of available data and demographics in the local area indicates that the elderly population is at risk of developing pressure ulcers due to their age, reduced mobility, and decreased skin integrity. Pressure ulcers are a common problem among the elderly population in nursing homes, and this can result in significant pain, discomfort, and increased healthcare costs. A review of the medical records of the patients at Mary Manning Walsh nursing home indicated that pressure ulcers are a significant health problem that requires urgent attention.

Process Step: Diagnosis

The health needs of the vulnerable elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh nursing home are pressure ulcer prevention and management. The NANDA community nursing diagnosis that will guide the health education activity is “Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility and reduced tissue perfusion as evidenced by the presence of pressure ulcers.” The evidence supporting this diagnosis is the high prevalence of pressure ulcers among the elderly population in nursing homes, as well as the risk factors associated with this condition.

Process Step: Plan

The plan for implementing a health education activity that will meet the needs of the vulnerable elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh nursing home includes the following SMART goals:

  • By the end of the health education activity, 80% of the elderly residents at Mary Manning Walsh nursing home will be able to identify at least three risk factors associated with pressure ulcers.
  • By the end of the health education activity, 70% of the elderly residents at Mary Manning Walsh nursing home will be able to demonstrate at least one self-care technique to prevent pressure ulcers.

To evaluate the achievement of these goals, a pre-and post-education survey will be conducted. The survey will assess the residents’ knowledge of pressure ulcers and their risk factors and self-care techniques before and after the health education activity.

Process Step: Implementation

The implementation process for the health education activity involved collaboration with the nursing staff at Mary Manning Walsh nursing home to identify the residents who would benefit from the education. The education session was conducted in the residents’ common area, and a PowerPoint presentation was used to educate them on the risk factors associated with pressure ulcers and self-care techniques to prevent them. The residents were also provided with handouts summarizing the key points of the education session.

Process Step: Evaluation

The success of the health education activity was evaluated based on feedback from the residents and the results of the pre-and post-education survey. The residents reported that the education session was informative, and they appreciated the opportunity to learn about pressure ulcer prevention. The pre-and post-education survey results showed a significant increase in the residents’ knowledge of pressure ulcer risk factors and self-care techniques, with 85% of residents being able to identify at least three risk factors and 75% being able to demonstrate at least one self-care technique. Therefore, the SMART goals were achieved.

Process Step: Reflection

Looking back at all the steps completed so far, I think the strengths of my approach were a collaboration with the nursing staff, the use of a PowerPoint presentation, and the pre-and post-education survey to evaluate the success of the activity. However, the weakness was that the education session was conducted in the residents’ common area, which may have led to distractions and reduced engagement. In future health education opportunities, I will ensure that the education sessions are conducted in a quieter environment to maximize resident engagement.

Process Step: Log of Hours

I spent eight hours preparing for, implementing, and evaluating the health education activity. The time was spent on research, collaboration with the nursing staff, development of the PowerPoint presentation and handouts, conducting the education session, and data collection for the pre-and post-education survey.

NUR 350 Module Five Health Education Activity Example Three

Process Step: Assessment

The vulnerable elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh is at risk for pressure ulcers due to factors such as immobility, sensory deficits, and incontinence. The majority of residents are over the age of 65 and have multiple chronic health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and dementia. Access to healthcare is limited, as many residents have mobility issues and rely on staff for transportation to appointments. Social support is also limited, as many residents do not have family or friends nearby and may feel isolated. Data from local health departments and healthcare providers indicate that pressure ulcers are a common issue among this population.

Process Step: Diagnosis

The health needs of the vulnerable elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh include preventing pressure ulcers and improving skin integrity. A NANDA community nursing diagnosis related to pressure ulcers in the elderly population could be a “Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility, sensory deficit, and/or incontinence.” This diagnosis is supported by evidence from the assessment, which identified the risk factors for pressure ulcers among this population.

Process Step: Plan

The plan for implementing a health education activity for the vulnerable elderly population at Mary Manning Walsh includes developing a presentation on pressure ulcer prevention and skin integrity. The two SMART goals for this activity are:

  • Increase knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention by 50% among elderly residents of Mary Manning Walsh within three months
  • Improve skin integrity by reducing the incidence of pressure ulcers by 20% within six months

Plans to evaluate the achievement of these goals include administering pre- and post-education surveys to assess knowledge and track the incidence of pressure ulcers over time.

Process Step: Implementation

The health education activity was implemented by developing a PowerPoint presentation on pressure ulcer prevention and skin integrity. The presentation was given to groups of residents at Mary Manning Walsh, as well as staff members who work closely with the vulnerable elderly population. The presentation included information on the causes of pressure ulcers, risk factors, prevention strategies, and how to maintain skin integrity. Handouts and posters were provided to reinforce the information presented. The presentation was adapted to meet the specific needs of the vulnerable elderly population, with larger font sizes and simplified language.

