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NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Course Assignments & Discussions Study Guide

NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Course Assignments & Discussions Study GuideNUR-648E Nursing Education Seminar II Course Description

This course incorporates technology into the educational process from the use of personal technology to institutional technology. Students have the opportunity to develop (or convert) educational programs to be delivered in an online format. Principles of curriculum development, teaching/learning theories, and implementation of evaluation strategies will be modified to the online learning environment. This course also examines professional regulatory and accreditation standards as an evaluation framework for curriculum design in nursing education in all settings. Strategies to assess learning are included from the assignment evaluation to the program evaluation based on outcomes. Prerequisite: NUR-647E.

NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Entire Course Assignments & Discussions

  • NUR 649E Topic 1 Discussion Question 1
  • NUR 649E Topic 1 Discussion Question 2
  • NUR 649E Topic 2 Discussion Question 1
  • NUR 649E Topic 2 Discussion Question 2
  • NUR 649E Topic 3 Assignment: Application of Technology in Nursing and Patient Education
  • NUR 649E Topic 3 Discussion Question 1
  • NUR 649E Topic 3 Discussion Question 2
  • NUR 649E Topic 4 Discussion Question 1
  • NUR 649E Topic 4 Discussion Question 2
  • NUR 649E Topic 5 Assignment: Distance Education Learning
  • NUR 649E Topic 5 Discussion Question 1
  • NUR 649E Topic 5 Discussion Question 2
  • NUR 649E Topic 6 Discussion Question 1
  • NUR 649E Topic 6 Discussion Question 2
  • NUR 649E Topic 7 Assignment: Personal Class Design Project Part 2
  • NUR 649E Topic 7 Discussion Question 1
  • NUR 649E Topic 7 Discussion Question 2
  • NUR 649E Topic 8 Assignment: CLC — Critical Thinking Strategies Case Study
  • NUR 649E Topic 8 Discussion Question 1
  • NUR 649E Topic 8 Discussion Question 2


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 1

Discussion Question 1


Find a research article on designing learning activities that promotes critical thinking. Summarize the article for your classmates in 1–2 paragraphs. Explain why you chose this study and how this information could be used in your selected area of education (academic, staff, or patient).

You can also read another study guide on nursing assignments for students from another post on NUR-647E Nursing Education Seminar I Course Assignments & Discussions.


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 1 Discussion Question 2


Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty lists several principles for selecting learning activities. Select one of the principles and explain why it would be important to you in your selected area of education (academic, staff, or patient).


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 2

Discussion Question 1


Review “Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education,” located on the American Psychological Association:

What are your thoughts after reading the document? Did you realize it existed? How does the code apply to nursing education? The “Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education” is over 10 years old. Is it still relevant today? Why? If not, how should it be revised?


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 2 Discussion Question 2


What would be a reasonable evaluation strategy for patient education?


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 3

Assignment: Application of Technology in Nursing and Patient Education


Each student will select one technology application and describe its use within nursing in general or in patient education. Address the significance of the selected technology, attributes of the selected technology (i.e., accuracy, cost, accessibility, etc.), and provide specific examples with rationale of situations in which the technology application as an educational tool would provide advantages as well as disadvantages. In addition, relate the use of the selected technology application to the appropriate professional standards and competencies. This assignment may be completed in one of the following formats (with quantitative criteria) listed below:

  1. APA-formatted paper (1,000–1,250 words)
  2. PowerPoint presentation with comprehensive speakers’ notes (12–15 slides)
  3. Podcast (10–15 minutes)
  4. Blog or Web page (1,000–1,250 words)
  5. Any other technology application as approved by the instructor In addition to the course materials, you are required to use a minimum of three current scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (less than 5 years old).


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 3 Discussion Question 1


The assigned reading from Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty discusses the use of technology in nursing education. Consider the types of technology devices available today such as eReaders, smartphones, and net books, to name just a few. Select one type of technology application and explain how it is changing the nature of the learning environment and/or the learner’s experience in it.


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 3 Discussion Question 2


Select a specific technology and describe how the use of that technology in nursing education would differ with different types of students. Note: You may not select a technology that has already been posted by another student; you must select a different one.


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 4

Discussion Question 1


Review four new technology applications posted that you have not had experience with in the nursing environment. For each technology application, explain how it may be modified or adapted for your specific field or patient population. Feel free to ask questions about the application as well. As classmates post to your assignments or ask questions, respond to each.


