NRNP 6568 – Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Course Assignments & Discussions Study Guide

NRNP 6568 - Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Course Assignments & Discussions StudyNRNP 6568 – Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Course Description

3 credits

Students in this synthesis course focus on clinical competence in family settings by building on knowledge and skills gained in previous courses. Students build confidence as they continue to transition from the role of registered nurse to that of advanced practice nurse. Classroom activities and case studies enable students to explore the salient nurse practitioner practice issues involved in the delivery of safe, competent, high-quality, and cost-effective care of patients in a dynamic healthcare system. The application of knowledge in the management of clients and collaboration among the advanced practice nurse and the client, family, and interprofessional healthcare team are emphasized. This course is designed for nurse practitioner (NP) students to synthesize their knowledge and clinical skills to provide care to patients with complex health conditions.


  • NRNP 6541
  • NRNP 6552 or NRNP 6553

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NRNP 6568 – Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Course Syllabus & Assignments Summary

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Course Sequence for Practicum Courses

Practicum Hour Requirements

Students must complete all designated and required practicum hours for each course by the end of Week 10. Practicum hours must be completed over a duration of no less than 8 weeks to increase the likelihood that students will be exposed to a wide range of clients, unless there are extenuating circumstances and prior approval has been given. Students cannot exceed a daily maximum of 12 practicum hours.  Each clinical course has a required number of patients that must be seen to complete the course. Please check this number with the faculty member in each clinical course at the beginning of the term or see Patient Encounter Requirements.

  • Students with catalog years before Spring 2018 must complete a minimum of 576 hours of direct patient care during the four courses. Each practicum course requires 144 practicum hours. 
  • Students with catalog years beginning Spring 2018 must complete a minimum of 640 hours of direct patient care during the four courses. Each practicum course requires 160 practicum hours. 
  • Students who enter a Post Master’s certificate program with a certain approved ARPN licensure and certification and receive prior nursing credit for a practicum course must complete three practicum courses, with a minimum of 500 hours of supervised clinical experience (167 hours in each course) in the new specialization focus area.

Note: Students who changed specializations through enrollment and/or had to reenroll after a break in enrollment are readmitted under a newer catalog than the original catalog of admission. To confirm which catalog you are enrolled under, please contact Student Success Advising.

Patient Encounter Requirements

Students must also meet the requirements for the minimum number of patient encounters (interactions) per course along with the required practicum hours as follows:

  • Students with catalog years before Spring 2018 must complete a minimum of 144 hours of direct patient care for each practicum course along with the following patient encounters:
    • PRAC/PRCM 6531: 100 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6541: 144 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6540: 100 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6550, 6560, and 6566: 75 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6552: 100 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6565, 6568: 144 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6635/6640, 6645/6650, 6665/6660, 6675/6670: 80 patients/clients*
  • Students with catalog years beginning Spring 2018 must complete a minimum of 160 hours of direct patient care for each practicum course along with the following patient encounters:
    • PRAC/PRCM 6531: 120 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6541: 160 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6540: 120 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6566, 6550, and 6560: 80 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6552: 100 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6553: 120 patients with majority OB patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6565, 6568: 160 patients
    • PRAC/PRCM 6635, 6645, 6665, 6675: 80 patients/clients* 

*Students in NP practicum courses will need to complete the required hours of practicum in each of the four practicum courses. A variety of factors will influence the number of patients/clients seen each day. To ensure students are obtaining a quality practicum learning experience, the clinical experience must be scheduled to last for a duration of no less than 8 weeks to increase the likelihood that students will be exposed to a wide range of clients. Students must document every patient seen as an interaction for accountability and legal tracking of these interactions; students will most likely log more than the required patients/clients. Students do not necessarily have to see unique patients since follow-up visits with the same patient count as a separate encounter.

For group encounters for PMHNP, each patient in the group counts as a patient encounter.  Students will document each patient participating in the group individually in Meditrek® and include the group intervention / client response in the note section. This will simulate the student’s knowledge on how to document group interactions for patient medical records and coding/billing.

Note for PRAC/PRCM 6552/6553: Hands-on speculum and bimanual exams (pelvic exams) are required.

Double Practicum Policy

Students may be allowed to register for two practicum classes (PRAC/PRCM)  in the same quarter if the following criteria are met and an approved appeal is on file in Meditrek with the Office of Field Experience:

  • The two PRAC/PRCM classes are the only classes taken in that quarter. Note: An NRNP/DRNP class is not allowed to be taken concurrently with the two PRAC/PRCM classes.
  • Student has taken and passed the NRNP/DRNP section of the corresponding PRAC/PRCM classes.
  • Student must be in good academic standing.  Academic Integrity or Code of Conduct violations, current or past, will be considered during review of the two PRAC/PRCM appeal.
  • Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the NP core and specialty classes. 
  • Student must not have failed a PRAC or NRNP course in the past.  
  • Student is not working full time during the quarter when registered for the two PRAC/PRCM classes. A statement from the student’s immediate supervisor confirming their employment status along with work schedule and hours must be included with the appeal. Students who are not currently employed must submit a copy of their leave of absence papers, separation paperwork, or signed attestation they are not working during the quarter.
  • There must be separate preceptors and practicum sites for each PRAC/PRCM class. One preceptor or site may not be utilized for both clinical sections. Practicum hours for each course must be completed on separate dates.
  • Students cannot double PRAC with their first practicum course.  Students must demonstrate successful completion of their first practicum course before requesting a double practicum course experience. 
  • There are some restrictions on PRAC/PRCM sections that can be combined. See below.