Process Step: Evaluation

The success of the health education activity was evaluated based on feedback from the audience. The pre-and post-education surveys showed a 60% increase in knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention among residents and staff members who attended the presentation. The incidence of pressure ulcers decreased by 15% within six months, which was close to the target goal of 20%. Overall, the SMART goals were achieved, indicating that the health education activity was successful in meeting the needs of the vulnerable elderly population.

Process Step: Reflection

The strengths of this approach to the health education activity include tailoring the presentation to meet the specific needs of the vulnerable elderly population, providing handouts and posters to reinforce the information presented, and tracking the incidence of pressure ulcers over time to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity. The weaknesses include limited access to healthcare and social support, which may have impacted the success of the activity. In the future, more emphasis could be placed on engaging family members and volunteers to provide social support and help with healthcare needs. The activity could also be expanded to include other health topics relevant to the vulnerable elderly population.

Process Step: Log of Hours

Date | Activity | Hours

  • 02/10/2023 | Research and planning for health education activity | 2 hours
  • 02/15/2023 | Developing PowerPoint presentation and handouts | 3 hours
  • 02/18/2023 | Giving presentation to residents and staff members | 2 hours
  • 02/20/2023 | Evaluating pre- and post-education surveys | 1 hour
  • 02/25/2023 | Tracking incidence of pressure ulcers | 1 hour

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Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing Examples

Assignment Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing Examples and Ideas

Personal leadership philosophies in nursing are essential to guiding the actions of nurse leaders. A good leader embodies admirable traits such as integrity, transparency, respect, empathy, creativity, thoughtfulness, risk-taking, and self-awareness. Leaders should invest time and resources into learning the needs of the people they lead and identifying the best ways to meet those needs. Personal leadership philosophies should reflect what one thinks are the characteristics of a good leader. They should be based on values and beliefs that guide how one responds to situations.

Leadership is an important skill that nurses utilize to influence others. Nurse leaders must have collaboration, negotiation, good communication, good coordination, and self-confidence. Professional associations such as The American Nurses Association (ANA), American Society of Registered Nurses (ASRN), American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), the Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN), CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), RNAO (Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario), RPNAO (Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario), and CNO (College of Nurses of Ontario) play a significant role in nursing leadership philosophy.

To develop a personal philosophy of nursing, one must recognize patients as more than a medical diagnosis or room number. Instead, they should be seen as individuals with unique needs who require personalized care. The more experience one gain as a nurse, the more in tune one becomes with their personal philosophy of nursing.

Goals and Objectives of Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing

Personal leadership philosophies are essential in nursing because they guide nurses in their decision-making processes and help them align their actions with their values and beliefs. Nursing is a profession that demands strong leadership skills, as nurses are responsible for the care and well-being of their patients. Personal leadership philosophies help nurses develop their leadership skills, enabling them to effectively communicate, collaborate, and provide quality care to patients.

Transformational leaders can use these philosophies as powerful guides to act as role models, encourage self-efficacy, and give their work meaning and challenges. Personal leadership philosophies should embody admirable traits such as integrity, transparency, communication, and humility.

Leadership in nursing plays a vital role in healthcare and can have a tremendous impact on patient outcomes. Nurse leaders are in charge of making environments that help staff members do their jobs well and give patients the best care possible. Shared governance can make nurses feel more empowered and decrease staff turnover rates. A personal mission statement is reflective of who you are, what your purpose is, and how you will follow that purpose. It can focus on inspiring growth and maintaining positive interactions.

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Examples of Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing

Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing Example One


As a nurse, I believe that effective leadership is essential for delivering high-quality patient care and achieving optimal patient outcomes. To be a successful nurse leader, I have developed a personal leadership philosophy that is rooted in my core values, vision, and strengths.

Core Values

My core values as a nurse leader are integrity, compassion, excellence, and respect. These values guide my decision-making and behavior as a nurse leader. I believe in maintaining the highest ethical standards, treating everyone with kindness and dignity, striving for excellence in all aspects of my work, and fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity.

Personal Mission/Vision Statement

My personal mission as a nurse leader is to inspire and empower my team to provide compassionate, patient-centered care that promotes healing and wellness. My vision is to create a work environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their full potential.

CliftonStrengths Assessment Analysis

According to my CliftonStrengths Assessment, my top five strengths are empathy, developer, relator, responsibility, and adaptability. These strengths are essential for effective nursing leadership. Empathy allows me to connect with patients and team members on a personal level, while developer and relator strengths help me to mentor and support others in their personal and professional growth. Responsibility and adaptability strengths enable me to take ownership of my work and adapt to changing circumstances.

Key Behaviors to Strengthen

Two key behaviors that I wish to strengthen are communication and delegation. Effective communication is essential for building trust and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. I recognize that I can improve my communication skills by actively listening, asking questions, and providing clear and concise instructions. Delegation is also critical for effective leadership, as it enables me to leverage the strengths and skills of my team members. To improve my delegation skills, I plan to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each team member and assign tasks accordingly.

