NSG3007: Foundations for Professional Nursing Course Assignments & Discussions Study Guide

NSG3007: Foundations for Professional Nursing Course Assignments & Discussions Study GuideNSG3007: Foundations for Professional Nursing Course Description

Credits 4.0

This course introduces the student to baccalaureate nursing practice centered in the art of caring and integrating principles of holism in its foundation of professional service. Students utilize critical thinking and communication skills as they explore issues related to the evolution and philosophy of nursing, theoretical foundations of practice, health care delivery systems, finance, and health care policy focused on quality outcomes and patient safety.


Admission into the RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing or RN to Master of Science in Nursing program



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NSG3007: Foundations for Professional Nursing Course Syllabus & Assignments Summary

NSG 3007 Week 1 Discussion – Nursing Profession

NSG 3007 Week 2 Discussion – Nursing Ethics

NSG 3007 Week 2 Project – Professional Development Plan

NSG 3007 Week 3 Discussion – Communication and Collaboration

NSG 3007 Week 4 Discussion – Nursing Theories

NSG 3007 Week 4 Project – Personal Philosophy of Nursing

NSG 3007 Week 5 Discussion – Healthcare System

You can also read another study guide on nursing assignments for students from another post on NSG3012 Principles of Assessment for RNs Course Assignments & Discussions.

NSG3007 All Week Discussions Latest

Week 1 discussion

Topic 1

The textbook and lectures discussed the professional characteristics important to nursing. Which one characteristic would you say is the most important and why? Support your answer with references from the readings or the South University Online Library.

Topic 2

Examine the impact that negative stereotypes have had on the nurse and the profession. Describe efforts to build a more professional image for the nurse and the profession, as well as actions that can be taken to address negative stereotypes in the media.

Topic 2: Examine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the nursing profession. Identify actions needed to boost nursing safety and morale. Describe stereotypes that may have been altered due to pandemic media coverage. Explain how the recent pandemic has changed your nursing practice.

Week 2 discussion

An Ethical Perspective

Topic 1

Select an ethical theory or principle that is most congruent with your ethical views. Identify an ethical dilemma presented in your readings. Describe how you could utilize the selected theory to resolve the ethical dilemma. Explain if the selected ethical theory could continue to be upheld under the circumstances of the dilemma.

Topic 2

Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings and place yourself in one of the stages. Give your rationale for that placement. If none of the models or stages fits your experience, create your own model (or stage) and share it with the class.

Week 3 discussion

Topic 1

To access the South University Online Library, go to Course Home > Academic Resources > Library > Launch Library. Search the database to identify a nursing research study that could make a difference in patient care. Present the study and discuss the potential impact on nursing practice and/or patient care.

Topic 2

Identify the three phases of the nurse-patient relationship and discuss how the phases can be helpful in communicating effectively to patients, patients’ families, and other healthcare professionals. Citations should conform to APA guidelines. You may use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources or connect to the APA Style website through the APA icon below.

Week 4 discussion

Topic 1

Interview someone from a different cultural background than your own to learn how he or she perceives illness, including the meaning, causes, treatment, and feelings associated with both acute and chronic illnesses. Determine how his or her culture tends to view nurses. In your discussion:

Discuss how the perceptions of the interviewee influence his or her health behavior, including when he or she seeks help and the type of practitioner he or she consults.

Describe how his or her perceptions differ from your own.

Describe the strategies you could employ to promote the delivery of culturally competent care.

Topic 2

Which philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory describes nursing in the way you think about it? Discuss how you could utilize the philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory to organize your thoughts for critical thinking and decision making in nursing practice.

Week 5 discussion

Topic 1

Interview someone from a different cultural background than your own to learn how he or she perceives illness, including the meaning, causes, treatment, and feelings associated with both acute and chronic illnesses. Determine how his or her culture tends to view nurses. In your discussion:

Discuss how the perceptions of the interviewee influence his or her health behavior, including when he or she seeks help and the type of practitioner he or she consults.

Describe how his or her perceptions differ from your own.

Describe the strategies you could employ to promote the delivery of culturally competent care.

Topic 2

Which philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory describes nursing in the way you think about it? Discuss how you could utilize the philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory to organize your thoughts for critical thinking and decision making in nursing practice.