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 4 Discussion Question 2


Present the history of one form of distance learning (other than online learning). Explain how the distance learning format originated. Would you consider using it in your practice? Address the advantages and disadvantages of the selected distance education format.


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 5

Assignment: Distance Education Learning


Describe an issue that impacts distance-education learning. The selected issue can be a faculty issue, student issue, or administrative issue. Examine the issue and its significance to distance education.

Assume that you are in a leadership position for the development of either nursing or patient education. Propose strategies on how your organization can meet challenges posed by the issue you selected in order to continue providing quality distance-education learning. Support your proposal by incorporating evidence-based literature and relevant professional standards. This assignment may be completed in one of the formats (with quantitative criteria) listed below ( Note: You must select a format different than the format you submitted for the Topic 3 assignment):

  1. APA-formatted paper (1,000–1,250 words)
  2. PowerPoint presentation with comprehensive speakers’ notes (12–15 slides)
  3. Podcast (10–15 minutes)
  4. Blog or Web page (1,000–1,250 words) 5. Any other technology application as approved by the instructor


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 5 Discussion Question 1


Identify the personal characteristics of a student that would support his/her success in distance education. Faculty and students may need different competencies. Choose to discuss the competency needed by either faculty or students; you do not have to do both.


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 5 Discussion Question 2


What is the role of faculty in distance education?


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 6

Discussion Question 1


How might assessment of quality in distance education differ from assessment of quality in a traditional classroom setting?


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 6 Discussion Question 2


Many schools hire adjunct faculty to fill online teaching positions. How might that practice impact the quality of the online education?


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 7

Assignment: Personal Class Design Project Part 2


Using the Personal Class Design Project — Part 1 assignment you began in NUR-647E, you will complete the course design to include learner objectives, outline, teaching strategies, and associated evaluation, and method.

Using Part I, write and revise the original learner objectives submitted.

Use the A-B-C-D method of writing objectives. The objectives should incorporate Bloom’s taxonomy, be written at the appropriate level for the audience, and include at least two learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective). Refer to “NUR-649E — Nursing Education Seminar II: A-B-C-D Approach to Objective Writing” and “NUR-649E — Nursing Education Seminar II: Learning Domains.”

Map out a class time frame, outlining when to cover each of the content areas. Refer to “NUR649E — Nursing Education Seminar II: Lesson Plan Template.” In addition to the content area, include the class time frame:

  1. Time frame for covering each topic area
  2. Teaching strategy for each objective
  3. How the learning will be evaluated Include rationale for each selected instruction and the evaluation method used. Support your rationale by citing at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (less than 5 years old) in addition to the course materials.


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 7 Discussion Question 1


Read “Thirty-Two Trends Affecting Distance Education: An Informed Foundation for Strategic Planning”:

Select one of the trends and explain how you think it will impact nursing education. This article was written in 2003. Is there a need to update the trend to make the article relevant for today? How?


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 7 Discussion Question 2


Provide an example of a societal trend that will likely impact nursing education and patient education in the future. Provide a multidisciplinary strategy that would maximize the positive impact the trend will have. There are numerous examples that are available; therefore, it is not appropriate to repeat one that has already been provided, unless approved by the instructor. When responding to a post, provide feedback on the strategy suggested and add an additional strategy that may be effective as well.


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 8

Assignment: CLC — Critical Thinking Strategies Case Study


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. Each CLC group will design a case study (1,750–2,000 words) of an educational situation in an academic nursing or hospital-based educational setting. When designing the case study, do the following:

  1. Identify the educational setting: Is it an academic setting as in a university, or is it hospital based?
  2. Identify the educational needs that will be addressed using distance education.
  3. Develop learner objectives and evaluation strategies specific to the case study situation.
  4. Explain what technological applications will be utilized.
  5. Include an assessment strategy as the basis for the evaluation plan (refer to Chapter 23 in Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty).


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 8 Discussion Question 1


Discuss whether there should be additional criteria to become a distance nurse educator. Explain your response. If you agree that there should be additional criteria, what standards would you set?


NUR-649E Nursing Education Seminar II Topic 8 Discussion Question 2


Predict the career potential for nurse educators in online education. Justify your response by referring to societal trends as studied in Topic 7.

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