Development Plan

To improve my communication and delegation skills, I plan to enroll in a communication and leadership training program. I will also seek feedback from my team members on my communication and delegation skills and incorporate their suggestions into my development plan. To strengthen my communication skills, I will practice active listening, ask open-ended questions, and provide regular feedback to my team members. To improve my delegation skills, I will identify the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, assign tasks accordingly, and provide clear instructions and expectations.


In conclusion, my personal leadership philosophy is based on my core values of integrity, compassion, excellence, and respect. I strive to inspire and empower my team to provide patient-centered care that promotes healing and wellness. Through my CliftonStrengths Assessment, I have identified my strengths and weaknesses, and I plan to improve my communication and delegation skills through a development plan that includes training, feedback, and practice. With dedication, hard work, and continuous learning, I am confident that I can achieve my personal vision of creating a work environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their full potential.

Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing Example Two


As a nurse, I believe that leadership is an essential aspect of providing high-quality patient care. My personal leadership philosophy is grounded in my core values, which include integrity, compassion, accountability, and continuous learning.

Core Values

Integrity: As a nurse, I strive to act with honesty, transparency, and ethical principles. I believe in upholding the highest standards of integrity in all my actions and decisions.

Compassion: I believe that compassionate care is the cornerstone of nursing practice. As a nurse leader, I seek to create a culture of empathy and understanding, where patients, families, and team members are treated with respect and kindness.

Accountability: I believe that accountability is crucial in delivering safe and effective care. I hold myself accountable for my actions and decisions and ensure that my team members are also accountable for their performance.

Continuous Learning: I believe that lifelong learning is essential for professional growth and development. As a nurse leader, I seek to foster a culture of continuous learning, where team members are encouraged to pursue education and training opportunities.

Personal Mission/Vision Statement

My personal mission is to provide compassionate and patient-centered care that promotes health and wellbeing. My vision is to be a nurse leader who inspires others to deliver exceptional care, fosters a culture of continuous learning, and advocates for the needs of patients and families.

CliftonStrengths Assessment

According to my CliftonStrengths Assessment, my top strengths include empathy, adaptability, positivity, connectedness, and developer. These strengths align with my core values and support my personal mission and vision.

Two Key Behaviors I Wish to Strengthen

Based on my self-reflection and feedback from my colleagues, I have identified two key behaviors that I wish to strengthen:

  1. Delegating tasks: I often struggle with delegating tasks to my team members, which can lead to burnout and inefficiencies.
  2. Conflict resolution: I tend to avoid conflict, which can lead to unresolved issues and tension among team members.

Development Plan

To improve my delegation skills, I plan to:

  • Identify tasks that can be delegated to team members based on their strengths and capabilities.
  • Communicate clear expectations and provide adequate support and resources to ensure successful completion of delegated tasks.
  • Provide feedback and recognition to team members for their contributions.

To improve my conflict resolution skills, I plan to:

  • Develop strategies to address conflicts proactively, such as setting clear expectations and fostering open communication among team members.
  • Utilize active listening and empathy to understand different perspectives and identify common ground.
  • Seek feedback and support from colleagues and mentors to enhance my conflict resolution skills.


My personal leadership philosophy is grounded in my core values and is shaped by my strengths and areas for growth. By developing my delegation and conflict resolution skills, I aim to become a more effective nurse leader who promotes a culture of compassion, accountability, and continuous learning.

Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing Example Three


As a nurse, I believe that leadership is an essential aspect of providing high-quality patient care. To be an effective leader in nursing, I must have a strong personal leadership philosophy that guides my actions and behaviors. In this paper, I will describe my core values, personal mission/vision statement, analyze my CliftonStrengths Assessment results, and outline a development plan to improve my leadership behaviors.

Core Values

My core values as a nurse leader include integrity, compassion, accountability, respect, and teamwork. These values guide my interactions with patients, families, and colleagues. As a leader, I believe that I must lead by example and act with integrity in all aspects of my work. Compassion is essential in nursing, and I strive to provide compassionate care to all patients and families. Accountability is critical in nursing, and I hold myself and my team accountable for our actions and decisions. I believe that respect is fundamental to building strong relationships, and I treat everyone with respect, regardless of their background or position. Finally, teamwork is essential in healthcare, and I believe that effective teamwork leads to better patient outcomes.

Personal Mission/Vision Statement

My personal mission statement is to provide high-quality patient care while creating a positive work environment that fosters growth, development, and collaboration. My vision is to be a leader who inspires and empowers others to achieve their full potential, while continuously striving for excellence in patient care.

CliftonStrengths Assessment

My CliftonStrengths Assessment results indicate that my top strengths are empathy, responsibility, relator, harmony, and adaptability. These strengths are well-aligned with my core values and personal mission/vision statement. Empathy is essential in nursing, and my ability to understand and connect with patients and families is a strength that I can leverage as a leader. Responsibility is critical in nursing, and I am committed to taking ownership of my actions and decisions. As a relator, I value strong relationships, which is essential for building effective teams. Harmony is critical in healthcare, and my ability to find common ground and promote collaboration can be used to create a positive work environment. Finally, adaptability is essential in healthcare, and my ability to adjust to change can be used to navigate the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.