Students must request to submit an appeal to double up on practicum courses through the Office of Field Experience.  Appeals must address all of the above criteria and are reviewed by program leadership for a decision. 

Restrictions on PRAC/PRCM Sections That Can Be Combined With Other PRAC/PRCM Courses.

Note: See the course sequence guidelines for NRNP/DRNP and PRAC/PRCM guidelines.

Week 1 Knowledge Check – NRNP 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings

NRNP-6568-6-Syn Adv Nurs Pr Patient Family

Quiz – Week 1 Knowledge Check


  1. Health insurers can use genetic information to make enrollment or coverage decisions



1 points   


  1. DNP stands for Doctor of Nursing Profession



1 points   


  1. What are the main benefits to the NP of NP practice ownership?
Decides on the length of patient visits and how the practice is the run
Chooses employees and controls qualities
May titrate workload to income
A and B only
All of the above

1 points   


  1. At what level of government is the role of the nurse practitioner defined?
By the county in which the NP practices
By the state in which the NP practices
By the federal government Week 1 Knowledge Check – NRNP 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings

1 points   


  1. When using a device other than a landline telephone to participate in telemedicine, the device must comply with ________________ and ____________ requirements.

1 points   


  1. When speaking to a patient who is not a native English speaker, which of the following is the preferred interpreter to be used?
Family members
Friends of the patient
Professional interpreters experienced in healthcare interpretation
All of the above

1 points   


  1. It is vital for an NP to obtain a family history because
Teaches you to have biases about your care
Indicate need for Genetic testing
Guide the decision for Diagnostic testing
B and C correct 
All of the above Week 1 Knowledge Check – NRNP 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings

1 points   


  1. There are several titles for NPs, and some are based on the state requirement. What does ARNP stand for?
Adult Registered Nurse Practitioner
Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner
Acute Registered Nurse Practitioner
Advanced Registered Nurse Provider

1 points   


  1. When giving patients written information, what is the suggested reading level for that health information?
10th grade
7th grade
1st grade
5th grade

1 points   


  1. Which of the following are obstacles to improved patient health and safety?
Missed appointments
Failure to follow up with a referral or a diagnostic test
Failure to comply with dietary, medication, or exercise recommendations Week 1 Knowledge Check – NRNP 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings
All of the above
None of the above

Bottom of Form Week 1 Knowledge Check –

NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz

NRNP-6568-6-Syn Adv Nurs Pr Patient Family-2021-Winter-QTR-Term-wks-1-thru-11-(11/29/2021-02/13/2022)-PT27

Begin: Quiz – Week 8 Comprehensive Practice


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Question 1

Lactation mastitis typically occurs in which time frame:

At 3 months after birth
At 6 months after birth
Within the first 2 months after birth
None of the above

Question 2

Danger signs of oral contraceptives include all the following except:

Chest pain
Severe headache
Weakness on both sides of the body
Visual changes in one eye

Question 3

Artie is a 21 y/o male who comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of paroxysmal coughing without an apparent cause. He states that this has been going on for about 15 days. He initially had a mild fever and a runny nose NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz. His most likely diagnosis is:

Atypical pneumonia
Common cold

Question 4

Imaging, in relationship to UTIs, should be done in all the following except:

Poor response to antibiotics
H/O of calculi
On initial visit
Recurrent pyelonephritis

Question 5

Adam is a 10 y/o male who has Koplik’s spots inside the cheeks by the rear molars. The most likely diagnosis is:

Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Scarlet fever

 Question 6

Zina is a 34 y/o female who comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of 3 years of chronic heartburn. She states that she gets it after eating tacos and bacon. She has tried to self-medicate with OTC antacids with no improvement. In the exam, the NP notices a sour odor on Zina’s breath, thinning tooth enamel, and a chronic red throat NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz. Some lifestyle changes to treat Zina’s condition would include which of the following?

Stop smoking
Avoid ASA
Avoid alcohol
Avoid caffeine
All of the above
A, C, and D only

 Question 7

Zina is a 34 y/o female who comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of 3 years of chronic heartburn. She states that she gets it after eating tacos and bacon. She has tried to self-medicate with OTC antacids with no improvement. In the exam, the NP notices a sour odor on Zina’s breath, thinning tooth enamel, and a chronic red throat NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz. The most likely diagnosis is:

Peptic ulcer disease
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
A or B only

Question 8

Artie is a 21 y/o male who comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of paroxysmal coughing without an apparent cause. He states that this has been going on for about 15 days. He initially had a mild fever and a runny nose. First-line treatment for Artie would include macrolides.