NSG 3007 Week 2 Project latest: Professional Development Plan


Professional Development Plan

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, develop a strategic plan to aid your transition into the role of a professional nurse. In your paper, address each of the following criteria:

  • Discuss factors influencing your decision to obtain a BSN degree.
  • Discuss how the role of the baccalaureate differs from your current role.
  • Describe new opportunities that may be available after degree completion.
  • Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings and place yourself in one of the stages.
    • Provide your rationale for that placement.
    • If none of the models or stages fits your experience, create your own model (or stage).
  • Identify two professional short-term goals.
  • Identify two professional long-term goals.
  • Expound upon the challenges and barriers you face in pursuit of your short- and long-term goals.
  • Identify mentors and support systems that aid you in overcoming challenges and barriers necessary to achieve goals.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.
• APA Citation Helper
• APA Citations Quick Sheet
• APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay
• Basic Essay Template

Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

NSG 3007 Wk 4 BCC Foundations for Professional Nursing Discussion


Personal Philosophy of Nursing

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, describe your personal approach to professional nursing practice. Be sure to address each one of the following criteria:

  • Which philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory describes nursing in the way you think about it?
    • Discuss how you could utilize the philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory to organize your thoughts for critical thinking and decision making in nursing practice.
  • Formulate and discuss your personal definition of nursing, person, health, and environment.
  • Discuss a minimum of two beliefs and/or values about nursing that guide your own practice.
  • Analyze your communication style using one of the tools presented in the course.
    • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses associated with your style of communication.
    • Impact of your communication style on your ability to collaborate as part of an interdisciplinary team.
    • Black, B. P. (2020). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges (9th ed.). Saunders.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.
• APA Citation Helper
• APA Citations Quick Sheet
• APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay
• Basic Essay Template

Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

NSG307 Essentials of professional Nursing: A Guide to Professional Socialization

NSG307 Essentials of Professional Nursing              

Classroom Elective #1

A Guide to Professional Socialization Template and Grading Rubric

Student Name: ____________________________________________________      

Instructions: Socialization into the nursing profession begins during your nursing education. A part of becoming a professional is recognizing your strengths, as well as identifying those areas where you have opportunities for growth. Complete the Guide to Professional Socialization Template and Grading Rubric form on Canvas. For any behavior that you believe you regularly exhibit, identify it as a Strength and give an example with at least three sentences. For any behavior that you need to improve, identify it as an Opportunity. For all you identify as Opportunity, thoroughly (in at least 5 sentences) discuss at least three specific goals you can achieve within the next three months, setting specific target dates. If you cannot identify at least five (5) behaviors as an Opportunity, please choose a different elective. See other directions in the Syllabus.                                                                                                                                           4/27/24


Criteria Possible Points Points Earned
Answers all 23 Questions thoroughly with examples and goals (4points each) 92
Format, font (Calibri 11), grammar/word usage, sentence structure, spelling, etc.; Minus 5 points if this template not used 8
Total 100


Guide to Professional Socialization

See above regarding instructions for each Strength and Opportunity.

  1. I interact with other students in and out of class.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I participate in class by asking intelligent questions and initiating discussion occasionally.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I have formed or joined a study group.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I use the library, labs, and teachers as resources.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I organize my work so that I can meet deadlines.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. If I have a conflict or disagreement with another student, I take the initiative to resolve it.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. If I have a conflict or disagreement with a teacher, I approach the teacher in a professional manner.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I seek out new learning experiences.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I have chosen professional role models.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I am realistic about my performance.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I try to accept constructive criticism without becoming defensive.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I recognize that trying to do good work is not the same as doing good work.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I recognize that each teacher has different expectations, and it is my responsibility to learn what is expected by each.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I demonstrate respect for my teachers’ time by making appointments whenever possible.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I demonstrate respect for my classmates and teachers by never coming to class unprepared.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I recognize my responsibility to help create an interactive learning environment and am not satisfied to be merely an academic spectator.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I participate in the student nurse association (or other professional development activities).

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I represent my school with pride.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I project a professional appearance.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. One of my goals is to become a self-directed, lifelong learner.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I sometimes volunteer to show or teach others.