Two Key Behaviors to Strengthen

Based on my analysis of my CliftonStrengths Assessment results, I have identified two key behaviors that I wish to strengthen. These behaviors include delegating tasks effectively and providing constructive feedback.

Development Plan

To strengthen my ability to delegate tasks effectively, I plan to:

  1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of my team members
  2. Determine the appropriate tasks to delegate based on each team member’s strengths
  3. Provide clear instructions and expectations for each task
  4. Monitor progress and provide feedback as needed
  5. Recognize and reward team members for their contributions

To improve my ability to provide constructive feedback, I plan to:

  1. Identify specific behaviors that need to be addressed
  2. Use clear and concise language to communicate feedback
  3. Provide examples of both positive and negative behaviors
  4. Offer suggestions for improvement
  5. Follow up to ensure that the feedback has been received and understood


In conclusion, my personal leadership philosophy is centered around my core values, personal mission/vision statement, and CliftonStrengths Assessment results. Through my development plan, I will strengthen my ability to delegate tasks effectively and provide constructive feedback. By doing so, I will be better equipped to provide high-quality patient care while creating a positive work environment that fosters growth, development, and collaboration.

Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing Example Four


As a nurse, I am committed to providing high-quality patient care and leading by example. I believe that effective leadership is essential to the success of any healthcare organization, and it requires a strong sense of self-awareness and a clear understanding of one’s values and strengths. In this paper, I will discuss my personal leadership philosophy, including my core values, personal mission/vision statement, analysis of my CliftonStrengths Assessment, two key behaviors I wish to strengthen, and a development plan for achieving my personal vision.

Core Values

As a nurse, my core values include compassion, integrity, accountability, and teamwork. I believe that compassion is essential to providing patient-centered care and that integrity is critical to building trust with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals. Accountability is crucial to ensuring that all members of the healthcare team are working towards the same goal, and teamwork is necessary for achieving optimal patient outcomes.

Personal Mission/Vision Statement

My personal mission/vision statement is to provide compassionate, patient-centered care that improves the lives of those I serve. I strive to be an advocate for my patients, treating them with respect and dignity while providing the highest level of care possible. Through my leadership, I hope to inspire others to share this vision and work together towards achieving it.

CliftonStrengths Assessment

According to my CliftonStrengths Assessment, my top five strengths are empathy, developer, responsibility, discipline, and harmony. These strengths align with my core values and reflect my commitment to providing compassionate, patient-centered care while working collaboratively with others. My strengths in responsibility and discipline also demonstrate my commitment to accountability and excellence in all that I do.

Key Behaviors to Strengthen

Two key behaviors that I wish to strengthen are assertiveness and conflict resolution. As a nurse, I often find myself in situations where I need to be assertive in advocating for my patients or addressing issues with other healthcare professionals. Similarly, conflict resolution skills are essential for building strong relationships and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goal.

Development Plan

To strengthen my assertiveness and conflict resolution skills, I plan to take a course on communication and conflict resolution in healthcare. Additionally, I will seek out opportunities to practice these skills in real-life situations, such as speaking up during interprofessional meetings or addressing conflicts with colleagues. I will also seek feedback from my colleagues and supervisors to ensure that I am making progress towards achieving my personal vision.


In conclusion, my personal leadership philosophy is centered around compassion, integrity, accountability, and teamwork. Through my strengths in empathy, developer, responsibility, discipline, and harmony, I aim to provide patient-centered care that improves the lives of those I serve. By strengthening my assertiveness and conflict resolution skills, I hope to become a more effective leader and advocate for my patients. Through ongoing development and self-reflection, I am confident that I can achieve my personal vision and inspire others to do the same.

Personal Leadership Philosophies in Nursing Example Five


As a nurse, I believe that personal leadership is essential in providing high-quality patient care, promoting a positive work environment, and advancing the nursing profession. In this paper, I will discuss my personal leadership philosophy, including my core values, personal mission/vision statement, analysis of my CliftonStrengths Assessment, two key behaviors I wish to strengthen, and a development plan for achieving my personal vision.

Core Values

My core values serve as the foundation for my personal leadership philosophy. As a nurse, I believe that I have a responsibility to provide compassionate, evidence-based care to my patients, to continually strive for personal and professional growth and development, and to work collaboratively with my colleagues to create a positive and supportive work environment. My Achiever value drives me to set ambitious goals, work hard, and achieve success, while my Connectedness value inspires me to seek out and build meaningful relationships with others. My Learner value encourages me to seek out new knowledge and skills to improve my nursing practice, and my Futuristic value motivates me to envision and work towards a better future for myself, my patients, and the nursing profession.

Personal Mission/Vision Statement

My personal mission/vision statement is to provide compassionate and evidence-based care to my patients, continuously strive for personal and professional growth, and contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession. I believe that by embodying my core values and continually improving upon my skills and knowledge, I can achieve this mission and make a meaningful impact on the lives of my patients and the nursing profession.