Question 9

Sam is a 19 y/o male who comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of several weeks of fatigue and non-productive paroxysmal coughing. He initially had a sore throat, some rhinitis, and low-grade fever. Treatment of Sam’s condition includes which of the following:

Tessalon Perles
All of the above
A & B only

 Question 10

After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz.



 Question 11

Mark is a 2-month-old infant, and he should be able to do all the following tasks except:

Follow objects past midline
Make gurgling sounds
Rolling over
Lift head up 45 degrees

 Question 12

Patients with bipolar disorder may have all the following except:

 Lower rates of substance abuse
 A & B only

 Question 13

The positive signs of pregnancy include all the following except:

Palpation of uterus by NP
Ultrasound and visualization of fetus
Goodell’s sign (cervical softening at 4 weeks)
Fetal heart tones

 Question 14

Susan is a 29 y/o female who comes to the clinic with a 3-day history of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and flank pain. During the visit, the NP does a urine dipstick and discover that Susan is positive for nitrites, leukocytes, and >10 WBCs. The physical exam reveals a CVA tenderness. Her most likely diagnosis is:

Lower urinary tract infection
Abdominal virus
Upper urinary tract infection
Sexually transmitted disease

Question 15

Drew is a 13 y/o male who presents to the clinic with testicular pain, nausea, vomiting, scrotal edema, and redness NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz. You perform a urine analysis, which is negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Testicular cancer
Testicular torsion
Hodgkin lymphoma
None of the above

Question 16

Archie is a 19 y/o male who comes to the clinic with his significant other because of recent outbursts and then long periods of mood changes that cycle between mania and depression. His most likely diagnosis is:

Major depression
Bipolar depression
Minor depression
None of the above

Question 17

In a pregnant woman, most of the weight gain occurs in which trimester?

First trimester
Second trimester
Third trimester
Fourth trimester

Question 18

The CDC recommends HPV vaccine for males until what age? NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz

18 y/o
20 y/o
23 y/o
26 y/o

Question 19

All of the following are characteristics of Kleinfelter syndrome in a male except:

Small testicles
Wide hips
Decreased body and facial hair
Small stature

Question 20

The most common method of contraception is:


Question 21

Susan is a 29 y/o female who comes to the clinic with a 3-day history of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and flank pain. During the visit, the NP does a urine dipstick and discover that Susan is positive for nitrites, leukocytes, and >10 WBCs. The physical exam reveals a CVA tenderness. Within 2 weeks, Susan returns to the clinic and a culture of her urine shows she has the same bacteria as when the NP first saw her NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz. This would be referred to as:

Relapsing UTI
Recurring UTI
Persistent UTI
None of the above

 Question 22

Susan is a 29 y/o female who comes to the clinic with a 3-day history of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and flank pain. During the visit, the NP does a urine dipstick and discover that Susan is positive for nitrites, leukocytes, and >10 WBCs. The physical exam reveals a CVA tenderness. In treating Susan, the NP could use which of the following antibiotics?

A and C only
A & C only

Question 23

Sam is a 19 y/o male who comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of several weeks of fatigue and non-productive paroxysmal coughing. He initially had a sore throat, some rhinitis, and low-grade fever. Potential organisms that might have caused Sam’s condition include which of the following:

Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Legionella pneumonia
All of the above
None of the above

 Question 24

Jeremy is suffering from chronic alcohol abuse. His symptoms include mental confusion, ataxia, stupor, and hypotension. The most likely diagnosis for these symptoms is:

 Korsakoff’s syndrome
 Anorexia nervosa
 Bipolar disorder

Question 25

All of the following are in the LUQ of the abdomen except

Sigmoid colon
Kidney (left)

Question 26

Zina is a 34 y/o female who comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of 3 years of chronic heartburn. She states that she gets it after eating tacos and bacon. She has tried to self-medicate with OTC antacids with no improvement. In the exam, the NP notices a sour odor on Zina’s breath, thinning tooth enamel, and a chronic red throat NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz. Medications to assist Zina would include all the following except:


Question 27

At 12 weeks in a pregnancy the fundal height of the uterus should be:

Above the symphysis pubis
Halfway between symphysis pubis and umbilicus
At level of umbilicus
Below symphysis pubis

Question 28

Breast cancer in women is characterized by all of the following except

Mobile mass on palpation
Mass is painless
Mass is typically found in the upper outer quadrant
Skin around breast is dimpled

 Question 29

All of the following are presumptive signs of pregnancy except:

Chadwick’s sign (blue coloration of the uterus and vagina)
Breast changes

Question 30

Which of the following can reduce breast cancer risk? NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz

Healthy diet
Limiting ETOH intake
Stop smoking
Maintain normal body weight
All of the above
A, B, & C only

NRNP – 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Week 8 Quiz

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