Strength               Opportunity


  1. I recognize that as I learn and grow, I may be challenged to see things differently from how I presently see them.

Strength               Opportunity

  1. I do not let minor personality problems distract me from my goals.

Strength               Opportunity

Adapted from:Black, B. P. (2024). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges (10th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

NSG307 Essentials of Professional Nursing

Holistic and Health Promotion Homework/Class Activity Related to Learning Objectives

Instructions: Read this entire assignment first. Next, complete this assignment after completing your assigned readings and videos, including ATI for the week. Utilize only the assigned course resources to complete this assignment. Type your answers on this form and submit your finished documentin the dropbox. The information in the brackets after each question indicates the related concept and most closely related learning objective. For example, [Holistic #1] means this question is related to Holistic Learning Objective #1 which is Identify all influential relationships of a client’s illness.We will go over the assignment in class Week 8 so have it with you. Do your best and havefun being a nurse!4/27/24                                            



Mary is a 67-year-old single African American female admitted with complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath that started last night. Her vital signs are T 98.6; HR 102, irregular; RR 16;

BP 168/94.

Mary is disabled due to being legally blind secondary to complications of uncontrolled diabetes. She has also had two toes amputated resulting in her using a cane for balance. She left a job that she loved as a retail store manager due to her illness.

Mary moved to another state over 30 years ago to get a fresh start after a bad,long-term relationship ended. Her behavior was publicized around her family’s social club, causing “much embarrassment to the family name.” She lives alone with no family in the city but has a female friend who takes her to medical appointments and to church. She goes back home several times a year but usually leaves early due to having conflict with her sisters and brothers. Mary believes that since she is the oldest that she “should have more say so” regarding the welfare of their aging parents, but her siblings don’t trust her judgment because of her actions in the past.

Mary has three sons and eight grandchildren. She had planned to keep her seven granddaughters during fall break but had to send them back home because of having difficulty caring for them. This caused her much distress because she prides herself in being a “grand” grandmother.

Mary doesn’t like herself and can’t believe how her life has turned out. She is a practicing Catholicbut believes God must be punishing her for things she did in her youth. Her friends back home are successful in their careers or retired and “living their best life” with their spouses. She hasn’t been in a serious relationship in over 10 years. Mary often looks at her old high school pictures where she was voted Most Attractiveand can’t believe how her appearance has changed. She is obese due to overeating and lack of exercise and states her eyeglasses lens look like magnifying glasses.

After obtaining a cardiac workupit is determined that Mary is having angina and anxiety. After meeting with the multidisciplinary treatment team, Mary is placed on medications for her blood pressure, her chest pain, and her anxiety, along with her medication for diabetes. She is also placed on a 2000-calorie American Diabetic Association diet.                          

Holistic (Lecture Handout/Video, Health Assessment)

  1. Which of Mary’s vital signs are not WNL?2 points
  2. Identify and describe six (6) of the 18 givenPsychosocial Influences on Health that may most

                              likely negatively impactMary’s health.See Key Points in Holistic video. [Holistic #1]3 points


  1. Discuss internal and external locus of control. [Holistic #3]4 points
  2. Is Mary’s locus of control internal or external? Explain your answer. [Holistic #3]2 points
  3. Discuss separately how each of the four (4) components of Self-Concept arespecific to Mary. [Holistic #2]4 points

Health Promotion (Lecture Handout/Video)

  1. Identify and discuss three (3) of the 10 given Factors that are Disrupting Mary’s Health. [Health Promotion #1]6 points
  2. Identify and discuss which two (2) of the 5 Health Risk Behaviors aremost affecting Mary’s health status.[Health Promotion #1]3 points
  3. In order of priority (most important first), identify anddiscuss Mary’s presentNeeds according

                              to Maslow’sHierarchy ofNeeds,stating how each specifically applies to Mary.[Health Promotion #2]5 points

  1. Identify and describe the Level of Prevention (primary, secondary, or tertiary)Mary’s hospitalization reflects. [Health Promotion #6]2 points
  2. Describe the Level of Prevention (primary, secondary, or tertiary) Mary will need post hospitalization. Hint: Answers to #9 and #10 are different. [Health Promotion #6]2 points

Holistic (ATI Book, Lecture Handout/Video)

  1. Differentiate between complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine. Give examples of each. [Holistic #4]6 points
  2. Mary refuses the antianxiety medication. What are two (2)natural products/herbalremedies for anxiety that the nurse might suggest Mary discusswithher healthcareprovider? [Holistic #4]