CliftonStrengths Assessment

According to my CliftonStrengths Assessment, my top two strengths are Achiever and Connectedness. These strengths align with my core values and support my personal mission/vision statement. As an Achiever, I am driven to set ambitious goals, work hard, and achieve success. As a Connectedness, I am motivated to seek out and build meaningful relationships with others. These strengths will help me to be a more effective nurse leader by providing me with the drive and social skills needed to build strong relationships with my patients, colleagues, and supervisors.

Key Behaviors to Strengthen

While my Achiever and Connectedness strengths are valuable, I believe that I can further strengthen my personal leadership by improving upon my skills in Futuristic thinking and Lifelong Learning, as well as developing my professional integrity and trustworthiness. Futuristic thinking will help me to anticipate and plan for future changes in the nursing profession and adapt my practice accordingly. Lifelong learning will help me to continually improve my knowledge and skills and stay up-to-date with the latest advances in nursing research and practice. Professional integrity and trustworthiness will help me to build strong relationships with my patients, colleagues, and supervisors and promote a positive work environment.

Development Plan

To improve upon my skills in Futuristic thinking and Lifelong Learning, I plan to attend nursing conferences, engage in online learning opportunities, and seek out mentorship from experienced nurses and nursing leaders. I will also seek out opportunities to participate in research projects and quality improvement initiatives to gain experience in evidence-based practice and innovation.

To develop my professional integrity and trustworthiness, I plan to adhere to the nursing code of ethics and conduct, report any errors or mistakes promptly and honestly, and treat all patients with respect and dignity. I will also seek feedback from my colleagues and supervisors to ensure that my actions and decisions are consistent with these values.


In conclusion, my personal leadership philosophy is guided by my core values, personal mission/vision statement, CliftonStrengths Assessment, and my desire to improve upon key behaviors. By continuously seeking opportunities to learn and grow, I am committed to providing the best care possible to my patients and becoming a more effective leader in the nursing profession.

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Benchmark Theoretical Foundations of Organizational Change

Benchmark Theoretical Foundations of Organizational Change

Organizational change has been a topic of great interest for researchers and practitioners alike for many decades. The ability of organizations to adapt to changes in their environment, whether they are technological, economic, or social, is critical for their success and survival. As such, the study of organizational change has become a vibrant field of research, with scholars from various disciplines exploring different aspects of the process of change. In this article, we will delve into the theoretical foundations of organizational change research, examining the different theoretical perspectives that have been used to understand the dynamics of change in organizations. We will explore the various drivers of change, the role of leadership in facilitating change, and the challenges that organizations face when attempting to implement change initiatives. Ultimately, this article aims to provide students with examples and a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations of organizational change research, helping to advance our understanding of this complex and multifaceted phenomenon.

Valuable Tips for Writing Theoretical Foundations of Organizational Change Research Papers

  1. Start with a clear understanding of the topic: Make sure you have a clear understanding of what organizational change is and the different aspects of it that you want to explore. This will help you develop a clear and focused research question and ensure that your paper remains on-topic throughout.
  2. Conduct a thorough literature review: Organizational change is a well-researched topic, and there is a wealth of literature available on the subject. Make sure you conduct a thorough literature review to identify the key theories, concepts, and frameworks that have been used to understand organizational change. This will help you build a strong theoretical foundation for your research paper.
  3. Choose the right theoretical framework: There are many different theoretical frameworks that can be used to understand organizational change. Choose the one that best fits your research question and provides the most comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the phenomenon you are exploring.
  4. Use a variety of sources: To ensure that your research is well-rounded, use a variety of sources to support your arguments. This could include peer-reviewed journal articles, books, reports, and other reputable sources.
  5. Be critical of the literature: As you review the literature, be critical of the theories and frameworks presented. Consider their strengths and weaknesses, and evaluate their relevance to your research question or hypothesis.
  6. Provide clear definitions: When discussing theoretical concepts and frameworks, make sure you provide clear definitions and explanations of the terminology you are using. This will help ensure that your readers understand the concepts you are discussing and can follow your argument.
  7. Use examples: Using real-world examples of organizational change initiatives can help bring your theoretical discussion to life and make it more relatable to your readers. Make sure you choose relevant and well-documented examples that support your argument.
  8. Be critical: While it is important to build a strong theoretical foundation for your research paper, it is also important to be critical of the theories and frameworks you are using. Identify any limitations or weaknesses in the theoretical perspectives you are discussing and suggest ways in which they could be improved or extended.
  9. Follow academic writing conventions: Make sure you follow academic writing conventions, including proper citation and referencing clear and concise language, and a well-structured argument. This will help ensure that your research paper is clear, professional, and easy to read.
  10. Consider practical implications: Finally, as you explore different theoretical perspectives, consider their practical implications for organizations. What strategies can organizations use to effectively manage change, and how can they apply the insights gained from your research? By considering the practical implications of your research, you can help to ensure that your work has a real-world impact.

You can find more paper writing tips and examples, such as understanding how to get better at writing papers, in another article.

Examples of Benchmark Theoretical Foundations of Organizational Change Research Papers

Benchmark Theoretical Foundations of Organizational Change Example One


Organizational change is a complex process that involves various factors such as leadership, management, culture, and technology. The success of any change initiative depends on the understanding of the theoretical foundations of organizational change. This paper explores the factors that contribute to the organic evolution of change, strategic development approaches, models, and interventions of change leadership, leadership and management skills required for continuous change models, evaluation of change models, and gathering and analyzing data for timing change.

Organic Evolution of Change

The organic evolution of change refers to the natural and gradual process of change in an organization. According to Lewin’s Change Management Model, change occurs in three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. In the unfreezing stage, the organization recognizes the need for change, and it prepares for it. In the changing stage, the organization implements the change, and in the refreezing stage, the organization institutionalizes the change (Lewin, 1947).

Several factors contribute to the organic evolution of change, including internal and external factors. Internal factors include organizational culture, leadership, and management style, while external factors include technology, economic conditions, and competition. For instance, technological advancements have necessitated the need for organizations to adopt new technology to remain competitive. Changes in economic conditions, such as a recession, may require organizations to change their strategy to remain profitable.

Formulating Strategic Development Approaches

Formulating strategic development approaches requires an understanding of the organizational culture, vision, and mission. The organization needs to identify the current and future state and develop a roadmap to achieve its goals. Change leadership involves identifying models and interventions to drive change. Some of the models of change include Kotter’s 8-step model, Lewin’s Change Management Model, and ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement) Model.

Kotter’s 8-step model involves establishing a sense of urgency, creating a coalition, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision, empowering others to act, creating short-term wins, consolidating gains and producing more change, and anchoring new approaches in the organization’s culture (Kotter, 1996).

ADKAR Model involves building awareness of the need for change, developing a desire to participate in the change, providing knowledge and skills to enable change, reinforcing change to sustain it, and ensuring change become part of the organizational culture (Hiatt, 2006).

Leadership and Management Skills for Continuous Change Models

Leadership and management are two critical components in implementing continuous change models. Leadership involves creating a vision, setting goals, motivating and inspiring employees, and creating a sense of purpose. On the other hand, management involves planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources to achieve the organization’s goals.

To implement continuous change models, leaders must possess skills such as communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and adaptability. Leaders must communicate the vision and strategy for change to all employees, involve them in the process, and ensure that they understand the benefits of the change. Leaders must also be able to make tough decisions and solve problems that arise during the change process.

Management skills required for continuous change models include planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources. Managers must be able to plan and organize the resources required for change, direct employees toward the change, and control the resources to ensure that they are being utilized effectively.

Evaluation of Change Models

Evaluation of change models is crucial to determine their effectiveness and impact on the organization. The evaluation process involves measuring the results of the change initiative against the goals and objectives set during the planning phase. The organization can use various methods such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups to collect feedback from employees and stakeholders.

The effectiveness of a change model is determined by its ability to facilitate organizational adaptation while maintaining a high level of follower commitment. The evaluation process can identify areas where the change model has been successful and areas that need improvement. Feedback from employees and stakeholders can be used to make adjustments to the change model to ensure that it meets the organization’s needs.

Gathering and Analyzing Data for Timing Change

Gathering and analyzing data is critical to determine the most efficacious timing of the change. Data can be collected from various sources such as customer feedback, financial data, and employee performance metrics. Data analysis involves examining the data to identify trends, patterns, and insights that can inform the change initiative’s timing.

For instance, if customer feedback indicates a need for a new product or service, the organization can analyze the data to determine the best time to introduce the new product or service. Financial data can also be analyzed to identify areas where the organization can reduce costs or increase revenue.


Organizational change is a complex process that requires an understanding of the theoretical foundations of change. The organic evolution of change involves both internal and external factors that influence the change process. Formulating strategic development approaches and identifying models and interventions for change leadership is critical to implementing successful change initiatives. Leadership and management skills are necessary to integrate continuous change models into the organization’s culture. Evaluation of change models is crucial to identify areas that need improvement, and gathering and analyzing data is critical to determining the most efficacious timing of the change. Successful change initiatives require a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations of organizational change and effective leadership and management skills to drive the change process.

Benchmark Theoretical Foundations of Organizational Change Example Two


Organizational change is an essential process for any organization that wishes to remain competitive, relevant, and successful in today’s fast-paced business environment. Change is inevitable, and organizations must continuously adapt to internal and external factors such as technological advancements, changing customer preferences, and emerging market trends. Therefore, it is essential to have a solid theoretical foundation to understand the factors that contribute to the organic evolution of change and how to implement change models that facilitate organizational adaptation while maintaining a high level of follower commitment. This paper explores the theoretical foundations of organizational change, focusing on these key areas.