                              4 points

  1. State and describe four (4) other CAM practices the nurse could suggest to the treatmentteam for Mary’s anxiety. [Holistic #4]4 points
  2. What Nursing Care considerations should the nurse keep inmind from a holistic perspective when caring for Mary? [Holistic #4]2 points
  3. What one (1) priority instruction at discharge should the nurse give Mary or any patient regarding the use of any CAM? [Holistic #4]2 points


Health Promotion (Lecture Handout/Video and Healthy People 2030 Website)

  1. State the five (5) Overarching Goals from Healthy People 2030.[Health Promotion #4]5 points
  2. State the one (1) Overarching Goal from Healthy People 2030 that best applies to Mary. (All may be relevant, but which is the most important for Mary?)  [Health Promotion #4]2 points
  3. Refer to Healthy People 2030’s site for Health Condition:Diabetes. State the goal of thisconditionand two (2)related stated facts about diabetes thatspecifically pertain to Mary. [Health Promotion #4]6 points
  4. Identify and discuss four (4) of the most relevant sevenElements of Wellness thatwould be mostimportant toincorporate for Mary. Identify atleastone (1) specificindependent nursingintervention for each. [Health Promotion #3]4 points

Health Promotion (Lecture Handout/Video, ATI Book, and ATI Nurse’s Touch Communication: Client Education)

  1. Prior to implementing a health promotion plan for Mary,what assessments of health still need to be completed? Discuss at least three (3).  [HealthPromotion #5]3 points
  2. Discuss the four (4) different learning styles of clients, giving an example of a teaching strategy for each. [Health Promotion #7]4 points
  3. Which one (1) learning style is probably best for Mary and why?[Health Promotion #7]3 points
  4. Identify and discuss the three (3) different domains oflearning and give an example of how each should be considered in caring for Mary.  [Health Promotion #7]3 points
  5. What four (4) factors should the nurse consider in assessing Mary’s Readiness to Learn? (Think PEEK.) Give specific, individualized responses considering what’s going on with Mary. [Health Promotion #7]4 points

[Health Promotion #7]3 points   

  1. Match the following domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Each is used once. 

_____    Psychomotor                                    a.            patient identifies signs and symptoms of depression

_____ Cognitive                               b.            patient expresses feelings of sadness

_____ Affective                               c.            helping the patient walk down the hall

[Health Promotion #6]3 points   

  1. Match the following activities. Each is used once.


_____    Health fairs                                                                     a.            Illness prevention

_____ Mammograms                                                                  b.            Health promotion/maintenance

_____ Disposing of hazardous materials                  c.            Early detection

[Health Promotion #6]1 point   

  1. What nurse is responsible for overseeing all the nursing care provided in an institution?
  2. Charge Nurse.
  3. Chief Nursing Officer.
  4. Staff Nurse.
  5. Nursing Supervisor.

[Health Promotion #6]2 points   

  1. A client asks the community health nurse how should they determine if a health-related Internet site should be trusted for information. What advice should the nurse give the client? Select all thatapply. 
  2. Determine who sponsors the site.
  3. Be skeptical.
  4. Verify the author’s name and credentials.
  5. Be sure to read and understand the privacy settings.
  6. Trust miracle cures.

[Holistic #5]6 points   

  1. Match the following. Each is used only once.

_____    Aloe                                     a.            Inhibits platelet aggregation (prevents blood clots)      

_____  Echinacea                            b.            Improves memory          

_____Garlic                                      c.            Enhances immunity       

_____    Ginkgo biloba                    d.            Wound healing             

_____    Ginger                                 e.            Increases physical endurance

_____    Ginseng                f.            Antiemetic (helps with nausea and vomiting)             

NSG3007 Safety and Quality in nursing: Topic is Burnout in nursing and patient satisfaction


Written assignment – Safety and Quality in Nursing

  1. In a 3-5 page paper (not including title page or reference page), Tutor is to write about a safety of quality issue in nursing and how they can actively be a part of the solution. which is Burnout in nursing and patient satisfaction
  2. Papers are to include:
    1. The safety or quality issue,
    2. Why the selected topic is an issue,
    3. What is currently being done about the safety/quality issue, and
    4. How they can actively take part in change.
  3. The paper should follow APA format (6th ed.), proper grammar, and references.
  4. Follow the instructions.

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