Factors Contributing to the Organic Evolution of Change

Organizational change occurs naturally, and it is a process that evolves over time. Several factors contribute to the organic evolution of change, including technology, competition, and customer preferences. Technological advancements, for example, can disrupt traditional business models and force organizations to change to remain relevant. Competition from other firms can also drive organizations to innovate and change to gain a competitive edge. Additionally, changing customer preferences and market trends can force organizations to adapt to remain relevant and meet customers’ evolving needs.

Another factor contributing to the organic evolution of change is leadership. Leaders play a crucial role in driving change within organizations. They must understand the need for change and communicate it effectively to employees to gain their support. Leaders must also provide direction, resources, and support to ensure the change process runs smoothly. Without effective leadership, change initiatives are likely to fail.

Formulating Strategic Development Approaches and Identifying Models for Change

To implement successful change initiatives, organizations must have a solid strategic development approach. This approach involves identifying the organization’s vision, mission, and goals, and aligning them with the change initiative’s objectives. Organizations must also identify the change models and interventions that best suit their needs. There are several change models, including Lewin’s Change Management Model, Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, and ADKAR Model, among others. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and organizations must choose the model that best suits their needs.

Organizations must also identify the change interventions that best suit their needs. Change interventions are actions taken to initiate and facilitate change within an organization. Examples of change interventions include training and development programs, process redesign, and team-building activities. Organizations must choose the interventions that best suit their needs and align with their strategic development approach.

Leadership and Management Skills Necessary to Implement Continuous Change Models

Implementing continuous change models requires a combination of leadership and management skills. Leadership is essential in driving change within an organization. Leaders must create a vision for change and communicate it effectively to employees to gain their support. They must also provide direction, resources, and support to ensure the change process runs smoothly. Effective leaders also motivate and inspire employees to embrace change and work towards achieving the organization’s goals.

Management skills are also critical in implementing continuous change models. Managers must ensure that the change process is executed efficiently and effectively. They must also ensure that employees are adequately trained and supported throughout the change process. Additionally, managers must monitor the progress of the change initiative and make necessary adjustments to ensure that it stays on track.

Integration of Continuous Change Models as a Component of Both Leadership and Management

Integrating continuous change models as a component of both leadership and management is essential in facilitating organizational adaptation. Leaders must create a culture of continuous improvement, where change is viewed as an opportunity to grow and innovate. Managers must ensure that employees are adequately trained and supported throughout the change process. Additionally, managers must monitor the progress of the change initiative and make necessary adjustments to ensure that it stays on track.

Evaluation of Change Models that Facilitate Organizational Adaptation while Maintaining a High Level of Follower Commitment

Evaluating change models that facilitate organizational adaptation while maintaining a high level of follower commitment is critical in ensuring that the change process is successful. The evaluation process should include collecting and analyzing data to determine the effectiveness of the change initiative. The evaluation should assess whether the change initiative achieved its objectives, whether it was completed on time, and within budget, and whether it met the needs of stakeholders.

The evaluation process should also assess the level of follower commitment. Follower commitment is critical in ensuring the success of the change initiative. If employees are not committed to the change process, the initiative is likely to fail. Therefore, organizations must assess the level of employee commitment and take necessary steps to increase it.

Gathering and Analyzing Data to Determine the Most Efficacious Timing of the Change

Gathering and analyzing data is critical in determining the most efficacious timing of the change. The data should include both internal and external factors that may affect the change process. Internal factors may include organizational culture, employee skills, and resources, while external factors may include market trends, competition, and technological advancements.

Organizations should also consider the timing of the change initiative. Timing is critical in ensuring that the change process is successful. Organizations must assess the most appropriate time to implement the change initiative. For example, organizations may choose to implement the change during the low season to minimize the impact on the business or during high season to take advantage of increased demand.


Organizational change is a critical process that organizations must undergo to remain competitive, relevant, and successful in today’s fast-paced business environment. This paper has explored the theoretical foundations of organizational change, focusing on the factors that contribute to the organic evolution of change, formulating strategic development approaches, identifying models and interventions of change leadership, the leadership and management skills necessary to implement continuous change models, integrating continuous change models as a component of both leadership and management, evaluating change models that facilitate organizational adaptation while maintaining a high level of follower commitment and gathering and analyzing data to determine the most efficacious timing of the change. By understanding these key areas, organizations can implement change initiatives that facilitate organizational adaptation while maintaining a high level of follower commitment.

Benchmark Theoretical Foundations of Organizational Change Example Three


Organizational change is a process that involves intentional alterations made to the structure, processes, and culture of an organization with the aim of improving its performance and adapting to the changing business environment. While change is necessary for organizational growth and development, it can be challenging, complex, and disruptive to the normal operations of an organization. Therefore, it is important for leaders to have a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of organizational change and the skills necessary to lead and manage change initiatives. This paper explores the theoretical foundations of organizational change, the factors that contribute to the organic evolution of change, the strategic development approaches for change, the leadership and management skills required for continuous change models, and how to gather and analyze data to determine the most efficacious timing of the change.

Factors Contributing to the Organic Evolution of Change

Organizational change can occur either organically or as a result of planned interventions. Organic evolution refers to the natural changes that occur in an organization as a result of external and internal factors. Internal factors include changes in the workforce, technology, and management practices, while external factors include changes in the competitive landscape, government regulations, and customer demands.

The organic evolution of change is influenced by several factors. One of the primary factors is organizational culture. Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors that characterize an organization. A strong culture that values innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement is more likely to foster the organic evolution of change.

Another factor that contributes to the organic evolution of change is leadership. Leaders who embrace change and are willing to take calculated risks are more likely to create an environment that supports change initiatives. Similarly, the workforce’s commitment to change is critical in driving the organic evolution of change. Employees who are empowered and engaged in the change process are more likely to embrace change initiatives.

Formulating Strategic Development Approaches and Identifying Models for Change

To successfully implement organizational change, leaders need to formulate strategic development approaches and identify models for change. The first step in this process is to assess the current state of the organization and identify areas that require improvement. The second step is to develop a vision for the future state of the organization and create a roadmap for achieving the desired outcomes.

One of the most commonly used models for change is Lewin’s Change Management Model. This model consists of three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. Unfreezing involves creating a sense of urgency and preparing the organization for change. Changing involves implementing the desired changes, while refreezing involves anchoring the changes into the organization’s culture and processes.

Another model for change is Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model. This model involves eight stages: creating a sense of urgency, forming a powerful coalition, creating a vision for change, communicating the vision, empowering others to act on the vision, creating short-term wins, consolidating gains and producing more change, and anchoring new approaches in the organization’s culture.

Leadership and Management Skills for Continuous Change Models

Leadership and management play critical roles in facilitating organizational adaptation and implementing continuous change models. Leadership is essential for creating a vision for change, communicating the vision, and inspiring employees to embrace the change initiatives. Management, on the other hand, is responsible for executing the change initiatives, allocating resources, and monitoring progress.

To implement continuous change models, leaders need to possess several key skills. These include communication, strategic thinking, visioning, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. Effective communication is critical in building trust, inspiring employees, and managing resistance to change. Strategic thinking involves the ability to anticipate future trends and opportunities, identify potential challenges, and develop strategies to overcome them. Visioning involves creating a compelling vision for the future state of the organization and aligning employees’ efforts toward achieving the vision. Effective decision-making involves gathering and analyzing data, weighing options, and making informed decisions that align with the organization’s goals and values. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to understand and manage one’s emotions and those of others, build relationships, and effectively navigate change.

Management skills necessary for implementing continuous change models include project management, resource allocation, risk management, and performance measurement. Effective project management involves planning, organizing, and executing change initiatives within the set timelines and budget. Resource allocation involves allocating the necessary resources, including finances, personnel, and equipment, to ensure successful change initiatives. Risk management involves identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate or eliminate them. Performance measurement involves tracking progress, monitoring results, and making necessary adjustments to ensure that the change initiatives align with the organization’s objectives.

Evaluating Change Models that Facilitate Organizational Adaptation while Maintaining a High Level of Follower Commitment

Organizational change can be challenging and disruptive, and leaders must evaluate change models that facilitate organizational adaptation while maintaining a high level of follower commitment. Effective change models should consider employees’ needs and concerns, involve them in the change process, and create a sense of ownership and commitment to the change initiatives.

One model that has been effective in facilitating organizational adaptation while maintaining a high level of follower commitment is the Appreciative Inquiry model. This model focuses on identifying and building upon an organization’s strengths and positive attributes to create a shared vision for the future state of the organization. The model involves four stages: discovery, dream, design, and destiny. Discovery involves identifying the organization’s strengths and successes, while the dream stage involves creating a shared vision for the future state of the organization. The design stage involves developing action plans to achieve the desired outcomes, and the destiny stage involves implementing and sustaining the change initiatives.

Gathering and Analyzing Data to Determine the Most Efficacious Timing of Change

Determining the most efficacious timing of change requires leaders to gather and analyze data to identify the best time to implement change initiatives. Data can be gathered through several methods, including surveys, focus groups, interviews, and performance metrics.

Surveys and focus groups can provide insight into employees’ perceptions, attitudes, and concerns about the change initiatives. Interviews with key stakeholders, including customers and suppliers, can provide additional information about external factors that may impact the timing of the change initiatives. Performance metrics can be used to track progress and identify areas that require improvement.

Data analysis involves interpreting and making sense of the data collected. Leaders can use data analysis to identify patterns, trends, and areas that require improvement. The data can also be used to determine the best time to implement change initiatives, taking into consideration factors such as employee workload, budget constraints, and external factors.


Organizational change is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of organizational change, the factors that contribute to the organic evolution of change, the strategic development approaches for change, the leadership and management skills required for continuous change models, and how to gather and analyze data to determine the most efficacious timing of the change. Effective change models should consider employees’ needs and concerns, involve them in the change process, and create a sense of ownership and commitment to the change initiatives. Effective leadership and management are critical in facilitating organizational adaptation and implementing continuous change models. By understanding these factors, leaders can successfully navigate change initiatives and drive organizational growth and development.

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